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UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

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EU Referendum

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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 28, '16, 11:33 pm

Meanwhile, he himself has never actually held a proper job. It's hypocrisy of the highest order. He is the establishment he thinks he's fighting and he has the moral compass of a misbehaving child and the backwards nationalism and misguided prejudice of fucking Hitler. and to make it worse, 52% of our fucking voting public have validated his fucking opinion.

And the Leave voters wonder why the rest of us are still fucking steaming mad.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Twister » Jun 29, '16, 1:53 am

I don't want to live on this planet anymore, I feel like I've been living in some sort of parallel universe over the past week.

Farage's behaviour in Brussels yesterday was horrendous, what an odious little man. He is doing us no favours, we want to make trade deals with EU countries following 'brexit' then we need to play nice. Not rub what ever it is we're supposed to be celebrating in their faces. He does not represent me and my views and once again me and I presume many other UK citezens are left feeling thoroughly embarrassed by his actions. Sad to see people on social media branding him a 'hero'. They must have very low expectations if they consider Nigel Farage to be a hero.

I know not everyone voted leave for 'immigration' reasons, but the majority of people I know who voted leave have also been quite vocal about 'wanting our country back' 'immigrants stealing our jobs' and closing the borders and it was also a major part of the leave campaign which speaks volumes about the mentality of a significant number of leave voters imo. And if it wasn't that, it was about 'taking our sovereignty back' 'not being dictated to' and other nonsensical rhetoric, with no plan to back up these claims. We are already an independent sovereign country ffs, if you're thick enough to fall for that line then you shouldn't even be voting in the first place.

Those memes about how the younger generation shouldn't complain because we're all ungrateful fuckwits are nothing short of insulting. Firstly, you'd think they won by a landslide, do they seriously expect 16million people who voted remain to just sit back and watch the country unravel before our very eyes without saying anything? Secondly, it wasn't just young people who voted remain, a lot of the older generation did too and they are also 'complaining' so there goes that theory.

Ask any leaver what the plan is now, they don't have a clue. It seems the government don't either. It's a big game to many of them, they're just happy because they 'won'. It's all a big pile of steaming shit, we're a laughing stock.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby War Daddy » Jun 29, '16, 3:36 pm

Can the powers that be overturn the ruling or?
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby PorkChop » Jun 29, '16, 4:00 pm

War Daddy wrote:Can the powers that be overturn the ruling or?

Yeah, but monumental shit would go down. The referendum wasn't legally binding so we don't have to actually invoke Article 50 and leave the EU, but if parliament basically said that the referendum was just a laugh and that the result has no bearing it would infuriate 52% of the country.

I don't care as I'm in the 48% and hope the decision is reversed, so all the old Leave voters like Edna from Burnley who'll be dead in 3 years can go and do one.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 30, '16, 12:22 am

Either way, we're fucked.

If we continue the madness, half the country won't be happy. If we go back on it, the other half with feel like they've been stitched up, and rightfully so to be fair. the whole thing is a fiasco and as the days go on, it's clear that the Leave campaign had absolutely no plan if they actually won, and no intention of actually winning.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby PorkChop » Jun 30, '16, 5:33 am

So Boris Johnson has pulled his bid for Tory leadership, which could mark the end of his political career.

Boris has completely and utterly fucked up.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby PorkChop » Jun 30, '16, 5:40 am

Also for those of you who haven't been following, here's an explanation of the current situation:

The leader of the opposition campaigned to stay but secretly wanted to leave, so his party held a non-binding vote to shame him into resigning so someone else could lead the campaign to ignore the result of the non-binding referendum which many people now think was just angry people trying to shame politicians into seeing they'd all done nothing to help them.

Meanwhile, the man who campaigned to leave because he hoped losing would help him win the leadership of his party, accidentally won and ruined any chance of leading because the man who thought he couldn't lose, did - but resigned before actually doing the thing the vote had been about. The man who'd always thought he'd lead next, campaigned so badly that everyone thought he was lying when he said the economy would crash - and he was, but it did, but he's not resigned, but, like the man who lost and the man who won, also now can't become leader. Which means the woman who quietly campaigned to stay but always said she wanted to leave is likely to become leader instead.

