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Double or Nothing

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Double or Nothing

Postby Hanley! » May 25, '19, 9:49 am

Anybody watching this tonight?

Are people here following AEW at all? It seems like just what the American wrestling market needs at the moment. WWE product sounds just awful these days, and it would be nice if there was a weekly wrestling television show that was watchable.

New Japan World tends to address most of my wrestling needs these days, but I am hopeful for AEW and will definitely be buying the show tonight to show my support. I want them to do well out the gate.

I don't think the card tonight looks blow away or anything, but I'm expecting a couple of cool surprises and the Lucha Bros vs the Young Bucks should be awesome.
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Re: Double or Nothing

Postby VaderBomb » May 25, '19, 10:13 am

I want to watch it but I have to work untl 10 tonight. I've tried to look up if there is a later showing but can't find any info about it.
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Re: Double or Nothing

Postby Messiah » May 25, '19, 11:27 pm

How was it? I didn't get a chance to watch the show, but I would have been willing to pay for it out of support.

Honestly, WWE is so trash nowadays. Aside from their bland on-screen product - morale from the fans and wrestlers has by the looks of things never been lower. The way they treat some of their wrestlers seems sickening. I understand not wanting guys to be able to quit and leave to another competitor, but going out of your way to embarrass them on television (The Revival)? Refusing to let a guy wrestle and extending his contract because of injury not because you need him or are going to use him, but because you don't want him to leave (Harper)? The way it's run seems lousy, and there's even a lot of speculation that Triple H is tired of creative as well.

I want AEW to succeed because its probably the only hope there is that WWE will push itself.

I will say, from the clips that I have seen, it looks at the very least watchable and there are some talented guys there. But there is one thing that bothers me - Jim Ross on commentary. I just think he's so terrible to listen to nowadays. I don't think his voice fits this era, I don't think it has for quite some time now. Never cared much for him in his final years on commentary in the WWE (2007 onwards).
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Re: Double or Nothing

Postby The Legend » May 26, '19, 5:19 am

I'm intrigued by AEW and have been following some of their stuff online. I will watch their show once it hits American airwaves in the fall. As for Double or Nothing, I never paid $50 to watch WWE PPV's and I won't pay that for AEW shows either, it's just not something I'm willing to do.
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Re: Double or Nothing

Postby Hanley! » May 26, '19, 2:56 pm

It was a really good show. Worth going out of your way to see if you get a chance. One of the best American pay per views of the decade, I'd say. Particularly if you don't include Takeovers. There were a couple of teething problems with production, and the Battle Royale was a bit of a clusterfuck. But other than that it was almost perfect. Makes me excited about what they might be capable of once they have weekly television and can establish some of the younger talent on the roster.

Every match on the main show was at least good, but most of them were great. Some incredible athletic contests. The Lucha Bros vs the Young Bucks was as insane as you might expect. The Cody vs Dustin match was an emotional bloodbath; both men had the best match of their career and many people will have it as their match of the year. There were people crying in the crowd, it was great. The tag matches were a bunch of fun, the women's division match was probably better than anything the WWE women's division have done in months, and the joshi match was awesome and got over really well despite the fans not being familiar with the talent involved.

There were a handful of nice surprises too. Awesome Kong got a massive response, and though she's limited in the ring at this point, she works nicely in a multi-woman match. Bret Hart revealing the new title (which is gorgeous by the way) was a great choice, as he's someone who always made the world title feel legitimate and that's what they want. And Moxley (Dean Ambrose) had a great run in at the end of the show. It's early days, but he looked liberated out there.

Looking forward to watching their next few shows. But even more so, I'm looking forward to when their television starts. I haven't watched any weekly wrestling television show in a couple of years now. It'd be nice to have one to look forward to again.
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Re: Double or Nothing

Postby Hanley! » May 26, '19, 4:12 pm

Also, I felt the same way about Jim Ross. I hated that they brought him in. He's a voice from a previous generation, and I wasn't enthusiastic about them relying on him now. Plus he sucked at doing commentary for New Japan. Kevin Kelly blows him away.

