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What is your weirdest pet peeve?

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What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby Buck » Mar 16, '14, 11:09 pm

As the title says, time to fess up about your most strange, annoying and petty things that piss you off.

Mine is so petty but for some reason it still annoys me. The way some people pronounce the name of a certain popular candy containing chocolate and peanut butter. Reese's. Notice the apostrophe? Apparently a lot of people don't.


See for some reason people pronounce it "reese-ees" instead of the correct "reese-ez".

See, Reese's were invented by a guy named H.B. Reese, hense they are "Reese's" candies. See this cheesy '80s TV ad:

Not enough proof for you? Then take their spin-off candy, Reese's Pieces. They were named as such because the two words rhyme. It's what they call a play on words.

I argue these points with people who are close to me, and they still deny that their pronunciation is improper, even after the overwhelming evidence. Fricken stubborn people I say.

So in closing, I think whoever came up with the "reese-ees" pronunciation should never be allowed to eat "reese-ees" ever again. Also, he should be shot in the throat. Just sayin.

What's your weirdest pet peeve? I wanna see some fucked up rants here.
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Mar 17, '14, 12:22 pm

Nothing grates me more than seeing one of our next-door neighbours some extra rubbish into our bin on collection day.

Now, I'm very pro-recycling and try to do everything I can. I make sure our bins are not over-flowing (simple method of just pressing it down!) and considering we had a big household until recently, not an easy task.

Now, this next door neighbour has another two people in the house yet their bin always gets full up quickly. So it annoys me whenever he shoves an extra bag in ours. He's done it a few times already so my plan, rather than say something, is to wait until he puts his bin out and then put ours out.

It shouldn't annoy me but as the thread requested, I delivered.
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby Hanley! » Mar 17, '14, 12:27 pm

Here's one related to the forum: Giant signatures or particularly several signatures at the one time. It takes up an irritating amount of the screen. I feel like a place called "pubtalk" should feature more "talk" than pictures. :P

Plus, signatures are supposed to serve as a kind of identifier anyway. But if the person has several, others won't really form a link in their minds between the images and the person in question.
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby PorkChop » Mar 17, '14, 12:29 pm

AkydefGoldberg wrote:Nothing grates me more than seeing one of our next-door neighbours some extra rubbish into our bin on collection day.

Spoken as a true British man :lol
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Mar 17, '14, 12:51 pm

PorkChop wrote:
AkydefGoldberg wrote:Nothing grates me more than seeing one of our next-door neighbours some extra rubbish into our bin on collection day.

Spoken as a true British man :lol

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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby Everlong » Mar 17, '14, 12:53 pm

Hanley! wrote:Here's one related to the forum: Giant signatures or particularly several signatures at the one time. It takes up an irritating amount of the screen. I feel like a place called "pubtalk" should feature more "talk" than pictures. :P

Plus, signatures are supposed to serve as a kind of identifier anyway. But if the person has several, others won't really form a link in their minds between the images and the person in question.

Yeah, we may need to implement a rule about this :lol
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby Hanley! » Mar 17, '14, 7:18 pm

Also people saying GOAT. It never bugged me that much, but use of the term seems to have exploded. A lot of the time it's used where it doesn't even really go.
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby Daz » Mar 18, '14, 4:52 pm

I despise people at Q + A's. All of them.

They always do exactly the same thing. Proclaim to be the biggest fan ever, show off a shitty/creepy tattoo they've had done, preach that they've been a fan longer than anyone, then proceed to ask the most redundant question that's been answered a hundred and one times, that if they'd been as big a fan as they've announced to the world they are, should already know the answer to. Also, they always ask to get something signed or get a picture, showing a complete lack of regard for everyone else who may want an asinine question answered. Q + A's roll up everything that bothers me about other people and rolls it into one intolerable format.
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby Settee » Mar 18, '14, 4:57 pm

Everlong wrote:
Hanley! wrote:Here's one related to the forum: Giant signatures or particularly several signatures at the one time. It takes up an irritating amount of the screen. I feel like a place called "pubtalk" should feature more "talk" than pictures. :P

Plus, signatures are supposed to serve as a kind of identifier anyway. But if the person has several, others won't really form a link in their minds between the images and the person in question.

