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PCW Onslaught Episode 11 Results!

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PCW Onslaught Episode 11 Results!

Postby KaiserGlider » Jun 21, '14, 3:57 pm

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Re: PCW Onslaught Episode 11 Results!

Postby Str8Shooter » Jun 21, '14, 7:35 pm

Well look who made his return!! It feels like forever that I knew Evans would be coming back, but to finally be able to write it and see what others have to say is awesome. Hopefully people are excited to see him back in action. And it looks like he’ll get to tangle with Andrew Logan, which there’s no way won’t be amazing.

Not quite sure what to make out of Ace just yet. I’m still looking for a little something to expand on his character a little bit and flesh him out a bit more rather than just another heel on the roster. He’s well written though so I’m sure it’ll happen at some point.

Ooooohhh secrets!! I don’t know what Sears big hidden secret is, but the last person you’d want to know about it would be Amos Hess. I’ll throw out an early prediction that it’s something that is going to put some serious strain on the Onyx Jaden and Sears relationship. Can’t wait to see what it turns out to be.

What kind of a deathwish does Hypeman have? Is his new gimmick that of an annoying, overbearing reporter lol? Daz is all business, and lucky for him he’s got some female companionship after his big loss.

It was fun to see one of the Comeaus in singles action for a change. This one was fast paced and high octane as you’d expect with these two. Hopefully people enjoyed Bishop’s commentary throughout. I’m still getting a feel for the new character and things like these are a good chance to try stuff out.

The Master and Sato are becoming quite the comedy duo. I quite enjoyed this interplay with them picking their team name. I for one hope we see more of the Mega Superpowers.

Miller is a World Class dick, and he went hard at Daz. Daz is usually not one to shy away from tearing people to shreds with his words when he’s pissed, but this time he chose to do so with the use of a steel chair. I liked how Daz didn’t say a word and just showed everyone that he appears to be far from done. I’m kind of surprised to see this feud continue after the win by Miller, but glad it is.

Is Knight already the weak link in the Disciples? This almost made it seem like he might be on his way out sooner than later.

Jeez man! I thought Evans returning would have a lock on “shock of the show”, but I have to admit, Roxanne turning on Kyle might be in the running. That was vicious; you could almost hear Kyle’s heart breaking along with his bones. I can’t imagine a more impactful debut from the Zanetti Family than this.

Gryphon’s all growed up!! I liked the seemingly amicable split between the two. You don’t see many of those. I’ll be honest, I get the protégé relationship that they were going for, but it was always kind of weird seeing Omega with someone in the ring other than Flash for me.

Good to see Bernard back. This was a pretty generic heel promo though; hopefully we’ll see some twists to the character as we move along with him. We don’t just want “Mick Money 2.0” here. :P

Damn!! Was kind of hoping for a shock win for the “Mega Superpowers”! NRC continues to roll in PCW. We’ll see if the J-Team (still don’t like that name :P ) can pry the titles away.

Zaid main eventing!? I think we’ll be seeing more of this in the future. Zaid decides to try and end a career and suddenly the breakup of Omega and Gryphon is over just like that :lol . Magnum is such a prick :lol, Tim really seems to have the character down for sure.

Good promo from Foster before Kaiser had to stick his nose in. I like that there’s no automatic rematches, that’s such a crutch in the real wrestling world. Kaiser turns down the fight for the #1 Contendership, is he smart? Or a coward? I’m kind of disappointed that we didn’t find out who the next challenger was on this show. That was one of the big draws of the show for me. But I guess there were enough other big moments to hold off for another week.

Things seem to be setting up nicely going forward into Genocide. Foster vs Kaiser is likely for the title as I think Kaiser still sneaks his way into the match somehow. Omega vs Magnum in Omega’s hometown, Sears vs Hess, JTeam vs NRC, Evans vs Logan most likely, Daz vs Miller again.

Great show everyone!! Things are looking good in PCDub!! :tim
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Re: PCW Onslaught Episode 11 Results!

Postby Stratusfied619 » Jun 21, '14, 8:20 pm

Hard Justice – Oh shit, Shane Evans returns and gives Logan a few choice words, so looks like Andrew can't put his name in the hat to be the #1 contender for the title just yet. A big obstacle right in front of him. I did love the 'rotten rusted and can't be trusted' line from Evans and there was someone that was able to leave Logan at a loss for words.

Phoenix Rising + Match – Sears and Onyx are a very interesting duo and the match at times was a little hard to follow at certain times. Was Sears superkicked in the back of the head causing Onyx to fall off the apron when Sears went in for a second kiss? Did the ref see Matt hit Ace with the kneepad?

A Sinner Among Us – I had a feeling that Amos would target Sears because of Sears and Onyx's bizarre behavior that he wouldn't approve of. So it will be interesting to see how this feud plays out especially since it's a heel vs heel kind of thing.