I have to admit I was wrong after watching the show though. He was good on Double or Nothing. He didn't do commentary on the pre-show, and the commentary notably improved once he was added to the booth. I don't think he should be their play by play guy long term, but having him front and centre while you bed in the other guys is a good idea, provided he stays this motivated. If he becomes New Japan JR or Smackdown JR then I'm not interested.
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Re: Double or Nothing

Postby Messiah » Jun 07, '19, 6:29 am

Unrelated to the show but didn't feel like making a thread for it. Anyone remember how incredible Cody Rhodes was between 2010-2012? This is when they actually seemed to give a damn about him (excluding the Goldust/Rhodes vs Shield story, they never gave him another chance after) and it looked like he had a really good chance to become a World Champion on SmackDown. I remember hoping it would be either him or Bryan who wins MITB in 2011.

Those two had some really good matches around that time too. And his story with Mysterio in the build-up to WrestleMania is still one of the best mid-card feuds they have done in the last 10 or so years. This segment was sooooo good. Not only was it somewhat shocking because it's an all-time good guy in Dusty nailing an all-time good guy in Mysterio from behind, but it made sense too. Of course Dusty is gonna stick-up for his son.

Dusty Rhodes had a great voice.
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Re: Double or Nothing

Postby Hanley! » Jun 08, '19, 6:43 pm

I remember when Rhodes was partnered with Ted Dibiase years ago, and everyone told me that Dibiase was going to be a major star one day and Cody was just a guy. Back in the days where there were plenty of people on WWE-Club, I think me and you were the only people who insisted that Cody was the one who'd make it.

That seems like a genius prediction in hindsight, but I can't even take too much credit for it: it was so obvious. It was weird that people just weren't seeing what was there.
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Re: Double or Nothing

Postby The Legend » Jun 08, '19, 8:30 pm

Hanley! wrote:I remember when Rhodes was partnered with Ted Dibiase years ago, and everyone told me that Dibiase was going to be a major star one day and Cody was just a guy. Back in the days where there were plenty of people on WWE-Club, I think me and you were the only people who insisted that Cody was the one who'd make it.

That seems like a genius prediction in hindsight, but I can't even take too much credit for it: it was so obvious. It was weird that people just weren't seeing what was there.

To be fair Cody never really looked like a pro wrestler back then, he looked like a teenage boy who hadn't yet gone through puberty.
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Re: Double or Nothing

Postby VaderBomb » Jun 08, '19, 10:57 pm

Hanley! wrote:I remember when Rhodes was partnered with Ted Dibiase years ago, and everyone told me that Dibiase was going to be a major star one day and Cody was just a guy. Back in the days where there were plenty of people on WWE-Club, I think me and you were the only people who insisted that Cody was the one who'd make it.

That seems like a genius prediction in hindsight, but I can't even take too much credit for it: it was so obvious. It was weird that people just weren't seeing what was there.

I always liked Cody, even when he first started out. I liked his Dashing gimmick and then his run with the mask.
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Re: Double or Nothing

Postby PorkChop » Jun 09, '19, 2:09 am

VaderBomb wrote:I liked his Dashing gimmick and then his run with the mask.

This was my favourite incarnation of Cody Rhodes. Each of these vignettes were great.

As for Ted, he was clearly the most boring, white bread wrestler on the roster at the time but it was clear to see that he was going to get pushed ahead of Cody, who was the better talent. They even gave Ted Maryse (who was probably the best women's heel at the time) and the Million Dollar belt, and he still wasn't interesting in the slightest.

I also suspect Cody was held back for being skinny and not wearing kneepads, which just looked weird. Although he was the better talent, I don't blame people for thinking that Ted had a brighter future in the company when they first started out.
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Re: Double or Nothing

Postby Hanley! » Jun 09, '19, 8:24 am

Yeah, Ted Dibiase seemed like exactly the kind of guy they would push to be fair. But he didn't seem the kind of guy who would make it. There are all sorts of guys that you know will be pushed as soon as Vince gets one look at them. But if they're not good enough to get over, they'll flop hard after failing to match the level of their push and Vince will turn on them. How many big dudes have received a month long push over the years only to fade into obscurity because fans weren't responding to them?

Cody was young and didn't have the best appearance, but he had a bit of swagger and personality to him. He seemed more in the moment when he was out in front of the crowd, whereas Dibiase always looked to be performing. His wrestling always came off as rigid and rehearsed.

And it didn't help him that he was in his Dad's shadow. Dusty was a big name to live up to, but at least it was clear from the beginning that Cody was never going to be Dusty Rhodes and wasn't aiming to be.
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