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AAA Guerra de Titanes Report

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AAA Guerra de Titanes Report

Postby Daz » Feb 04, '15, 5:04 pm

AAA Guerra de Titanes
12/07/2014 - Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico

- Weird use of Muse’s “Survival” for the opening video package, but there you go.

- Traditional tribute to Antonio Pena to start, complete with flags and girls in Santa outfits. I don’t want to question Mexican culture, but bringing an urn to a wrestling show doesn’t half seem like a downer.

AAA Campeonato Mini
Dinastía © vs. Mini Charly Manson

- I believe the full sized edition of Charly Manson is still in jail. That aside, this is for the Mini’s title. Mini Charly Manson is seconded by Mini Psycho Clown, who is a Rudo, unlike his larger counterpart. Dinastía is seconded by Mascarita Sagrada, who has appeared in Lucha Underground.

They exchange shots in the centre to start things off. Dinastía gets floored after a Spinning Back Elbow by Mini Charly Manson. Flips back to his feet. Coming off the ropes, Dinastía does the Matrix like bridge and kip up to avoid a Clothesline. Back kick and he slips to the floor. Charly Manson gives chase. He gets suckered into a Spinning Wheel Kick inside. Cover gets a one count. Mini Charly Manson answers with a Dropkick and gets a one count of his own. Standoff between the two. They get into another exchange of strikes. Mini Charly Manson cartwheels over a Dinastía dropdown coming off the ropes and rearranges Dinastía’s facial features with a Superkick. Cover gets a two count. Charly Manson ties up the legs for the submission but Dinastía is quick to reach the ropes. Mini Psycho Clown tags him with right hands, just ‘cause.

They do a weird spot where Mini Charly Manson takes Dinastía to the mat, and Dinastía repeatedly kips up. He ends up on his feet. Monkey Flip to Charly Manson. Manson lands on his feet. Dinastía charges him in the corner but the challenger launches him up and over. Dinastía scales to the top. Charly flips him off the ropes, onto his shoulders, which was exactly as cool as it sounds, only to get caught with the Headscissors. Side kick by Dinastía sends Manson to the floor. Dinastía with the Moonsault off the top, to the floor! The seconds’ fan them down with towels, which makes me chuckle for some reason. Dinastía sends Charly back inside. Manson tries to slow Dinastía down on the apron. Kick by Dinastía and he launches himself back into the ring. He runs the ropes. Mini Charly Manson catches him on the rebound and sends him tumbling right back to the outside. Springboard Plancha by Mini Charly Manson! Both men up outside, double Clothesline! More towel fanning.

The seconds return their guys to the ring. Kick by Charly Manson. He has Dinastía in the corner and murders him with a Chop. Whip across, Dinastía gets the boot up. Dinastía tries for the Wheelbarrow Bodyscissors but gets countered with a Gutbuster. Mini Charly Manson with a Sit-Out Powerbomb. Cover, two count. Charly attempts the Back Suplex, Dinastía goes up and over. He rushes to the ropes and gets tripped by Psycho Clown. Mini Psycho in hammering away at Dinastía. Sagrada makes the save. Mini Charly Manson and Psycho Clown gain the upper hand and send Mascarita Sagrada to the ropes. Mini Psycho Clown dumps him to the mat. Manson off the ropes takes Sagrada out with the Dropkick. Dinastía back in, gets dropped with the Back Suplex this time. Cover, 2 count. Manson tries to pull Dinastía up but the champion counters with a rollup. One…Two…Kickout! Dinastía has Mini Charly Manson in the corner. Whip across the ring. Manson climbs the ropes but Dinastía comes in behind and takes him to the mat with the Spanish Fly. Cover, one…two…kickout! Forearms by Dinastía. Off the ropes, Huracanrana! Another nearfall! Both men up in the corner. They do the Neo/Agent Smith charge at one another from the Matrix. Charly snaps Dinastía’s arm down out of the air. Cover, two count. Mounted Forearms by Manson on the mat. Pulls Dinastía up, spins him around, German Suplex. Sagrada in to make the save for Dinastía. Who’s the Rudo here? Sagrada takes Mini Psycho Clown out with the Arm Drag. Topé con Hilo to Psycho Clown on the floor! Dinastía and Mini Charly Manson with the chop exchange. Half Nelson Driver by Mini Charly Manson! Two count! Charly slams Dinastía down, heads up top. Dinastía cuts him off with the Enzuigiri. Climbs after him, Spanish Fly off the top! Three count!

