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AAA TripleMania XXII Report

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AAA TripleMania XXII Report

Postby Daz » Aug 21, '14, 6:01 pm

Because I had nothing better to do today...

TripleMania XXII

- Jesús Zúñiga provided an introduction to the show.

- Alberto Del Rio arrived and made his way to his WWE theme music (so they’re not that scared of getting sued), alongside father Dos Caras. Ran down WWE, talked racism and put over his Mexican heritage. Translation:

"History will mark this day as the day that El Patron returned home. But the truth is, after listening to that grand reception, I don't think El Patron ever left, because his heart belongs to you, it belongs to Mexico. A lot has been said about why I left, why I came back. Seven years ago I embarked on that dream, that adventure called America. And by suffering, blood, sweat and tears we showed North Americans and the entire world, that when you do things with heart, with passion, with love, and being humble under the eyes of God our Father, dreams do come true. Of course it wasn't easy, and then came a day that the dream turned into a nightmare. Similar to many of you, or if not you, to family members of yours, who have gone to the other side looking for a better life for those that we love, I came across a monster, a monster called racism. Racism doesn't distinguish sex, race, religion, color, it doesn't care…if you have money, if you don't have it. But this man that's standing right here (points at his father Dos Caras), that has given me everything and has made mr the person that I am, gave me the biggest gift a father can give his son – honesty and the spirit to triumph. He never lowered his head, so that I could learn to never lower it in front of anyone. I love you, Dad. In the U.S., they might be able to take my job, but they'll never, ever take away my dignity and my pride. And on this night, my fellow Mexicans, I promise you and God that never again will someone come and disrespect my people, myself and all those that I love – because I am El Patron Alberto and I am Mexican ladies and gentlemen!"

- La Sociedad members, Perro Aguayo Jr., El Hijo del Fantasma, Daga and Konan came out to confront Del Rio and Dos Caras. Perro Aguayo mocked Del Rio for bringing his father and threatened to take Del Rio’s hair. Perro pushed Dos Caras to the mat and the rudo’s bailed, but not before Del Rio got a few good licks in. Del Rio talked some trash to the Rudo’s in response and threatened Perro Aguayo Jr., saying something along the lines of “just cause I have a ninety day no compete clause, doesn’t mean I won’t kick your ass tonight if I have to.” La Sociedad retreated.

Relevos Atómicos
Súper Fly, Mini Abismo Negro, Sexy Star & Mamba vs. Aero Star, Mascarita Sagrada, Jennifer Blake & Pimpinela Escarlata

- Mini Abismo Negro and Mascarita Sagrada are mini wrestlers. Mamba and Pimpinela Escarlata are Exoticos. The others are your more traditional Male/Female wrestlers. Súper Fly & Aero Star are former members of Real Fuerza Aérea. Súper Fly left the group, turning Rudo and has been feuding with his former stable mate for a while now. Sexy Star is one half of the AAA World Mixed Tag Team Champions, alongside Pentagón Jr.

Dropkick by Súper Fly to Aero Star starts things off. Sexy Star in to put the boots to Aero Star. Her whip into the buckles is countered. She leaps to the second. Aero Star follows her in and gives her a good spanking. Why not? Aero Star suckers Súper Fly in and he winds up Dropkick his own partner to the outside. Topé con Hilo to Súper Fly on the outside. Blake and Sexy Star in and a Clothesline by Blake misses. Sexy Star Clothesline misses this time and Blake uses the hair to pull her down. Sexy Star catches her coming off the ropes with a Rolling Back Elbow and just rag dolls Blake by the hair. Blake stumbles leaping to the second off the whip but recovers to deliver the Arm Drag. Sexy Star to the outside, Mini Abismo Negro slaps the taste out of Jennifer Blake’s mouth. She’s able to return the favour, delivering the Tornado DDT to Mini Abismo Negro, sending him to the floor. Blake with the Seated Senton to Sexy Star on the floor.