Yeah, we may need to implement a rule about this :lol

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Thanks for the Sig Tim!
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby Str8Shooter » Mar 18, '14, 5:10 pm

Hanley! wrote:Also people saying GOAT. It never bugged me that much, but use of the term seems to have exploded. A lot of the time it's used where it doesn't even really go.

This entire craze begins and ends with DanielsonthaGOAT.
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby Twister » Mar 18, '14, 5:31 pm

People that get caught up in trends on Facebook that involve sharing, liking or posting some sort of inane photo "in aid" of some sort of cause (i.e: "Like this photo of an abused dead dog if you're against animal abuse" "share this photo to help cure cancer").

I sound heartless, I'm not, I totally get the sentiment. But I just don't see what sharing a photo of animal abuse or what ever on Facebook will do to stop it or make a difference. I mean for a start most of these photo's are probably fake, photoshopped or taken out of context since most of the time they have no official source or link and are just posted by some random page or individual. If you really care, donate or do some charity work for said cause. People think they're doing their bit by simply clicking the "share" button but they're just paying lip service to something that might not even be genuine anyway.

There's a thing going round at the moment where women are taking selfies with no make-up on, apparently to raise awareness of breast cancer. I did some digging and actually found out that the original reason people were doing these selfies was in support of Kim Novak who in a nutshell got ridiculed over her looks at the Oscars. Nothing to do with breast cancer at all :lol Gotta love social networking Chinese Whispers.
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Last edited by Twister on Mar 18, '14, 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby prophet » Mar 18, '14, 5:44 pm

When I'm driving and some twat has pressed the button at the bus stop but has either crossed anyway or simply pissed off.

When I let someone out at a junction and they don't give me the obligatory 'thank you' hand wave.

People who choose to sit at the table on a train even though they're on their own.

Chavvy teenage bellends at football who put too much emphasis on the word 'fuck' and other expletives when chanting simply because they're happy to be saying a swear word.

Aforementioned pricks thinking they look cool smoking e-cigarettes when they actually look like top notch wankers.

People that like TOWIE or Joey Essex.
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby DBSoT » Mar 18, '14, 5:46 pm

Daz wrote:I despise people at Q + A's. All of them.

They always do exactly the same thing. Proclaim to be the biggest fan ever, show off a shitty/creepy tattoo they've had done, preach that they've been a fan longer than anyone, then proceed to ask the most redundant question that's been answered a hundred and one times, that if they'd been as big a fan as they've announced to the world they are, should already know the answer to. Also, they always ask to get something signed or get a picture, showing a complete lack of regard for everyone else who may want an asinine question answered. Q + A's roll up everything that bothers me about other people and rolls it into one intolerable format.
Yes! 1000 times Yes! Ironically I like AMAs on Reddit because the best questions make their way to the top and repetitive BS is weeded out.
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby Twister » Mar 18, '14, 5:58 pm

prophet wrote:When I let someone out at a junction and they don't give me the obligatory 'thank you' hand wave.

I get serious road rage when people don't say thank you when the situation calls. How hard is it??
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby iMike » Mar 19, '14, 1:27 pm

When my sister leaves the apartment and doesn't lock the door on her way out.
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Mar 19, '14, 4:15 pm

Twister wrote:There's a thing going round at the moment where women are taking selfies with no make-up on, apparently to raise awareness of breast cancer. I did some digging and actually found out that the original reason people were doing these selfies was in support of Kim Novak who in a nutshell got ridiculed over her looks at the Oscars. Nothing to do with breast cancer at all :lol Gotta love social networking Chinese Whispers.

I was baffled as to why this was going on and tbh, it just seems a "craze" that girls are doing to show their support for breast cancer. I don't see the correlation between breast cancer and doing a selfie without make up. I don't see the natural thought process behind it.

It's like if men wanted to raise awareness of testicular cancer and they decided to take a selfie as soon as they got up in the morning, it's like "OK but how does that raise awareness?"
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby Twister » Mar 19, '14, 5:49 pm

AkydefGoldberg wrote:
Twister wrote:There's a thing going round at the moment where women are taking selfies with no make-up on, apparently to raise awareness of breast cancer. I did some digging and actually found out that the original reason people were doing these selfies was in support of Kim Novak who in a nutshell got ridiculed over her looks at the Oscars. Nothing to do with breast cancer at all :lol Gotta love social networking Chinese Whispers.

