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New creative ways to book the Royal Rumble?

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New creative ways to book the Royal Rumble?

Postby Headlesspete » Dec 04, '16, 6:19 pm

So i was talking to a friend about new things WWE should try in the Rumble that fans wouldn't see coming, because while returning superstars are a nice surprise, its almost expected every year now, so new ways to surprise us would be great. Here's a few i was thinking.

1. Have the WWE or Universal Champion enter as a surprise. I can totally see AJ or Owens entering as a way to ensure they don't have to defend the title at WrestleMania, or be the first Champion to win the Rumble too! It would be such a cocky thing for them to pull, and again, a shock as no one would expect the champion to enter.

2. Have a 31st entrant! I felt they should have done this last year with Triple H. Have the 30 men enter, and then after 2 minutes, the timer ticks down again, and Triple H enters as an extra 31st entrant. Again, imagine the shock of that could down timer going off when all 30 have entered.

3. Having tag teams enter on one number! It should only be done for maybe 2 teams (the current tag team champions on both brands maybe?). Maybe when Cesaro and Sheamus win the tag titles, they get told they only get one Royal Rumble number, and have to battle for it. A double countout or pin, and Foley declare they BOTH get that number and enter as a pair. Storyline wise, maybe when one is eliminated the other is too, so they have to keep trying to save each other in order to save themselves. So much story potential right there!

So yeah, a few new ideas.
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Re: New creative ways to book the Royal Rumble?

Postby JPG619 » Dec 04, '16, 6:26 pm

I really like the tag team one, that really spices things up and it kind of makes tag teams turn their backs on each other in the later stages of the rumble that is if they both last that long
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Re: New creative ways to book the Royal Rumble?

Postby The Legend » Dec 04, '16, 11:01 pm

The 31st entrant one could be interesting given the right story and the right guy to pull it off with a good reason. Honestly though, those things would all just create minor moments in the Rumble it wouldn't really freshen things up all that much. I'd like to see them do something that made the Rumble feel different than it usually does every few years. Something like the Vince/Austin Rumble situation or the hardcore Rumble. Something totally different for a change.
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Re: New creative ways to book the Royal Rumble?

Postby Str8Shooter » Dec 04, '16, 11:12 pm

Have a surprise winner, or a surprise finalist if nothing else. Usually it's the same 4 or 5 guys who might win, sometimes even less than that. It would be cool to see someone out of the blue win, like a midcard guy. It would shock and give a big moment to someone new.

Even if you had a match on Raw or SD the next month where the person has to defend their Mania spot and loses. It could shake things up.
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Re: New creative ways to book the Royal Rumble?

Postby Locke » Dec 04, '16, 11:18 pm

They've already fucked the Bork Lazer thing, since Goldberg smashed him. So allow Bork and Berg to be in there at the same time. Let them duke it out for like 10+ contestants, and then have AJ come out. Have AJ do his amazing flippy shit and side kick Berg in the head to knock him to the outside ropes where he stands on the apron, have Bork charge AJ and him jump and avoid it making Bork eliminate Berg, then have AJ do his lapelle (sp?) kick in a twisty flashy backwards motion and have Bork tumble over the ropes onto Berg. Have AJ go on to win the entire fucking thing.

Everyone wins. Bork and Berg look golden, Bork gets a win back, Berg goes out on his back, and AJ gets the pop from the dominate Berg + the 1 in 21 Bork. Signed, sealed, delivered.
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Re: New creative ways to book the Royal Rumble?

Postby Hanley! » Dec 05, '16, 4:39 pm

I hate the tag team idea. I basically feels like an excuse to get more random job guys into the match, which is the last thing the match needs. I also just don't think it makes sense. It gives those guys an unfair advantage, and if they win it leads to a triple threat match at Wrestlemania which we've seen enough of for a while.

The champion in the Rumble match isn't something I like either, unless the right story is there. I don't think it makes sense for a GM to let their champion be in the Rumble match. But I pitched an idea for a story last year whereby a heel with the Money in the Bank wins a match on Raw to secure the #30 spot in the Royal Rumble. Then at the Royal Rumble pay per view, he cashes in the briefcase to win the title. Then he comes out at #30 (because the spot was already sealed as being his), wins the Rumble and doesn't have to defend the title at Wrestlemania. Obviously later on in the story a Wrestlemania match would be made, but it'd make for great drama and heel heat there for a while.

The 31st entrant would have been a great idea last year. It only works with the heel Authority figure involved though. But in that specific scenario it would have really gone down a treat.

In general I don't think you need to change the match to freshen it up. It just needs to be booked better. It used to be used to continue feuds and establish new feuds, and there used to be several stories developed in one Rumble. Now it feels like outside the couple of main event guys that might actually win, there's no story there. So that's the first thing I'd change. If I was booking the Rumble, I'd come up with the few stories that I wanted to develop in the match and come up with unique ways of booking each.