Mamba and Pimpy in, and it’s handbags at dawn. A Shoulder tackle and Arm Drag from Pimpy follows. Knuckle lock and he climbs the ropes, coming off with a duelling Arm Drag Takedown/Headscissors to Mamba and Súper Fly. Súper Fly Dropkicks his own partner again and turns straight into a Pimpinela kiss. Sagrada and Mini Abismo Negro enter. Sagrada likes to flip and immediately connects with a Facebuster, followed by a Springboard Headbutt. Climbs onto the shoulders of Abismo Negro, steps up onto them, drops into the Wheelbarrow and delivers the Arm Drag. Fancy little fella. Headscissors sends Mini Abismo Negro to the floor, and a Topé con Hilo follows. Victory Roll inside by Aero Star on Súper Fly, again no count. Tries for the Rana, gets snapped to the mat with the Powerbomb for a two count. Súper Fly charges Aero Star in the ropes and gets launched up and over to the floor. Aero Star tries to go high risk, but Súper Fly pulls him face first down into the ring frame.

German Suplex by Sexy Star on Jennifer Blake inside the ring. They trade blows before Blake lifts her onto the shoulders and hits the TKO. She keeps Sexy trapped in the Crossface. Mini Abismo Negro in, ties up Blake’s legs. Sagrada leaps onto Mini Abismo Negro’s shoulders until Mamba just Snapmares him down to the canvas. Everyone powders out, leaving Mamba and Pimpy to go at it. Some chops, Mamba demonstrates his twerking skills, only to get kicked in the rear end. Pimpinela with the Sunset Flip gets two. Dropkick sends Mamba out. Sexy Star and Jennifer in. She bridges to avoid a shot then kicks Blake down. Small Package for a two count. More hair pulling, followed by a Blake near fall off a Schoolgirl Rollup. Súper Fly kicks Blake in the face, so Aero Star retaliates doing the same to Sexy Star. Aero Star springs off the ropes, into the Wheelbarrow, into an Arm Drag. This time he hits his dive, leaping backwards himself without looking towards Súper Fly.

Pimpy off top with the Missile Dropkick to Mamba. He tries to kiss Mini Abismo Negro but Negro blocks it. Pimpy walks the ropes, into the dive onto Mamba. Sagrada catches Mini Abismo Negro with the Headsicssors off the top, then follows up with one on the floor. Blake blocks a Sexy Star kick on the inside and drops her with the Double Knee Facebreaker. Súper Fly breaks up the cover but Aero Star with the Dropkick prevents him from attacking Blake. Súper Fly dives at Aero Star but Aero Star ducks and Súper Fly just splatters on the ringside floor. Ouchies. Blake kicks off Aero Star’s back, into the Plancha on Súper Fly. Aero Star looks for his dive again. Sexy Stars cuts him off with a Forearm. She goes up top, and connects with the Tornillo onto everyone. Inside, Mini Abismo Negro runs into Pimpinela’s rear end, which he isn’t best pleased about. Responds with a Dropkick. Superkick to Mascarita Sagrada, then Mini Abismo Negro turns into the Pimpy kiss. Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors Armbar by Sagrada, and Mini Abismo Negro taps out.

Winners: Aero Star, Mascarita Sagrada, Jennifer Blake & Pimpinela Escarlata

- Post-Match, Sexy Star does a lot of dancing. The fourteen year old boy in me (phrasing) approves. AAA knows which side their bread is buttered on.

- El Fantasma comes out with the new Cruiserweight Championship belt prior to the matchup.

AAA Cruiserweight/AAA Fusion Championship Unification
Daga © vs. Fénix © vs. Bengala vs. Australian Suicide vs. Jack Evans vs. Angélico vs. Pentagón Jr. vs. Joe Lider vs. Drago vs. El Hijo del Fantasma

- Daga is the current Cruiserweight champion and leader of AnarquÍa, which is a sub group of Konnan’s La Sociedad stable. El Hijo del Fantasma is also a member of La Sociedad, as part of El Consejo. Angélico & Jack Evans are the AAA Tag Team Champions. Australian Suicide and Pentagón Jr. have been feuding for months now. Ricochet was scheduled to be in the matchup but no showed. During the entrances, Jack Evans walked down the ramp on his hands, because he can I guess. Show off.

All ten men start at once. Pretty soon everyone spills to the floor, leaving El Hijo del Fantasma and Joe Lider in the ring. Lider slaps Fantasma in the corner, dropping him to the mat, then follows up with the Facewash. Australian Suicide in, gets caught with a Lider Double Knee Gutbuster. Lider ducks Daga’s wild swing, clocks him with a boot to the head. Lider dropkicked off the apron by Drago, and Drago connects with the Tornillo to Daga on the floor. Fénix tees up for the Topé but Lider cuts him off. Chops between the two on the apron. ROLLING FIREMAN’S CARRY TO THE FLOOR!