Which means she holds the same view as the leader of the opposition but for opposite reasons, but her party's view of this view is the opposite of the opposition's. And the opposition aren't yet opposing anything because the leader isn't listening to his party, who aren't listening to the country, who aren't listening to experts or possibly paying that much attention at all. However, none of their opponents actually want to be the one to do the thing that the vote was about, so there's not yet anything actually on the table to oppose anyway. And if no one ever does do the thing that most people asked them to do, it will be undemocratic and if any one ever does do it, it will be awful.

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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Twister » Jun 30, '16, 7:07 am

Boris is a fucking coward.

The other Tory candidates don't bode well either. Take your pick, best of a bad bunch.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 30, '16, 7:45 am

If Labour weren't in such a mess, now would be the time to start getting ready for a takeover.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Jun 30, '16, 1:37 pm

Thanks Ewan McGregor for summing up the shitstain that is Boris Johnson

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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 30, '16, 2:35 pm

AkydefGoldberg wrote:Thanks Ewan McGregor for summing up the shitstain that is Boris Johnson

I guess Boris wasn't the Chosen One.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby prophet » Jun 30, '16, 3:01 pm

The country is fucked at the minute. The referendum result made me ashamed to be British; I knew that xenophobia was big in the UK but I don't think I ever anticipated quite how big the problem is. My social media feeds were full of bigoted imbeciles celebrating their victory as if that was the end of it; what the fucking fuck happens now? Nobody knows because the Leave party don't have a clue and never did.

No not everyone who voted for Brexit is a racist but guess what? Most of them fucking are, fact. If you're not a racist and honesty voted Leave for reasons other than immigration you don't need to defend yourself or your decision; you should own it. That doesn't happen though, because people that are racist don't want you to know they're racist because they want people to think they're good people so they can in turn feel good about themselves.

The utter shit-show that is the Tory party would cheer me up slightly...were Labour not right up shit creek with them.

England lost to Iceland, too. Fuck off.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Nov 03, '16, 11:16 am

So, the decision to trigger Article 50 (which the Tories were so hesitant to do anyway) is going back to Parliament after a court decision. Thank you to Gina Miller!

Naturally, pro-Brexiteers, who wanted Parliamentary sovereignty are now pissed that's going to happen. It's some consolation after seeing the Brexiteers who were pushing his out of the door and who then subsequently resigned, to have to re-handle the issue.

The negotiations with Nissan were a point of example that the government were giving assurances that no-one was privy to and didn't help matters.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Nov 25, '17, 3:21 pm

So, people who voted Leave are regretting it..

The next day, my work colleague said: "I voted Leave but I didn't think they'd win!"

For all the Leave lies such as sending 350m to our NHS, the Government is more than happy to send billions to the EU for a divorce package; 1bn to the DUP but 17m for Manchester after the bomb attack? Sorry, we're not going to give you all of that that but we need receipts, please.

In an ideal scenario, we'd be allowed a second vote on the deal - or no deal - that is agreed by May and her useless Cabinet but that might be House of Parliament who verify the deal but yeah, whole thing is a mess..
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Hanley! » Nov 25, '17, 4:03 pm

That's what happens when you vote out of hatred alone. Most political blunders in recent years could be boiled down to people only voting against something, without knowing what they're for. The Leave campaign did lie profusely, but there were facts out there that people just didn't want to hear. They only wanted to tear shit down.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby PorkChop » Mar 28, '18, 2:50 pm

This post is over two years old and we still don't know any more about Brexit than we did at the time of the referendum.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Mar 29, '18, 9:22 am

And the chancers who lied through their teeth are in positions of influence (Gove, Johnson, Davis) and a PM who didn't want to Leave in the first place, but did when she realised she could be PM and an Opposition (I like Corbyn but not his reluctance to do anything about it) who seem fairly relaxed to let things as they are despite the fact that so many people will suffer. And the guy who instigated all of this is happily away from the limelight, living his life out in his garden shed, the utter coward and shitty salesman that is David Pig Fucking Cameron.
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