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Character Sign-up Thread

For posting profiles of the Phoenix Championship Wrestling characters.

Moderator: Str8Shooter

Re: Character Sign-up Thread

Postby DanielsonTHAGOAT » Apr 03, '14, 3:15 pm

Name of your character: Jay Cruz

Height: 5'11

Weight: 235

Home Town: Atlanta, Georgia

Entrance Music:

Entrance Style: Similar to Chris Jericho's recent entrance. The lights black out in the arena and the song plays as pyro synchs with the chorus of the song. As soon as the chorus ends, gold pyro resembling a bottle of the finest champagne of explodes and Jay Cruz emerges. He walks to the ring with a large grin on his face before stepping on the apron and posing (similar to Jericho during his "Rockstar" days) . He finally enters the ring posing once more by nodding his head and spreading his arms out in triumphant fashion.

Finishing Moves(s):

The Holy Grail (The Crippler Crossface)

Ace of Spades (Swinging Reverse STO)

The Blackout (same as Seth Rollins finisher.)

Signature Moves/Wrestling Style:

Any Suplex
HHH Knee to face
Double AA Spinebuster

Wrestling Style is a straight technician. Focused on weakening one part of the body and constantly attacking it by using various submissions and holds. His agility is not as good as a lighweight's but he has deceptive speed that can catch his foes off guard. His signature moves consist of many suplexes. German suplexes, T-Bone suplex, snap suplexes, etc. They're used to exhaust his opponent and wisely damage them. Think of Kurt Angle in 2000. He leans towards mat locks and ground wrestling.

Bio: (Back story, gimmick of your character. This is the important part.)

Jay Cruz is a braggadocios kid from Atlanta Georgia who is far from humble. He loves to throw in the price of his shoes and his clothes even if it's unrelated to the conversation. He carries a bigger than life personality with him and it usually turns fans off to him. He doesn't give a damn about the fans because he allows his accolades, money, and wrestling skills do the talking for him.

He comes from a fortunate family. Cruz was basically born with a golden spoon in his mouth. With that money, he afforded the best trainers to teach him wrestling as an adolescent. His big mouth and over the top personality could lead him to some unwarranted trouble.

As a face, he uses his southern hospitality to please the crowd. He still is braggadocios but tones it down a little bit and uses witty jokes to get over with the audience.

Jay Cruz has mixed skin complexion and his hair style is a Caesar fade. His ring attire is trunks that have gold lettering with the initials "Cruz" on the back and "Jay on the front". During his entrance he wears a gold and black Varsity jacket with his last name engraved on the back.
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Re: Character Sign-up Thread

Postby ShaneOfan » Apr 03, '14, 6:57 pm

:yes :yes :yes
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Thanks to SKS and Tim for the awesome sigs!

Join the PCW!

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Re: Character Sign-up Thread

Postby Stratusfied619 » Apr 23, '14, 7:16 pm

Name of your character:

Team Name: The Zanetti Family

Hometown: Corleone, Italy

Combined Weight: 511lbs

Theme Music: Emotional Piano

Entrance: Red carpet is rolled out, a man comes out in a suit and plays their theme on a grand piano. Mikaleh and Renzo slowly walk out on stage and slowly walk down the aisle. They enter the ring and raise each others hands.

Ring Gear: The duo wrestle in dress slacks, wrist tape, and shiny wrestling boots.

Clothing Style: Designer suits, silk scarf, gold cufflinks, pocket squares and designer dress shoes.

Double Team Finisher:
la famiglia (720 DDT/Corkscrew Shooting Star Press)
Rest His Soul (Superkick-Springboard Backstabber)
Break an Egg (Doomsday DDT)

Go to Naples (Aided Sick Kick)
Triangle of Death (Crucifix Powerbomb Neckbreaker)

Name: Mikaleh “The Blade” Zanetti

Age: 31
Height: 6'3”
Weight: 266lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black

Wrestling Style: Martial Arts & Hard Hitting

What a Pity (720 DDT)
Spring Cleaning (Go Home Driver)

Feet of Fury (Running Sick Kick or Diving Sick Kick)
Mock Execution (Backslide Driver)

Mikaleh Zanetti is the second eldest brother of the Zanetti children. He and his younger siblings Roxanne and Renzo were neglected by their parents. He was involved in martial arts during his youth with the help of a mentor. As he grew older his mentor was basically using him to act as an enforcer for his organized crime ring. Mikaleh risen through the ranks and was given the nickname, "The Blade" for his accuracy of using a blade to instill terror into other people. Mikaleh would be able to rise through the ranks, reaching all the way to underboss and he would end up overthrowing his mentor and taking over the organized crime and expanding the empire.

Renzo would be interested in joining and Leone would indoctrinate him into the family after proving himself. Mikaleh wanted to expand further into the wrestling world, seeing it as a golden opportunity to make more money since PCW is starting off small.