Daz Arrives – Daz brings his lady to PCW and the look on his face pretty much says it all.

Reece vs Calvin – Good contest for the two of them and nice momentum for the Comeau's since they lost the contender spot against the J Team. It was a challenge to picture Reece hitting that hurricanrana and managing to hold onto the top turnbuckle. Bishop as usual full of himself in a good way.

Takes Two to Tango – Sato and Master are comic relief for me, knowing they're both on a losing streak and what way to try and break it by teaming up together. I did get a good laugh out of Master saying everyone is “Afraid” to wrestle him. They couldn't come up with another name lol.

Miller Time – Is PCW on a premium channel? Now Miller wants to throw his name in the hat for being the next contender but like Logan, there's someone in his way and that's Daz who gets a little revenge after his loss at Resurgence. Spencer is one of those people you wanna punch in the face.

Trials & Tribulations – Hess and Barry looking at Knight for their failure to capture the tag titles was very interesting. Thought Hess would target both of them since they worked the match as a team. So this is going to be interesting.

Unmade Man – I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. I really wanted the Zanetti Family to still be mysterious to a certain extent all the while showing that they're relentless and give no mercy. I really wanted to concentrate more on Roxanne's betrayal and I was going for a Lion King moment when Dylan looked up at Roxanne and she gave him the finger, like Scar did Mufasa before killing him :lol . I also talked to Eric about splitting Roxanne and Dylan up cause I was so close to signing Dylan back up without her. Also this would differentiate Dylan from Valentino since they were being compared a lot as Dylan and Roxanne go on different paths. Mikaleh's name is pronounced Mee-keh-leh in case anyone was wondering how it's pronounced.

Canadian Wrecking Crew – So Omega and Gryphon want to go their separate ways and I can understand Gryphon's frustration on wanting to break out on his own and prove himself to not be Omega's “tool”.

Valentino vs Knight - Quick little bout between these two with Knight suffering the loss and have to wonder how Hess is going to take this loss. Either Knight is on his way out or Hess is gonna put Knight through a whole bunch of tests to prove himself.

Money Isn't Everything - Drake Bernard picks up where Jay Cruz left off and I don't think that Bernard has to say he lives the rich lifestyle as much as the setting, clothes, and Rolex watch will give that away. Bernard and Bishop can see who sleeps with the most women.

NRC vs The Mega Superpowers – I thought that this was going to be a quick squash match, but I was pleasantly surprised and they had a good showing against the tag champs, but unfortunately it wasn't enough, so continue their losing streak. The J Team getting a close watch was a nice little touch.

Still on the A-List + Main Event – Hypeman really couldn't do his job with people taking the mic from him and not answering his questions. More of a no holds barred match with Gryphon basically street fighting and ignoring the ref, letting loose all his frustration and anger until Zaid got himself disqualified.

Wrecking Crew Wrecked – I don't think Gryphon is going to be all that happy with Omega getting involved in his affairs once again, but Magnum quickly put an end to it. Magnum is such a nasty fella. Spitting tobacco at someone, can just imagine.

Suplex, Submit, Champion – Damn, no rematch clauses for former champions, that has to suck big time. I like it though and Kaiser being the third person to throw his name in the hat for a title match only to have Burke be in his way. I do understand why Cavanah would be pissed off and not wanting to prove that he's the #1 contender. What I also like is him calling out Devine and if Devine is going to respond to it and if Foster feels that there is some truth in what Kaiser said about Devine holding his hand and not being able to do anything without him and trying to get out from Devine's shadow.
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Last edited by Stratusfied619 on Jun 22, '14, 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PCW Onslaught Episode 11 Results!

Postby KaiserGlider » Jun 22, '14, 12:06 pm

Johnny Valentino vs. Sean Knight has been added.
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Re: PCW Onslaught Episode 11 Results!

Postby Everlong » Jun 22, '14, 1:55 pm

Here we go! Onslaught review time.

Hard Justice I didn't realize when I was writing this that it'd be the opening segment! Seems to me Foster should have come out first to address the crowd, but this is definitely another hot way to get the show kicked off, especially with Andrew laying down the challenge to Foster right off the bat. Glad to see Evans back and it'll be awesome to get a chance to work with Brett and the character for a full feud, something we've never done before. There's a lot of promise to this feud and I think it'll definitely be one of the more compelling matches at Genocide.

Phoenix Rising - Glad to see Ace getting a little mic time, we haven't heard from him all that much since he debuted in the fed. Sears definitely made a big statement by winning the Phoenix Fray, and he can give himself an even bigger boost by coming right back and taking down one of his opponents the very next night.

