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Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

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Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby Messiah » Aug 24, '15, 7:42 pm

She's the only one the fans really care about, so WHY WASN'T SHE ON RAW?
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby Romo » Aug 24, '15, 7:42 pm

fuck vince, fuck wwe
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby lyonssv » Aug 24, '15, 7:50 pm

The WE WANT SASHA chants are deafening.

Put my bae on TV damnit!
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby Locke » Aug 24, '15, 8:27 pm

They try to push Divas

Fail to show the Diva that everyone wants

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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby Romo » Aug 24, '15, 8:28 pm

The problem with it and the crowd not caring about it is because Sasha is the only one with proper character, no one elses character shows development. There is nothing to get behind. The crowds will continue to act like that until the divas get something more than tag team matches
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby SKS » Aug 24, '15, 9:26 pm

She got the night off after two straight PPVs. I think they were clearly going for PCB vs Team Bella after last night, and throwing Team B.A.D. in there would be pretty much the same match as Summerslam....

That being said, the match tonight was quite bad, and the "revolution" is forced and disappointing. Break up the teams, let them all wrestle for themselves and develop singular feuds with stories and it'd be way better than what we have now.

Such a huge gap from NXT and the main roster in terms of storytelling and meaningful matches/feuds. The Bayley vs Sasha Banks feud was beautifully executed, do that shit on the main roster instead of this clusterfuck.
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby Str8Shooter » Aug 24, '15, 9:57 pm

That match was ugly tonight, crowd crapped all over it like the old Diva match days. Also, these women have a lot of work to do on the microphone. It seems their ring skill improvements haven't translated to mic work.

They need to ditch the three team thing though. It's clearly not working and it just a conduit for having a bunch of longer, yet just as meaningless, matches as before.

And why is Alicia Fox getting the pin over Paige. She's the lowest ranked member of her squad, she's there to eat falls in tag matches and be fodder for the better members of the other teams, nothing else.
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby EmperorWu » Aug 25, '15, 5:25 am

That was one of the worst segments I've seen in a very long time. So many of those lines were just cringe worthy. Also why are all 3 factions heel? Or is it just the "bitchy" vibe?
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby Daz » Aug 25, '15, 6:48 am

The problem with the Revolution is that they've just lumped all these girls together, with no rhyme or reason, and hoped people would care because they've told them to. It doesn't work like that. You can't just give the women more time and think that solves the problem, because the rest of the presentation is so poor.

You've trained your audience not to give a shit for the better part of a decade, and you have to rectify that by giving these poor women individual personalties that people can invest in and by allowing them to go out there and kill it match wise, the way Bayley and Sasha Banks did at Takeover. You have to move away from the catty high school bullshit and actually put some effort into their characterisation. Plus, people are never gonna connect with anybody if they're one third of a team, and barely get any ring time. Split these silly trios up and give these girls one on one matches for a change.

Also, whoever puts the matches together for the Divas on the main roster needs to re-evaluate. You can see a distinctly different structure and pace to the main roster matches, and it's not just because the Bellas/Alicia Fox/Naomi etc. can't keep pace with the NXT girls. Putting the Bellas out there for 15 - 20 minutes and expecting them to be able to carry their end of the thing when they're used to working 30 seconds at a time is insane. They've set them up to fail and it's the girls who will wind up getting buried for not making it work.

They've gone about this whole thing ass fucking backwards and it's no wonder nobody is giving a fuck. It's like the Roman Reigns disaster all over again.
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Last edited by Daz on Aug 26, '15, 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby lyonssv » Aug 25, '15, 10:05 am

I think a good way to get them out of this stupid angle they've built with these stupid teams and really jumpstart an actual Divas "Revolution" is take the Divas involved (Minus Nikki) and have a highly competitive 8 Woman Tournament for a shot at Nikki's title as NOC. Give them lengthy solid matches with each other and give them a chance to show what they can do on the Big Show. You could even start other feuds and story lines off this.
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby SlightlyJames » Aug 25, '15, 3:21 pm

Saw some stuff from Paige and the Bellas hitting back at the fans for shitting on the match. I don't really see how they can blame us for being bored by yet another 6-diva tag match that we've been seeing for weeks on end. Two nights beforehand Sasha and Bayley tore the bloody house down - the same house, mind you. That match had build, it had storytelling, it was fucking meaningful.

People aren't disrespecting Divas wrestling, they're disrespecting bad wrestling and rightfully so. This whole "revolution" shit is more of a curse than a blessing at this point because the more they parrot their buzz words all it does is highlight how little has actually changed in the Divas division other than a handful of fresh faces.

Are there talented performers on the show? Absolutely, however I can't fathom how they expect anyone to get invested in these arbitrary, lifeless teams especially when we've seen what they can actually do. The fact is, nothing meaningful is allowed to happen because the title is superglued to Nikki Bella for the next few weeks so they can score points on AJ Lee when nobody but Vince McMahon gives a shit if the record is broken or not.

Having six women who can't cut a promo between them on Miz TV certainly didn't help either, when The Miz is getting cheered for telling a bunch of women to shut their mouths it's very telling that they shouldn't be getting much mic time.

I've been saying it the entire time and I know I'm far from the only one but it's all the more annoying that with this going on we still have Stephanie McMahon coming out as proud as can be and taking credit for the "revolution" because all it does is highlight how this entire fucking thing is in reaction to a fucking hashtag. It's as far from organic as it could possibly be.
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby Hanley! » Aug 25, '15, 3:48 pm

The whole "Revolution" thing has become a bullshit P.R. stunt by the WWE. There's really nothing else to it. And the sad thing is that nobody on the planet is fooled by this. They're being so transparent about the whole thing. They're so openly looking for credit for promoting women in their sport. But they're barely doing more with them than they were a few weeks ago, and that was the absolute bare minimum. That they now want a pat on the head from the fans and the mainstream media for giving them an extra 10 minutes on Raw each week is pretty cringe-worthy. It makes them look awful.

