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Avengers - Infinity War trailer

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Avengers - Infinity War trailer

Postby KaiserGlider » Nov 29, '17, 6:09 pm

Watch on

The beginning of the culmination of the entire MCU storyline. The arrival of Thanos. The Guardians of the Galaxy coming to earth. It's all lead to this.

:tim :tim :tim
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Re: Avengers - Infinity War trailer

Postby Hanley! » Nov 30, '17, 11:22 am

This looks like the most average movie of all time.
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Re: Avengers - Infinity War trailer

Postby Viazon » Dec 01, '17, 11:21 am

I can see how you came to that conclusion from just the teaser trailer.
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Re: Avengers - Infinity War trailer

Postby Everlong » Dec 01, '17, 2:54 pm

I think it stands a decent chance of being pretty cool. The "battle for the earth" types of movies never really interest me quite so much as character-driven stuff, but there's going to be something pretty cool about seeing all of this come together. Sort of reminds me of the first Avengers movie, the hype leading up to all these heroes meeting each other for the first time.

I also think this is the first time there's a legitimate chance any of the main heroes could die, as well.
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Re: Avengers - Infinity War trailer

Postby Ali » Dec 01, '17, 3:19 pm

Everlong wrote:I also think this is the first time there's a legitimate chance any of the main heroes could die, as well.

I am fully expecting to see Tony Stark sacrifice himself in a potentially-fruitless effort to save Captain America and/or Spider-Man. That's really the only logical conclusion to the Iron Man story arc in my eyes. It would be almost poetic to see him die to save Cap, only for Cap to die anyway, thus taking out the two original Avengers.

The thing I'm loving about this trailer is how balanced it is. The only heroes we don't see are Hawkeye and Ant-Man. And Thanos feels like an actual threat, I feel like he can easily win here, so I wonder how all the heroes will come together and defeat him. Squirrel Girl isn't there to bail them out, so I don't know what they're gonna do.
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Re: Avengers - Infinity War trailer

Postby Hanley! » Dec 01, '17, 5:40 pm

How does Thanos feel any different from any other Marvel villain, other than the fact that they've been saying "here comes Thanos" for years now? They've established nothing all that interesting or threatening about him in all that time, and from the trailer it looks like he's been saddled with the usual horde of easily dispatched insects. I also think he just looks a bit silly, whether that's dodgy CGI or some other effect.

Viazon wrote:I can see how you came to that conclusion from just the teaser trailer.

What's a trailer for, if not to draw conclusions from? It's supposed to give you an impression of the film.

Though I didn't get much of an impression from this one, which was my point. Here's our generic villain, here's his generic army, here are all the pre-established heroes. Maybe we'll see more from the longer trailers that will be released in the coming months. Teaser trailers are more to remind you that there's a film coming than give you any specifics to get excited about.

But based on how it's been set up, I'm just expecting a very average affair anyway. There's too many characters to squeeze in, and they've built towards the villain in such a lazy manner.
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Re: Avengers - Infinity War trailer

Postby Everlong » Dec 01, '17, 5:59 pm

I definitely agree that they've done nowhere near enough to build up Thanos, which is a major missed opportunity. They've given subtle nods to people who know him from the comics, but for those of us who don't, there's really not a whole lot of reason to think of this guy as an all-threatening Big Bad.

But Marvel almost always has shit villains, so I'm not particularly surprised.
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Re: Avengers - Infinity War trailer

Postby KaiserGlider » Dec 01, '17, 10:57 pm

I find it weird that there's complaints about a character not being "built up" in other movies before he actually appears in his own movie. Bane didn't appear in the first two Dark Knight movies and that didn't matter because we saw what he was all about when we watched the Dark Knight Rises. I guess since Marvel has done such a tremendous job of establishing its universe of characters throughout a series of movies, some people feel like Thanos should have gotten the same treatment. Did Marvel need to do that with him though?

We know he's the last villain. We know he's the strongest bad guy because every single superhero in the MCU will apparently have to join the fight against him. We know there's going to be one more Avengers film after this one, so he is not going to be defeated in Infinity War (in fact it's possible that he will "win" at end of the first film). Given that we already know all these things, I think it was okay to have kept Thanos in the background all this time as this mysterious looming threat. One of the draws of this movie is that we do finally get introduced to Thanos properly and find out what his character is.

Here is what we know about Thanos so far, based on movies/trailers/post-credit scenes:

- Loki fears him.
- The main villain of Guardians of the Galaxy 1 was afraid to challenge him without an infinity stone.
- He has a reputation as "the most powerful being in the universe"
- He defeated Thor while having one or no infinity stones (there are SIX total).
- He can easily overpower Spider Man and Iron Man
- Vision was overpowered by either him or his henchmen.

So even though we haven't seen much of him so far, I would say the little tidbits we have seen have definitely established him as someone be taken very seriously compared to other MCU villains so far.
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Re: Avengers - Infinity War trailer

Postby Everlong » Dec 02, '17, 8:06 am

KaiserGlider wrote:I find it weird that there's complaints about a character not being "built up" in other movies before he actually appears in his own movie. Bane didn't appear in the first two Dark Knight movies and that didn't matter because we saw what he was all about when we watched the Dark Knight Rises. I guess since Marvel has done such a tremendous job of establishing its universe of characters throughout a series of movies, some people feel like Thanos should have gotten the same treatment. Did Marvel need to do that with him though?

Apples to oranges. This has been one general overarching story, whereas the Dark Knight trilogy was essentaily three standalone installments bridged by some of the same themes. Bane was never meant to be the "big bad" like Thanos is, and therefore did not need to be introduced ahead of time. If the idea is that we see Thanos as a bigger threat than anybody who's come before him rather than generic world-eating baddie #4, Marvel hasn't done a particularly great job of it IMO.

I'm not saying he necessarily will be a bad character or that the movie will be bad or anything, just that I think they could have done more to build the tension ahead of time given they only had seven hundred movies to do it in.
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Re: Avengers - Infinity War trailer

Postby Hanley! » Dec 02, '17, 12:04 pm

If Marvel wanted to, they could have just introduced the villain in Infinity War with no build whatsoever. That would have been fine. I would have still expected him to be bland, because their villains always are, and Thanos just seems to be a dull Darkseid rip off anyway. But hypothetically he still could have been a great character, and they wouldn't really have lost anything through not introducing him until the last moment.

What they've actually done to build towards him has done the opposite of what they intended, at least for me. They've shown or referenced him in a number of films, but they haven't really told us anything about him. We don't know what his powers are, or what motivates him (outside of finding all the MacGuffins). We have known that he's going to be the final big bad for I think five years now, but still don't know anything interesting about him. Still don't have a reason to care about him. Which makes it seem like there might just not be anything to this character.

The idea is obviously to make people excited by forcing them to wait for Thanos, which has maybe worked on some people. But for me, they needed to also demonstrate that he's worth waiting for.
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