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WWE Fastlane Review

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WWE Fastlane Review

Postby SortaCreative » Feb 23, '15, 10:13 am

Fastlane. A few shining moments floating in a sea of mediocrity and questionable booking. I would describe WWE Fastlane as squandered potential.

The crowd were probably the worst part of the show and they made the show seem a lot worse than it probably was. It was pretty bad at times but the lack of enthusiasm from Memphis really hurt some of the stand out moments. I think after a pretty average opener and then about an hour of “Raw” they lost interest and it took Rusev and Cena to really get them to make some noise.

Speaking of the opener, what the hell is Kane doing pinning Dolph Ziggler in 2015? The actual finish was pretty clever when compared to the rest of the match but how much better would it have been if Rollins was the one to position Ziggler for the jumping knock out punch? Seth picking up some heat before Orton returning was pretty cool. I think Rollins really sold the comeback well. How much better would Ziggler vs. Rollins have been on this pay per view instead of a lazy six man tag? Instead of booking that match on Raw over and over again, they could have built to a solid singles match that would have done wonders for both men, built on their performance at Survivor Series and most likely stole the show.

Cody Rhodes vs. Dustin Rhodes was a match many wanted to see. Unfortunately WWE missed pulling the trigger on the feud when the Rhodes family were in the spot light. Instead we were treated to Cody's transformation into Stardust. Now, to give this angle some credit, I quite like the addition of the “lost identity” and being lost in the gimmick. I think the crowd interaction, Goldust's mannerisms and JBL equating the face-paint to a lucha libre mask really added a different spin to the usual brother vs. brother feud. The in ring action wasn't as good as it could have been but the real let down was the finish. It completely killed any momentum the match had built, the crowd were confused and it looked like a botch. It may have been a botch. I don't know. But it didn't help anyone. Cody's promo after the match and the beat down did a lot to regain some of the heat the angle needs and I hope they can improve going into the match at Wrestlemania.

Cesaro. Oh Cesaro. I like both Tyson Kidd and Cesaro but Cesaro is just so much better than the WWE's neutered tag team division. The match was entertaining enough and i'm happy Cesaro and Kidd won the tag team championship. However think about where Cesaro was this time last year compared to now. Potential squandered. Pissed away. This time last year Cesaro had just beaten the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton on Smackdown and was in the Elimination Chamber match for the championship. Cesaro went on to win the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royale. And look where he is now. I cannot adequately describe how much they fucked up with Cesaro.

The build up to Sting vs. HHH has been okay. I think the constant claims of it being a dream match and one that we all wanted to see are a little much but the storyline of it being WWE against WCW again is pretty cool. However, the fact that Sting didn't say anything last night really took the wind out of their sails. HHH outlined why he thought Sting was back. The issue is that without an adequate rebuttal, that one sided story of why Sting is back makes him look petty. We don't know why Sting is back, it isn't for the reasons HHH is stating because he's the heel. He had to say something. He had to refute HHH's claims but having Sting say nothing and just point to the sign with the bat really took away from the build. HHH and Sting aren't natural rivals so the build up is important and tonight was a misstep unfortunately.

Paige and Nikki Bella had a lot to live up to following NXT's Fatal Four Way match for the Women's Championship. Unfortunately they just live up to the high standards set by the ladies in developmental. This was another match where the finish completely blind sided the crowd and robbed them of all enthusiasm. A weak pull into the turnbuckle and a roll up for the win was lazy and both ladies deserved better.

Speaking of two individuals that deserved better. Barrett and Ambrose. I'm okay with Barrett trying to run away from Ambrose. I'm okay with the heel taking the cowards way out at times but the finish, once again, really soured the crowd. We didn't want to see a DQ finish due to a competitor not breaking on the count of five. That's lame. It would have rather Barrett got counted out, at least he would have been proactive in the finish and got some heat! Instead the referee got the heat. Hopefully the rematch is better because both guys can work, they could put on a great match for the Intercontinental Championship.