Bengala Headscissors to Pentagón Jr. MOONSAULT TO PENTAGÓN JR. ON THE FLOOR. Fantasma and Jack in. Up and over in the corner by Fantasma sends Jack to apron. Bicycle knee by Angélico to Fantasma. They follow up with Back Suplex/Double Stomp Pentagón Jr. and Daga in to spoil the Tag Team Champions party. Their double team attempt is short lived as Jack Evans connects with a Springboard Backflip Elbow and Angélico runs wild with Clothesline on everyone. Evans tries to steal the show, kicking off Australian Suicide’s back, followed by Angelico’s before stepping up onto the ropes and delivering the Hilo dive to the pile of bodies on the outside. SHOOTING STAR SENTON BY AUSTRALIAN SUICIDE! DIVE BY ANGELICO! Drago pushes Lider off the top. DRAGO TORNILLO TO EVERYONE! Lider and Bengala in. Strikes by Lider. Schoolboy by Lider gets two! Suplex blocked by Bengala but he gets caught with a brutal knee to the face. Bengala Superkick catches Lider coming off the ropes. Gannosuke Clutch by Bengala eliminates Lider.

Joe Lider Eliminated.

Australian Suicide and Pentagón Jr. in. Suicide gets caught with a Powerbomb Backbreaker. Huge chop by Pentagón Jr. Whip span through, Uppercut by Australian Suicide. Suicide with a Qubebrada attempt. Pentagón Jr. catches him on the shoulder, spins around, but Suicide counters into a DDT. Fantasma gets crotched. Bengala walks the ropes to deliver the Huracanrana Elix Skipper style. Fantasma laid out but gets the knees up on Australian Suicide’s Shooting Star attempt. Superkick by Pentagón Jr. on Suicide, followed by the Package Piledriver.

Australian Suicide Eliminated.

Drago with the dropkick to the knee of Pentagón Jr. Kicks off his back, into the Headscissors on Fantasma. Follows up with triple kicks to Evan’s midsection and a Front Flip Neckbreaker for two. Evans reverses the whip sending Drago into Angélico. Angélico with the Crucifix Buckle Bomb. 630 SPLASH BY EVANS! Cover, one, two, three!

Drago Eliminated.

Evans in with the Spinning Heel Kick to Daga. Up top for the 630. Daga rolls out of the way but Evans adjusts and lands on his feet. Pentagón Jr. is there to meet him. Package Piledriver to Evans and Pentagón Jr. rolls him back into Daga, Suplex lift into a Lungblower. Double Rudo cover eliminates Jack Evans.

Jack Evans Eliminated.

Fénix in with a Leg Lariat in the buckles. Bengala races across the ring and catches Fénix with a Leg Lariat of his own. It looked like Fénix got knocked silly as Bengala had to cover him for a two count so he could gain his bearings. They go back and forth, each man going up and over until Fénix delivers the over the shoulder Piledriver to Bengala to eliminate him.

Bengala Eliminated.

Fénix off the ropes, tossed up by Pentagón Jr. Fénix does a full rotation in mid-air and catches Pentagón Jr. with the Huracanrana on the way down. He follows up, spinning through the ropes, delivering the Headscissors to Pentagón Jr. on the floor. Fantasma clocks Fénix from behind and whips him up the ramp into Pentagón Jr. who delivers the Powerbomb Backbreaker across the knee. Daga apparently connected with the Topé onto Fantasma but the camera missed it. Pentagón Jr. and Fénix back to the ring, climbing the ropes from the outside. FÉNIX WITH THE SUPER FRANKENSTEINER OFF THE TOP, straight into a Standing Moonsault to eliminate Pentagón Jr.

Pentagón Jr. eliminated.

Final four are Fantasma, Angélico, Fénix and Daga. Fénix connects with the Pelé Kick to Angélico on the apron, sending him out to join el Hijo del Fantasma on the floor. FÉNIX WALKS THE LENGTH OF THE ROPES INTO THE TORNILLO! That was pretty cool. Fénix back in with Daga. Fénix shot into the buckles. Daga Monkey Flip attempt turned around and he’s set on the ropes. Kicks to Fénix. Daga comes off the second with the Canadian Destroyer, immediately up, DISCUS LARIAT TO FÉNIX. REAR NAKED CHOKE BY DAGA!