Winner: Dinastía

[size=85]- Recap of Ivelisse’s introduction and the feud with her and Sexy Star. These two are also involved in Lucha Underground, playing the opposite roles, which makes for a different dynamic here.

Lucha de Mujeres
Faby Apache & Ivelisse Vélez vs. Sexy Star & Taya Valkyrie

- Sexy star comes out in what can only be described as a glittery rainbow bath robe. Fabulous. Taya is the current Reina de Reinas Champion and Sexy Star is one half of the Mixed Tag team champions.

Taya and Sexy Star jump start the match. They pair off with their rivals respective rivals. Taya whips Faby into the corner, follows in with a back elbow, and then two knees to the face. Sexy Star hangs Ivelisse’s arm around the rope and drops into the splits. Whips her to the ropes, boots by Taya and Ivelisse. Faby charges Sexy star from behind, falls to the numbers game. Hair mare by Sexy Star. Double whip on Faby, gets chopped down, rolled to feet, second whip. Sloppy pair of boots again. Sexy Star knocks Ivelisse off the apron. Ivelisse enters, more double team offense. Sexy star with the boot in the corner. Taya follows in with the Elbow. Double knee attacks by both women on Ivelisse in the corner. Faby back in, Sexy Star derails her. Chokes her on the second rope. Faby whipped off the ropes. Spinebuster and boots by Sexy Star and Taya. Ivelisse tries to make the save but gets dispatched to the floor. Taya and Sexy Star run to the ropes. Sexy Star gets pulled to the outside by Ivellise. Taya gets hung up on the second and dragged to the mat. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker on Sexy Star by Faby. Ivelisse and Faby stand tall. Taya gets towelled off as she and Sexy Star regroup.

Sexy star offers a handshake, not gonna get it. Faby off the ropes, drop down by Sexy Star. Boots for Faby. Whip reversed by Faby, A pair of Arm Drags send Sexy Star to the floor. Tag to Ivelisse and in comes Taya. Kick to the thigh by Taya. Ivelisse with one of her own. Exchange of kicks, Taya swings for the right and gets clocked with the heel of Ivelisse’s boot. Ivelisse off the ropes, shoulder tackle by Taya. Whip into the buckles but Taya eats the Superkick coming in. Arm Drag off the second by Ivelisse sends Taya to the floor. The Rudo’s regroup again. Taya comes in and gets Dropkicked out of her boots by Faby. Faby Headscissors sends Taya right back to the outside. Headscissors off the apron catches Taya on the floor. Sexy Star Topé con Hilo on both! Ivelisse tries the dive but is blocked by Hijo del Tirantes. Sexy Star attacks with the high knee strike. Ivelisse blocks the whip, misses the kick and gets shoved into the ropes. Wheelbarrow Facebuster by Sexy star scores two! Ivelisse counters the Suplex into the Guillotine, and drops Sexy star with the DDT! Taya breaks up the count. Bear Hug by Taya on Ivelisse. She escapes but eats the Back Suplex. Faby breaks the count this time. Faby Victory Roll on Taya scores a two count. Taya dragged up, counters the Tiger Driver and connects with Full Nelson Bomb. Taya manoeuvres Faby into the Arm Bar. Faby powers out. Faby Apache takes Taya down with a Flying Arm Bar off her own, and rolls Taya around the ring. Sexy Star breaks that up with kicks. Faby manages to fend off both opponents and tries to make the tag to Ivelisse. Hijo del Tirantes blocks her path because he’s dastardly and wears suspenders. Sit-Out Powerbomb by Taya. Sexy Star drags Ivelisse in and takes her down with a Vertical Suplex. Taya and Sexy Star send her off the ropes and connect with the Flapjack, followed by a pair of Basement Dropkicks. A Catapult/Seated Senton combination finishes off Faby.

Winners: Sexy Star & Taya Valkyrie

[size=85]- Standard Post-match brawl follows. Faby always looks like she’s about to murder Taya and a dozen security guys had to pull them apart. Sexy Star does a lot of running around the ring until eventually winding up in there with Ivelisse and Faby. More pull apart stuff as Hijo del Tirantes struggles with Taya on the ramp way. Well the people seemed to enjoy it and I enjoy Sexy Star.