Bray Wyatt delivered one of his better promos in a long time. Bray Wyatt has the tendency to ramble without direction and confuse people with his promos. Tonight Bray Wyatt delivered a solid promo which was consistent throughout and one that followed the kayfabe logic surrounding the Undertaker. The Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt is something that could have been good at one time but I honestly think the Undertaker is too old. Also, Bray Wyatt needs to win the match to really take the next step up and I don't see the Undertaker returning to just lose again and disappear. It's a tricky situation.

Rusev and Cena, the first big match of a two match pay per view. Both men went out and put on a solid match. Rusev looked like a million bucks. I think Cena did a lot of good for Rusev and the crowd really came alive for the match. In stark contrast to the head scratching finishes that plagued the night, the finish for this match was really well done. Rusev absolutely wrenching back on Cena as he had him in the accolade and making him pass out did a lot of good for Rusev. It added a lot of presitge to the United States Championship and it genuinely made me excited to see a rematch at Wrestlemania. Brace yourselves for the inevitable John Cena victory. It's coming. I don't think it will do much damage to Rusev though because from this point forward he is a man who made John Cena tap out. The first to do so in ten years. I can't quite believe I'm praising John Cena.

Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns. I was in two minds about this match. There were times when it was pretty predictable (especially the finish) but there were times when it was really vicious. I think the mandate for this match going out was for it to really get Roman Reigns over. A hard fought match against a technically superior opponent. Both men worked snugly tonight and the stuff nature of the fight really put across the importance of the match. Daniel Bryan made Roman Reigns look great. He dished out a beating that Reigns has never taken before. Unfortunately the overall story line for the match followed a typical John Cena match. Reigns took a beating, he got some signature offence in and then hit his finisher for the win. I think the “superman” nature in which Reigns is being booked is really hurting him. Even the lethargic Memphis crowd has their fair share of people booing Reigns. I think after such a hard fought match the finish needed to be equally visceral and hard hitting. Bryan hitting him with every finisher only for Reigns to kick out and hit one spear for the win undermined the good work both men put in during the course of the match.

The finish was indicative of everything that is wrong with the Roman Reigns push. It was predictable and lazy. Everyone saw the spear coming. Everything is being done to protect him and it's obvious that he isn't ready. It's obvious that he was chosen. It's obvious that matches are being booked to protect him. His track record is evidence enough. The main event of Wrestlemania will be Reign's third pay per view singles match.

The roster has some burgeoning young talent. There are stars that are ready to be made, ready to carry the company and ready to take things to the next level but WWE's booking and unwillingness to take that step is hurting them. Look at the roster they have: Rusev, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Wade Barrett, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Cesaro. That's not even mentioning the wonderful talent ready in NXT. Every one of them is ready to take things to the next level but are held back by WWE's lack of courage to take the shot. Bizarrely WWE's biggest problem for the longest time was not building young talent. Currently their problem is the fact that they are forcing talent down our throats that are simply not ready. Roman Reigns will be great in a few years but him being forced to the top now is hurting him. He just isn't ready. His potential may be being squandered by pushing him too soon. The biggest David vs. Goliath match up has been squandered by not putting Daniel Bryan in the main event to face Brock Lesnar.

The WWE needs to make the transition. Vince McMahon needs to step away sooner rather than later. If NXT is any indication, fresh eyes and fresh minds will do wonders for the WWE and their talent who are currently victims of incompetence from the very company they work for.

Thanks for reading I'd love to hear your thoughts! Agree or disagree with any of my points?
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Re: WWE Fastlane Review

Postby Kyle » Feb 23, '15, 10:46 am

Could not have put it any better.