Fénix eliminated.

Angélico drags Fantasma out. Bicycle Knee to Daga. Whip to the buckles reversed by Daga and he connects with the Forearm coming in. Tornado DDT by Daga and he rolls through into the Guillotine Choke. Angélico lifts him up to break the hold. Front Suplex blocked by Daga, lands on his feet in front. Angélico misses the leg sweep but hits the Enzuigiri, springing up on his hand. Crucifix Buckle Bomb eliminates Daga.

Daga eliminated.

Angélico sent to the floor by Fantasma. Topé Suicida sends Angélico flying into the front row. Twenty count on the floor, that hasn’t been enforced for the rest of the matchup, beaten by both men at nineteen. Fantasma up top but Angélico cuts him off with the kick. Super-Plex blocked. Sunset Flip Bomb by Fantasma blocked. Angélico back flips off the ropes, BICYCLE KNEE IN THE CORNER. CRUCIFIX BUCKLE BOMB ON FANTASMA! Fantasma kicks out of the slowest two count in recorded history. Fantasma set up top. Fantsma prevents the Crucifix Bomb from the top. They trade chops while precariously balanced on the ropes. Angélico crotched. REVERSE FRANKENSTEINER OFF THE TOP~! ANGÉLICO KICKS OUT! Enzuigiri by Fantasma. FIREMAN’S CARRY, INTO THE PILEDRIVER. El Hijo del Fantasma covers Angélico … one, two three!

Winner and NEW Cruiserweight Champion: El Hijo del Fantasma

- El Hijo del Fantasma’s father, Fantasma, presents his son with the new Championship.

- El Brazo was inducted into the AAA Hall of Fame. His family was presented with a nice plaque. His daughter thanked everyone.

AAA Reina de Reinas Championship
Faby Apache © vs. Taya Valkyrie

- Faby is the defending champion and is seconded by Drago, who she held the AAA Mixed Tag Team titles with. Taya Valkyrie was trained by Lance Storm and is a member of Perros del Mal and La Sociedad. She is seconded by La Sociedad comrade Sexy Star. This is the first time the Women’s Championship has been defended at TripleMania. Rudo referee El Hijo del Tirantes is compared to Michael Bublé prior to the match which I’m not gonna touch.

Taya and Faby trade Wristlocks. Clothesline caught by Faby takes Taya down. A quick counter into the lateral press by Taya. Faby forces her way out, back to her feet and floors Taya., Faby leaps to the second but Sexy Star with the hair pull drags Faby to the mat. Taya works her over. Double Knees to a seated Faby in the corner. Back Elbow catches Faby coming off the ropes. More boots by Taya. Faby choked out on the ropes by Sexy Star. Taya laces Faby’s arm around the top rope and performs the splits as she pulls down on it. Taya winds up eating a boot to the face and bails to the outside. Tirantes prevents Faby from following, which proves an unpopular decision.

Faby out with a boot to Taya and throws her back into the ring. Taya ducks the Clothesline and grabs the waist. Faby prevents the O’Connor Roll but is caught on her Crossbody attempt. Fallaway Slam connects. Slap by Faby and a Fisherman’s Suplex for a slow two count. Tornado DDT Countered by Taya and she follows up with the Double Chickenwing Facebuster. Whip across countered by Faby but Taya spins out to the apron. She gets hung up across the middle rope following a kick, and gets caught with a second kick, this time of the Axe variety to the back of the head. Rope hung DDT brings her back in, and Tirantes breaks the count at one. Taya has a broken nose. She hangs Faby up with a Guillotine Choke in the ropes but gets caught with a DDT after brining her back into the ring. Faby takes Taya for a spin and gets the arm hooked for the Armbar. Taya lifts her to break the hold.