- Promo with Sexy Star and Taya mocking Ivelisse (complete with pink noises). They’re the hottest, the fastest, the strongest, the best in Mexico etc. Payback is gonna be a bitch apparently. Anyone would have thought they didn’t win.

AAA Campeonato en Parejas
Angélico & Jack Evans © vs. Pentagón Jr. & Joe Lider vs. Fenix & Myzteziz

- This match has been built as though Angélico and Jack Evans don’t exist, so I can’t see them retaining here. Myzteziz is wearing a tremendous half and half mask to match Fenix’s. The difference between him in AAA and WWE is night and day.

Pentagón Jr. jump starts the match during the introductions, attacking Jack Evans. Fenix and Myzteziz take care of Pentagón Jr and Lider until Angélico and Evans return, taking out them with a pair of Dropkicks. This is gonna be tough to recap. Duelling dives by Angélico and Evans, taking out the Rudo’s on the floor. Fenix and Myzteziz follow up with Topé’s of their own. Pentagón Jr. and Myzteziz go head to head. Myzteziz with the Superkick. Whip off the ropes reversed by Pentagón. Myzteziz busts out the Handspring Backflip then connects with the Springboard Headscissors. He follows up with a Crossbody off the top. Both men up. Another Headscissors by Myzteziz sends Pentagón Jr. to the floor. Jack springboards into the ring, adding seventeen flips in the process.

Jack Evans avoids the Clothesline with a backflip, ‘cause why not, and connects with the Springboard Roundhouse. Corkscrew Press on Myzteziz and the cover. Lider in to break it up. Lider with a pair of kicks for Jack Evans, and he stacks him up with the DDT. Evans to the floor, Lider tees up for the dive. Fenix cuts him short with an Enzuigiri mid dive. Fenix Handspring Cutter on lider inside the ring, followed by a brutal Basement Dropkick. Angélico sends Fenix off the ropes. Angélico Leapfrogs, rolls back on the mat, and gets double stomped for his troubles. Fenix gets caught in position for a Back Suplex after a failed Handspring attempt. He counters, but eats the Leaping Knee Strike. Angélico lifts Fenix, who goes up and over for the Sunset Flip. Angélico double stomp of his own! Pentagón breaks the pin! Angélico fends off Pentagón and Lider. Pentagón Double Knee Chestbreaker, and Lider adds a back Senton whilst Pentagón holds Angélico in place. Evans in. lider right hand stops him, and he holds Jack in place. Pentagón Jr. kills Jack with a nasty chop! Lider and Pentagón tie up the arms of Evans and flip him inside out. Fenix and Myzteziz make the save with a pair of kicks.

Double whip reversed. Fenix and Myzteziz hold onto the ropes and hang Lider and Pentagón Jr. out to dry. Tiger Feint Kick by Myzteziz as Fenix drills Lider with a Dropkick from the floor. Duel splashes and covers inside, but the champions break it up. They target Myzteziz with kicks. Fenix tries to make the save but he gets caught with a kick from Jack Evans. Assisted Standing 450 on Myzteziz. One…Two… Fenix makes the save. Jack and Angélico positioned in opposing corners. Forearms for both of them by Fenix and Myzteziz. The masked tecnicos’s try to go back the other way. Jack ducks Myzteziz’s shot and nails Fenix across the ring with the Dropkick. Angélico clocks Myzteziz with the knee. Back Suplex/Stomp combination on Fenix! Octoipous hold by Evans on Myzteziz! The Rudo’s in to spoil the party. Pentagón Jr. chair shots take out Fenix, Angélico and Jack Evans. Myzteziz gets held in place by Lider, only to move out of the way, leaving Pentagón Jr. to level his own partner with the chair. Myzteziz Superkicks the chair back into Pentagón’s face! Myzteziz pulls out Lider’s thumbtacks. Lider cuffs Myzteziz with the right hand, taking them for himself. Myzteziz Enzuigiri on Lider in the corner. Sets him up up. Frankensteiner into the tacks! Cover by Fenix, the champions save at two! Pentagón Jr. with the Spinning Sole Butt Kick on Jack sends him spilling to the floor. Fenix Superkick on Pentagón! Lider up, another right hand for Myzteziz. One for Lider by Fenix! Fenix with the boot in the corner. 450 Splash off the top! One…Two… Angélico makes the save!

