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What's in store for NXT in 2016?

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What's in store for NXT in 2016?

Postby Str8Shooter » Jan 14, '16, 5:55 pm

We already know that NXT is going to be touring more often in 2016, and they've already got shows in the midwest and northeast in the coming months. And with the expected addition of the Bullet Club guys at minimum, and potentially Styles and Nakamura if they don't go straight to the main roster, it should be an interesting year.

Not to mention there are people who are likely ready for callups to Raw whenever they are ready for them. Finn Balor, Sami Zayn, Bayley, Enzo and Cass are the ones that jump out, even Samoa Joe if they want. But will they want to keep the NXT roster strong for all the touring?

You never know who they'll sign and bring in as well given their recent history.

So what do you think? Who's on tap to be champions, who will get called up, what feuds and matches will we see?
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Re: What's in store for NXT in 2016?

Postby Hanley! » Jan 14, '16, 6:58 pm

This year looks unpredictable at the moment. The NXT writer is seemingly the only booker who has a clue what he's doing in the entire WWE. It's the most watchable WWE show every single week, even if some weeks it's a bit dull. Takeover is always awesome. From a creative and promotional point of view, I'm sure we're in for another strong year.

But I've started to notice that the flow of talent is slowing down. Even if we accept that Samoa Joe was only hired to work NXT, Sami Zayn and Finn Balor are ready to move up to the main roster any time now. And without them, that title scene in NXT is going to start looking pretty damn thin.

The same thing is happening in the women's division. Watching the women's #1 contendership Battle Royal this week, it became very clear that they don't have a really strong female roster anymore. They don't have that many great workers. Bayley and Asuka are awesome. Alexa is great. Emma and Dana are pretty decent. Jax has potential. And that's basically it. The last two entrants of the Battle Royal were Eva Marie, who sucks, and Carmella, who also sucks. That's not a great sign of things to come.

We haven't seen as many new stars coming in lately either, and some of those we have seen haven't made much of an early impression. The guitar dude they have at the moment is just weird. The guy looks like he could have talent, but it's just lost underneath the weird character.

But at the same time, NXT is becoming more of a big deal than ever. It's a touring brand now. It sold out a UK tour. Which begs the question: do they sacrifice some of their potential stars and keep them on NXT so that show can continue doing well? To me, it's starting to look like they want to keep Zayn on NXT as the face of the brand. That's a good idea in one respect, as he'd be great in that role. But on the other hand, they need talent on the main roster and he's one of the best talents in the whole company. I'm curious if they want to do something similar with Bayley too.

So on a talent front, things are a little up in the air. It will depend on how they prioritise keeping top talent on NXT against debuting new stars on Raw, and it will depend on their ability to acquire top new talent for NXT throughout the year.
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