Ace vs. Sears - What really stands out for me in this match is all the great character work. It's of course important to have good action going on, but the little character-driven things are what really make it fun to read. Ace's insanity and the interactions between Jaden and Sears really come off well here. Really solid win for Sears; he shows a bit of a ruthless edge at the end by hitting the second knee, continues his momentum from Resurgence and we get a bit more insight into his character. This is a guy I could see quickly rising up the card. He's got everything you want -- good moveset, solid character, good writing.

A Sinner Among Us - Well this is really intriguing. I would not have expected Hess to be Sears's next feud. The "secret" angle is one that could go either really well or really poorly, depending on how long it lasts and what the revelation is, but for now you can color me interested. Sears seems to be the perfect kind of character to run this "before your past catches up" angle, because of the way he was introduced back into the fed. I'm definitely going to be interested to see where this goes.

Daz arrives - Showing up late now?! Pffft, slacker. Interesting, adding a girlfriend or wife or something into the equation here? You can tell that Daz has been very much affected by his loss, but what's this Evelyn chick doing here? Are we about to see a Daz "retirement" announcement?

Reece vs. Calvin - This should be an interesting match -- the fun loving nature of the Comeaus and the daredevlishness of Reece would seem to make for a fun pairing. Reece's entrance was badass. Already a new theme song for the Comeaus? Classic Ali :P Oh god... Bishop... this is fantastic :lol The over the top narcissism that he's taken on has really breathed life into the character. I can't help but think if this happened on WWE television we'd have people talking about how the WWE is burying the guys in the ring by having Bishop say the kinds of things he's saying, but at the same time, in PCW we have characters that are much more likely to be able to hold up to this sort of beratement. Really solid action in the match, though, despite most of the ofcus being on Bishop. The "Mecca of Manliness..." that is a GREAT nickname, hahaha. That Hurricanrana that Reece plants on his hand... is he holding like a handstand on the ropes? That WOULD be really impressive. Anyway, fun stuff to read, and the Bishop/Reece feud gets a little heat added to it now.

Takes Two to Tango - Oh god, a Master/Sato tag team... this is too much :lol

Miller Time - Miller becomes the second man to ask for a title shot, and we haven't even heard from Kaiser Cavanah yet tonight. Interesting how a new champion can cause so much chaos. The line about ending Foster's career like Flash's definitely brought Daz out in a fury, and the ensuing brawl was awesome. Miller definitely deserved those chair shots. However, I can't help but feel let down in the sense that Daz is standing tall at the end of this segment, and that we didn't get a whole lot of progression here. Daz left Resurgence and entered the arena looking like a broken man, but then in the confrontation here Miller seemed more concerned about getting a title shot than rubbing in that Daz is basically done, and Daz just comes out and dispatches him? I think the more effective way to go here would be to have Miller continue to pile it on, and definitely not to have Daz be the one to kick ass in the segment. Plus, with this Evelyn woman showing up for the first time, it seemed like we were in for some big emotional, personal moment. Don't get me wrong, the writing for the segment was great, it's the booking I'm questioning here (sorry guys). We don't really get a sense of just how big Miller's victory was in this segment, because Daz didn't come out looking truly defeated and Miller was already looking on to bigger and better things rather than reveling in the biggest victory of his career.

Trials and Tribulations - Interesting segment. Appears that Knight could be in hot water with the group. Love the way that Hess and Barry used the ideals of faith and conviction and twisted them for the purposes of their own message. Good stuff.

Unmade man - Clever play on the "choke artist" theme by Kyle, as he choked out Cruz at Resurgence. A bit surprised that it's the Zanetti family to appear at the blackout -- we usually avoid having people's characters interact with each other, don't we? :lol. Roxanne betraying Dylan?! There obviously must be something omre to the story here, considering how little we know about these Zanettis. This is a strange segment... no words spoken by the Zanettis, a betrayal and a beatdown, and no explanations. I'm sure we'll learn more next week, but this opens up a whole lot of questions for sure.

Canadian Wrecking Crew - Sad to see the relationship between Omega and Gryphon come to an end, but I like the way it did. It's not often in the wrestling world that we see amicable splits of mentors/students or tag teams, but this one made complete sense. Good segment, made both guys come off as very likeable.

Sean Knight vs. Johnny Valentino - Like Knight getting off to the hot start here, makes sense given how eager he is to prove himself. Good stuff though, Valentino looks strong throughout a lot of the action here, and the interactions with Gia were well done. The line about GIa having been through hell and back lately was a great way to sell the story of the match and a nice reminder that she and Johnny have only just recently reconciled. Another big win for Valentino, and you gotta feel that Knight's position in the Disciples could be in jeopardy.

