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Did you always know what you wanted do?

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Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby Viazon » Jan 09, '16, 4:00 pm

Lately, I have decided that need to find a better job. Something I can make a career out of. Something I genuinely enjoy doing. My entire work life, I have just worked in basic menial jobs that any idiot can. There is nothing wrong with that kind of work. Where I work now, the actual work is not too bad. But when you are in these kind of jobs, you get looked at and treated like nothing. The managers running the place think they are better than you. That has especially been the case lately. As time goes on, my job gets less and less enjoyable. And it's due the changes the managers make and the expectations they place on you.

I feel like there is something better out there for me. I know there is something out there that I would love to do. But the problem is, I have no idea what it is. I would love to chase a dream and get into a career I love. If only I could figure out what I would love to do.

My problem is that my dreams have always far exceeded my actual abilities. I would have loved to have been an actor or an singer. Because I love movies and music. But I have zero talent. That's my own fault though. If I had tried to achieve that when I was young, who knows what I could have done. That's how people learn.Through practice.

I really regret not taking college seriously. I was doing media studies. Who knows where I would have ended up if I stuck at it. There are lots of things I could have done with that. Maybe get work in radio. Maybe become a editor. Even a director. But I didn't take it seriously and ended up getting a full time job to fund my nights out every weekend.

I could do part time courses I suppose. I have looked online at some courses to see if anything sticks out. But so far nothing has. I am a bit hesitant as well. The last time I decided to make a change and try something new when it comes to work, I really hated it and just ended up back where I was.

What did you want to be when you grow up? Is that what you are doing now? Do you like what you are doing now? If I had some sort of idea of what I wanted or some goal to reach for, at least that would be a start. A girl I work with also wants to find a better career but at least she knows what she wants. She is going to start a dog grooming course soon because that's what she would like to do.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby The Legend » Jan 09, '16, 4:37 pm

It depends on what you mean always. Since HS I've known what I wanted to do, but it isn't easy to get employers to pay me for what I want to do.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Jan 09, '16, 4:50 pm

It's never too late to make a change for a career that you enjoy but you're making good early steps, stick to your job and see if you can fit in an evening course in whatever it is that you want to do.

I wanted to have a career in journalism as I loved writing, did well in English at school, two years at college studying Media studies, another three of Journalism at Uni, £9k of debt and at the age of 29, I'm still not doing that!

I've got a job now which is in admin but it's enough for me and I'm content with my life to the point that I've felt journalism maybe wasn't for me (didn't have the right personality, confidence - those intangible qualities you need to have) and with married life, I need a steady income.

Maybe a starting point is to sit down and write a list of your strengths and weaknesses and see what you get? Might help what career might be open to you.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby UTK » Jan 09, '16, 5:49 pm

The Legend wrote:Since HS I've known what I wanted to do, but it isn't easy to get employers to pay me for what I want to do.

Same, but I find it's easy enough to get paid for it. Sperm banks are great.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby Hanley! » Jan 09, '16, 9:14 pm

I've never really known, to be honest. I knew what subjects I enjoyed in school, but I never had any idea what I wanted to do when I grew up. Even when I was in university, or when I was in my early 20s. I did an English and History degree in university because it's what I was good at in school, but I never had any idea what would come of it afterwards. And though some of my lessons were interesting, I never actually enjoyed being in university. I felt like I'd prefer being in the workforce.

After graduating, I worked in retail, because I didn't know what else to do. Retail sucks though. After a year or two, I started working in insurance, and actually started to enjoy it after a while. At least the regular hours were great, and I was definitely good at it. Though it's hardly my life's calling.

I've always been a creative guy though. I liked writing and playing music as a kid and a teenager. I was into creating games on our home computer, and writing stories and things like that. So I guess I would have idly dreamed about doing something like that when I was a kid, though never actually thought it would happen.

