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Game of Thrones time get hyped

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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby prophet » Jul 24, '17, 4:58 pm

I don't know how I felt about the second episode.

I can't help but feel like the writing is dumb. Like, I'm unable to find the logic in pretty much any major character's decision and it seems like they've purposefully written their characters in such a way just to create conflicts and cool looking scenes that didn't really (and shouldn't really) have taken place.

Also Dany acting more and more like a tyrant makes her more and more unlikable. In the books I always kind of went along with the theory that she was going to wind up being the main antagonist and that's kind of the vibe I got from her in this episode.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby SlightlyJames » Jul 24, '17, 11:17 pm

That Jorah scene and the cut to that horrible fucking pie was one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. Euron channelling Victarion while boarding then going on a Sand Snake killing spree puts him in goat territory, foreign invasion indeed. That Nymeria scene was about as pointless as it gets. Obviously she's going to show up and do something later down the line, why not let it be a surprise then? The Jon and Dany meeting could very well define the endgame of the series depending on how it plays out. Feels like they're rushing into it something awful.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Viazon » Jul 25, '17, 10:33 am

I know he is a villain and aren't technically supposed to be rooting for him. But when Euron came charging onto that ship all I wanted to see was him tearing mother fuckers apart.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Everlong » Jul 25, '17, 2:02 pm

Viazon wrote:I know he is a villain and aren't technically supposed to be rooting for him. But when Euron came charging onto that ship all I wanted to see was him tearing mother fuckers apart.

Anyone who kills the Sand Snakes is no villain :lol
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby DBSoT » Jul 25, '17, 3:27 pm

Episode 2:
Things I liked:
- The Dorne Royal family being killed off or captured. I have heard they are great in the books, but they suck in this show.
- The writers giving Jon Snow a real reason to work with Dany beyond just "We both hate the Lannisters." The need for Jon to acquire the dragon glass makes it vital that he goes to Dragonstone. Putting Sansa in charge was obvious, though.
- Euron Greyjoy!!!
- Theon continuing to be the biggest cuck in TV history
- Greyworm with a great speech about Missendai being his weakness. Bonus points for leaving the door open during the whole scene. They really wanted to be caught. :D

Things I didn't like:
- Dany demanding loyalty from Varys. The guys has been with you for quite a while now, but you just now question his intentions?
- Arya scenes felted like a waste. She was finally coming into her own as a lonely warrior and now she is going to rejoin her family in Winterfell. It won't be long before all the Stark children and Jon Snow are together. The Direwolf stuff was just a nod to the book readers. It had no place in the show.
- Sam helping Jorah. It just seems very random. What in his history makes him so interested in curing grey-scale? Why help Jorah specifically? Why is he not reading up on more ways to help Jon Snow?
- Jamie is becoming a waste of a character. Every story he has seems to end with no conclusion. Did he ever finish his sword training on his off hand? What happened after he took Riverrun? Brienne love story? Are we ever going to see him in battle? For a man who killed The Mad King and essentially started the current TV stories, he doesn't seem to do much.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby prophet » Jul 25, '17, 4:09 pm

I will give credit to the writers for the way they handled Theon. I loved that he had a sudden bout of PTSD because it made absolute sense. I'd like Theon's arc to be wrapped up with him sacrificing himself to save Yara later on this season.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby SlightlyJames » Jul 25, '17, 11:53 pm

DBSoT wrote:Sam helping Jorah. It just seems very random. What in his history makes him so interested in curing grey-scale? Why help Jorah specifically? Why is he not reading up on more ways to help Jon Snow?

Respect for his old LC I guess? He watched him die, might have felt he ought to help his son.

DBSoT wrote:Jamie is becoming a waste of a character... For a man who killed The Mad King and essentially started the current TV stories, he doesn't seem to do much.

Yeah, they can't really have him go anywhere or do anything because he has to be at King's Landing sitting on his hands until he clocks that Cersei is as every bit as mental as Aerys was and puts her down.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Viazon » Jul 26, '17, 10:18 am

Everlong wrote:
Viazon wrote:I know he is a villain and aren't technically supposed to be rooting for him. But when Euron came charging onto that ship all I wanted to see was him tearing mother fuckers apart.