Side note: I don't know how @BSM feels, but it might honestly be getting to be about time to have Barry spread his wings and fly solo as well. Obviously this would mean a face turn and a feud against Hess, but Barry and Hess have been paired together now for the better part of two to three years, and with how much Barry has improved I think there are plenty of ways that you could make a big star out of Barry and have a great breakup storyline.

Money Isn't Everything - In a way it's a good thing that Jay Cruz has disappeared (though I'm disappointed we never got to see what Danielson could do), because it looks like Bernard's reborn character is going to be very similar. Looking forward to seeing what PR has in store for us.

NRC vs. The Mega SuperPower s:lol - Given NRC's opponents, I figured there were going to be some shenanigans in this one, and sure enough, it's the J-Team. I'm actually kind of surprised that this one ended with a clean finish -- I was assuming J-Team would get involved somehow. It actually would have been pretty hilarious to have the Mega SuperPowers pick up their first win here at the expense of NRC because of J-Team interference, but I wouldn't wish that fate upon Daz :P

Still on the A-List - LOL - "You guys really think it means a damn thing to be booed in Philly?? Really? Jesus Christ himself could be here and he’d still get booed if he went 0-3 in a ballgame!" Fucking great.

Richard vs. Zaid - Gryphon and Zaid in the main event! Nice to see a couple newbies up on the card. Obviously we've still yet to hear from Kaiser and Foster, but still. Both of these guys could use a win here after what happened at Resurgence, but I think Zaid needs it even more. Nice to see Zaid picking up some veteran instincts like attacking a weakened body part. Actually a bit surprised by the abrupt end here, I thought for sure we were in for a clean victory for one of these guys, but I like the cheating by Zaid. I have a feeling these guys haven't seen the last of each other, and it builds some more heat for Zaid without needing to give him a pinfall victory over a guy like Gryphon, who's been gaining momentum recently.

Wrecking Crew Wrecked - Well Omega said everyone needs someone at their back every now and then, and now appears to be one of those times for Gryphon. Not surprising that Omega would come to the rescue, but Magnum's beatdown here probably means he'll stay focused on other matters than Gryphon's troubles from now on :lol. This is gonna be a fun feud.

Suplex, Submit, Champion - Here we go, the segment we've been waiting for! Our new champion's first appearance. Awesome speech here from Foster, you can just imagine the electricity. Love the "fuck no" response, that'd DEFINITELY go over well in Philly :lol. And here comes Kaiser, haha. OMG, Kaiser teasing a Devine/Kaiser matchup?! THIS HAD BETTER HAPPEN.

Here comes Burke. And WOW -- this is something I did not expect at all. I love that everyone just assumed that Kaiser would have a rematch granted to him, but the announcement of a "No Rematch Clause" thing is huge, and that actually is an awesome idea. Gives a lot more freedom to the bookers, adds a lot more excitement when determining contenders. Kaiser's reaction is fantastic, and Burke poking him with the reminder of him tapping out is even better.

What an awesome end to the show. The announcement by Burke, Foster celebrating, Kaiser's fury, and then the threat that Burke will regret it... what's Kaiser going to do next? He's definitely got something up his sleeve and I can't wait to see what it is.

Gotta say -- I was a bit critical of the booking in one of the segments, but for the most part this was a really strongly booked post-PPV show because it gave me a LOT to anticipate. Kaiser's big blow up at the end... what's he going to do next? Hess's teasing about Sears's big secret, the start of lots of new feuds... lots of stuff to really look forward to for the next show. Good stuff all!!
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Re: PCW Onslaught Episode 11 Results!

Postby JDD » Jun 24, '14, 9:36 pm

Some thoughts-

-Im excited for an Evans/Logan feud. Two great writers an characters, you know there are some awesome matches coming in the future.

- Sears looked good in his win, and like youguys im really interested to see what this secret is. Will Amos use this secret to blackmail Sears to join the Diciples? That would be interesting.

- Another funny segment with PCW's resident comedic relief. "The MegaSuperpowers" :lol

- Good promo by Miller to start off the segment, and the beatdown was great. Daz really needed that, and Miller deserved a beatdown.

- I really enjoyed the Zanetti Family promo's on the last shows, and liked their debut here. Shocking to see Roxanne turn on Dylan. Interested to know why she did it.

-Looks like Sean Knight lost to Valentino. Maybe he's on his way out of the disciples. Which leaves a spot open for Spears if what i said earlier happens.

- Loved Magnum's beatdown of Omega. Cant wait for them to face off. It will be brutal. Wonder if we'll be getting Zaid/Phillips vs Omega/Gryphon on the next show.

-Love the no rematch clauses. Really makes things interesting and put a fresh and unique spin on PCW.

Overall i liked this show alot. Flowed really well, short read. Had some good matches an segments. Great job all you guys. :tim
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Re: PCW Onslaught Episode 11 Results!

