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Should Cena tie Flair's record?

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Cena ties Flair?

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Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby Str8Shooter » Sep 14, '16, 10:07 am

So Cena is now in a Triple Threat against Ambrose and AJ for the title at No Mercy. He made a big point about the last big thing for his career is to tie Flair's record for most reigns.

Now do you think Cena should tie Flair's record? I don't mean in this match necessarily, I mean ever. Some would like to see the Flair record stand.

I don't see how you don't do it. It's a rare story that may not come along again, certainly for a long time. Orton is at 12, I don't see him getting there. Trips is at 14 I believe? I don't see him winning another although some would disagree :lol . Reigns might get there someday but who knows with his reactions. Now is the time to strike and I think Cena's a big enough Legend for it to make sense.
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby DBSoT » Sep 14, '16, 10:28 am

Might as well. Records are made to be broken. My hope is that Cena ties Flair, goes on a decent title reign, drops the title at Summerslam to a top face and then retires. I have nothing against Cena anymore. He did his job and put guys over, took a drop to the midcard and was entertaining throughout. He should be rewarded for that.

*Edit* I do find it odd that Cena gets a title shot though. He lost to the current champ, leaves and then is given a title shot. Very odd.
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby Hanley! » Sep 14, '16, 12:35 pm

What are the merits of a Cena title reign at this point?

I agree that records are made to be broken, though I wish the record had never become this high to begin with. 16 world title reigns for one person is too many. Anyway, while I'm fine with the record being broken - I'm even fine with Cena breaking the record - what I don't agree with is breaking the record for the sake of it. If someone is winning the belt, I want it to be because that's the right person to hold the championship at the time based on storylines and how over they are. Not just so the commentators can update their stats sheets.

I don't think anyone gets anything out of a new Cena title reign. He's done everything he can as top babyface. We've seen it all before. Him on top would feel like a regression at the moment after the last two years. His character has benefited so much from his midcard run and mixing it up with new people. He helps establish the odd up and coming star, and is fresher as a character now even when he's going over on the younger talent.

There is money in a heel world champion run for Cena still, if they wanted to go that direction. But a run on top as a babyface doesn't seem necessary. He's doing great in his current role.

That being said, if they want to have Cena fight and fight to get another chance at beating Styles, and he finally gets it at Wrestlemania and wins the title, at least that would be a good story, a good match and a good moment. I'd have no problem with putting the title on him in that scenario. But even then, it'd probably be a short reign, because nobody wants to see the likes of him and Orton fighting for the belt again.

They don't need to force it with him at this point, is what I'm saying.
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby Str8Shooter » Sep 14, '16, 1:17 pm

Hanley! wrote:What are the merits of a Cena title reign at this point?

Look at that Smackdown roster though? It's almost inevitable that Cena will get it at some point, unless he switches back to Raw anytime soon. You have Ambrose/Styles/Orton, and maybe Bray Wyatt as the only legit title threats right now. Is anybody other than Styles any more appealing as champ right now than Cena?
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby Hanley! » Sep 14, '16, 4:58 pm

Str8Shooter wrote:Look at that Smackdown roster though? It's almost inevitable that Cena will get it at some point, unless he switches back to Raw anytime soon. You have Ambrose/Styles/Orton, and maybe Bray Wyatt as the only legit title threats right now. Is anybody other than Styles any more appealing as champ right now than Cena?

Not really. But at the same time, they really should be adding depth to Smackdown's roster to make someone else appealing as champ eventually. In fairness to WWE, they got Styles over as a main event talent recently, so they've got a little momentum going in that department.

Probably Cena will work as a transitional champion, but they should be getting someone else over on that sort of level before Wrestlemania this year.
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby The Legend » Sep 14, '16, 5:16 pm

He should break Flair's record. I've enjoyed Cena's career much more and am much more of a fan of his than Flair's.
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby Str8Shooter » Sep 14, '16, 9:09 pm

Hanley! wrote:
Str8Shooter wrote:Look at that Smackdown roster though? It's almost inevitable that Cena will get it at some point, unless he switches back to Raw anytime soon. You have Ambrose/Styles/Orton, and maybe Bray Wyatt as the only legit title threats right now. Is anybody other than Styles any more appealing as champ right now than Cena?