Anyone who kills the Sand Snakes is no villain :lol

Why do they get a lot of hate by the way? I mean, I personally haven't seen enough of them to hate them. They just seem to be there in the background when Ellaria is on screen. Maybe that's why I guess. I haven't read the books either. Are people disappointed because they differ so much from the books? Granted they are the most interesting characters that have appeared on the show, but I can't say I dislike them.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby SlightlyJames » Jul 26, '17, 6:59 pm

Viazon wrote:Why do they get a lot of hate by the way? I mean, I personally haven't seen enough of them to hate them. They just seem to be there in the background when Ellaria is on screen. Maybe that's why I guess. I haven't read the books either. Are people disappointed because they differ so much from the books?

I mean aside from the fact they're all the exact same unlikeable character and they're responsible for dumb shit like "bad poosy", they also for some reason gutted all the worthwhile parts of the Dorne storyline to entirely reduce the place to "that place the sand snakes come from".

Remember when Oberyn come to King's Landing and got his head crushed like a melon? He did that to avenge the death of his sister, Elia. His brother Doran was angry too, fucking livid. But he was smarter about it. He had basically been playing the long game against the Iron Throne for ~20 years and after several setbacks, his plans are remarkably close to becoming reality.

You never really find out about any of that in the show though, he's just a stupid old man who gets killed by the bad poosy brigade, led by Ellaria Sand for some reason despite the fact that character is supposed to be against the whole vengeful obsession the Sand Snakes have got going on. They kill Myrcella, who is completely innocent (despite their father Oberyn's assertion that they 'don't hurt little girls in Dorne'). I don't have time to explain everything that's wrong with how the show handled Dorne but there's a whole lot more than what I've said here.

It follows the trend a lot of stories have taken in the later years of the show where things are becoming increasingly simplified and consolidated because they supposedly don't have enough screen time for it, but then they also have all the time in the world for this pointless Grey Worm/Missandei shite and watching Sam scrubbing shit off of bedpans etc.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Viazon » Jul 27, '17, 8:42 am

DBSoT wrote:- Dany demanding loyalty from Varys. The guys has been with you for quite a while now, but you just now question his intentions?

Yeah that's what I felt during this scene as well. I feel like this conversation should have already happened.

SlightlyJames wrote:It follows the trend a lot of stories have taken in the later years of the show where things are becoming increasingly simplified and consolidated because they supposedly don't have enough screen time for it, but then they also have all the time in the world for this pointless Grey Worm/Missandei shite and watching Sam scrubbing shit off of bedpans etc.

To be fair, they could have just shown that Missandei for the whole show and I still would have watched it. Then again, I suppose I could have just paused the scene for an hour. Which a did.

Well, more like 10 minutes.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Hanley! » Jul 31, '17, 3:51 pm

SlightlyJames wrote:It follows the trend a lot of stories have taken in the later years of the show where things are becoming increasingly simplified and consolidated because they supposedly don't have enough screen time for it, but then they also have all the time in the world for this pointless Grey Worm/Missandei shite and watching Sam scrubbing shit off of bedpans etc.

The pacing of the show has become bizarre. The writing is suffering greatly in most of the stories the show is telling right now, and it's easy to see that it's down to how little time the writers have left to wrap things up. They're consolidating stories too fast, and rushing through important battles and significant moments. They have completely given up on trying to make the travel times or army numbers make any sense whatsoever.

There's simply not enough episodes remaining to do a good job telling the story that they're trying to tell.

But then, as you rightly pointed out, they still waste screen time on stories and characters that don't matter at all. Jorah's adventures in greyscale are a good example. If I remember correctly, this story is an invention of the show. And now that it's over what purpose has it served? Jorah returned to Dany, but in doing so he contracted greyscale, so he left Dany to find a cure, which he did, so now he's re-returning to Dany. Why bother going through all that just so the character can circle back to where he already was in his development two years ago?

It wouldn't feel quite as pointless if the story had been been tense in any way, but it was all far too easy. There were no consequences for Jorah concealing his disease, and curing it was as simple as an untrained dude reading the instructions from a book that was just lying around.

And the Missandei/Grey Worm shit accomplished nothing other than throwing away five minutes that would have been better spent elsewhere. I know sex sells and all that, but Game of Thrones sex just isn't a selling point to me. It's really weird and unnatural that the characters always get naked and then just stand there looking at each other. It seems to be just so you can get a good view of everything when you pause your DVR.

