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Rate the last film that you've watched

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Re: Rate the last film that you've watched

Postby Hanley! » Mar 27, '16, 6:19 pm

10 Cloverfield Lane was actually rebranded to be Cloverfield tie in. The project originally had nothing at all to do with Cloverfield. So for anyone who hated the original Cloverfield film, if you think this looks good I'd say still give it a chance. It's going for a completely different vibe and it's a much different kind of film.
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Re: Rate the last film that you've watched

Postby Ali » Apr 30, '16, 5:48 pm


Laurel and Hardy. Abbott and Costello. Martin and Lewis. These are some of the great comedy duos in the world of film.

Can Key & Peele join that list? Maybe.

This movie is a promising start to their filmography, but it isn't the best.

Keanu is an adorable little kitten, emphasis on "adorable". Seriously, every scene Keanu's in made me go, "Aww," even while people were getting shot. Keanu belongs to a Mexican drug lord, who is killed by the Allentown Boys, two ruthless gangsters who take a liking to the cat. But the cat escapes and arrives at the doorstep of Rell (Jordan Peele), who takes him in and gives him the titular name. However, when Keanu is catnapped, Rell and his cousin Clarence (Keegan-Michael Key) have to go undercover AS the Allentown Boys in order to retrieve Keanu from the leader of the 17th St. Blips.

What we have is an Action-Comedy in which Key & Peele, two nerdy and very suburban people, have to go undercover as the typical "hood" stereotypes, and this is kind of the problem with the movie. While the situation lends itself to some decent jokes, I wish this were a more complex film about trying to balance who you are with the extremes of stereotypes. They almost do it with Key's character, Clarence, who is initially trying so hard to be a suburban family man to the point where nobody respects him, but it could have developed that more. Not saying every movie has to be a big social commentary, but if you bring that aspect into it, do something more with it.

But the biggest flaw of this movie is... its funny, but not THAT funny. There aren't really many jokes that stick with me. I chuckled throughout, got a couple of big laughs at sight gags involving Keanu, but it doesn't really have that big, "I will be laughing at this for WEEKS" joke like Deadpool or Zootopia did. I still look back at those and remember great lines and scenes. This movie, I'll remember the George Michael songs, but I like George Michael anyway. And I will also remember that the cat in this movie is SO FRICKIN' CUTE! Seriously, screw Nermal, Keanu is the world's cutest kitten!

Final Rating: 6.5/10. Its good, watch it for the kitty. The jokes aren't bad, they just might not stick in your head. Rent it.
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Re: Rate the last film that you've watched

Postby Ali » Mar 25, '17, 8:07 pm

Power Rangers

There has been a wave of nostalgia recently, taking kids shows from the 80s and pumping up the budget to make a feature film. Some are successful, like Transformers, some are not, like Jem and the Holograms. But none of them are any good. So now, the 80s well has dried up, so we're moving on to the 90s, and no kids property in the 90s was bigger than Power Rangers.

I was a fan of Power Rangers growing up, a huge fan! I had Power Rangers birthday cakes, Halloween costumes, toys, video games, I was that into it. I loved it, and I am not ashamed to say that I loved it. So of course, when I hear that they're doing a big-budget, modern adaptation of Power Rangers, I was like, "Aw, crap!" I saw what the studios did to Transformers, I saw what they did to GI Joe, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Jem and the--well, nobody saw Jem and the Holograms, but you get the point! I was like a lot of other fans, dreading a modern ruination of my beloved childhood nostalgia. Did it happen, or was this the one that made a good movie out of things?

Well... it's better than Transformers, at least.

And it is easy to see why it's better than that movie. To put it quite simply, we have characters here. We have five teenagers who are actually given some humanity and personality, and I care about what happens to them! In Transformers, I never cared about Shia LaBeouf, or Megan Fox, or whoever. But I care about Jason. I care about Trini. I care about Kimberly, Zack, and especially Billy! Because they're good actors that are given surprisingly decent material to work with.

So basically, this is kind of an inverse of the show. In the show, the Rangers were total goody-goods, straight-A students that did Karate, Gymnastics, and so many extracurricular activities and volunteer work that I'm surprised they didn't single-handedly end world hunger AND climate change. They were flat stereotypes: the leader, the good girl, the nerd, the black guy, and the other one. What we all as kids liked, were the action scenes. We liked the martial arts fights, and especially the Zord battles! Giant robots fighting giant monsters! Here... we'll get to that.