Not really. But at the same time, they really should be adding depth to Smackdown's roster to make someone else appealing as champ eventually.

Hey they added Jack Swagger this week! :P

I don't see why they couldn't add a guy like Sami Zayn or Cesaro. Both guys haven't been doing much of note on Raw, Sami wasn't even on the Summerslam card after his big win over Owens. SD could badly use either one of those guys.
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby KaiserGlider » Sep 15, '16, 12:07 am

No, unless it's really necessary and/or they make a great storyline out of it.
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby CubsIn5 » Sep 15, '16, 10:22 am

Give it to him later this year or at the RR and have him put someone over at 'Mania for it would probably be the best but most predictable direction.
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby VaderBomb » Sep 15, '16, 7:42 pm

Absolutely not.

John Cena has been one of the most divisive and tiring characters in WWE history. Ric Flair is the greatest Champion who ever laced up a pair of boots outside of Japan. It would be a sin for Cena to tie or surpass Flair's record, and I'd honestly be hard pressed to name somebody currently in WWE who I'd book in such a way.
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby PorkChop » Sep 17, '16, 9:53 am

Cena should never have had this many title reigns in the first place.

Looking at it in isolation though, he's benefitted hugely from a midcard run and I don't think it would be the worst idea to give him a title reign at some point, especially since they're challenging Monday Night Football for ratings.

It might also make a half-decent storyline, but knowing WWE, probably not.
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Sep 17, '16, 12:08 pm

I can't remember how long it has been since Cena had the title but if the alternative is someone weak and not credible then why not? Flair's not on TV regularly so they can't drum home the record and how much it means to him as he isn't around. Way WWE will do it is have Flair involved in the match so when Cena does, Flair will shake his hand etc and pat him on the back..
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby Hanley! » Sep 18, '16, 2:35 pm

VaderBomb wrote:Ric Flair is the greatest Champion who ever laced up a pair of boots outside of Japan. It would be a sin for Cena to tie or surpass Flair's record

See, this is where I disagree completely.

Not giving the title to someone just because you don't want them to surpass a record is stupid. It's just as dumb as WWE deciding to keep a championship on someone forever, simply so that they can become the new record holder. This is all putting the cart before the horse.

Statistics are incidental. They shouldn't drive the booking. They should be driven by the booking. You give the title to whoever is the most over and who works best for the current story. End of story. The statistics are just interesting tidbits to be mentioned by the commentators to get the wrestlers and the matches more over.

If a statistic gets over enough, then it can also become part of the story - like the Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak, or even Cena trying to match Flair's record for number of world title reigns. But telling the best story should be the priority. Not manufacturing the most suitable statistic.
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby The Legend » Sep 18, '16, 3:10 pm

^^ I partially agree and disagree with you. I mean yes in a true dramatic fashion statistics don't make for much of a story, but the WWE as storytellers are telling their stories in a much more traditional sports sense these days and in traditional sports the stats are the stories. Guys breaking records are huge moments that people get wrapped up in so I can see why the WWE wants to incorporate that into their storytelling as well.
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby Hanley! » Sep 18, '16, 3:25 pm

But you choose to break these records for the sake of the stories or even the moments themselves. Not to create new records.
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby The Legend » Sep 18, '16, 3:58 pm

Hanley! wrote:But you choose to break these records for the sake of the stories or even the moments themselves. Not to create new records.

That's basically a distinction without a difference.
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Re: Should Cena tie Flair's record?

Postby Hanley! » Sep 23, '16, 1:54 pm

The Legend wrote:That's basically a distinction without a difference.

Your face is a distinction without a difference.
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