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Who wins the Rumbles?

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Who wins the Rumbles?

Postby The Legend » Dec 17, '18, 3:11 pm

Alright, the next PPV is the Royal Rumble, there's six episodes of RAW and SD until the Rumble starting tonight, but if you had to pick right now, who is going to win both the men's and women's rumble?
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Re: Who wins the Rumbles?

Postby DBSoT » Dec 17, '18, 7:47 pm

Women is almost guaranteed to be Becky Lynch.

Men: My best guess is Rollins. The rumored was that he would face Lesnar at Mania. The person I would like to see is Sami Zayn. I think Zayn could have a really good program and match with Bryan. Both are top notch story tellers in and out of the ring. Zayn's injury and limited momentum means it won't happen.
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Re: Who wins the Rumbles?

Postby VaderBomb » Dec 17, '18, 9:59 pm

Styles, Rollins or McIntyre for the men's and Becky or Charlotte for the women's.
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Re: Who wins the Rumbles?

Postby Hanley! » Dec 18, '18, 11:37 am

Vader probably just gave us the shortlist there. Those seem the obvious choices, unless they decide to bring back an old-timer to win the men's match. If it were my choice I'd be going with Styles and Becky all day. As it is, Styles is probably the least likely of those three to win the men's match and Becky is probably a coin flip with Charlotte at the moment. Hopefully she stays as over as she has been, because I imagine they're looking for any excuse to put Charlotte in that spot instead of her.
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Re: Who wins the Rumbles?

Postby prophet » Dec 18, '18, 5:20 pm

So since I came back here I’ve tried to make an effort to watch more WWE so I can talk with you guys about it so I tried watching an episode of RAW a few weeks ago and couldn’t sit through it, it was that bad. I’m familiarising myself with what’s happening by reading results and stuff so I can try get more involved around Rumble time because I’m interested in watching it this year.

I think it’d be cool if Aleister Black debuted at 30 and won it then went on to challenge Bryan. I dunno how likely that is but I’d pop for it.
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Re: Who wins the Rumbles?

Postby Hanley! » Dec 18, '18, 7:59 pm

The weirdest thing about the WWE's main roster is that despite it being the biggest platform in wrestling, it's also where wrestlers go to stop being over. Aleister Black winning the Rumble wouldn't be ridiculous, because he'd automatically be more over than 95% of the rest of the roster. But six months later, chances are nobody would care about him. How many guys are more popular or seen as bigger stars on WWE's main roster than they were in NXT or Japan or the indies? It's actually the opposite in almost every single case, which is really bizarre. Raw and Smackdown can't get stars over - they just take stars that are already over and erode that popularity gradually. That's a real sign that the product is shitty right now.
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Re: Who wins the Rumbles?

Postby The Legend » Dec 18, '18, 9:46 pm

Hanley! wrote:The weirdest thing about the WWE's main roster is that despite it being the biggest platform in wrestling, it's also where wrestlers go to stop being over. Aleister Black winning the Rumble wouldn't be ridiculous, because he'd automatically be more over than 95% of the rest of the roster. But six months later, chances are nobody would care about him. How many guys are more popular or seen as bigger stars on WWE's main roster than they were in NXT or Japan or the indies? It's actually the opposite in almost every single case, which is really bizarre. Raw and Smackdown can't get stars over - they just take stars that are already over and erode that popularity gradually. That's a real sign that the product is shitty right now.

I think an underrated reason for this might be just how large RAW and SD are. They are high volume with huge rosters and spread themselves in so many directions that the shows wind up losing focus.
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Re: Who wins the Rumbles?

Postby Hanley! » Dec 19, '18, 11:45 am

The Legend wrote:I think an underrated reason for this might be just how large RAW and SD are. They are high volume with huge rosters and spread themselves in so many directions that the shows wind up losing focus.

I actually disagree with this, because you would think even if they were overstretched, there would still be a couple of guys on top who were getting over on a big level. There's nobody. To the point where the Raw roster actually feels incredibly thin right now, particularly since Roman left. I'm sure if you went through all the names, weighing how talented everybody is, it's probably stacked enough, but they do such a great job of making everyone seem worthless.

I think the real reason nobody is getting over is that the show is just bad right now. Good wrestlers can't become more popular by taking part in bad angles, bad matches and bad promos. The writing, agenting, and overall presentation is just making everyone look worse than they really are. And it's always going to be hard to get excited about any one character when the overall show is awful.

You have to admire what Becky has accomplished this year in that context. It's almost impossible for a main roster WWE wrestler to generate momentum and a sustained buzz these days, and she's managed it. It's probably been a couple of years since anyone has been able to say that. At least!
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Re: Who wins the Rumbles?

Postby KaiserGlider » Dec 22, '18, 12:42 pm

Mens: Gotta be Rollins or Mcintyre. Styles will likely still be tied up with Bryan and Braun is in the title match with Lesnar (oh-oh). Dirt sheets were saying Rollins is a possibility (and it SHOULD be him given that he's managed to stay hot all year, despite wrestling Dolph fucking Ziggler upwards of 10 million times and now the botched feud with Ambrose) but Mcintyre seems like the... how do I put this... he seems like the Roman Reigns type of guy Vince would be more likely to get behind. And I really dig Drew so I have no problem with that. But since I think the women's match is extremely likely to main event Wrestlemania this year, that means Lesnar doesn't need as big of an opponent, which works in Rollins' favor.

Womens: Gotta be Becky or Charlotte, possibly both in a draw. Ronda vs Becky is the obvious choice that would make everyone happy, but the Charlotte/Ronda feud isn't over yet and at Survivor Series they put on one of the best women's matches I've ever seen. So I can easily picture Charlotte getting involved to make it a triple threat. Unless they go with Asuka vs Charlotte II, but that match doesn't seem very interesting.

In any case, some interesting possibilities and good winners, which hasn't really been the case over the past few years. Now let's hope that at least one of the Rumble winners actually wins their title match at Wrestlemania.
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Re: Who wins the Rumbles?

Postby Hanley! » Dec 23, '18, 11:32 am

If it were me booking, I'd have Becky win the Rumble match by throwing out Nia at the end. She should then go on to face Ronda at Wrestlemania in a singles match, which is what the fans want. Charlotte can face Asuka in a rematch from last year. They're a good pairing, and this guarantees us two great women's matches at Wrestlemania, which might be a first?

On the men's side, I'd have Styles win the Rumble and have to choose between facing Lesnar or facing Bryan, as he has something to prove against both guys. I'd have him eventually choose Lesnar though and let him be the guy to finally bring the Universal title back to the active roster. If Batista still wants to wrestle now that Triple H is out, Bryan would be the perfect opponent for him now. That'd have the potential to be a great WWE title feud. If not, pair him with a returning Owens or Zayn, or failing that maybe Hardy or Mysterio.

I know they're the favourites, but I don't think McIntyre or Rollins seem like the right choices at the moment. Rollins has lost some of his favour with the crowd after a shitty feud with Ambrose and some lackluster pay per view performances. McIntyre hasn't been around long enough and will turn into one of those guys the audience resents if he's just thrust into the main event above more talented guys who have been toiling in obscurity forever. I'd put them in a match against each other and the winner could go on to challenge Styles over the summer.
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