The whole attempt at a "Revolution" has been botched from the start. They basically wanted to create a hashtag and something they could brand, but they're doing nothing to make the fans excited about women's wrestling. Sure, fans complained when a women's match only received 2 minutes on Raw a few months ago, but time wasn't the only problem. Another big part of the problem was that all we ever saw was random tag team matches between women we knew nothing about. To fix this, they decided to build the entire division about random tag team matches! I mean fucking hell, how stupid can you be?

Within this structure, the fans aren't able to learn anything about any of the female performers, so they can't learn to care about them. No organic storylines can develop, which further reduces the audience's ability to care. Sasha Banks had a Match of the Year candidate at the last two Takeover shows, because her and her opponents were given the time to show some personality and to build a story naturally. She can't possibly replicate this success on Raw under the current structure of the division. It is utterly stifling.

It also doesn't help the quality of the matches that they put three of their good wrestlers on one team, and the other two teams only have one good wrestler each. You can't brag about the quality of your female athletes and then give us Brie Bella vs Tamina. Not for any length of time.

This whole thing is really fucking annoying to me. Because when this whole thing fails (and it's going to fail soon if they don't change their approach), they're going to blame it on the performers. They always do this. They book something terribly and then blame those involved and use it as an excuse to never use them. They'll decide that women's wrestling doesn't draw and they won't bother trying anymore. And that's not what any of us want. I think I'm being fair when I say that we'd all love to see a women's match like Bayley vs Sasha on a Wrestlemania card. But we're never going to get that if they don't give the women a real shot to get over on Raw.

I don't want a #DivaRevolution. I just want good female wrestling, and for the company to stop taking credit for something that they're fucking failing at.
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby VaderBomb » Aug 26, '15, 10:29 am

Not to mention the fact that they've lumped three dark skinned divas together and made them heels. They took the one other black diva and stuck her with the two latinas, all heels. Now the three white girls are the only babyfaces on the divas roster and they as well, are a team. Talk about subversive racism.
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby The Legend » Aug 26, '15, 12:13 pm

VaderBomb wrote:Not to mention the fact that they've lumped three dark skinned divas together and made them heels. They took the one other black diva and stuck her with the two latinas, all heels. Now the three white girls are the only babyfaces on the divas roster and they as well, are a team. Talk about subversive racism.

To be fair, and I'm not sure if this makes it better or worse, but I'm pretty sure that with the name "Bella" Brie and Nikki as characters are supposed to be Italian if their heritage was linked to anything.
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby Romo » Aug 26, '15, 9:59 pm

I'm guessing this could be why they kept her off TV on Monday and didn't have her take too many bumps on Sunday, wouldn't be surprised if her neck feels like dogshit right now
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby KaiserGlider » Aug 26, '15, 11:19 pm

The Legend wrote:
VaderBomb wrote:Not to mention the fact that they've lumped three dark skinned divas together and made them heels. They took the one other black diva and stuck her with the two latinas, all heels. Now the three white girls are the only babyfaces on the divas roster and they as well, are a team. Talk about subversive racism.

To be fair, and I'm not sure if this makes it better or worse, but I'm pretty sure that with the name "Bella" Brie and Nikki as characters are supposed to be Italian if their heritage was linked to anything.

I always assumed they were Caucasian. According to Wikipedia, they are of Mexican and Italian descent but were born and raised in Arizona. But I don't think their heritage has ever been mentioned as a part of their characters/gimmicks. Vaderbomb is grasping at straws with this racism thing.
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby Locke » Aug 27, '15, 11:18 am

Yeah, I thought the Bellas were whities.. :lol

No matter the race, they still suck.
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby VaderBomb » Aug 27, '15, 12:29 pm

KaiserGlider wrote:
The Legend wrote:
VaderBomb wrote:Not to mention the fact that they've lumped three dark skinned divas together and made them heels. They took the one other black diva and stuck her with the two latinas, all heels. Now the three white girls are the only babyfaces on the divas roster and they as well, are a team. Talk about subversive racism.

To be fair, and I'm not sure if this makes it better or worse, but I'm pretty sure that with the name "Bella" Brie and Nikki as characters are supposed to be Italian if their heritage was linked to anything.

I always assumed they were Caucasian. According to Wikipedia, they are of Mexican and Italian descent but were born and raised in Arizona. But I don't think their heritage has ever been mentioned as a part of their characters/gimmicks. Vaderbomb is grasping at straws with this racism thing.

It's not like outwardly hateful racism. It's just your everyday subversive out of touch Vince McMahon type racism. Look at the tag team division. All teams are separated by race except for the Dudleys.
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby SlightlyJames » Aug 27, '15, 12:34 pm

VaderBomb wrote:All teams are separated by race except for the Dudleys.

Even then they still had R-Truth stand in as "the black guy" at the Royal Rumble this year. :lol
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Re: Sasha Banks and the "Revolution"

Postby Locke » Aug 27, '15, 12:35 pm

SlightlyJames wrote:
VaderBomb wrote:All teams are separated by race except for the Dudleys.

Even then they still had R-Truth stand in as "the black guy" at the Royal Rumble this year. :lol

I always find myself asking, "Wait, why does D-Von have to get the tables?" :lol
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