It's only over the last few years that I figured out that what I'd really like to be is a novelist. Chances of ever being able to do that professionally are extremely slim, but at least I finally know what my #1 choice is. Though I don't think very many people know early in life.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby Viazon » Jan 10, '16, 10:25 am

I kinda like building stuff, to a certain extent. I have always enjoyed putting together flat pack furniture. I remember a few times when I was younger, I would dismantle small pieces of furniture in my house, only to put it back together again. I love Lego as well. I know that's now a job, but I'm just saying to illustrate my point. I always playing Lego with my friends kids or my cousins kids. Just the idea of something being a pile of bits and parts one minute and then being completed into something else gives me satisfaction. I have always enjoyed stuff like that. I even love doing jigsaw puzzles.

I really don't know if I could use that to find some sort of career. Someone has suggested to me that I look for something in engineering. I have looked into that but there are so many different types of engineering jobs. Who knows what would be right for me or how I would even get into it. I didn't really get great grades in school. I don't think I'm stupid. I think it was just a lack of concentration or caring on my part. I'd probably have to start from scratch, whatever I do.

Although I am not too happy in my job, I am pretty comfortable in my life at this moment, so I suppose there is no rush. I still have some time to figure all of this stuff out. I got a bit of comfort from my friend who told me that while he was at college learning to be a plumber, there were guys around the ages of 40-50 doing the same course. So it's not too late.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby UTK » Jan 10, '16, 10:59 am

I didn't always know, but I knew pretty soon into my first year of college that I wanted to be a lawyer. Unfortunately it was difficult enough to pay for undergrad and my LSAT scores weren't high enough to get me into a good law school with scholarships, so I couldn't go directly to law school after undergrad like I wanted to. That was about a year and a half ago now. I studied Political Science and History (with a concentration in Native American Studies) in school. I enjoy my job now (it's pretty specific so I don't want to go into it in fear of someone somehow finding this account, but I've briefly talked about it here before) but I still want to practice law. The litigation side of things, definitely, but I'm not sure what area of law yet. I'm going to retake the LSAT in either October or next January reapply to all the New York City region law schools in the 2018 cycle. I should be debt-free by then and also have a nice chunk of savings.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby Everlong » Jan 10, '16, 12:23 pm

Yeah I'm similar to Hanley here in that I've got a career, but I still don't really know what I want to do. I've sort of come to the realization that my job is never going to be my passion, and that's completely OK. As long as I enjoy it enough where I don't hate doing it every day and it gives me the ability to do things I actually am passionate about (sing, act, write, travel) then that's all I really need.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby Kein » Jan 11, '16, 5:36 pm

Viazon wrote:I kinda like building stuff, to a certain extent. I have always enjoyed putting together flat pack furniture. I remember a few times when I was younger, I would dismantle small pieces of furniture in my house, only to put it back together again. I love Lego as well. I know that's now a job, but I'm just saying to illustrate my point. I always playing Lego with my friends kids or my cousins kids. Just the idea of something being a pile of bits and parts one minute and then being completed into something else gives me satisfaction. I have always enjoyed stuff like that. I even love doing jigsaw puzzles.

I really don't know if I could use that to find some sort of career. Someone has suggested to me that I look for something in engineering. I have looked into that but there are so many different types of engineering jobs.

If you like puzzles my first thought was immediately mechanical engineering. You get to machine shit and make them fit together, see/check clearance issues with moving parts and such. If you like puzzles and working in 3D mechanical engineering might be something worth looking into. But you are right, there are a ton of engineering jobs out there. A ton.

I had some idea's of what I wanted to do as a child, I liked art, I liked games, I was thinking of being a concept artist. I didn't pursue it, thinking I like to draw for myself and not for others though. I kind of wish I checked that route, but oddly I do feel it is too late to now. With how the gaming industry is, and where I sit, for some reason it doesn't seem to fit with me anymore. I am working in an engineering position right now, it's not my dream job, but I also don't know what a dream job of mine would be like, I think I am a bit like you where I am stumped on the idea.

I actually came to the conclusion maybe I don't have a dream job, some people out there work and love what they do and wouldn't give it up for better pay. Some people, I feel like myself, don't have a dream job, and simply do work to make ends meet, and use the money to do what I enjoy outside of that. I literally cannot think of any job I would love to do all the time. I feel like it simply doesn't exist. Something I enjoy a little more than what I do now? Sure, but do I hate my job? No. With my mindset I shoulda shot for a job that pays higher, even if I didn't care for it :P
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby JPG619 » Jan 11, '16, 8:44 pm

I always wanted to work in computers, when I finished school it was a lot easier to get jobs since a lot of companies will hire grads just out of school then hiring a person with experience since they expect lower salaries then some one with experience. Now a lot of computer jobs I came across are only contract jobs which is hard to make a decently living.

