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Can Zayn replace Bryan?

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Can Zayn replace Bryan?

Postby Messiah » Apr 16, '15, 10:06 am

With Bryan's future looking bleak, the WWE is in dire need of grooming a babyface that the entire audience can relate to and cheer for.

In the mold of Steamboat, Guerrero, Bryan, and possibly Foley, Zayn is a top-notch worker who the fans can't help but love. As he has proven down in NXT, he's just able to connect with the audience like few other workers can. Bryan has shown that, more than anything, that is what the fans want the most. There is a reason why, despite Punk having the "cool" factor, Bryan was obliterating him (and everyone else on the roster quite frankly) in crowd reaction prior to Punk's retirement.

Zayn isn't as good as Bryan in the ring, although he certainly isn't lacking in that regard. I love Zayn's moveset and his ability to sell his opponents offense. Zayn is a better mic worker than Bryan, in my opinion anyway. Bryan isn't bad, but I just prefer Zayn who I think has really become strong in that area. Zayn is the most over singles wrestler on NXT and IMO, once he is moved up to the main roster, he could be the guy that really fills Bryan's role if Bryan unfortunately has to call it quits.
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Re: Can Zayn replace Bryan?

Postby Str8Shooter » Apr 16, '15, 10:10 am

I think it's a stretch to say that he can replace Bryan if Bryan for whatever reason can't stick around. Not that I don't think he's capable of doing it, just that it's not always so easy to say who will or won't get over on the main roster. Being a hit in NXT is not a surefire indicator of being a top end main eventer.

I'd have to see how the bigger Raw crowd takes to him, and more importantly, how the WWE books him and how much they get behind him.
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Re: Can Zayn replace Bryan?

Postby Messiah » Apr 16, '15, 10:21 am

I think the people in NXT who fail in front of the bigger crowds tend to be the wrestlers with really... "cartoony" gimmicks. For example, Rose's schtick works well in front of the smaller audience of Full Sail University. However, it doesn't come across anywhere near as good in front of the crowds that Raw draws. Same with Emma, although that had more to do with terrible booking than anything (upon arrival, pairing her up with Santino Marella). A cartoony gimmick and bad booking led to the fall of The Ascension as well.

Bo Dallas was getting over as a chickenshit heel before he faded into the darkness, and that is just Dallas we're talking about. Lucha Dragons and Neville are already getting over with the fans, Paige has worked out extremely well. I think the key is being a good to great wrestler with charisma (whether being able to show it in the ring or on the mic) and a gimmick that isn't over-the-top or goofy. That is why I think Sami Zayn will succeed. If you asked me six months ago, I probably wouldn't be as sure, but I would be surprised if the fans didn't grow to love him. He's a top notch worker with a lovable personality. I think he will get over the same way Ziggler has gotten over despite horrific booking - outstanding matches week in and week out.
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Re: Can Zayn replace Bryan?

Postby The Legend » Apr 16, '15, 10:48 am

To me Zayn is pretty goofy/cartoony though in his charisma. I have a bit of a hard time taking him seriously and I would really struggle to appreciate him in the main event of RAW. To me he reminds me far more of Benoit as a worker and a guy who can have fantastic matches in the mid card, but isn't quite a main event level guy.
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Re: Can Zayn replace Bryan?

Postby VaderBomb » Apr 16, '15, 11:05 am

Bryan is irreplaceable but Zayn could help to make us not miss him as much if he does have to retire soon. :(
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Re: Can Zayn replace Bryan?

Postby DBSoT » Apr 16, '15, 11:12 am

Zayn is the best prospect to replace Bryan that is for sure, but to be fair it took a list of event going a certain way to get Bryan where he was. It also helped that the Yes chant got so popular (though Bryan was over prior). Zayn is better on the mic and has less of a size issue, so that helps. He will need to tone down some of the selling at times as he can go over the top. The Ole chants are started anytime NXT is mentioned on Raw so that is a big plus. Zayn will need the right booking and backing to get to Bryan's level of the main event, but the fans will take to him very quickly. He doesn't come off cartoony on the mic at all and he sells passion when he speaks (something a lot of guys currently don't). I do fear Vince and Dunn have the same issues with Zayn that they first had with Bryan, but the second they see the crowd take to him they will be fine. Their are 5 guys I believe HHH will do whatever he can to protect and Zayn is at the top of that list. Follow only by Owens and Balor.
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Re: Can Zayn replace Bryan?

Postby VaderBomb » Apr 16, '15, 11:34 am

Honestly, I think that Owens and Balor have a brighter future for themselves in WWE than Zayn as far as being consistent main eveners on the current roster.

I love Sami but he's the least intimidating guy ever, especially sans mask. I don't see Vince allowing him to hold the WWE World Heavyweight Championship unfortunately, but my guess is that he'll be a multiple IC or US Champion. Balor is clearly going to be huge and Owens is the type of heel that they've needed in the main event for a very long time. I believe that both of them have a really good shot at winning the big one someday.
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Re: Can Zayn replace Bryan?

Postby Hanley! » Apr 16, '15, 12:35 pm

I think he can. I also think he should.

I've been saying for a while that I think Sami Zayn is just a better version of Daniel Bryan. At least as they're presented in the WWE. They're both a little goofy, they don't take themselves too seriously, they're smallish in size, they're perennial underdogs and they're inherently likable. But I just think Zayn is the better of the two to watch.

And this probably won't be a popular opinion, but I think he's better pretty much across the board. Again, I'm just talking about their work and their presentation in the WWE, but I think Zayn is better in the ring. I find him more enjoyable to watch, and I definitely prefer his moveset. He's better than Bryan on the mic. He has a better look. He has a better entrance theme. I even prefer his chant.

I don't want to take too much away from Bryan, but I just think Zayn is fantastic. Nobody has more potential than him right now to become a massive babyface star, in my opinion. Obviously because Zayn is still in NXT, it'd take him at least 2 years to reach the main event, and more likely 3 - 5. That's the way it should be really. But if they handle him right up until that point, I reckon he'd be better in that top babyface spot than anyone we're likely to have in the intervening period. And better than most of the top faces we've had over the last while too.

I'd love to see him be able to eventually replicate his NXT championship win with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in a few years time. That was a great moment, coming off the back of possibly the best story the company has booked in years. It was simple, but effective and had the perfect pay-off.
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Re: Can Zayn replace Bryan?

Postby Kirbi » Apr 16, '15, 3:25 pm

I'd be for it.

I love Zayn, he's one of the few true babyface wrestlers who work for me. He's got a real friendly-neighbourhood-wrestler vibe, he's got a nice (and FUN!) moveset, he's good on the mic, and I just can't help but root for him.
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