Mikaleh is the brains of his team, he's mostly calm and methodical not letting anyone see him sweat but behind the calm demeanor lies someone with little emotion and a borderline sociopath. He only cares about people in his inner circle and will protect them at all cost.

Name: Renzo “Homerun” Zanetti

Age: 25
Height: 6'1”
Weight: 245lbs
Eyes: Baby Blue
Hair: Black

Wrestling Style: Aggressive & Fast Paced

Code of Silence (Cradle DDT)
Dirt Nap (Corkscrew Shooting Star Press)

Grand Slam (360 Knee to the Head to a seated or rising opponent)
The Shakedown (Rolling Moonsault Side Slam)

Renzo Zanetti is the youngest of the Zanetti children. He was always the rebellious child, going by his own rules but always had a love of baseball. He would try out for IBL and would be accepted on the team but when he broke the rules of using an aluminum bat he was kicked off the team and banned. In retaliation he would assault his manager with his aluminum bat breaking his knee cap and did something else that earned him the nickname “Homerun.” Renzo would be out on the streets, pickpocketing from people.

When he learned of Mikaleh taking over a crime organization, Renzo wanted in and would be accepted. Renzo would be indoctrinated and he would rise up to being the underboss. Renzo and Leone would then get involved in wrestling once they learned of the PCW and have a feeling they make their mark on the wrestling industry.

Renzo is unpredictable, he's the wildcard and the muscle despite not looking all that intimidating by others. He doesn't take kindly to rejection or being told what to do by authority figures that is not part of the family. His only loyalty is to his family and no one else. He doesn't care about gender, title, or any of that, you disrespect him or his family, he's out to get you.
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Last edited by Stratusfied619 on May 30, '14, 1:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Character Sign-up Thread

Postby PhenomRocks » May 17, '14, 3:24 am


Name of your character: Drake Bernard

Nicknames: 'The Player' , 'The Greatness At Its Best' .

Height: 6 ft 3 in

Weight: 245lbs

Home Town: Manhattan, New York City

Appearance: Short black hair, has a great muscler but lean and ripped physique.

Attire: Wears hooded black jacket, stylized black wrestling trunks, black knee pads and black wrist band along with long black wrestling boots.

Non-Wrestling Attire: Wears sharp suits, expensive watches and sunglasses.

Entrance Music: Playing The Saint by Digital Summer

Entrance Style: Suddenly the lights goes out as the shower of golden sparks goes off at the entrance and Drake Bernard emerges under a single bright white spotlight, arrogantly walks to the ring with fireworks sparkling behind him. He enters into the ring before taking his jacket off then stands on the second rope and pose.

Signature Taunts:
Kip-up followed by the middle finger gesture to the opponent
Climbs the turnbuckle and Stretches his both arms out

Style of wrestling: Bernard is a former Mixed Martial Artist. Bernard's so calculating when it comes to what he does. Bernard scouts his opponents and their weaknesses. He carefully watch them wrestle so he can analyze their techniques. He studies his opponent's game, analyze their styles, and then devise a strategy against them. Even in the face of defeat, his expression never changes from his constant "I got this" demeanor.

Finishing Moves(s):

- Triangle Choke + Kimura Combo

- Just Die Already/JDA: Jumping Cutter

Signature Strikes
- Knife Edge Chops
- European Uppercut
- CCS Enzuigiri
- Stomp to the opponent's groin
- Running High-impact Elbow Drop
- Repeated MMA elbow/knee strikes to an opponent's chest and head
- Running Soccer kick to the kidney or to opponent's head
- Stomps all over the body of a fallen opponent
- Jumping knee to the head of downed opponent
- Elbow Flurry followed by a Roaring Elbow
- Two punches followed by a shoot kick followed by a spinning backfist followed by a Dropkick
- Three Knife Edge Chops followed by two European Uppercuts followed by a knee strike to the chest followed by a clothesline

Signature Moves:
- Inverted atomic drop followed by a Exploder suplex
- Demise Driver: Shin breaker followed by a Backdrop Driver
- Overhead Belly-To-Belly Suplex, sometimes into the turnbuckle
- German Suplex(es)
- Shining Wizard to a cornered opponent, pulls them out and lifts his opponent with a vertical suplex and drops him with a Brainbuster Onto The Knee
- Turnbuckle powerbomb to the opponent followed by a Discus clothesline as the opponents stumbles out
- Blind Bombshell: Elbow Suicida
- Running dropkick from the floor to a rope hung opponent
- Lou thesz press followed by mounted punches
- Even Flow DDT, followed by a kip-up
- Running Swinging Neckbreaker
- Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker
- Snap scoop powerslam
- Dragon screw legwhip
- Emerald Flowsion
- Facewash
- Camel Clutch
- Calf slicer