That is why I am considering making a change for a more stable job. Just wish jobs were a bit more stable since I rather say with one place for a lot time since I hate change and like staying put.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby BrautFan » Jan 11, '16, 8:55 pm

My mom likes to remind me that I wanted to be a proctologist... (grade school age). But look, let's face it. Everyone is an asshole, and therefore, everyone is an asshole expert. So.. that was pointless.

I'm still figuring shit out. I'll be figuring shit out until my last breath (researcher at heart).
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby Twister » Jan 12, '16, 10:23 am

I didn't take my education seriously either. I did okay in my GCSE's (C's and B's) but then completely fucked up college, didn't have a clue what I was doing really. Flunked all but one of my A-levels in the first year, did Media Studies along with Eng Language in my second year (the only a-level I was good at) and got bored, was more interested in parties, getting drunk and smoking weed. Got a job and dropped out, since then all my jobs have been menial, minimum wage type jobs all of which I've hated. I could have been smart and studied whilst partying in moderation but I wanted to have my cake and eat it.

Biggest regret of my life as now I actually do know what I'd like to do but it's harder to achieve at this point in my life. I'm less confident now, and less willing to take risks as it's not just me who it would affect. So even though I know what I want I'm still worried that when I do actually do it I won't like it or I won't be able to do it and I'll either be stuck or end up back at square one again.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby Viazon » Jan 12, '16, 12:53 pm

Twister wrote:I didn't take my education seriously either. I did okay in my GCSE's (C's and B's) but then completely fucked up college, didn't have a clue what I was doing really. Flunked all but one of my A-levels in the first year, did Media Studies along with Eng Language in my second year (the only a-level I was good at) and got bored, was more interested in parties, getting drunk and smoking weed. Got a job and dropped out, since then all my jobs have been menial, minimum wage type jobs all of which I've hated. I could have been smart and studied whilst partying in moderation but I wanted to have my cake and eat it.

This is basically the same as me. I was an idiot when I was younger. My main interest was going out every week and partying. I had a part time job while I was at college. When they offered me a full time job, all that meant to me was more money to fund my nights out. Back then it seemed like I had so much money. But then again, I was still living at home and didn't have to worry about paying any bills.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby Daz » Jan 12, '16, 11:05 pm

I still don't, and unfortunately my options now are far more limited than my dreams where when I was a child. Although the several year period where I seriously wanted to be a puppeteer are better left in the past.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby ChrisCrossed » Jan 13, '16, 12:40 am

I still don't know what I want to do. However working in this nightclub I always can't help thinking of owning my own bar or club.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby Chewy » Jan 13, '16, 1:56 am

I always wanted to be rich. Working on it.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby Daz » Jan 13, '16, 11:18 am

Chewy wrote:I always wanted to be rich. Working on it.

You're rich in personality sir.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby Hanley! » Jan 13, '16, 11:57 am

Daz wrote:
Chewy wrote:I always wanted to be rich. Working on it.

You're rich in personality sir.

And pink facial hair.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby HardcoreLegend » Jan 18, '16, 7:12 pm

I've never known what I've wanted to do.

I left school and got a job to tide me over thinking I'd stumble into some sort of career. 5 years later I'm still in the same job.
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Re: Did you always know what you wanted do?

Postby Kreashko » Jun 20, '16, 9:27 pm

Viazon wrote:What did you want to be when you grow up? Is that what you are doing now? Do you like what you are doing now?

My dream job(s) were to either be a wrestler or a race car driver.

Seeing as I'm 24 and am in no shape to be a pro wrestler and am once again TWENTY-FOUR and don't drive, I don't see either of my dream jobs coming true.

My current job; a DICKS Sporting Goods footwear lead is NOT what I want to be. It's fine for now but I seriously want to find a better job that I enjoy going to in the slightest. So no, I don't like what I'm doing now.

Time. That's all I need.
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