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World Book Day - what you reading?

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World Book Day - what you reading?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Mar 02, '17, 4:04 pm

I caught The Rock's first autobiography at a charity shop for a couple of quid and bought it and it's a bargain!

I knew this book had done well when it was released on the New York Times list and I'd assumed it was a more cartoonish, in-character sort of book but pleasantly surprised. I know his story but some of the stories shocked me such as Rock getting beat up by a gang of 18 year olds and his old man confronting them.

What are you reading atm? I've got a 10 quid Amazon voucher so keen to purchase some books..
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Re: World Book Day - what you reading?

Postby Hanley! » Mar 02, '17, 4:38 pm

I just finished reading Under Major Domo Minor by Patrick DeWitt last week. It's a weird, twisted sort of fairy tale which is funny in a dark sort of way. I enjoyed it a lot.

I'm currently reading Arcanum Unbounded, which is a book of "short" stories by Brandon Sanderson - my favourite living fantasy author. This one was a Christmas present, signed by the author himself, so I've been looking forward to digging into it. I've left it in my desk at work and I've been reading it on breaks when I'm not socialising with co-workers.

While at home, I've been reading through some of the newest volume of Fables. I'm not usually someone to read two different books at the same time, but reading a graphic novel and a collection of short stories at the same time isn't as jarring for me - I don't feel like I'm losing momentum with either one.

I've been in a real mood for reading lately. Part of it is that I want to write a bit more frequently over the next few weeks and I always find that I'm more enthusiastic about writing when I'm reading a lot too.
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Re: World Book Day - what you reading?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Mar 03, '17, 2:37 pm

I think I've read only one fictional book tbh - never really tempted me but I might read the Bourne books at some point.

Any books of a non-fictional nature that anyone has enjoyed reading? I'm intrigued on reading on some of America's great sports heroes - first name that popped in my head was Michael Jordan or Kareem Abdul Jabbar even.
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Re: World Book Day - what you reading?

Postby KaiserGlider » Mar 03, '17, 9:40 pm

I've been on a John Grisham binge for a while, hunting down the last few books now.

Currently reading a book full of short stories by Edgar Allan Poe.
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Re: World Book Day - what you reading?

Postby PorkChop » Mar 04, '17, 3:30 am

AkydefGoldberg wrote:I think I've read only one fictional book tbh - never really tempted me but I might read the Bourne books at some point.

I don't read fiction either. I've never been able to get into it, even as a kid. The last fiction book I read was the fourth Harry Potter book, which didn't really do anything for me.

I'm currently reading a couple of books on home electrics and plumbing - I did a weekend course in plumbing back in January just to get a better knowledge of it, and I'm hoping to do the same with home electrics. They're skills we all need at some point.
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Re: World Book Day - what you reading?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Mar 25, '17, 9:41 am

Finished The Rock's book - hope this rumoured second book of his is just as enthralling as this first edition was. I didn't keep up pace with the kayfabe stuff as much but hearing the stories about his old man confronting Rock's teenage bullies and his father's subsequent alcohol battles etc was heart-warming. Bret Hart's book is the best one I've read, however Rock's is in second place in front of Jericho's second book (incidentally, how many books does that dude have, churns them out unnecessarily for me!)
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