100 stars, mate.
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Re: WWE Fastlane Review

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Feb 23, '15, 1:13 pm

For someone who doesn't watch WWE PPVs regularly, a recap with this sort of opinion and description is hugely beneficial. Nice work mate :clap
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Re: WWE Fastlane Review

Postby prophet » Feb 23, '15, 1:28 pm

I completely agree with pretty much everything you've said.

Do you think the return of The Undertaker will have a negative effect on the build up to Sting/HHH? What I've enjoyed most about Sting so far is the theatrics, they've been very over the top and thus far been a very welcome change of pace to the rest of the show. With Taker returning, working alongside Bray Wyatt no less, do you feel they'll take some of the gloss away from Sting's theatricality and possibly even serve as somewhat of an overkill? Is there room for three of those types on one show?

Bryan/Reigns was a fantastic main event. As the veteran of the contest I really feel Bryan helped Roman tenfold and the two put on a brilliant match. As you said a lot of the action was stiff and felt real and the story told was great, Bryan's David worked tirelessly and almost got the job done but Roman's Goliath was just too powerful in the end. Completely agree with the Cena comparison and how it's the main thing hurting Reigns. Having him take such a beating only to win so quickly wasn't clever at all and again as you mentioned seemed to undermine all their hard work.

That said I don't think his ring work is his problem, it's his sheer lack of character development. He's a tough-guy who doesn't care who stands in his enough but we literally have no reason to invest in him. I think Bryan did a great job of establishing himself as a legitimate threat to Reigns and being a very real obstacle for the big man to face but without an actual character it's all very futile. A few solid catchphrases aren't enough. I think they've done enough of salvage job on him to prevent the main event being shat-on though and hopefully Heyman can work some of his magic to get people further behind Roman, it'd be a bummer if the ending to Wrestlemania was people booing as the confetti falls on Reigns.

Another one - why are the WWE suddenly investing time back in the Rhodes brothers when at this point people are clearly more interested in seeing The Miz and Mizdow finally go at each other? Is it just because Goldust will be retiring?
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Re: WWE Fastlane Review

Postby SortaCreative » Feb 23, '15, 1:53 pm

prophet wrote:I completely agree with pretty much everything you've said.

Do you think the return of The Undertaker will have a negative effect on the build up to Sting/HHH? What I've enjoyed most about Sting so far is the theatrics, they've been very over the top and thus far been a very welcome change of pace to the rest of the show. With Taker returning, working alongside Bray Wyatt no less, do you feel they'll take some of the gloss away from Sting's theatricality and possibly even serve as somewhat of an overkill? Is there room for three of those types on one show?

Adding the Undertaker to it all may get a little tiresome. That being said they're all different in their own way. We'll have to see I guess. My guess is that it'll be overkill. WWE aren't really known for the light touch.

prophet wrote:That said I don't think his ring work is his problem, it's his sheer lack of character development. He's a tough-guy who doesn't care who stands in his enough but we literally have no reason to invest in him. I think Bryan did a great job of establishing himself as a legitimate threat to Reigns and being a very real obstacle for the big man to face but without an actual character it's all very futile. A few solid catchphrases aren't enough. I think they've done enough of salvage job on him to prevent the main event being shat-on though and hopefully Heyman can work some of his magic to get people further behind Roman, it'd be a bummer if the ending to Wrestlemania was people booing as the confetti falls on Reigns.

I think the possibility of the main event being Lesnar/Goldberg'd is always there. But I think the WWE have done enough to salvage some of it like you said. Paul Heyman is the right guy to get people invested into the match. Hell him just saying that Reigns is the baddest man from the most savage tribe of the most brutal island is enough to get me somewhat into Reigns.

prophet wrote:Another one - why are the WWE suddenly investing time back in the Rhodes brothers when at this point people are clearly more interested in seeing The Miz and Mizdow finally go at each other? Is it just because Goldust will be retiring?

