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How is Donald Trump doing?

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Re: How is Donald Trump doing?

Postby Hanley! » Apr 27, '16, 12:52 pm

VaderBomb wrote:I would never say that the super delegates aren't likely going to rig it for Hillary because they probably are. My point is that we need to stay positive and not give up. If people start giving in to the system, that's how they control us and take away our power.

The super delegates aren't the problem. If Bernie was to win the popular vote, they'd almost certainly swing to his side. The problem is that he's trailing by a long way in terms of the popular vote. Expecting him to get the nomination seems like a pipe dream at this point. Which is a pity. He's definitely the more exciting candidate.

It's pretty disheartening that Hillary really seems to have the Democrat voters by the short and curlies. Sanders said that he'd only encourage his supporters to vote for her if she promised certain things in return - not for him personally, which is admirable, but instead a promise that she would adopt certain policies that are of vital importance to his supporters. She seems to have fobbed this idea off completely. Because in an election where her opponent is Donald freaking Trump, she really doesn't have to do anything more than be the least worst option to secure the votes of most of the Democrats in the country.
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Re: How is Donald Trump doing?

Postby KaiserGlider » Apr 27, '16, 4:56 pm

Trump trolling.

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Re: How is Donald Trump doing?

Postby Everlong » Apr 27, '16, 6:09 pm

Circled Square wrote:Trump supporters are portrayed as radical hicks who only support Trump because of racism.

This probably has a lot to do with Trump's most beloved stances being overtly racist, but what do I know.
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Re: How is Donald Trump doing?

Postby Circled Square » Apr 27, '16, 6:36 pm

Everlong wrote:
Circled Square wrote:Trump supporters are portrayed as radical hicks who only support Trump because of racism.

This probably has a lot to do with Trump's most beloved stances being overtly racist, but what do I know.

Border control isn't racist. I'm open to immigration but even if we try to take the smartest people that's not good for the other country, like Mexico. It's called brain drain. The Muslim ban I somewhat understand because in some areas anyone coming from there is a security risk. But banning all Muslim countries is stupid and unnecessary. His main stances have been tax cuts across the board and closing loopholes the fat cats use to make money at others expense. I watched a Trump rally a month ago and he didn't even mention the Muslim ban so I don't know where that is on his scale of importance. If you buy into the narrative that Trump supporters are evil racists you are falling for bait. You have a lot in common with them, Bernie Bros want to fuck the establishment just like Trumpets.
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Re: How is Donald Trump doing?

Postby The Legend » Apr 27, '16, 9:02 pm

Border control in theory is fine. Border control the way Trump and really all conservatives talk about it is absurdly racist and radically closed-minded. If someone would come up with a policy that we were actually going to close America's borders I'd be in favor of it. I'd love to keep Mexicans out and Canadians out and Europeans out and Asians out. And if you paired that with keeping America in, keeping American jobs home, keeping American companies home, you've really hit a home run. I really care about everyone, but the Mexicans though. Conservatives hate "free-loading Mexicans", frankly I don't give a damn. I'd rather have a free loader in this country than bringing someone in to steal a job or allowing a company to ship that job overseas.

Border control as Trump and Republicans discuss it is absolutely racist because they focus on particular races and countries.
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Re: How is Donald Trump doing?

Postby War Daddy » Apr 27, '16, 9:18 pm

Trump is only an hour away tomorrow from me. Do I take the day off from life in general? :lol
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Re: How is Donald Trump doing?

Postby Circled Square » Apr 27, '16, 9:19 pm

Mexico is a neighbor that has had political uproar and chaos for a long time. Plenty of criminals who happen to be Mexican come over the border. Some try to turn their lives around, others don't. So they get deported. They come back again. Get deported again. It's a total waste of money. Shutting down the borders and keeping them secure would be better in the long run. Just because Meixcan criminals exist doesn't mean it's racist to call them Mexican criminals. I don't see how racist really applies there. Racism does apply to the Muslim ban though. That's a sweeping generalization.

It was never all Mexicans are rapists or all Mexicans are this or that. Don't fall for establishment BS, duuude.

And also, I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm pretty much a Libertarian and disagree with Trump on a lot of things. NSA is one, abortion is another. Can't say I'm too fond of more military spending either but I understand it.
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