Angélico sent into the corner by Fenix. He rolls across Fenix’s back and misses with a Leg Sweep. Angélico springs up on his hand to connect with the kick. Cover broken up by Pentagón Jr. Angélico misses the Clothesline and gets caught with a Sling Blade. There’s nowhere good to land in that ring because the thumbtacks are just everywhere. Myzteziz kicks the hell out of Pentagón Jr. to prevent the three count. Michinoku Driver II. Jack comes off the ropes to cut that cover short. Myzteziz reverses a whip and Jack hits a sloppy version of Myzteziz’s La Mistica. Again Pentagón breaks it up. Myzteziz connects with La Mistica this time! Lider off the ropes, Basement Dropkick to Myzteziz! All six men on the floor. A table has been set up and Fenix, Myzteziz, Pentagón Jr. and Lider stack up the champions on top of it. Lider and Pentagón Jr. have Myzteziz and Fenix inside the ride. They want to Suplex them onto Angélico and Evans on the table on the floor. The tecnico’s cut it off. MYZTEZIZ AND FENIX CRASH AND BURN THROUGH THE TABLE! That was pretty awesome. Angélico hits Lider with his Jackie Chan kick in the ring. Crucifix Buckle Bomb on Lider! Evans up top for the 630! Pentago cuts him off with a chair. Angélico tries to take the chair. Lider with the Lungblower! Pentagón Jr. chair shot! Angélico spills out to the floor. PACKAGE PILEDRIVER ON EVANS! BRAINBUSTER BY LIDER! COVER, NEW CHAMPIONS!

Winner and NEW Champions: Pentagón Jr. & Joe Lider

- Fenix’s back is messed up right away from the table spot. That looks nasty.

AAA Campeonato de Tercias
Psycho Circus (Murder Clown, Monster Clown y Psycho Clown) © vs. Hell Brothers (Cibernético, Chessman y Averno)
There’s no realm in which I believe this will be good. Psycho Clown has Road Warrior Shoulder Pads on and Monster Clown abducts a child as per usual. Chessman and Averno attack Murder Clown in the aisle and take his mask. Rudo to the core. Duelling dives by Psycho Clown and Monster Clown take out Hell Brothers on the floor. Monster Clown whips Averno around ringside with his leather belt. No Cibernético yet, which is probably a good thing. Averno avoids the Hilo inside but eats an Arm Drag. Mini Clown hits Averno with an assisted Headscissors and because it’s AAA (and a Psycho Circus match) there’s no DQ. Pair of Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreakers for Averno. Chessman in, but gets caught with a Crossbody. Psycho Clown runs wild with the strap, hitting his own mascot and the referee as well. Powerslam on Chessman. Cover, Averno Dropkick breaks it at two.

Averno and Chessman with some revenge, whipping Psycho Circus with the strap. Clotheslines in the corner on Monster Clown. Psycho Clown in, firing away on both Hell Brothers. A Chessman Superkick ends that in a hurry. Averno winds up whipping Psycho Clown into a Chessman chair shot. Monster Clown to the rescue. He slaps the hell out of Averno on the mat. Psycho Clown has another strap but is cut short by Chessman. Averno and Chessman attempt to whip both Monster Clown and Psycho Clown to the ropes. Double reversal and Murder Clown (complete with new mask) appears to trip the Hell Brothers as they hit the ropes. Psycho Clown retrieves the chair, takes out Chessman. Murder Clown with the Press Slam on Averno drops him across the ropes in the corner. Murder Clown is launched onto Chessman who’s held aloft by Monster Clown and Psycho Clown. A Murder Clown splash off the top ends it. I was right, that was not good.

Winner: Psycho Circus

- Chessman is checked on by Doctors after. Psycho Circus took forever with the post-match celebration. I have no idea why Cibernético wasn’t part of the match or if it’ll be part of an angle down the road. Its AAA so I imagine they’ll just pretend like it never happened.

- Konan promo about La Sociedad holding all the titles. Taya has the Women’s title, Fantasma has the Cruiserweight title, Pentagón Jr. has both sets of tag titles along with Joe Lider and Sexy Star. Texano Jr. is the current Heavyweight Champion heading into the Main Event with Alberto. I hate to be that guy, but Konan has with him redhead, and she brought with her an ass that would make Kim Kardashian proud - that’s if Kim Kardashian had human emotions at any rate.

