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Consent in the Salon: Perhaps it Still Exists Somewhere!

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Consent in the Salon: Perhaps it Still Exists Somewhere!

Postby BrautFan » Dec 10, '14, 7:13 am

Here's a little off-topic account to entertain you all in a non-sports related manner:

I wanted to share my unfortunate account with an esthetician to also raise the issue of “consent” in the “beauty industry.” I was getting some spa services rendered (just the face, okay) and I was anticipating the usual. In my mind, I was expecting simple exfoliation masks and such, since I have known this particular esthetician on and off for the past 5 years at least. I arrived, Starbucks in both hands (for myself), and we began the treatment. It is important to mention that this particular esthetician tried to sell me “eye lash tinting” at the previous visit; I rejected the notion, of course stating that I didn't know everything about the risks and benefits. I figured brushing it off and changing the subject was sufficient enough; I also wrongly assumed that it was just a sales pitch and not some strange desire to experiment on people.

Back to the present visit. After we had begun (I’d say I was one quarter in to the treatment), she again mentioned again the eyelash tinting. I again rejected the notion, but unfortunately, I didn’t actually say “no” in my rejection. I said, “eh… I think I’d rather focus on [what was being done].” While I was relaxing, eyes closed, and had no apparent warning, I felt something being painted on my eyelash area and something like a little pad went under my eye.

Here’s her statement at this point:

“Well, I’m gonna do it anyway, and you’re gonna love it!”

Me: [extremely pissed off]…. (I was screwed. One eye done, one eye undone. Couldn’t jump up and foam at the mouth at that point in time unless I wanted to really look like an idiot with one “done” and one “undone” eye). My level of uptightness went to >9,000.

I only became livid, raging, FOAMING AT THE MOUTH mad days after. That’s how I roll. Needless to say, she’s not touching me ever again despite the fact that I have used her services on and off for years without her doing something insane like this. I didn’t ask for this just because I didn’t say “no!” directly! This is violence against eyes that should not be tolerated! Yeah I should have done “this” and I should have done “that”… I could have “communicated directly” (yes, I know) but the major point is what kind of a complete asshole would do this to a person without full consent?


So much for covering the topic of consent in whatever curriculum these people go through! Or was it that the medication was NOT taken that particular morning? The world may never know.... just like the world may never know how many licks it takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop.
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Re: Consent in the Salon: Perhaps it Still Exists Somewhere!

Postby Kein » Dec 10, '14, 2:13 pm

Actually it takes 3 licks to get to the center of the tootsie pop.

So... How'd the eyelashes turn out?
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