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What do you want the Summerslam main event to be?

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Summerslam main event

Lesnar vs Roman
Lesnar vs Strowman
Lesnar vs Joe rematch
Lesnar vs Roman vs Strowman
No votes
Lesnar vs Roman vs Strowman vs Joe
Total votes : 7

What do you want the Summerslam main event to be?

Postby KaiserGlider » Jul 09, '17, 11:34 pm

Given how much of an absolute fucking terminator BRAUN has been built as, the 50/50 finish to the Braun/Reigns ambulance match, Reigns declaring himself the #1 contender for Summerslam a while ago, and Joe looking like he's not finished yet, I feel like any of these are possible.

Lesnar vs Braun is something I want to see, but it still doesn't seem like Braun is finished with Roman, so that could pose a problem if Reigns wants Lesnar. So we could be looking at rematches at Summerslam.

A four-way between these guys would likely destroy the planet, so there's some risk there.
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Re: What do you want the Summerslam main event to be?

Postby SlightlyJames » Jul 10, '17, 5:40 am

I feel like Lesnar vs Braun is the match most people want to see. Considering how rarely Brock is around it would be pretty easy to keep them apart until April so I think it makes sense to save that match for Wrestlemania. If they can keep Strowman hot until January I could see him winning the Royal Rumble (which would probably be the first satisfying Rumble win since like 2010 when Edge come back and won it)

It seems like sooner or later we're destined to get Roman vs Brock again. If it happens at Summerslam I feel like it would indicate they've got something a bit more interesting in the pipeline for both guys at Wrestlemania, from that perspective I would prefer that they just get it out of the way next month.

That does leave Joe out in the cold, though, which would be a shame. It feels like it's taken him a good while to find any momentum on Raw and I worry that if he's brushed aside here it would put all the work of the last month to waste. It's not the time for Roman to win, but they're going to want to protect him. Considering Lesnar is going to disappear after this show, it seems quite likely that Joe gets himself involved and costs Reigns the title.
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Re: What do you want the Summerslam main event to be?

Postby prophet » Jul 10, '17, 11:20 am

Brock vs Joe vs Braun vs Roman. Buckle up boys.

Realistically though I'd want Brock vs Roman because that'd likely mean they're not going to do that at Wrestlemania.
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Re: What do you want the Summerslam main event to be?

Postby Hanley! » Jul 10, '17, 11:57 am


By which I mean that none of the matches really excite me all that much on paper at this point. So with several weeks to go before Summerslam, I'd be hoping for a really great angle to get me invested in whatever the main event ends up being. I'm not opposed to any of the matches listed above, I'd just need a little motivation to get fully behind them.

For what it's worth, the Lesnar vs Joe angle was booked very well. But for the biggest show of the summer, I'd hope to see them keep up that momentum and give us a feud with a little more depth and where it looks like the challenger might actually defeat Lesnar.
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Re: What do you want the Summerslam main event to be?

Postby VaderBomb » Jul 10, '17, 5:04 pm

I had been hoping that Lesnar vs Reigns would take place at SummerSlam to avoid it main eventing next year's Mania as well. It seems to me that if they were going that route then Reigns would have won at GBOF.

My guess is the two big Samoans go at it while Lesnar takes a short beating from Strowman and finishes him off in the Championship match. I'll vote against my wishes. Tonight's Raw will be pretty telling.
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Re: What do you want the Summerslam main event to be?

Postby DBSoT » Jul 11, '17, 7:52 am

Lesnar vs Joe. I would also accept Lesnar vs Joe vs Braun. As much as I would like to get the Reigns-Lesnar match over with, I also am just tired of seeing Reigns garner every accomplishment imaginable.
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