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I kind of got someone fired today.

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I kind of got someone fired today.

Postby Viazon » Jun 07, '16, 1:46 pm

I'm feeling a bit bad about it.

Basically, we got some new starters last week. Some of us were tasked with training them for a week, including me. So I was with two guys all week, training them and showing them what to do. One guy seem to get the hang of it. But one guy really struggled. To the point where it started to frustrate me a bit. After a week, he was still getting a lot of stuff wrong and not doing things the right way. Every time he did something wrong, I would tell him so and show him the right way to do things. But it just never seemed to register with him. He would make a mistake and despite tell him what the problem was, he would do the exact same thing just a few minutes later. This happened with a number of different basic tasks that my job entails. And this means the absolute basics. My job is not difficult at all and it really shouldn't take more than a day to learn all the basics. All of the more intricate you learn as you go. But after a week, he was still struggling with the basics.

My team leader asked me for a update on him and how he was coping. As the guy who trained him, I was obligated to tell her the truth. She wasn't impressed and reported it back to the head trainer, who oversees all the training of the newcomers. He is actually supposed to do the training himself. But there is always two head trainers there and one left recently and has yet to be replaced. Which is why they asked various workers there to train them instead. He then came to me for verification of what I told my team leader and told him the same. My team leader then came to me a little while later to tell that he won't me coming back. They had let him go.

I had absolutely no idea that they would fire him just like that and it was definitely not my intention. I figured someone would have a word with him and then he that he needs to get his shit together. But I do understand where they are coming from. The guy was unable to listen to basic instructions and follow them just mere minutes after being told them. If he was unable to do the job properly after doing it for a week and with a trainer standing by him at all times showing him what to do, what would happen when he finally started working on his own? Yesterday was his last day of training so when he came in today, he was going to be working on his own. After I had told them what I told them, they didn't want that to happen, so just let him go.

When they asked me for a update on him, I had to tell them the truth and they actually thanked me for it. But I still feel a bit bad that by telling them that stuff, it directly lead to him losing his job.
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Re: I kind of got someone fired today.

Postby Ali » Jun 07, '16, 1:55 pm

You did the right thing. It was going to be more trouble than it was worth to keep him around if he was struggling with the basics.
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Re: I kind of got someone fired today.

Postby Daz » Jun 07, '16, 2:02 pm

Someone else's ineptitude is not your fault.
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Re: I kind of got someone fired today.

Postby Viazon » Jun 07, '16, 2:11 pm

I am actually quite annoyed that I was put into this position. I didn't want to train anyone but did it anyway. You know, be a good a employee and all that. But this is the actual trainers job. I felt like if I had continued to let him work when he was able to do his job, it would look badly on me because I was the one who trained him. If they asked me to do it again, I'll say no.
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Re: I kind of got someone fired today.

Postby PorkChop » Jun 07, '16, 2:24 pm

I've been in the same position. I used to work in a kitchen and we had some guy join us who was utterly hopeless, both at the job and at life in general. He wasn't sure whether Paris was in France or France was in Paris, and he thought Nasser Hussain was a spaceship.

Don't take it to heart, sometimes it's for the best that these people are let go.
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Re: I kind of got someone fired today.

Postby Str8Shooter » Jun 07, '16, 2:36 pm

Some jobs aren't for some people. You did exactly what you were supposed to. If he was struggling that badly with simple tasks and wasn't able to handle it, then unfortunately this is where it was always headed. It wasn't your decision to let him go, you just told the truth.
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Re: I kind of got someone fired today.

Postby War Daddy » Jun 07, '16, 3:54 pm

Dick move, man.
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Re: I kind of got someone fired today.

Postby Daz » Jun 07, '16, 5:00 pm

PorkChop wrote:I've been in the same position. I used to work in a kitchen and we had some guy join us who was utterly hopeless, both at the job and at life in general. He wasn't sure whether Paris was in France or France was in Paris, and he thought Nasser Hussain was a spaceship.

Don't take it to heart, sometimes it's for the best that these people are let go.

That's insane. Everyone knows Paris is in Belgium and Nasser Hussain is some sort of rice dish.
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Re: I kind of got someone fired today.

Postby Hanley! » Jun 07, '16, 5:20 pm

You did your best to train the guy. You couldn't reasonably cover for him when they asked you how he was progressing, or when he caused problems later it would be traced directly back to you. He had a chance and clearly wasn't a good fit for the job. It really sounds like things worked out a lot cleaner and easier than they could have done. I don't think you have any reason to feel guilty. What else could you have done?
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Re: I kind of got someone fired today.

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Jun 08, '16, 3:23 am

I suppose if you're asked to train next time, you know what the answer will be. It gets irksome when employer give tasks to employees that they shouldn't do or are being asked to do because some person can't pull his finger out and get it done.

But to the OP, if you had lied and said he was good and no problems then it'd have looked bad on you but conversely, they might not have given you a training duty again!

You did the right thing anyway. Plus I imagine in that place, the job ins/outs are fairly quick and regular so that person might have gone eventually.
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Re: I kind of got someone fired today.

Postby DBSoT » Jun 08, '16, 5:12 pm

You should be feeling good. You made your job easier by getting rid of a weak co-worker, look better in your employer's eyes, and the weak employee can go find a position he is likely better at. I know it sucks to lose a job, but it sucks just as much to go to a job you are terrible at. You just bang your head against a wall trying to figure out what you did wrong.
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Re: I kind of got someone fired today.

Postby Twister » Jun 10, '16, 4:27 am

You did the right thing, you were honest. The job obviously wasn't the right one for him.

I understand why you feel bad though, but it's likely he would have got sacked at some point due to his incompetence - better sooner rather than later.
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