At this point they really need to leave any unnecessary scenes on the cutting room floor, because they only have 11 more episodes to finish a story that feels nowhere close to finished. I'm very curious as to why they've opted for shorter seasons for the final two actually. Doesn't make much sense given how much they have left to do.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby prophet » Jul 31, '17, 4:59 pm

I really don't know why they chose to shorten the last two seasons either. They're rushing through important things all the while devoting time to stuff that isn't as important. You'd assume they're going to wrap up all the living antagonist characters by season's end so they can concentrate the entirety of the final season on the war between the living and the dead which is going to just be a cluttered mess at times.

A few other thoughts:

- Why did Bran not show the slightest bit of sympathy for his sister after basically telling her he's seen her be raped. Has Bran in his new position as the three eyed raven fallen completely out of touch with reality? Come to think of it why didn't he feel guilt about Hodor? And why has the little shit never fucking thanked Meera? I hate Bran with a passion.

- I'll miss Lady Olenna. What a tremendous job Diana Rigg did.

- Yay Bronn appeared!

- So Dany sent Jorah away, he returned but she sent him away again, he returned a second time but with greyscale so was sent away a third time and now he's been cured so he can return again. So what was the point of that whole arc? I don't know what more they can do with Jorah.

- Sam literally read a book and managed to perform such a risky and technical procedure first time of asking. Was it really that easy? Was that weirdly long handshake between him and Jorah supposed to tease Sam getting the scale? If so, will someone else read the same book and help him?

- Cersei went straight from killing the last sand snake to blowing her brother. Okay.

- Euron, as much as I enjoy him, asking Jaime if he should finger Cersei's arsehole was too far for me...surely there was a better dialogue option available that would've gotten the point across. David and Dan wrote this episode I think so actually the crude option should come as no surprise really
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Viazon » Aug 01, '17, 9:45 am

I've got no issue with the pacing of this season. If you ask me, they have already spent 6 seasons of pussy footing around to get to where they are today. No sense in wasting anymore time. Jon Snow took care of the Boltons. Dany finally arrived in Westoros with her army. Arya has no more distractions. Neither does Bran. All they need to do is get to where they need to be and do what they need to do. I think it's good that after Jon Snow set off for Dragonstone, it didn't last three episodes of him running into any trouble and getting distracted along the way. Next episode, he was there. And I think that's a good thing. If it suddenly feels rushed, I think that's because the show is coming to an end and everything needs to start coming together.

Although I think Dany is acting a tad bit tyrannical, I think Jon is being too proud. I don't think he ever wanted to be King or rule the seven kingdoms. So why not just bend the knee to her if he thinks it will help him with the white walkers? She said she would keep him as warden of the North, so what difference would it make.

Also, wouldn't he be the rightful air to the throne anyway? Rhaeghar would have been next in line after the mad king. And with his kids also dead, Jon would be the next remaining heir. Or would he not be entitled because he would have technically been a bastard for the Targaryen family as well?
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby SlightlyJames » Aug 01, '17, 10:24 am

Viazon wrote:I've got no issue with the pacing of this season. If you ask me, they have already spent 6 seasons of pussy footing around to get to where they are today. No sense in wasting anymore time. Jon Snow took care of the Boltons. Dany finally arrived in Westoros with her army. Arya has no more distractions. Neither does Bran. All they need to do is get to where they need to be and do what they need to do. I think it's good that after Jon Snow set off for Dragonstone, it didn't last three episodes of him running into any trouble and getting distracted along the way. Next episode, he was there. And I think that's a good thing. If it suddenly feels rushed, I think that's because the show is coming to an end and everything needs to start coming together.

I can understand that they've run out of time, the reason for it is irrelevant though. I feel like all this stuff happening moment to moment with barely any time to reflect on anything is a big detriment. They're throwing all the complexity out of the window and everything is happening far too quickly.

You've got Euron fucking teleporting around the place, heading from King's Landing to intercept the Sand Snakes, heading back to King's Landing to contemplate sticking a finger up Cersei's bum and then stranding the Unsullied at Casterly Rock with barely any travel time.

You've got Jaime merely suggesting the idea of taking Highgarden with Randyll Tarly and the next thing you know he's already done it, with the help of the Casterly Rock garrison who also somehow snapped their fingers and crossed the continent in an instant.