Postby prophet » Jul 03, '14, 9:19 am

Hard Justice - Kicking off the show with the Thoroughbred legggooo! Definitely think it's clever to have Logan address the elephant in the room right off the bat - we're all just waiting for him to revert to his old self and whilst I do still think we'll see him do so the wait is agonizing...someone he seems to be well aware of. I personally don't believe for a second that he's changed and think Logan is enjoying messing with the audience.

We already know Logan wants to go after the title, he released a press release stating his intent to do so but should he be looking to position himself that high up the card already? He did win at Resurgence but (with respect) it was only Gryphon Richard he beat. Logan was always expected to beat Gryphon as the Frenchman hasn't really won a big solo match yet. Wait he's calling Foster out? I know I'm not involved in this segment so someone else should be on the way out...

Oooooo shit Shane Evans! Definitely didn't expect him to show up, particularly so soon after Logan himself returned, so kudos on surprising me guys. I thought this was a great first promo from Evans - he really gave the crowd a reason to support him right off the bat with his story of how tough his life got after the WCSF shut down. The 'Show Pony' line was golden and Evans debuting looking like a badass, very surprised that Logan didn't even try and get the last word in. Clever booking and I'm interested to see what Logan has to say in response next week.

Pheonix Rising - The first thing I'd like to comment on is the lack of clarity on Sears' alignment. Is he a good guy? Is he a bad guy? What do the fans think of him? I don't really know what I'm supposed to feel about this guy...though in saying that I now think that's probably the point. Having Sears completely disregard the money and claim he only entered the Pheonix Fray to make a statement made him look like a badass. Should be a good match with Ace later on.

Ace/Sears - Ah there we are with some fan interaction - they're booing Sears and Jaden, we're not supposed to like them. I thought the writing in the early gone was a bit clumsy and would have benefited from a proof-read because I'm pretty certain the referee should have disqualified Sears after Jaden threw the kneepad at Ace's head. You didn't clarify whether the referee did or didn't see this and so I assume he why hasn't he done anything about it? Oh wait now he's reprimanding Jaden on the he did actually see her launch the weapon at Ace but is going to let it slide - it might just be me but I found this whole sequence to be rather odd.

The match improved in the latter stages and Sears picks up another win to keep his hot-streak rolling. Having him hit two big knees on his opponent is good characterization and I enjoyed the inclusion of a little detail like pushing off the mat as hard as possible for better leverage on the pin.

A Sinner Among Us - "What does he want now?" implies that Hess has already made his presence known on the show thus far (nitpicking I know but whatever, deal with it :P) Very interested in finding out why Amos Hess has shown up. LOVED the comparison of Sears and the Matthew from the Bible. Wait so Hess has some dirt on Sears that even Jaden doesn't know? Fucking A - pumped for this already. This was probably Hess back to his best, great promo to set up the feud and I'm already on board.

Daz Arrives - I'm definitely intrigued by the debut of Daz' missus. We're already informed that Daz trained this woman which provides us with an insight to just how close these two probably are - a fact that could wind up being vital in this feud with Miller that you'd suspect is ongoing. Perhaps more poignantly, Quinn calmed Daz down when he looked like he was about to flip out. It was his emotions that got the better of him before and cost him the match with Miller...perhaps Daz wants his girl with him to make sure he doesn't make the same mistake again. Clever.

Reece/Comeau - Yeah the first thing to pick up on is the new theme the Comeau's have and how Ali-like that is :lol Bishop's arrogance on commentary was telling - I'm not entirely sure he's won a match yet but that doesn't stop him from bragging about how much better than Reece he is. The action in the ring for this one was fast-paced and flowed well but the main story-telling came from commentary - Bishop seemingly thinks he has Reece's arsenal sussed out. Orion was great on commentary and there we have it...he costs Reece the match. Looking forward to seeing how this one develops.


Miller Time - Spencer Miller becomes the second man of the evening to declare his intention to compete for the World Title - he's definitely deserving of the shot after beating Daz and the point he made about how Foster never actually beat him by pinfall or submission was interesting - apparently nobody has actually pinned or submitted Spencer Miller thus far in PCW - how the fuck is that allowed to happen mods? Sort that shit out! :D I didn't like Miller stating he'd end Foster's career purely because he'd been saying that for months and it didn't happen...I do understand why he said that though now that Daz has been sufficiently provoked by it.

The thing that stuck me most about this segment was the fact they actually got physical. I thought for sure Miller would bail before Daz had the chance to punish him. This was a good little teaser for the continuation of this war between Miller and Daz.

Trials and Tribulations - Are we about to see the end of Sean Knight? I think so.