Sit-Out Powerbomb scores Taya a near fall. Faby trips Taya and applies the Kneebar. Faby argues with El Hijo del Tirantes and Taya takes advantage, scoring with the Bodyslam. Taya goes up top but Faby cuts her off, connecting with the Super-Plex. Tirantes with the reluctant count gets two. Faby up top takes out the Rudo referee with the Dropkick. Sexy Star in to attack Faby but gets caught with the Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker. Schoolgirl by Taya and a fast count is only good for two. El Fantasma makes his way to ringside, ejecting Sexy Star. She’s carried kicking and screaming to the back. Inside the ring, Taya hits the Side Slam but misses on the Moonsault attempt. FABY SHINING WIZARD! Two count. FABY’S PHOENIX SENTON MISSES! NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX BY TAYA, ROLLED THROUGH INTO A DOUBLE STOMP! ONE! TWO! THREE!

Winner and NEW Reina de Reinas Champion: Taya Valkyrie

- Rayo de Jalisco was inducted into the AAA Hall of Fame. Perro Aguayo Jr. and Perros del Mal interrupted, confronting Rayo de Jalisco Jr. Perro ran his mouth and got slapped. They were quickly separated and Blue Demon Jr. came to the aid of Rayo de Jalisco Jr’s aid.

- The Star Wars theme accompanied the unveiling of the cage for the next match. Better than Metallica.

Luchas de Apuestas - Six-way Steel Cage Hair vs. Mask
Averno vs. Chessman vs. El Mesías vs. Electroshock vs. Blue Demon Jr. vs. La Parka
- Jeff Jarrett was supposed to be a part of the match but was unable to make it to the show.

Averno attacked Mesías as soon as he’d entered the cage. La Parka got levelled with a broken piece of plywood as soon as he entered. Electroshock has been busted open already. Parka with Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreakers and Clotheslines for everyone. Parka finds himself backed into the buckles by all four all of his opponents. He breaks free and climbs the cage, losing his boot in the process. Chessman puts the boot to use on everyone still in the ring, tremendous. Easy night for La Parka, his boot did more work than he did. Chessman with the Splash off the ropes to Mesías.

Electroshock tries to climb out of the cage, but he’s pulled down by Averno. Averno climbs out as Electroshock breaks the wood over Chessman’s head. Blue Demon Jr. takes over with Mesías, backing Cheesman into the buckles. Chessman climbs the turnbuckle on the whip attempt and tries to escape to no avail. Blue Demon Jr. is able to slither free from Mesías and Electroshock to climb and escape. Mesías connects with the Super-Plex on Chessman as a consolation. Mesías attempts to climb the cage but Chessman clings to his ankle to cut him off. Electroshock prevents it once and for all, hitting him with the broken piece of wood. Mesías fights back to his feet.

Chessman avoids Mesías in the corner and floors both him and Electroshock with Clotheslines. Chessman has a guitar but Mesías delivers the Dropkick. Mesías winds up with the guitar but Electroshock dispossesses him. Electroshock tries to use the guitar this time, but Averno throws powder into his face from the outside. Cheesman smashes the guitar over Electroshock’s skull only to wind up getting speared by El Mesías. He recovers in time to prevent Mesías from escaping the cage. Mesías tries for the Clothesline off the top but hits Electroshock instead. Superkick for Mesías takes him out of the equation, allowing Chessman to escape.

Mesías offers the hand to Electroshock, who brushes it aside and slaps the taste out of his mouth. They slug it out in the centre. Kicks by Electroshock end that in a hurry. Electroshock avoids the Tilt-A-Whirl and sends Mesías shoulder first into the buckles. Cutter by Electroshock but Mesías is able to prevent him from escaping. Slaps again floor Mesías. Right hand to Electroshock coming off the ropes. Powerbomb by Mesías! Mesías reaches the top of the cage before he’s pulled back into the ring by Electroshock. Mounted Punches in one of the six corners by Mesías. Electroshock sent into the corner, counters Mesías coming in, and delivers the Alabama Slam! El Mesías prevents Electroshock from escaping. Shots traded as they balance on the top rope. Mesías gets one leg over the cage. Electroshock pulls him back in. Electroshock slammed against the cage. BACKCRACKER OFF THE ROPES! El Mesías escapes.

Winner: Everyone but Electroshock

- Post match, Electroshock had his head shaved. He handed a handful of hair to El Mesías who offered his hand to him. Electroshock responded with a slap and the pair brawled.