Everything's coming too easy, it doesn't feel grounded, it feels convenient. Like I said, if they weren't dicking around with contrived nonsense earlier they would have had time to flesh this stuff out.

Viazon wrote:Although I think Dany is acting a tad bit tyrannical, I think Jon is being too proud. I don't think he ever wanted to be King or rule the seven kingdoms. So why not just bend the knee to her if he thinks it will help him with the white walkers? She said she would keep him as warden of the North, so what difference would it make.

Being beholden to some unknown mental dragon lady, swearing to do whatever the fuck she says and paying her taxes is not a snap decision. Though I expect he'd probably be down if she agreed to a fly by to melt the Night King.

Viazon wrote:Also, wouldn't he be the rightful air to the throne anyway? Rhaeghar would have been next in line after the mad king. And with his kids also dead, Jon would be the next remaining heir. Or would he not be entitled because he would have technically been a bastard for the Targaryen family as well?

He doesn't know about that though. Even if he did, he would have no proof. And even if there was proof, ask the corpse of Stannis how much it matters to be the rightful King.
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Last edited by SlightlyJames on Aug 01, '17, 10:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Viazon » Aug 01, '17, 10:31 am

SlightlyJames wrote:
Viazon wrote:Also, wouldn't he be the rightful air to the throne anyway? Rhaeghar would have been next in line after the mad king. And with his kids also dead, Jon would be the next remaining heir. Or would he not be entitled because he would have technically been a bastard for the Targaryen family as well?

He doesn't know about that though. Even if he did, he would have no proof. And even if there was proof, ask the corpse of Stannis how much it matters to be the rightful King.

Yeah I know. I really wasn't asking from a characters standpoint, but from a viewers. I never really see anyone mention it.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Everlong » Aug 02, '17, 11:26 am

Yeah, agreed with the major pacing issues and the writing getting increasingly worse as they get farther and farther removed from the source material. The thing is, even the source material itself suffers from problems as the story goes on, but certainly no one can accuse George of rushing storylines :lol

I dunno, this season is really falling off a cliff fast, and it's because they're not following their own rules they set in the early seasons for basic things like battles, travel time, character motivations etc. It's really putting the "pop" in pop culture right now.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby SlightlyJames » Aug 02, '17, 11:38 am

Viazon wrote:Yeah I know. I really wasn't asking from a characters standpoint, but from a viewers. I never really see anyone mention it.

From the viewer end it's pretty much been talked over and over for years at this point. If people are being a bit casual about the implications of the whole thing it's mainly because we're bored of talking about Jon's bloodline after so long.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby SlightlyJames » Aug 07, '17, 10:12 am

God damn that battle was insane. Has Dany finally gone full heel? They seemed to make a point of establishing that going all Fire and Blood was probably a dick move, next time you see her she's cooking fuckers like it's no big deal. (And also employing the now widespread teleportation ability for her Dothraki horde). For how bloody scared I was for pretty much everyone involved during that entire thing, there was some thick ass plot armour all around.

Jaime was just cantering around and drifting out of the way of dragonfire the entire time, Bronn spent half the time on the Scorpion and not a single Dothraki thought to wander up and kill him, Dany was unarmoured on the ground with her back turned pulling the bolt out and nobody thought to maybe fire an arrow her way. Assuming Bronn can fish Jaime out of the water they'll be prisoners and we'll see them reunite with Tyrion sooner rather than later. That should be interesting enough.

Elsewhere, Bran let Littlefinger know not to mess with that "Chaos is a ladder" line, but doesn't seem too bothered about exposing him for being the slimy little bitch he is. Got other spooky tree god shit to be focusing on like giving Meera the cold shoulder. Was cool seeing the Stark kids all back together, and Sansa continuing to grasp how weird her family turned out. The Arya and Brienne fight felt a bit gratuitous but I'll allow it.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Viazon » Aug 07, '17, 1:29 pm

I don't know if this means Dany is a villain now. All I know is I was rooting for Jamie and Bronn during that whole fight. I did not want any of them to die and I seriously thought Jamies time was up for that split second before Bronn saved him.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Messiah » Aug 08, '17, 10:22 am

I don't know if she's a full blown villain yet, but she is definitely developing into one.
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