It's most likely because Goldust is about to retire. Which is a shame because as I mentioned, they're a little late on pulling the trigger on this feud. Remember when Cody for fired and Goldust came back to get his job and then the had Dusty involved and they fought the shield? They had an awesome moment all coming out together and honestly thats the most interesting the Rhodes family has been in a while. They had a little family feud with the McMahon's and that's when I would have done this. To capitalise off that momentum.
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Re: WWE Fastlane Review

Postby Stvtayl » Feb 23, '15, 8:59 pm

SortaCreative wrote:Fastlane. A few shining moments floating in a sea of mediocrity and questionable booking. I would describe WWE Fastlane as squandered potential.

Paige and Nikki Bella had a lot to live up to following NXT's Fatal Four Way match for the Women's Championship. Unfortunately they just live up to the high standards set by the ladies in developmental. This was another match where the finish completely blind sided the crowd and robbed them of all enthusiasm. A weak pull into the turnbuckle and a roll up for the win was lazy and both ladies deserved better.

I was wondering if the match ended sooner than was planned due to the OBVIOUS wardrobe malfunction split in Paige's top that appeared to be attached together by a thread at the end.
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Re: WWE Fastlane Review

Postby Messiah » Feb 25, '15, 11:58 pm

I probably need to give Reigns/Bryan a re-watch. Maybe it was the crowd putting me off, but I didn't really like the flow of the match until the later stages. I was behind Reigns winning, but it was too one-sided for my liking. It really felt like they were trying to make Reigns the underdog and I just don't want to see him being taken in that direction. The same thing happened on Raw when, as Str8Shooter put it, he was the babyface in peril.

The Rusev/Cena match was solid (my MOTN) with a great finisher. I think Rusev and Cena work well together and they built the match up so well in the weeks before that it really helped in getting emotionally invested for this match. I just wish they would have waited to pull the trigger on this match at WrestleMania. It would have been a lot less predictable. Oh well. Glad they allowed Rusev to win the manner that he did!

Cesaro/Kidd vs Usos was really fun. It is a damn shame the tag team division stinks because The Usos are a really good babyface tag team. They just grow old so quick because they are about the only team the WWE has that wasn't randomly thrown together.

The rest of the card sucked. It was pretty much Raw.
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Re: WWE Fastlane Review

Postby Hanley! » Feb 26, '15, 5:58 am

Five years ago this would have been an average episode of Raw. In 2015, due to the terrible quality of their flagship show, this was quite a good episode of Raw. But it's insanity that they thought this show was good enough for people to pay for. It was an episode of Raw. Passing it off as a pay per view was robbery.

The six man tag was a horrendous way to start off the show and it should never have been booked anyway. I've barely watched Raw this year and I still feel like I've seen variations of this match a dozen times. There was no story, no purpose and nobody got over. This really felt like a Raw match, because it has probably been one already. Six man tag matches are a Raw staple, and usually the laziest, most disposable part of Raw at that. Kane and Big Show overcoming Ziggler yet again made me a little sick. How are these two lumbering dinosaurs still beating potential main eventers on an almost weekly basis? It's ridiculous.

Booking the match was lazy, and the finish was counter-productive, but it's amazing that they even managed to book the in-ring action in the match itself terribly. Rowen was in the ring for longer than anyone else. That's only going to showcase his flaws. And if they needed one member of the face team to play babyface-in-peril before making the hot tag, it obviously should have been Ziggler. The guy who can sell.

Orton's return was decent. Only thing worth mentioning about this match really. Seems they tried to kill his momentum immediately on Raw though. I don't understand that. I also don't know why he was kept out for so long, given he was ready to come back weeks ago. I don't understand this company sometimes. On a side note, someone mentioned this on a podcast I follow recently and I haven't been able to stop noticing it since: Kane cannot take a bump to save his life. He took the RKO on his knees in the aftermath to this match.