Bio:(Back story, gimmick of your character. This is the important part.) Drake Bernard was born and grew up in Manhattan, New York City. He graduated from high school where he was a member of football team. Bernard always wanted to become a combat fighter so he studied Boxing and Mixed martial arts both. But his uncle, who was a huge fan of wrestling convinced him to give wrestling a shot. Bernard then moved to his uncle in Chicago, Illinois where he spent some time at a wrestling school, honing his skill before heading to Japan and wrestled there, right before moving back into the independent circuit. Then in 2010, Bernard joined WCSF. Bernard started his WCSF career as the "The Deadliest Snake" and been wrestling there for almost 3 years before WCSF went out of business. He won the lottery in 2013 and made the right use of that lottery win. He now owns several dozens businesses, from race tracks, to restaurants, to car lots, to payday loans joints, to several construction firms and one hell of a lot of real estate, rental properties and business space.

Now Bernard has fully dropped the "The Deadliest Snake" gimmick and has dubbed himself as "The Player". Bernard's just being himself now, He's not that old serious Drake Bernard anymore, He has learned to live on the fun side of life. Bernard's role is a ruthless, greedy, self-important egotistical heel plain and simple. He cheats to win, and is proud of doing so, never looks up to anyone, and truly believes he is the Greatness at its best. He never sucks up the fans, he never acts politically correct, and he doesn't live off the past. Bernard has never pretended to be anything more than he is. His trademark talking style has the ability to get under people's skin because he downright insults or humiliates whoever is in his face. Bernard could be a good guy when he needs something from you, he's willing to work with you as long as it suits him. Drake Bernard has all the elements that a wrestler needs to be the best.
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Last edited by PhenomRocks on Jul 01, '14, 5:36 pm, edited 28 times in total.
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Re: Character Sign-up Thread

Postby AaronReed » Jun 06, '14, 6:17 pm

Name of your character: “The Arcangel of Anarchy” Aaron Reed
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 225 lbs
Home Town: St. Louis, MO

Entrance Music: Renegades of Funk by Rage Against the Machine
Entrance Style: Reed approaches the ring fairly generically, but once he gets to the ring apron, he pauses and rests his head on the ropes before rocking back and scowling at the fans.

Finishing Moves(s):

Crossbow- A running and/or diving bull hammer elbow.

Old Testament- A DDT with Reed’s arms hooked under his opponent’s left armpit.

(Big Match) Snapdriver- Reed grabs his opponent’s leg, and wraps his arm under their knee. He drags the opponent over to one of the corners of the ring, and climbs up to the second rope backwards. Reed jumps off the rope and snaps his opponent’s back on the mat.

Signature Moves/Wrestling Style: Stylistically, most of Reed’s moves are designed to be surprising and versatile. His matches are very heavy in the ring psychology department. Due to Reed’s size, it is very important that all of his moves look devastating for the sake of believability.

-Remember Me?- Swinging belly-to-back suplex during which Reed never actually lifts his opponent.
-Doomed- Reed front flips into an elbow drop from an elevated position.
-Curb Stomp
-Figure Four
-Wheel Kick
-European Uppercut

Bio: (Back story, gimmick of your character. This is the important part.)

Aaron Reed is better known for his SOS/IOW ring name Doom. He is a former SOS Tag Team Champion as part of Apocalypse. At one point, he held the SOS Tag Titles, was receiving a strong push in IOW (with a faction on the way) and owned/operated CAWA.

After the SWA territories went out of business, Reed went to Japan wrestling as Doom. During a match in Tokyo, he injured his neck and missed over a year after having several vertebrate fused. He at first attempted to rehab and return to the ring, but gave up and collected on an insurance policy instead. During the recovery period, he became addicted to Vicodin. That addiction, as well as depression over his career prospects, pushed Reed to heroin. His wife (former SOS personality Black Widow) left him and took Reed’s two young children with her. Filled with resentment and with nothing left to drive him, Aaron Reed has come to PSW to burn the establishment to the ground. He wants to take revenge on his former SOS co-workers (resenting the way their legacies are celebrated) and the fans who have forgotten him.
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Re: Character Sign-up Thread

Postby saucernips » Jun 21, '14, 3:52 pm

The Filth & The Fury

Damon Hill
6'3 / 255lbs - Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Finishing Move: Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Lariat (Rainmaker)

Johnny Jones
6'0 / 220lbs - London, England
Finishing Move: Machine Gun Etiquette (Sick Kick)

Tag Team Finishing Move: 24 Hour Revenge Therapy (Hill lifts the opponent up into a suplex position and Jones hits a springboard crossbody)

Entrance Music: Pretty Vacant by The Sex Pistols
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Re: Character Sign-up Thread

Postby prophet » Jun 21, '14, 4:01 pm

saucernips wrote:Damon Hill

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