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How many hours of sleep do you get?

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How many hours of sleep do you get?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Oct 31, '15, 3:02 pm

My sleeping patterns are probably not great.

Mon-Fri: Tend to sleep around 11.15pm for a 6am alarm, normally after a few snoozes, get up around 6.37am precisely (to get the bathroom first ahead of my brother!)

Sat-Sun: It's a late one, around 2-3am watching Match of the Day and any programs on my Sky Planner that I don't get time to watch during the week.

I find it difficult to go to bed earlier than 11pm, probably haven't tried it sufficiently enough to see how it'd it go but maybe need someone to clamp down and keep an eye on my bed times *coughthewifecough*

I always find a quick stretch before I close my eyes help to doze off.
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Re: How many hours of sleep do you get?

Postby Hanley! » Oct 31, '15, 3:51 pm

I have a terrible sleeping pattern. :lol

On week days, I'll usually go to sleep some time between 12.30am and 2.30am. I get up a little after 8am, though my fiance gets up just after 7am, so every morning I'm woken up early and then go back to sleep for a half hour or so, before finally getting up and going to work.

Often I'll get just 5 hours sleep several days in a row, and will feel exhausted by the end of the week.

But I'm naturally a night owl and always go to bed later on the weekend, no matter how tired I am. Usually I'll be up until 4am on Fridays and Saturdays, and won't get up the next day until noon. Then I have to try and reset my body clock for work the next week.
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Re: How many hours of sleep do you get?

Postby PorkChop » Nov 01, '15, 10:55 am

I usually sleep from about 11pm - 7:45am, but I'm always tired. My job causes me to burn out quite quickly, especially towards the end of the week. I work across several schools in the city and cycle everywhere, and a typical working week consists of cycling about 100-120 miles. So although I get a good 8 hours per night, it's never really enough.

It's been lovely this week as it's half-term (I'm term-time only) and I've just spent it catching up on sleep. It's been so good.
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Re: How many hours of sleep do you get?

Postby Viazon » Nov 01, '15, 2:22 pm

I'd say about 6. I try to go to bed for around 1-1:30 am and set my alarm for 8:30. But I usually never get to sleep straight away and I often wake up a little while before my alarm goes off. So 6 hours sounds about right.
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Re: How many hours of sleep do you get?

Postby VaderBomb » Nov 05, '15, 12:21 pm

I go to bed around 4 AM and wake up around 11:30 or so.
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Re: How many hours of sleep do you get?

Postby Everlong » Nov 05, '15, 12:45 pm

I definitely get a full eight. Usually asleep around 11:30, wake up around 7:30.
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Re: How many hours of sleep do you get?

Postby VaderBomb » Nov 05, '15, 12:53 pm

Man, you guys all go to bed so early! I'm a night owl all the way.

Granted I go to work at 4 PM and get out around midnight a lot of the time, but I can't even imagine going to bed for the clock strikes twelve. I need multiple hours to unwind after work before hitting the hay. I like the nighttime, it's quieter.
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Re: How many hours of sleep do you get?

Postby Everlong » Nov 05, '15, 2:14 pm

VaderBomb wrote:Man, you guys all go to bed so early! I'm a night owl all the way.

Granted I go to work at 4 PM and get out around midnight a lot of the time, but I can't even imagine going to bed for the clock strikes twelve. I need multiple hours to unwind after work before hitting the hay. I like the nighttime, it's quieter.

I would prefer to stay up later, believe me, but I have to be up to work at a decent hour. I may control my own hours, but my clients don't :P
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Re: How many hours of sleep do you get?

Postby War Daddy » Nov 06, '15, 8:51 pm

If there's one thing I can help with is this. When you wake, STAY AWAKE. You're coming out of a sleep cycle. You'll have more energy if you just stay awake, I promise. However, if you go back to sleep, for maybe an hour or so, you end up starting a while nother sleep cycle thus draining your body all over again. This is why you feel tired and fatigued. You completed one sleep cycle, but started another and that's what your body operates off of. Just stay awake the first time.

You snooze, you lose. :P
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Re: How many hours of sleep do you get?

Postby Viazon » Nov 08, '15, 7:00 am

VaderBomb wrote:Man, you guys all go to bed so early! I'm a night owl all the way.

Granted I go to work at 4 PM and get out around midnight a lot of the time, but I can't even imagine going to bed for the clock strikes twelve. I need multiple hours to unwind after work before hitting the hay. I like the nighttime, it's quieter.

I use to stay up late before my shifts changed. I used to start some weeks at 2pm, which means I would stay up sometimes till 4am. But now I start at 10 every morning, so I have to go to bed earlier. On the weekends, I still stay up late some nights.
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Re: How many hours of sleep do you get?

Postby EmperorWu » Nov 08, '15, 7:24 am

I go to bed at 6am and wake up at 1:30pm. So about 7hrs if I fall asleep quickly. However I wake up a lot, and toss and turn even more, and I am often in that half aware state. I rarely feel well rested. :(

The weekend all bets are off. Depending on if I have plans early in the day. I usually sleep about 5 hours, sometimes as little as 2 hours. If I have nothing going on though I'll sometimes force myself to sleep like 9 hours. I'm so used to my schedule though that it's hard to sleep past my normal wake up hour regardless of how much sleep I actually got.
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Re: How many hours of sleep do you get?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Nov 08, '15, 4:53 pm

One thing I find is I tend to feel more tired in the mornings, during weekdays, when my sleep is disturbed and I get up during the night - (But IDK where I read it/was told this but if you get up during the night, it's best not to look at the time because if you're having to get up early in the morning, it's kinda an excuse to say "oh, I'm tired because my sleep was disturbed and was up at 4am" where as if you don't notice what time it is, you're less prone to whinge about the time you were uip last night) - but times when I've been completely knocked out and got up in the morning, feeling good!
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Re: How many hours of sleep do you get?

Postby Twister » Nov 08, '15, 5:18 pm

Usually some time between 11pm and 12, if I'm really tired I'll crash out at around 10/10:30. I'm usually up with one of the girls anytime from 6am (occasionally 5am, I want to die on those days) although if I'm lucky they occasionally sleep till 7. I'm always tired, I'm usually up doing a night feed at some point so my sleep is broken anyway. I know I should get to bed earlier, but I also need time to myself after a day spent entertaining a baby and a toddler, I can't win either way so I tend to just go with a burning the candle at both ends approach.
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Re: How many hours of sleep do you get?

Postby Kreashko » Jun 21, '16, 6:25 am

I try to head off to sleep around 11pm and wake up at 6am but lately its been a struggle...
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