Nobody cared about the Rhodes brothers confrontation so the match lacked heat. Then it ended with a lame roll-up in order to further the story. So again, that wasn't a pay per view match. It was a Raw match that was designed to further a story that can pay-off on pay per view. Two matches are done and I still don't understand what was worth paying for. Cody's promo afterwards was good though, and these two may still defy all the odds and create a decent angle out of the absolute ass they've been given over the last year. But even the good stuff here would have worked better on Raw.

Kidd and Cesaro are tag champions. Whoop-de-do. This was a good match, but some combination of these guys have been fighting each other on television forever and their title win didn't exactly come across as a big deal. Uso's haven't had the belts for long and the feud has been pretty paper thin. I'd like to see them do more with Tyson as I think his current character is interesting. They've dropped the ball badly with Cesaro though.

Sting vs Triple H was awful. I've actually liked some of the build up until now. Sting is doing his same mysterious thorn in the evil empire's side shtick that he did during the height of his popularity in 1997. It's not been done nearly as well. His music sucks now and just walking out and standing there isn't much of a mind game. But the segment where he accepted Triple H's challenge was pretty cool. That's more like the Sting of old. Though with a really noticeable WWE spin on it. I hoped for something similar at Fast Lane. Something cool, atmospheric and/or creepy to help hype Sting as this crazy awesome vigilante. Instead we got ... this ...

Sting just walks down to the ring and stands there while Triple H cuts another long-winded promo. You know, the kind he cuts on Raw every single fucking week. And I have to say, while Triple H is decent on the mic, I can't remember the last time I enjoyed one of his promos. He's not nearly as good on the mic as he thinks he is, and can't make these promos work without good material. He's lacking intensity now too, he feels like he's going through the motions.

They did set up the Wrestlemania feud between the two though. How? Sting pointed at a sign. That's how you set up matches these days. Fuck off. This wrote itself: Sting just needed to torment the Authority constantly until Triple H agreed to face him at Wrestlemania. Possibly with his role as COO on the line or something. Having Sting be the one chasing Triple H for a match makes no sense. It's lazy booking. Embarrassingly lazy.

Paige and Nikki had a nothing match where the winner won by a roll-up out of nowhere. If anything this was just a filler match to establish a bigger match down the line. This wasn't pay per view quality, though part of my questions if it was even Raw quality. The worst thing is that both of these women have talent. Brie may be useless, but Nikki has gotten a lot better. This could have been good if they had built the match at all and had given them enough time and a decent finish.

Bray Wyatt wasted our time with a long druid entrance that never felt like it was leading to an Undertaker appearance. His promo was more of the same, he's just finally stated that Undertaker is the guy who he's been calling out. But that's been obvious from the start. Again, this would have been a decent addition to Raw, instead of one of his near-identical backstage promos on the same subject. On pay per view ... fuck off.

Rusev vs Cena is next and now, FINALLY, the pay per view has started. This is the first time it felt like I was watching a marquee match. This is the first time it didn't feel like I was watching Raw. The match was good, the finish was good, though I felt the passing out was a bit cheap. Just do the same thing, but have Cena actually submit after the nut shot and being trapped in the submission again. Passing out didn't seem realistic, it felt like an obvious attempt to protect his character. Which took me out of things a bit.

The main event was decent. A pretty good match, with both guys doing their jobs well. Reigns isn't a bad wrestler, guys. He's not Bryan, but the "You Can't Wrestle" chants are just daft. One thing he could learn to do better is his selling. Though he shouldn't be the one taking offense most of the time anyway, but WWE hasn't been booking him this way. The finish here was always going to underwhelm. This match always looked like a way for WWE to write themselves out of a corner, but instead it was a way for them to buy themselves time and hope the problem would go away on its own. As a result this finished with an anti-climax. And to be honest, it still felt like this could have been a Raw match. Matches deciding who gets to go to the Wrestlemania main event have been decided on Raw before. It might even make the Road to Wrestlemania seem like a big deal (which is something that's been sadly missing this year).