Luchas de Apuestas – Hair vs. Mask
Texano Jr. vs. Psycho Clown
- Special entrance for Psycho Clown, including Road Warriors like Shoulder Pads and a giant flaming guitar. Texano Jr. is the reigning Heavyweight champion. His entrance was less elaborate, coming out with some questionable leather chaps. Rafael el Maya is the official in charge of the contest, despite having cost Psycho Clown the AAA World Heavyweight Championship in June at Verano de Escándalo. Psycho Clown’s second is Los Psycho Circus mascot Mini Clown. Texano Jr’s is seconded by El Consejo stable mate El Hijo del Fantasma.

Aggressive lock up to start. Texano Jr. sent to the mat and Psycho Clown follows up with a Back Body Drop. Texano with the Double Leg Takedown and the two trade punches. Texano misses a Dropkick, Psycho misses the splash in the corner and finally Texano spills to the floor. Psycho Clown takes Texano out on the floor with the Topé. Texano retrieves a chair and nails Psycho Clown with it as Psycho Clown attempted a second Topé. Texano Jr. tears the mask like any good Rudo would, and delivers a second chair shot. Psycho sent into the post and Texano stabbed at the forehead with a fork. Psycho Clown is bleeding as the action returns to the ring. Texano Jr. continues to put the fork to use. Texano charges Psycho Clown in the corner but Psycho side steps and pulls Texano Jr. to the mat. He runs the ropes but El Hijo del Fantasma grabs the leg, providing the distraction. Texano Jr. floors Psycho Clown with the Clothesline and Mini Clown’s protests are stopped by Fantasma, who connects with the Dropkick. He’s then unceremoniously hurled to the floor.

Texano Jr. bites at the bloody forehead and practically tears the mask completely off. More fork to forehead action and Texano works the tongue like he’s Miley Cyrus. Psycho Clown able to send Texano Jr into the buckles but eats the boot coming in. Texano Jr. with the trip and Folding Press, putting his feet on the ropes for extra leverage. The referee sees it and counts regardless, but it’s only good enough for two. Psycho up and confronts Rafael el Maya. Texano Chop Blocks him from behind. Texano Jr. uses the ropes to attack the knee, prompting Murder Clown to make his way out to ringside. Rafael el Maya is removed from the match, to be replaced by técnico referee El Piero. Psycho Clown rolls up Texano Jr. in the confusion and Piero makes the two count.

Psycho up but he eats the Superkick. Strikes to Psycho Clown in the buckles. Psycho whipped across the ring but explodes out of the corner with the Clothesline. He follows up with a big Back Elbow and Powerslam for a near fall. He rolls Texano Jr. up for another two count. Huracanrana scores a third consecutive near fall. Right hand blocked by Texano, rushes Psycho Clown in the buckles. Texano Jr. sent to the floor and Psycho Clown connects with a huge Topé. Positions Texano on the guard rail and drills him with the chair shot. Texano Jr. is just dumped into the front row. PSYCHO CLOWN KICKS OFF A CHAIR, INTO THE TOPÉ CON HILO INTO THE CROWD! Texano Jr. returned to the ring. Another chair shot. Both men are bloody messes. Cover by Psycho Clown, but El Hijo del Fantasma provides the distraction, preventing the count. TEXANO JR. WITH THE LUNGBLOWER! TWO COUNT!

Texano Jr. chair shot to the back of Psycho Clown! El Hijo del Fantasma and Texano Jr. set up a table inside the ring. Suplex through the table blocked by Psycho Clown, COUNTERED INTO AN INSIDE CRADLE! TWO COUNT! Clothesline by Psycho Clown. Slams Texano Jr. face first into the table. Psycho goes up top. El Hijo del Fantasma hits him with the chair! Texano scales the ropes, Psycho lifts him, POWERBOMB THROUGH THE TABLE~! TEXANO JR. KICKS OUT AT TWO! Fantamsa comes out to ringside, taking the chair from his son. He ejects El Hijo del Fantasma, sending him to the back. Psycho Clown Crossbody, Texano Jr. rolls through, two count! Sit-Out Powerbomb by Texano! Two count again. Texano goes flying into the ring post. Psycho soars over the ropes (and referee) with the Hilo onto Texano Jr. Texano connects with a kick to Psycho entering the ring, sending him right back to the floor, and delivers a dive of his own.