Luchas de Apuestas - Mascara contra Mascara
Súper Fly vs. Aerostar
- This has been one of the best built feuds I’ve seen AAA do in recent years. It should be a good match too. Niño Hamburguesa served as Aerostar’s second. Hijo del Fantasma is Súper Fly’s, for those keeping score. Lots of posturing and whatnot before the bell. There was a little back and forth on the microphone that leads to Joaquín Roldan coming to the ring, replacing Hijo del Tirantes as referee with Piero..

Kick by Súper Fly to start things. He reels off several of them, right to the head. Aerostar chopped down to the mat. Whip to the ropes by Súper Fly catches Aerostar with a Back Elbow. Huge Double Footed Dropkick to the seated Aerostar. Aerostar’s already selling like death. Right hands and tearing at the mask. Súper Fly introduces a chair and just cleans Aerostar’s clock with it. Súper Fly has him on the floor, jabs Niño with the chair, and nails Aerostar to follow up. More mask ripping. He runs Aerostar into the post. Back inside, Súper Fly bites at the head and mask. Looks like Aerostar might already be bleeding. Yep. That’s a lot of blood. Súper Fly unzips Aerostar’s bodysuit and chops the ever loving Christ out of him. And a second Chop. He’s really doing a number on him.

Súper Fly sends Aerostar to the ropes but gets caught with a Headscissors. Súper Fly powders out and Aerostar follows up with the Topé Suicida. Back inside, Súper Fly attempts the right hand. Aerostar ducks and leaps up onto the shoulders. He takes Súper Fly to the mat with a Victory Roll, scoring an early two count. Súper Fly is just covered in Aerostar’s blood. Wheelbarrow Bodyscissors into a Victory Roll of his own by Súper Fly. Another two count. Aerostar connects with a Dropkick coming off the ropes and hammers away at Súper Fly with rights. He is a bloody mess. Aerostar repays the favour, tearing at Súper Fly’s mask. He nearly pulled the whole thing off, which would have rendered this match pointless. Aerostar has the chair, and wraps it around Súper Fly’s skull. Súper Fly rolls out to the floor. He might be bleeding now as well.

Súper Fly back in and Aerostar rushes at him off the ropes. Súper Fly launches Aerostar into the lights and lets him fall to the canvas. He punctuates that with a Dropkick.Aerostar sent off the ropes, lifted up by Súper Fly, and just dumped to the outside. Fantasma gets his shots in, and positions both Aero Star and Niño to his liking. Súper Fly connects with a Moonsualt on both of them. Aero Star rolls back in, Súper Fly is not far behind. Aerostar catches Súper Fly with the Drop Toe Hold. Goes for La Magistral Cradle. Súper Fly slips free, pushing Aero Star into the referee. Schoolboy by Súper Fly, two count! Aerostar with the Sunset Flip! Two count! Fantasma in to Dropkick Aerostar! He pulls Aerostar up but Aerostar slips out of the way and Súper Fly floors Fantasma with the Dropkick. Niño knocks down Súper Fly. Topé con Hilo on Fantasma by Niño!

Inside, Súper Fly goes on the attack with a Forearm. Aerostar is backed into the ropes. Súper Fly takes an insane Back Drop over the ropes. He gets ridiculous height with that. Aerostar vaults over the ropes, looking for a dive. Súper Fly sweeps out his legs on the apron. They fight into the corner of ringside and Aerostar begins climbing the lighting rig. Súper Fly gets kicked down, falling onto of Fantasma. Aerostar reaches the top, that’s a long way down. HE KILLS HIMSELF, LEAPING ONTO ALL THREE MEN BELOW!!! HE IS INSANE. I would say he had a rush of blood to his head, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have any left. Both men somehow wind up back inside. Súper Fly takes advantage with a kick, followed by a Powerbomb. Folding press, one…two…Aerostar kicks out! Aerostar ducks a Clothesline and sets Súper Fly up for the Tombstone. Piero stops him, I’m not entirely sure why. I don’t recall AAA having a no Piledriver rule. Súper Fly takes advantage and hits a second Powerbomb. One…two… Aerostar kicks out again! Both men up. Súper Fly rushes him into the corner and tries for the O’Connor Roll. He bridges over and I’m pretty sure both men’s shoulders are down on the count. Kickout regardless. Aerostar sent to the ropes, launched into the air once more. He snaps off the Huracanrana! One! Two! Three!

Winner: Aerostar

- Súper Fly is forced to take off his mask and reveal his identity. He’s Erick Aguilar Muñoz from Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Súper Fly kicks out at Aerostar, lets his hair fall in front of his face, because he mask be one ugly mother, and heads to the back. I’m guessing Súper Fly will continue to appear masked in Lucha Underground.

