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What's your employment record like?

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What's your employment record like?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Dec 21, '15, 5:38 pm

I'm 29 and I've had eight jobs over a decade plus.

First job I remember was after I finished secondary school, it was this sales call centre where I had to call up people asking them an endless set of questions for a magazine subscription. Lasted a week. I mainly have done call centre jobs which I found depressing. This job I'm doing now I've lasted to nearly two years in February which I'm chuffed about but always let my doubts take over me sometimes.

Other than that, my other job started this year, if you can call being married that!
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Re: What's your employment record like?

Postby Hanley! » Dec 21, '15, 7:37 pm

I didn't get my first proper job until I was 19. Until then I earned money by playing pub gigs or giving guitar lessons to teenagers.

My first job was a summer office job with the public service. I looked through the records of small businesses and issued penalties to those who hadn't submitted their annual tax returns. It was fun getting phonecalls from employers desperately trying to reverse the decision, because most of them mistook me for being a lot more important than I actually was. As a 19 year old kid, I had never been called 'sir' quite so often before.

My next job was working in the International Office in the University of Limerick, working with incoming and outgoing students on study abroad schemes, and working with foreign students who were in the country to do a full degree. It's one of the more interesting roles I've had because there was so many different elements. Most of my work was on the computer, answering student queries, filing and putting together data resources, but I also gave campus tours, manned desks at Open Days, organised student field trips (accompanied them on some too ... I basically got paid to go to adventure parks on a couple of different occasions, and I did get to join in). I worked there for about a year.

I worked a couple of retail jobs when I was living at home in my small home town, because there wasn't much other work going down there. I probably spent almost two years working retail down there. Then I moved to Dublin with Kirbi.

Since moving to Dublin, I've been working in insurance. So that's just over five years now. I started as an administrator working for an outsource company. I was eventually promoted to the administrative team leader. Then I was promoted to commercial underwriter last year, and a couple of months ago I was promoted to Pricing Analyst. It's a difficult job to explain, but basically I have to try and keep some kind of control over a wild herd of numbers.

I've done freelance writing the last few years too, for some extra money on the side. At this point I'm pretty much committed to a career in the insurance industry, unless I can find enough success in writing to be able to give up the day job. Which is unlikely, but a man can dream.
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Re: What's your employment record like?

Postby Daz » Dec 21, '15, 8:51 pm


Apart from doing odd jobs and stuff when I was 15 or so, I've been plagued by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and been pretty much unable to do much of anything for the past decade. Approaching 26 next year, so it's quite the worry to be honest with you. My health has improved a great deal from when I was 20, but I'm still stuck in this weird limbo. The jobs I could do in my sleep I'm not qualified for on paper, and the jobs I am qualified for I can't do physically.
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Re: What's your employment record like?

Postby Kein » Dec 22, '15, 8:19 pm

Did a summer job of window installations for my first bit of work. Went into a rental business for about 3 years. and for the last 6 years been at an ultrasound manufacturing company.
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Re: What's your employment record like?

Postby War Daddy » Dec 22, '15, 10:41 pm

Kein wrote:Did a summer internship of gay porn.

Damn fam.
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Re: What's your employment record like?

Postby PorkChop » Dec 25, '15, 5:04 am

Worked for a pizza chain for 3 years.

Went to uni, volunteered as a teaching assistant in a local college.

Left uni. Since then I've worked in retail, worked as a security guard, then began what looks like a career in transport.
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Re: What's your employment record like?

Postby Kein » Dec 26, '15, 8:15 pm

War Daddy wrote:
Kein wrote:Did a summer internship of gay porn.

Damn fam.

You have absolutely the most, gay reference posts quoting me hahaha.
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Re: What's your employment record like?

Postby Viazon » Dec 28, '15, 7:29 am

Got my first job when I was 16. My mum got me a job where she was working. It was in a DIY store called Focus. People in the UK may know what this store is. Or was. They are not around anymore. I stayed there much longer than I care to admit. Six years. It was that bad at first. There were a lot of people around my age working there and the managers were cool. Eventually, all the cool people I worked with left and the managers got replaced with arsehole ones and I hated working there. It officially closed down in April 2008. When me and my friend found out we were getting screwed out of most of our redundancy pay, it didn't seem worth it to stay to the end, so we left in January. Went on our lunch break one day and didn't come back. In hindsight, I probably should have stayed. It turned out OK, but I was very strapped for cash for a while. I might not have received as much money as I thought I would but I still would have gotten some.