The first two hours of this show were just Raw. The last hour was decent pay per view material, but wouldn't have seemed unusual as a part of a strong Raw show. Maybe they should have just left Fast Lane off the schedule and just booked this as an episode of Raw. If they had, everyone probably would have been ecstatic. But while this show wasn't bad exactly, nothing on it seemed worth paying for. It should have been an episode of Raw.
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Re: WWE Fastlane Review

Postby The Legend » Feb 26, '15, 6:37 am

^^^ Hanley, I think you are overcounting the quality of RAW in 2010.
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Re: WWE Fastlane Review

Postby Hanley! » Feb 26, '15, 6:40 am

The Legend wrote:^^^ Hanley, I think you are overcounting the quality of RAW in 2010.

It's possible we need to go back a little further than that, alright. :lol I think it would be more than reasonable to say it about Raw in 2008 though.

Though while Raw didn't seem great back in 2010, I reckon the shows from 2010 or 2011 would seem pretty damn good in comparison to today's shows. We got to see angles like Nexus and Summer of Punk. Both of which were botched terribly, but at least back then stuff actually happened on the show.
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Re: WWE Fastlane Review

Postby Messiah » Feb 26, '15, 10:04 am

Yea, Raw in 2010 was pretty bad. :lol

Although I get your point about stuff at least actually happening back then. I said it back around Survivor Series and it is still the case on the Road to WrestleMania. It isn't that the WWE or Raw is bad right now (frustrating, but I can see them attempting to put fresh faces in the spotlight), it is just at probably its most uninteresting state in a long time. Their lack of star power has never been more apparent.
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Re: WWE Fastlane Review

Postby The Legend » Feb 26, '15, 1:31 pm

Messiah wrote:I said it back around Survivor Series and it is still the case on the Road to WrestleMania. It isn't that the WWE or Raw is bad right now (frustrating, but I can see them attempting to put fresh faces in the spotlight), it is just at probably its most uninteresting state in a long time. Their lack of star power has never been more apparent.

I agree with your conclusion, but I disagree about the reason. To me RAW doesn't lack star power right now. They have a dozen guys that fans can't wait to be given a reason to cheer them and another 6-8 guys that the fans would willfully be talked into cheering for if they were given a reason to cheer for them. Raw's problem is two-fold: First, it is far too formulaic of a show. Second, and more important, the formula they choose to use doesn't fit what the genre should be and what it's fans want it to be (and no, in no way whatsoever will I be talking about PG or edginess).

Here's a basic timeline of every RAW for the past as long as I can remember:

Opening credits roll...
- Show opens with a main event guy in the ring talking for the first 15 minutes of the show.
- Guy A gets interrupted by a second guy that stands on the ramp, assuring as much physical distance as possible and no chance of a physical altercation, and talks for the next five minutes.
- Just as it looks like Guy A and Guy B may actually come to blows and bring some excitement to the proceedings they are interrupted by an Authority figure or a third guy who simply drone on for the next five minutes.

They cut to a four minute commercial break and we are already a half-hour into a wrestling show without any physical altercation at all.

- Come back from commercial and spend two minutes recapping what happened in the opening segment including a dull three-shot of the commentators talking about it afterwards and bickering in a non-sensical manner.
- Either the tag team champions or the #1 tag team contenders are in the ring and ready for the first match against some random tag team that nobody really cares about. They wrestle for about 10 minutes until the obviously featured team wins cleanly to be put over.
- They spend another two minutes recapping just about every single move from the match we just saw.
- Somebody cuts some kind of monologue that doesn't really have anything to do with anything.

They go to another four minute commercial break

- They come back from commercial break and recap something that happened on an old episode of RAW or SD for two minutes.