Announcing people early is another thing that hasn't been done much in recent years, so I'm glad that they've bucked the trend with Goldberg and Lesnar at least. Giving the audience at least a month to familiarise themselves with the top 8 performers with the best chance of winning and make a real case for why all of them might win.

Vary up the big spots a little too. Just having Kofi Kingston save himself in a creative way every year isn't enough. In fact, why do it with Kingston every time? That's stale. Give those spots to someone else - one of them might be able to do something more unique and spectacular than he can manage after this many years. Then there's the eliminations. They could change things up with some less expected eliminations. Midcarders eliminating main eventers (we still remember that Maven/Undertaker moment for a reason), big names going out early sometimes. Keep us guessing.

I'd love to see a really strong performance from an NXT call up or a midcarder like Cesaro or Sami Zayn this year. Have them last the whole match and reach the final 2. Really sell that they might pick up a surprise win. They can then get eliminated by the actual winner, but at least it'd be a different sort of moment and could help create a new big star for later in the year.
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Re: New creative ways to book the Royal Rumble?

Postby DBSoT » Dec 05, '16, 5:50 pm

I had an idea for one of the NXT competitors, but it wouldn't really change the match itself. The idea was basically built for Samoa Joe. The night before the Royal Rumble there will be an NXT Takeover event. Have the main event of that show be a NXT Royal Rumble match (15-20 guys max). The winner of that match gets an official main roster contract and a guaranteed spot in the Royal Rumble match. They also get to choose which brand they want to go to. Have Samoa Joe win the NXT rumble. Don't have him announce which brand he is going to at first. Essentially make him a highly sought after free agent. You could also have him win the Royal Rumble and really give some intrigue as to which brand/title he chooses. Have him show up on both brands and have the GMs try to court him. It also opens up the possibilities for some interesting feuds.

- Samoa Joe vs Kevin Owens (C) - We never really got to see the Owens/Joe feud completely flesh out in NXT. Both guys have top mic skills and ring ability. It would also be interesting to watch Owens get mad about Joe being courted to "his" brand.

- Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles (C) - We may have seen this in TNA, but it might be time to see it on the big stage. Who could put on a better match than these two? They could talk about how they both came from the same places, but AJ could hold his current success over Joe's head. Claiming that he didn't have to waste his best years in NXT. It would be a modified version of the Zayn/Owens feud from NXT, but this would be less about past friendship and more about competitive guys with similar pasts.

- Samoa Joe vs Roman Reigns (C) - Play up the Samoan angle. Have Joe claim that he thinks Roman gives his heritage a bad name and that Joe is what a real Samoan champion looks like. I kind of like the idea of Joe calling Roman out for his family name getting him opportunities, while Joe had to wallow in the indies/TNA for years. Joe would be one of the few past indy guys that would look quite intimidating standing next to Reigns as well.

- Samoa Joe vs John Cena (C) - Would likely be a rehash of the Styles/Cena feud and tough to sell considering that feud is pretty fresh. The match would be a dream match though.

- Samoa Joe vs the Undertaker - This would be if Joe doesn't win the rumble. Undertaker comes back to challenge the hottest free agent in WWE. This keeps Joe out of the title picture for Mania, but gives him a high profile match.
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Re: New creative ways to book the Royal Rumble?

Postby Everlong » Dec 06, '16, 9:17 am

I have a crazy idea, actually.

1. Build up a strong, new face that the fans actually organically like and get behind.

2. Create tension between this strong face and the big heel champion.

3. Have the face that fans actually like win the Rumble and take on the heel champion.
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Re: New creative ways to book the Royal Rumble?

Postby Headlesspete » Dec 07, '16, 12:41 pm

Hanley! wrote:I hate the tag team idea. I basically feels like an excuse to get more random job guys into the match, which is the last thing the match needs. I also just don't think it makes sense. It gives those guys an unfair advantage, and if they win it leads to a triple threat match at Wrestlemania which we've seen enough of for a while.

How are Sheamus and Cesaro "Job Guys"? Based on the story they have, it would make complete sense that they would both want to win the Royal Rumble and be rid of the other. And based on how much Foley wants them to team together, the idea of him forcing them to "share" a number would make it more dramatic. The match could be really well built, with them both trying to save the other from elimination, but hating each other still, to the point where when one of them does get eliminated, it could be when the other seems destined to win.
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Re: New creative ways to book the Royal Rumble?

Postby Hanley! » Dec 07, '16, 4:35 pm

I didn't say they were job guys, but most of the tag team guys would be. So you either do this for all tag teams, which would suck because you're just cramming the match with more filler. Or you do it for only one or two teams, in which case the answer is why? What's the logic behind it? Why would two wrestlers have to share a number? It puts them at a disadvantage and halves their prize if they do win. Why would a GM put a wrestler in that position. Foley is a face GM - forcing Cesaro and Sheamus into this position would be a dick move. And if he wants them to be a tag team so bad, surely he's going to be opposed to them going for a singles title shot anyway?

I just don't think the idea makes sense. I can understand the type of drama you're aiming for with it, but while the destination is interesting, there's no logical way to get there.
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