I was baffled as to why this was going on and tbh, it just seems a "craze" that girls are doing to show their support for breast cancer. I don't see the correlation between breast cancer and doing a selfie without make up. I don't see the natural thought process behind it.

It's like if men wanted to raise awareness of testicular cancer and they decided to take a selfie as soon as they got up in the morning, it's like "OK but how does that raise awareness?"

I don't see the connection either, what irritated me the most was that people were taking these selfie's, nominating other women to do the same thing and then thinking that was their bit done, no donation or anything to encourage anyone else to donate. Just a photo of themselves with no makeup on, whoop de do - like that is gonna help in the fight against cancer. I actually said something on facebook about how I didn't understand what a selfie had to do with breast cancer and lost a couple of fb friends over it. :lol I think they thought I was bashing the cause or something, I wasn't. I just didn't understand what posting a selfie with no form of donation or sponsorship would achieve. Lot's of people said it was 'raising awareness', but surely it would be more beneficial to raise awareness by posting useful information on how to check yourself or what symptoms to look out for and stuff like that, rather than a selfie, which you see all over fb and twitter anyway *shrug* Maybe I was just missing the point.

It appears that this has actually become a 'thing' now and Cancer Research have cottoned on and are now encouraging people to do it and donate, which Is good and I guess the 'campaign' is working in a way. I feel like a bit of a dick for criticising the craze but I still stand by the fact that originally some people were doing it because of the whole "omg i'm not wearing any makeup" thing rather than actually wanting to raise awareness for a good cause. At least that's the impression I got from my news feed the past couple of days. I won't be doing it, I don't wear make up anyway really so it would be no different than any other photo. But I may donate as I haven't in a while and I have some spare cash from my birthday.
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby Locke » Mar 20, '14, 11:19 am

My wife doesn't do this because she finds "super feminine" people to be lousy douchebags, but my sister is so idiotically feminist and anti-anything-that-could-possibly-be-construed-as-politically-incorrect-even-if-she-has-to-force-it-or-try-to-find-a-reason-for-it-to-be so of course she's all about this:

She yells at me (or rather, used to when I lived at home) to put the seat down when I'm done pissing.

My thoughts: I have to put it up to piss. Your lazy ass can put it down to piss. END OF FUCKING STORY
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby PorkChop » Mar 20, '14, 11:28 am

Locke wrote:My wife doesn't do this because she finds "super feminine" people to be lousy douchebags, but my sister is so idiotically feminist and anti-anything-that-could-possibly-be-construed-as-politically-incorrect-even-if-she-has-to-force-it-or-try-to-find-a-reason-for-it-to-be so of course she's all about this:

She yells at me (or rather, used to when I lived at home) to put the seat down when I'm done pissing.

My thoughts: I have to put it up to piss. Your lazy ass can put it down to piss. END OF FUCKING STORY

Having lived with my mum and sister for many years, the toilet seat up/down thing annoyed me too.
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Re: What is your weirdest pet peeve?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Mar 21, '14, 12:55 pm

Twister wrote:
AkydefGoldberg wrote:
Twister wrote:There's a thing going round at the moment where women are taking selfies with no make-up on, apparently to raise awareness of breast cancer. I did some digging and actually found out that the original reason people were doing these selfies was in support of Kim Novak who in a nutshell got ridiculed over her looks at the Oscars. Nothing to do with breast cancer at all :lol Gotta love social networking Chinese Whispers.

I was baffled as to why this was going on and tbh, it just seems a "craze" that girls are doing to show their support for breast cancer. I don't see the correlation between breast cancer and doing a selfie without make up. I don't see the natural thought process behind it.

It's like if men wanted to raise awareness of testicular cancer and they decided to take a selfie as soon as they got up in the morning, it's like "OK but how does that raise awareness?"


Yeah I didn't realise that it was you took a picture, nominated others and paid £3. I thought it was just a no make up selfie and that's it. But I've hardly seen many pictures with links to donating the money - it has just been the picture and the nominations. Apparently £1m has been raised in 24 hrs so great for the cause.
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