Anyway, after being a bum for a few months and scrounging of my parents, I found a new job in a warehouse. That didn't last long though. It wasn't a great place to work. I was always just helping people with their work. No one actually showed me how to do anything for myself. And my work days were Saturday and Sunday, but they didn't always need people for the weekend. So sometimes they would call us and tell us they don't need us to come in. I would only work three days a week sometimes and I was making hardly and cash. Eventually I went to an agency and they found my work in another warehouse. This one was a mon-fri job, which was much better. I was there for four years before leaving to do something a bit different. My sisters husband got me a job with him doing loft installation. Me and a shitload of other guys started as temp, with the promised of permanent jobs after three months. However, after three months, we were all told we weren't needed permanently and we all lost our jobs. That was a good thing though because I really didn't enjoy doing it.

After that, I went back to an agency and they found my work in another warehouse. I now have a permanent job there and have been there now for over three years.

I enjoyed this job at first but now I have become unhappy with it. They have made a lot of changes and it has just become a shitty place to work. I really wanna stop working in these typical jobs and try and find something I really enjoy doing. The only problem is, I really have absolutely no idea what I would like to do.
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Re: What's your employment record like?

Postby JPG619 » Dec 30, '15, 1:24 pm

Well my employment record is OK well at least I never got fired from any of my jobs. Most people I worked with my coworkers looked up to me as a boss which for some of them I was a boss. However with most of my jobs ended in a weird way then normal.

My first ever job I got was a some father and son ran pharmacy just near my house. I got it around the time i turned 15 lasted till 2 years after university graduations I was there for 7 years which was my current longest job I had. I earned up from being a lot attendant to head of the health and beauty department. I lost the job when the company filed for bankruptcy.

After that since i was only off work for 2 weeks I was called by the same company I did a co-op term back in university. They told me a they had a fibre optic network designer / technician job for me opening if I would like to have it since they knew my track record with them. I took the job was there almost 3 years plus the 2 years there for my co-op term. After about 4 months into this job a bunch of people quit including the team leader I was like is there something happening or something to force people to quit. Well since the team leader quit and me and my university friend was still working there I got the team leader position by default which was nice. However about 6 months after getting this job the company filed for bankruptcy and was forced out of an other job

Then after being with out work for about 7 months which is in the same period we were having some economy problems and unemployment was sky rocketing. I found a job with my former boss that I work at the pharmacy. He now is a manager at a well known pharmacy here. He has a 6 month contract to help with renovations of his store. So basically what I had to do was take down the old shelf units so the construction crew can work on demolition and reconstruction of the place. Then after the reno was done I would then set up all the new shelves and fill it with product. It was fairly easy and the money was OK but that contract expired.

Well since the above job expired during that same job I got a job as an in-store IT System Specialist position with an new retail chain coming into Canada. So I took the job at first chance since I know being with a new company can easily work up to a position I wanted. So I was working for them for almost 2 years and was well liked by most people there well on of the managers I got suspended for verbal abusing me in front of the customers. That day we were short staffed and since I was trained to use the cash registrars (I had to know them since if there was an issue I had to fix them) one of the other supervisors called me to help out since I didn't have much work to do and can finish my work after lunch break. However after lunch this bitch approached me and wondered why work was not done. She never let me explain myself and I ended up just walking away to do my own shit. The next day when I saw the big boss my witnesses and I went to him and told the situation to him then later that day when that bitch came to work she was sent home right away which made me happy however she was only suspended for 3 days. After that she ignored me which I didn't care since I hated her. About 3 months after this incident there was an opening for team lead position in my department since my boss got the store manager position to my location I was working at. Our former store manager got a bigger and better store with more money so he moved on. I had interviews for this job and was told by my boss starting in the new year that the team lead was mine however that was short lived because the next day after that I was told that I would get that job my boss told everyone that we were closing in the new year so which kind of sucked since that was his first day of his new job and his first staff meeting as manager. So there I yet another job I was let got because of the company going bankrupt.

Now that leads to my current job I work as an inventory control specialist at a retail warehouse. Which is really a boring job but I am OK with it. I got this job just one month after losing my last job. So basically what I do is make sure all the inventory numbers match what stock we have on the warehouse floor and in the database. Every day I have given set locations to make counts. I count the product then record my findings into the inventory database. However the funny think is that our sister company in the US filed for bankruptcy but since we are technically a different company in Canada we are not closing which was a releaved since I didn't want to lose yet another job do to bankruptcy
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