AAA Megacampeonato
Texano Jr. © vs. Alberto “El Patron”
-Texano Jr. comes out dressed like a cheap bachelorette party stripper, which should give you a clue as to his chances. Perro Aguayo Jr. is his second. Alberto is seconded by El Mesías. Perro Aguayo and Alberto get into a little back and forth before the bell. I assume that’s the direction for Alberto in AAA, seeing as Perro was his one man welcoming committee at TripleMania. Hijo del Tirantes helped facilitate a Texano Jr. victory over Alberto at Heroes Immortales, which was in Alberto’s home town, and is the referee once again here.

Aggressive lock up to start. Snapmare by Alberto, soccer kick to the back and an early two count. Alberto mounted punches in the corner. Alberto dumps him and scores with a Dropkick to the back of the head for a second two count. Alberto off the ropes, but gets tripped by Perro, and Texano takes advantage. Texano with right hands of his own in the corner. Perro gets a few shots in until Mesías comes to the rescue. Texano works over the leg inside, and puts the bull rope he comes to the ring with to use. More Perro interference. Tirantes distracts himself with Mesías to avoid calling a DQ … like it’d matter regardless. Alberto eventually goes after Perro on the floor, only to wind up posted by Texano Jr. Back inside, Texano whips Alberto to the ropes. Alberto holds on and catches Texano with the Back Drop to the floor. Topé Suicida. Perro nails him with a chair. RUDO! The crowd is really hot. Mesías and Perro wind up inside but Tirantes holds of Mesías. Alberto is busted open and Texano and Perro do a number on him on the floor. Perro paints himself with Alberto’s blood cause he’s a sick, sick man. Texano smashes Alberto off of the announce table and he’s returned to the ring. Alberto tries to fire back with rights and lefts but gets floored by the Dropkick. More bull rope action by Texano. Mesías grabs hold of it and wins the tug-of-war to save Alberto for now.

Alberto is hung in the Tree of Woe. Perro holds him in place and Texano repeatedly nails the challenger with the chair. Texano plants Alberto in place and heads up top. Alberto cuts him off and connects with the Super-Plex. Both men on their knees, exchanging right hands. Up to their feet, Txano off the ropes misses a Clothesline, and Alberto fires off two of his own. Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker. Alberto finally takes off his t-shirt. Drops Texano with the Lungblower, one, two … Texano kicks out. Alberto tees up for the Superkick. Tirantes distracts and Texano Jr. surprises him with a Spinebuster. Fast count on the cover, but Alberto kicks out at two. Not to be outdone, Texano Jr. pulls off the leather monstrosity he called a shirt. The champion sets the challenger up top. Alberto knocks him down and Texano Jr. gets hung up in place. Double Knees to the hung up champion! Alberto calls for the Cross Arm Breaker. Texano Jr. counters, lifting the challenger onto his shoulders. Fireman’s Carry Backbreaker! Perro sends in a table for Texano Jr. Alberto drills him with an elbow and delivers a Tornado DDT out of the corner.

Alberto is fed up with Tirantes so trips him to his knees and connects with the Superkick. Texano Jr. tries to use the distraction, nailing Alberto with a loaded right hand. Piero comes out to make the count. One… Two … Alberto kicks out! Flatliner to the arm by Alberto, followed by the Superkick. Cover, one … Two … Texano Jr. gets the shoulder up! Alberto sets Texano up on the ropes. Texano fights him off and delivers a Powerbomb through the table. One… Two. ALBERTO KICKS OUT! In comes Perro, stomping away at Alberto. Mesías in and he finally gets his hands on Perro. Tosses him to the floor. Topé Suicida by El Mesías! Texano Jr. says enough is enough, lifting Alberto onto his shoulders. Alberto escapes, tries for the Cross Arm Breaker. Texano rolls through and tries for the low blow. Alberto has it scouted. Cross-Arm Breaker! Texano Jr. taps!

Winner and NEW Champion: Alberto “El Patron”

- Alberto climbs the scaffolding to celebrate. Confetti fall and outcome the tecnicos. Alberto cut a quick promo. They took the long route to get to the title change but in the end it made for a good moment, and a good way for AAA to end out the year. I also believe that makes Alberto the first person to hold both AAA & CMLL Heavyweight titles..
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