Texano Jr. prepares to rush across the apron with another dive but Psycho Clown chops out the legs. Both men back in. Texano applies the Surfboard. Texano Jr. sets up for another Powerbomb. Psycho clown spins out, CONNECTS WITH THE AIR RAID CRASH. TEXANO JR. KICKS OUT! Psycho Clown introduces a table, props it up in the corner. Rushes Texano Jr. BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX THROUGH THE TABLE! Psycho Clown kicks out at two! Texano up top but Psycho Clown crotches him. Double Knee Facebreaker off the top! Two count only! Psycho Clown this time gets caught climbing the ropes and Texano Jr delivers the Super-Plex! Again only good for two! Texano tries to whip Psycho Clown with the rope, misses! CANADIAN DESTROYER! TEXANO JR. KICKS OUT! Another table brought into play. Psycho Clown set up top. Texano climbs after him. CANADIAN DESTROYER OFF THE TOP, THROUGH THE TABLE! ONE! TWO! THREE!

Winner: Psycho Clown

- Post-match, Texano Jr. had his head shaved. He shook Psycho Clown’s hand and raised it, ending their long standing feud.

Copa TripleMania XXII
Dr Wagner Jr. vs. Cibernético vs. Perro Aguayo Jr. vs. My
-This is Dr Wagner Jr’s return to AAA after a falling out last year. Hijo de Dr Wagner Jr. came to the ring with his father. He suffered a deep cut to his shoulder prior to the event and it was taped up during this match. Myzteziz is the former Sin Cara/Mistico. He’s wearing body paint that resembles armour.

Dr Wagner Jr. and Cibernético start. Perro immediately gets into it with fans at ringside. Perro in with the Dropkick to Wagner and all three men go after him. Perro takes Wagner to the floor and throws him into the front row. Perro hurls a fans beverage at him and bites at the injury on Wagner’s shoulder. Inside, Cibernético has Myzteziz in the buckles. Whip to the ropes, and a boot to the chest by Cibernético. Perro with the chair shots back Wagner up the ramp way. Cibernético joins in on the action, delivering several chair shots to Wagner as well. He’s not particularly popular. Perro once again bites at the shoulder. Wagner’s shoulder is bleeding now.

Back in the ring, Cibernético hurls the chair at Myzteziz. He has a head butt for Dr Wager Jr. Perro pitches Myzteziz to the floor and drops him across the security wall. Myzteziz brought back in, set up top and Perro goes after the mask. Cibernético places Dr Wagner Jr on the ropes adjacent and applies the Sleeper. Both Myzteziz and Dr Wager fall to the mat. More chair shots, this time to Myzteziz. Perro with a mouthful of someone else’s blood, presumably Myzteziz’s who is bleeding after the latest chair shot. He ducks the Double Clothesline attempt by Cibernético and Perro Aguayo Jr and connects with the Dropkick on Cibernético. Headscissors to Perro Aguayo Jr hangs him up in the ropes and a Dropkick hangs him up across the ropes. Tiger Feint Kick to Perro Aguayo Jr. Dr Wagner Jr. floors Myzteziz with the kick to the head. He avoids the Handspring Back Elbow but can’t avoid the Headscissors that follows. Dr Wagner Jr catches the kick attempt and hits the Dragon screw Leg Whip. Myzteziz sent to the floor and Wagner connects with the Hilo. Follows up with a Catapult into the ring post.

Cibernético goes on the offensive, slamming Wagner off the announce table. A series of Clotheslines take Wagner down inside the ring. Cibernético misses the splash in the corner. Chops by Wagner, followed by a kick to the chest. Wagner with the Samoan Drop to Cibernético. Perro Aguayo Jr. breaks up the cover. Whip by Perro but Cibernético puts on the brakes. Mat slam takes down Perro. Springboard Dropkick by Myzteziz sends Cibernético to the floor. Wagner with a Snapamre to Myzteziz and he goes after the already torn mask. Myzteziz turns things around and tears the mask of Wagner in response. Kick again caught by Wagner and another Dragon screw. Myzteziz set up top, kicks Wagner away. Leaps off the second but gets caught with the Cutter for two! Whip by Wagner, LA MISTICA! Perro breaks it up!