Unmade Man - The Zanetti Family creep me out. They're cold, they're stoic and they haven't said anything yet. These guys are clearly hitmen that you don't want on your tail and I'd be willing to bet once they're after you it isn't long before your time is up...this doesn't bode well for Dylan Kyle. Wait what? Roxanne has turned on Dylan?! What the fuck is happening?!?! I genuinely think this should be a testament to Stratusfied and the booking of this segment that I was literally as stunned as the audience whilst reading it.

This is just brutal. Kyle is getting beaten the fuck down with baseball bats and Roxanne is...openly enjoying it. I think I we've just discovered another one of PCW's most hated people in Roxanne. Wow. Great segment, well written and one I certainly did not see coming. I'm excited to see how this plays out so good job man.

Canadian Wrecking Crew - I warm to Gryphon more and more each week. When he first debuted I was more of an Omega guy but lately I find myself becoming more of a Gryphon Richard fan. Very astute point made that Logan didn't use a chair to cheat to win but rather he simply used cunning and intellect knowing Omega would rush out and get involved. It looks like these two are going to handle business on their own for a little while, something I think would be best for both characters.

Knight/Valentino - Short match that results in another big win for Johnny Valentino - good stuff. Johnny V has some major momentum on his side right now, he just knocked off a former Gold Rush winner and International Champion. I do wonder what's next for him though and I look forward to finding that out though this week I enjoyed seeing him and Gia keep it simple and enjoy themselves for once with no dramas to hinder them.

Money Isn't Everything - As I said in my Resurgence comments Drake Bernard has been and gone so many times now I'm not going to invest in the character until he sticks around and forces me to do so. Win me over PhenomRocks!

NRC/MEGASUPERPOWAHZ - Straightforward action here. Another clean win for the tag champs (did we really expect anything else?) and the new challengers make themselves known. Good stuff.

Still on The A-List - Good to see Zaid isn't letting the loss to Johnny V bother him or alter his persona. He's brilliant comic relief on a show that at times desperately needs it so he's a welcome sight for this reader. Big match for him tonight though, the main event! Both he and Gryphon need a win...something's got to give.

Gryphon/Zaid - Yeah I agree with Tim that it was nice to see Zaid zero in on a weakened body part of his opponent and go after it. It's that type of little detail that make a good match and it adds a more calculating layer to the jovial character of Zaid. As I said both men could really do with a win but neither can really afford to lose so having Zaid get himself DQ'd made perfect sense - it didn't weaken either man, gave Gryphon a win (albeit through technicality) and garnered the A-Lister some more heat.

Wrecking Crew Wrecked - Oh shit Omega has broke his word again less than an hour after giving it - you can imagine Gryphon isn't going to be best pleased about this and tensions between the CWC are only going to heighten. Awwwww yeaaah I'd completely forgotten about know he ain't going to be in a good mood after what went down at the last PPV. Genius tactic from the brash Texan sneaking up on Omega - glad that it was reiterated on commentary how for the first time Phillips opted not to use his words and trash talk but rather let his actions do the talking to show Omega he isn't intimidated by him in the slightest. We're in for a fucking battle with these two - both fancy themselves the biggest dog in the yard...only one can be.

Suplex, Submit, Champion - Kaiser pretty much covered the whole segment for me due to me starting a new job at the time of the card so I'd like to thank him for that. Having Kaiser claim that Foster needed Devine's help to win is...different. When I wrote in the Devine Valley Driver at Resurgence I had no idea it'd wind up acting as foil for Cavanah to use on Foster. Cheeky bit of foreshadowing in there too :D

I like that there are no rematch clauses in PCW, it's another trait of the company that makes things fresh and different. Kaiser's warning was cold and menacing and Cavanah actually reminded me a lot of Johnny Devine in this segment. When The Mafia took complete control of the WCSF Devine cut promos and interacted with authority the same type of way Kaiser does with Burke. No number on contender set as of yet...but you can bet Cavanah isn't going to take this 'injustice' laying down.
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Re: PCW Onslaught Episode 11 Results!

Postby SKS » Jul 14, '14, 1:57 pm

Said I would get some comments up when I got some free time, so here goes.

Evans coming back was interesting, but to be completely honest I'm not exactly sure if I like the idea of more WCSF stars returning, as we have a fair share of the PCW "originals" that were from WCSF, but have arrived since the start of PCW. I thought the balance of old superstars combined with the new characters & gimmicks was pretty even, but now it seems that it's more like WCSF than PCW itself. Andrew is clearly still a heel with bad intentions, especially with Alexa running her mouth so I don't know how much longer the veil of "I'm a changed man" will be present. I think it's continuing to tease that he's a good guy now but to me that's not the case, so I hope gets back to his heel tactics sooner than later.