End of hour 1/Beginning of hour 2

- A guy in a high profile feud is introduced, he's going to be facing some random guy that really has no shot at winning this match. Before said match begins to everyone's, or no one's, surprise the guy that the first guy is actually feuding with comes out to do guest commentary.
- This match goes on for 15 minutes, including painful commentary from someone they clearly haven't taught how to do good guest commentary, before the match ends with the guy who is in the important feud wins cleanly to go over. The winner of the match goes over to the turnbuckle closest the commentary table and stands on it shouting something we don't get to hear as both men argue for a couple of minutes with again no physicality.
- Both men go to the back as Cole hypes up the earlier established main event tag team match from the first segment for another two minutes.

Four minute commercial break.

- Someone new comes out and cuts a 10 minute monologue before being interrupted by whatever mid-carder he's feuding with who will cut his own 10 minute monologue that doesn't really connect with what the first guy was saying.
- The commentary team spends two minutes hyping up some product or thing that is totally unrelated to RAW, then they show a guy featured in the next match getting ready to come to the ring for a minute before cutting to another commercial break

Four minute commercial break.

- The best wrestling match of the night kicks off with two talented mid-carders going at it. The heel mid-carder starts off pretty strong for a couple of minutes before 5 minutes of face dominated offense. Just as the heel is turning the corner they cut to commercial break at the end of hour two.

Four minute commercial break.

Start of hour three.

- The match is still continuing as the heel has beaten up the face on the outside for a while, they dual-screen recap this while the heel holds the face in some kind of submission rest hold. Just as the recap ends the face battles out of the rest hold and goes on the attack. The face beats up the heel and earns the victory after about 10 minutes into the final hour.
- They recap the match and then kick it to another four minute commercial

Four minute commercial break

- Come back from the commercial with a recap of something that happened previous on RAW or SD.
- This is usually the one spot of the whole three hours left available for some creativity. Whatever is going into the recapped feud usually leads to some kind of non-match physical altercation that has some excitement and energy behind it for 5 minutes.
- Cole talks again about the main event for five minutes with JBL and Byron chipping in.

Four minute commercial break.

- The commentators talk for a couple minutes about what ground breaking TV was on Total Divas on Sunday night including recap videos.
- Whoever was featured in in the Total Divas recap are featured in some kind of divas tag team match that last three minutes.

Four minute commercial break

- They come back from commercial and finish introducing the competitors for the main event tag team match.
- They wrestle a really slow and dogged pace for a while until the heel gets knocked out of the ring and whoever the face is in the match does some kind of suicide dive that takes everybody out and they go to commercial break.
- They come back from commercial break and the pace of the match has quickened. They wrestle back and forth with lots of weird chaos for the beter part of 6-8 minutes before we either get to a clean finish for the faces to win or a weird non-finish for the heels to come out on top.
- We close Raw with one team happy and celebrating and the other looking totally pissed off for two minutes, after a two minute recap of the main event.

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Re: WWE Fastlane Review

Postby The Legend » Feb 26, '15, 1:39 pm

The problem with this layout is that you've taken something that at it's best is a fast-paced, aggressive and competitive violence driven and basically turned it into something that is completely low energy, slow and monologue/dialogue driven. You also rob the current generation audience and fans of some of the best moments. RAW is still entertaining on some level, but it isn't particularly memorable because they don't do the memorable things any more. I've been a wrestling for at least 25 years now and these are the things that I most fondly and vividly remember as a fan.

- HBK kicking Marty Jannety and then throwing him through the Barber Shop window.
- Piper clocking Snuka with a coconut
- Jake Roberts having his snake bite Macho Man and seperately interrupt Savage and Elizabeth's wedding reception with the snake.
- Austin/Angle driving beer truck/milk truck
- Austin on the Zambonie.
- Austin throwing Rock's title off a bridge.
- The DX express being destroyed, McMahon's convertible being destroyed.
- Kofi destroying Orton's racecar.
- Screwjob finishes to matches and run-ins.

The WWE these days don't do any of those things ever and it's not like any of them are particularly non-PG or couldn't be done in a PG manner.
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