A Myzteziz Headscissors sends Perro to the floor. AN INSANE ASAI MOONSAULT by MYZTEZIZ GETS SWATTED OUT OF THE AIR BY A PERRO AGUAYO KICK! Chokeslam attempt by Cibernético broken up by El Hijo de Dr Wagner Jr. Cibernetico takes him out. Dr Wagner Jr’s Dragon Screw attempt is blocked by Cibernético. CHOKESLAM!

Dr Wagner Jr. eliminated.

Myzteziz Springboard Crossbody caught by Cibernético and he just dumps him to the mat. Cibernético whip, Myzteziz ducks the clothesline. Springboard Crossbody attempt again. Again caught, again dumped to the mat. CHOKESLAM ON MYZTEZIZ! Cibernético wants a second Chokeslam. MYZTEZIZ COUNTERS INTO LA MISTICA! CIBERNÉTICO TAPS!

Cibernético eliminated.

Perro and Myzteziz trade shots. LA MISTICA to PERRO AGUAYO JR! Perro escapes and delivers a kick. Clothesline to Myzteziz! Perro brings in the chair by El Piero prevents him from using it. Myzteziz with the whip but PERRO REBOUNDS WITH THE LOW BLOW! ONE! TWO! THREE!

Winner: Perro Aguayo Jr.

- Before Perro can be presented with the cup, Alberto Del Rio makes his way to the ring, along with Joaquin Roldan, Dos Caras, Rayo de Jalisco Jr. and Blue Demon Jr. Alberto prepared for a fight but Perro attacked him, tearing off Del Rio’s shirt. Del Rio responded with Clotheslines, a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker, and finally the Cross Arm Breaker. Daga and El hijo del Fantasma ran out, pulling Perro Aguayo Jr. from the ring. Alberto Del Rio stood tall to end the show.
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Last edited by Daz on Aug 22, '14, 6:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: AAA TripleMania XXII Report

Postby Str8Shooter » Aug 21, '14, 7:04 pm

Did you watch it @Daz?

I haven't watched much Lucha stuff, it seems harder to find online than Japanese wrestling. What did you think of it? Any good? Do you watch Lucha stuff a lot? Is this too many questions? :P
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Re: AAA TripleMania XXII Report

Postby Daz » Aug 22, '14, 5:44 am

Str8Shooter wrote:Did you watch it @Daz?

I haven't watched much Lucha stuff, it seems harder to find online than Japanese wrestling. What did you think of it? Any good? Do you watch Lucha stuff a lot? Is this too many questions? :P

I did watch it and wrote the report, cause I really did have nothing better to do yesterday lol.

I pretty much only follow AAA, because it's the most accessible and easiest to follow. CMLL have way too many different shows, and there's multiple TV Shows and it's just a nightmare. I usually use this blog; to try and keep track of things. The person that runs it has a youtube page ( where he uploads a lot of CMLL and Mexican Indy stuff as well.

AAA upload their TV Show, dark matches and even the big events to which is why it's easier. I've been watching since around 2010. I randomly decided to watch a TripleMania and just didn't stop after that. I tend to keep up week to week for a couple months then fall six months behind, then catch up in time for TripleMania every year.

Overall I thought TripleMania was decent. The opening match was really good and had a little sprinkling of psychology, which is pretty rare for those sorts of matches, or matches in Mexico in general lol. The Cruiserweight Title match was fun and chaotic, and the Women's title was solid, Psycho Clown and Texano Jr. have been feuding for over a year now and have wrestled so many times, their match was like a greatest hits of all their previous ones. The only match that really sucked was the Six Way Cage, but maybe I'm just bias cause I can't stand almost everyone involved in it.

I was thinking of maybe doing the report thing weekly for their TV show. It'd give me an excuse to write and to keep up with AAA.
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Re: AAA TripleMania XXII Report

Postby JDD » Aug 22, '14, 6:00 am

I watched AAA back when it was on Galavision for a good two and half years or so. I stopped after they took it of tv, but since its easily availible on Youtube i may start up again. Was this their most recent show? Also awesome job writing up the report!
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Re: AAA TripleMania XXII Report

Postby Daz » Aug 22, '14, 6:10 am

JDD wrote:I watched AAA back when it was on Galavision for a good two and half years or so. I stopped after they took it of tv, but since its easily availible on Youtube i may start up again. Was this their most recent show? Also awesome job writing up the report!

Yeah, this was their last show. Should start being put on their Youtube page over the next three weeks. Or you can find it here (
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