I was a little confused by the Sears/Ace match in a sense that I thought the bedazzled knee pad was considered a weapon, if Ace was clocked by it then wouldn't it mean he won by DQ? I like the weirdness of Ace and his instability works for his character. Sears and Onyx clearly have an odd relationship, and she is definitely a wild card at ringside. Sears maintains his hot streak with a win and it looks like Hess knows something about him. I think Onyx and Sears are related, and Onyx is a dominatrix in the bed room. That's my guess.

Keith Hypeman always asking the cutting edge questions. Daz is clearly in no mood to answer them after losing at Resurgence. I thought this was a good altercation with Miller, proving that Daz still has something left in the tank. Whether that be the wise thing to do to keep poking the "Assassin" that just beat you pretty bad, remains to be seen. Get ready for the sequel. :D

Sato & The Master continue to entertain as comic relief. Gotta love their segments. Seems perfect that the two pair up and still continue to lose, awesome name as well "THE MEGA SUPERPOWERS". :lol

Thought this Kyle/Zanetti family segment was really surprising. Did not expect Roxanne to turn on Dylan but it makes a lot of sense being that Johnny V & Gia are basically the same in appearance. Jesus, Kyle was absolutely destroyed here. He's going to need some help against the Zanetti family for sure, and to be honest, Johnny V might be a good choice even if they might be similar.

Omega and Gryphon continue to have a dysfunctional relationship. No matter how many times Gryphon tells Omega to stay out of his business, I doubt he's going to listen. Which is good for now, but it'd be good to eventually get Gryphon out of Omega's shadow and let him do his own thing.

Drake Bernard changes his gimmick again it seems, but this was pretty hilarious. "Assgoblin" :lol Seems he'll take the place of the rich guy arrogance gimmick since Jay Cruz is gone. Looking forward to it.

Zaid is such a douche and I love it. Despite losing both matches to Johnny V, IMO, he's been the one to watch for due to his entertaining promos. Richard has finally gotten off the losing streak, well he has with the DQ win. Zaid keeps the "momentum" going by coming out on top even after a loss. Magnum means business and we have to be getting Magnum vs Omega at Genocide. Can't wait for that one.

Interesting closing segment as the revelation that rematch clauses don't exist in PCW came about, which is a nice twist on traditional wrestling. It allows champions to lose without automatically continuing the feud, which could be tedious at times. It was clear to me that Kaiser would still get a rematch, someway or somehow.
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Re: PCW Onslaught Episode 11 Results!

Postby Daz » Aug 22, '14, 9:33 am

Onslaught 11

I hate falling behind on reading shows. But it’s time to catch up in time for Genocide.

Logan Opening – First and foremost, I like that even though Logan has supposedly changed, he’s still an entitled, arrogant piece of shit. It makes his “transformation” a more gradual and natural process. And SHANE EVANS IS BACK BABY! Evans speech about Logan being a devout preacher, spreading the good word about himself, and comparing him to a used car salesman was all good stuff. I really like the fine line the Logan character is walking and how we remain unsure whether he has actually changed or is still as devious as he used to be. Evans fighting words to close set up a solid clash between them at the PPV, and sets up a future World Title shot for the winner. Good forward thinking booking.

Phoenix Rising – Solid little promo from Sears, expanding his character after the Phoenix Fray Battle Royal. I like that his disregarded the money and focused instead on the fact he wants to be Heavyweight Champion. Ace’s intervention, playing off his and Sears’ interaction in the Battle Royal worked nicely, leading to the following…

Sears vs. Ace – Love the little character touches between Jaden and Sears before the match gets underway. Too earlier for a Superkick in my mind, but hey, there ya go. Also, too early to introduce the kneepad. That’s been an integral part of the Sears/Jaden dynamic and is supposed to be the knockout final shot. Throwing it in from the outset kind of devalues it, and I can’t see saucernips being responsible for that. It’s fantastic trying to work in your opponent’s shtick when you write with them, as it shows you’re paying attention, but you also have to be mindful of how and when it should be used. That being said, I like that it was sold for a fair chunk of time and wasn’t just written off. I l love that Sears used a Pedigree, and there’s an in joke from the SOS days there that I won’t get into, but it made me smile. The knee finishing things made up for the earlier misstep, as it played into the psychology of the thing. Decent little match that played up the gimmicks and characters of both guys, and continued Sear’s hot streak after the Phoenix Fray.

A Sinner Among Us – The Hess interruption setting up that feud was golden. This is something I’ve been looking forward to. Typical high quality stuff from Hess and I love it when he gets these sorts of promos, as I think this is where his character really shines.

Daz Arrives – I like these sorts of segments because it gets to show a different side of the Daz character. Really excited to introduce Evelyn Quinn too, perhaps even get to throw her into a match somewhere down the road. Also Hypeman has a death wish.