So we have good characters here, with real depth. Jason is bred to be a football star, who throws it all away. Billy is on the autism spectrum, Zack is a delinquent who has a sick mom, Trini is a lesbian who's parents are not accepting of it, and Kimberly is a cheerleader who basically slut-shamed a fellow cheerleader. So they are not perfect kids. But you feel for them, you care about them, so it works. And Rita Repulsa is a legitimately scary villain, who feels threatening and actually kills people! So the movie is working on a character level.

The problem with this movie is, oddly enough, the action. It isn't that the action is bad, it's just kind of rushed and standard. I wish there were more fights in the suits, more of a focus on the martial arts fights. Instead, we get right to Zords fighting the big monster, which is fine, just not my preference. And the Zord battle is just more destroying the city, which is par for the course in all of these superhero movies, I just wish it wasn't, because it just feels tiring.

Also, let's talk about Krispy Kreme. Krispy Kreme is delicious, isn't it? Everybody loves Krispy Kreme! Power Rangers loves Krispy Kreme! If you're annoyed by how much I'm saying Krispy Kreme, the last half hour of this movie says Krispy Kreme even more! The thing that Rita wants to kill all the humans is buried under a Krispy Kreme! So the Rangers have to get to the Krispy Kreme, protect the Krispy Kreme, defend the Krispy Kreme! But Rita gets to the Krispy Kreme, and ACTUALLY EATS A KRISPY KREME DONUT!

So yeah, blatant product placement, almost to the point of parody. It's ridiculous. And of course, they are sequel-baiting pretty hard. We get a mid-credits scene that teases the arrival of a new student! I just hope for the sequel, there's more of a balance between the action and the characters. And I hope that the characters are just as well developed and well-written.

Final Rating: 7/10. It's good, not great. Characters are well done, emotional moments hit, but the action is lacking. If you're a huge Power Rangers fan, it's a theater watch. If not, its worth a rental.

Also, no Bulk and Skull. Boo.

Krispy Kreme.
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Re: Rate the last film that you've watched

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Jan 03, '18, 6:29 am

A few movies over Christmas/New Year that I watched to kill time..

Flight: 4 out of 5 - as usual Denzel shines in this film (thought he might have won an Oscar for this but he was only nominated it seems), the scenes at the start of the film with the plane going down were intense (even my Mrs was wincing a tad).

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island: 3/5 - Standard Rock family movie, all good fun without needing to think too much about its inconsistencies and story fallacies.
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Re: Rate the last film that you've watched

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Jan 17, '18, 6:44 am

Spectre - 3.5 out of 5: Not a Bond watcher at all, but felt storyline in Skyfall was more enjoyable where as this one seemed a tad convoluted at times. Batista's performance was decent without saying a word (primary reason I watched it tbf) and the main antagonist didn't have that same fear and menace of other Bond villains I've seen.
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Re: Rate the last film that you've watched

Postby Messiah » Mar 20, '18, 4:58 pm


I watched Black Swan (2010, Aronofsky) for the first time after purchasing it on DVD. I have been looking for some good psychological thrillers to watch so if anyone has any good recommendations, feel free to mention them!

This article does a good job explaining its meaning/what it represents: ... -business/

It resonated with me a bit too. The pressure to fulfill different sides of your life and how you can succumb to it. All in all, it was a great movie. Particularly enjoyed Portman's performance too.
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Re: Rate the last film that you've watched

Postby Everlong » Mar 21, '18, 3:08 pm

Messiah wrote:some good psychological thrillers

Some must sees in this category if you've not already seen them...

The Prestige
Shutter Island
American Psycho
Requiem for a Dream (if you like Aranofsky and want to feel hopeless and empty after watching a movie :lol )
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Re: Rate the last film that you've watched

Postby VaderBomb » Jan 31, '19, 10:58 am

Everlong wrote:
Messiah wrote:some good psychological thrillers

Some must sees in this category if you've not already seen them...

The Prestige
Shutter Island
American Psycho
Requiem for a Dream (if you like Aranofsky and want to feel hopeless and empty after watching a movie :lol )

Weird thread bump, but I'll second that Nightcrawler is incredible.
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