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Controversial NJPW Ricochet vs Will Ospreay match

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Controversial NJPW Ricochet vs Will Ospreay match

Postby Str8Shooter » May 31, '16, 1:32 pm

For those who may not have heard this story, these are two of the best high fliers in the World today and they had a match a few days ago that was both widely praised and criticized as well for it's "showiness". Vader came out on twitter and ripped it and it's created a spirited discussion online since for and against. Well New Japan uploaded the full match to take advantage of this. So see for yourself and say what you think.

The match is only up until June 7th apparently so hurry while you can.

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Re: Controversial NJPW Ricochet vs Will Ospreay match

Postby prophet » May 31, '16, 2:40 pm

Match of the year so far, hands down.

I don't get the critique that the match didn't have any psychology. You have the 'Future of Flight' going up against the 'Aerial Assassin'; the two were trying to out-fly each other because that's what they do. Sure they both could've spent longer selling to get a bit more emotion out of the match but the reality was two Gaijin were main eventing a New Japan show - when does that happen? They were trying to show-off and cram as much as they could into the time-slot; good on them.

You've got these two amazing high flyers in the main event, fighting in the Super Junior tournament, and they knocked it out of the fucking park. I do actually get where Vader is coming from in some aspects but modern wrestling has evolved and he needs to deal with that.

Ospreay continuing to show why he's the best in the world. >>>>>
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Re: Controversial NJPW Ricochet vs Will Ospreay match

Postby Daz » May 31, '16, 4:24 pm

The whole "controversy" and accusations that there's no story telling was based on 10 second gif. You wouldn't accuse a movie of having no story if you judged in on one gif.

It's also Best of the Super Juniors, what else would you expect but flips?
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Re: Controversial NJPW Ricochet vs Will Ospreay match

Postby EmperorWu » May 31, '16, 5:14 pm

I didn't like the match to be honest. But it's not the end of the world.
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Re: Controversial NJPW Ricochet vs Will Ospreay match

Postby Hanley! » Jun 02, '16, 4:59 pm

I can see both sides of the argument here.

People who are talking about the match being shit are being very harsh. I can understand those who prefer wrestling with good psychology being less enamored with the match, for sure. But I am one of those people, and I still enjoyed this a lot just because of the pure visual spectacle of it.

Wrestling can work on different levels, and this match really excels on one level. That's enough to make it a good match if you ask me. Some of the gymnastics involved in this match are really impressive and there's not many guys working in the business who could replicate them. For that alone, you have to tip your cap to these guys.

On the other hand, is this a match of the year candidate? Not by a long shot, in my estimation. The action was great, but on any given year there's going to be some matches that combine great action with great pacing, psychology and storytelling. This wasn't that match. This would be worthy of a nomination maybe, but not a win.

As an example, I reckon AJ Styles has had at least three matches this year that were better than this one, because at least for me personally, I think he's found the perfect mix between great athleticism and great pro wrestling.

It is funny that this match is getting so much criticism for the lack of psychology and lack of selling though. I can understand these problems and I see them in the match myself, but there's no less psychology here than you'd see in 90% of Lucha Underground matches. No less than you'd see in a lot of indy matches, particularly featuring cruiserweights. At the same time though, I can kinda understand. In a way the talent of these two guys is working against them. Some parts of the match are very obviously choreographed, and it feels like the better these sequences are executed and the more complicated they are, the more choreographed they seem. So weirdly, I think these guys are getting more criticism just because they're better at this style than almost everyone else.

That's about all I have to say about the match. I do really like Ricochet as a talent. Ospreay I've seen less, but I enjoy his work too - though I think he hams it up a bit much here with the language and the facials. I'm glad this match has generated so much talk. Even though some of it has been negative, I'm sure the publicity can only help their careers.
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Re: Controversial NJPW Ricochet vs Will Ospreay match

Postby prophet » Jun 07, '16, 3:32 pm

Will Ospreay wound up winning the Best of the Super Junior tournament last night. Absolutely chuffed for him; he more than deserves it.

23 years old and setting the world on fire. A special talent.
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