Gabriel Reece vs. Calvin Comeau – Bishop’s interruption was well done, and an interesting way to further the heel tendencies of the character. I really like the amount we’ve put characters on commentary, as it’s an ideal way to put them out there and put themselves across. The double down off the collision of heads was cool, and not something you often see done in Sim Feds. Bishop’s jibe about Reece’s exhausting his arsenal after attempting a second Leg Drop was a nice touch. Mecca of Manliness … he’s auditioning to be the newest member of Neo Runway Chic? Hot finish, with Calvin missing the Phoenix Splash, only to wind up rolling Gabriel up off of the Bishop distraction. Really fun match between these two, and I’m happy to see Calvin get back on winning ways.

Takes Two to Tango – Gold. Always gold. The Master and Sato are always two of the best parts of these shows, and provide a little comic relief to contrast the serious feuds.

Miller Time – Something tells me that this Daz victory is short lived …

Trials and Tribulations – Interesting way to play off the Disciples loss to Neo Runway Chic at Resurgence. I like the set up for a deeper story of dissension between the group, and the dialogue helped set the trip apart, as Hess kept up with his thy and thou talk, whilst Knight’s speech was more modernized. I don’t know if it was intentional but it certainly worked nevertheless.

Unmade Man – Zanetti Family’s debut was solid and after returning united, it was an interesting twist to see Roxanne turn her back on Dylan. Pretty brutal beat down, which I enjoyed. Great punctuation to the segment as Roxanne drops the ring Dylan gave her, a symbolic breaking of their relationship. This puts Dylan on a new path, which will add new depth to his character, and the new group of the Zanetti’s and Roxanne provides a great new addition to the tag ranks. Look forward to a potential new feud (and the resurrection of an old one between Roxanne and Melissa Chambers) where the women could possibly mix it up a little.

Canadian Wrecking Crew – It’s catching on. #CWC. I like the shifting dynamic between Gryphon and Omega as this isn’t a complete separation, but it definitely shows a level of maturity for Gryphon, who’s upset about Omega’s involvement in the Logan match. HFX’s promos have improved tenfold over the years and this was another solid effort.

Knight vs. Valentino – Disappointing that this wasn’t turned in, as Valentino needed another win following his victory over Zaid at the PPV, and I was interested in seeing where this Knight deal goes.

Money isn’t Everything – Drake Bernard has finally found a character that just absolutely works for him. Another really fun promo from The Player. Assgoblin’s lol.

Neo Runway Chic vs. Super MegaPowers - Sato and The Master are even fun to write for as opponents. A good chance to display NRC as a dominant force. Also, coming off the very serious feud with the Disciples, and the respect and series deal with the Comeau’s, it was imperative to make start of the J-Team feud something different. The scouting is a nice little way to do it.

Still on the A-List – I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, Zaid is one of my favourite things to come out of PCW. He’s consistently solid as a character in promos and the arrogant attitude, which isn’t exactly an uncommon gimmick, somehow manages to be unique. It’d actually be interesting to see Drake Bernard and Zaid team up, if only for the promos. They’d be money. This also served as a really solid setup for the Main Event, establishing Gryphon as a threat whilst also managing to talk down to him.

Zaid vs. Richard – I liked Zaid’s aggression and the psychology, targeting the leg of Gryphon, until the arrogance cost him. I like the way Gryphon’s offense is written. It always feels powerful and explosive, which is exactly how it should be portrayed. The sudden low blow finish as the match was just getting going was actually somewhat of a surprise, but a good way to jump start a feud between the two.

Wrecking Crew Wrecked – Omega coming to Gryphon’s aid after the earlier segment was a great way to play off that. It continues this uneasiness between the two of them, without either really being at fault or playing the heel role. I don’t know if this leads to a break up, but for now I like the way it develops with the relationship, with Gryphon pushing his mentor’s boundaries and Omega continuing to be stubborn, doing things his way. I love how Magnum’s Two Boot Salute finisher has been established as the knockout shot. At some point, a Last Man Standing match has to be done where somewhere beats the count off that boot. A really good segment. I like it when two separate feuds get tied together this way.

Suplex, Submit, Champion – I was wondering when we’d get to hear from the new champion, and it makes sense to save it for last. Really nice little heartfelt promo by Foster, and of course Kaiser has to interrupt to ruin it. Kaiser using any excuse for his life is perfect for his character, and calling out Devine … let’s hope it leads to at least one match … was a nice little touch. I like the announcement of there being no rematch clauses and Burke finally getting one over on Kaiser after all the shit Kaiser has given him since PCW started. Great finish to the show with Burke giving Kaiser the opportunity and Cavanah backing down like the true chickenshit heel he is. Good booking, good execution and we leave on an intriguing question mark.

Great show to transition from Resurgence, setting up new feuds for Genocide, whilst continuing a few older ones.
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