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Where's the worst place you've been when diarrhea struck?

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Where's the worst place you've been when diarrhea struck?

Postby PorkChop » Oct 09, '13, 10:34 am

I asked this to Tim and Hanley on the old forum, and thought I'd share my story as well as hear some others :lol

Mine's probably just as I was finishing work one night. We had a toilet there, but it was overrun with spiders and the lock didn't work on the door. I was past the point of no return, basically minutes away from dropping one in my pants, but I wasn't using that toilet. So, I had a choice of getting a lift home with one of the delivery drivers, who was a middle aged, ponytail-sporting convicted sex offender and run the risk of getting molested or shitting my pants in his car (or potentially both) or just legging it home.

So, I sprinted home as fast as I could. My house was about a mile away, and I wasn't sure if I'd make it. I'd broken into a cold sweat, and that's when you know you're on borrowed time. The urge to shit was so intense that I started looking at bushes as I was running past, assessing whether if they'd provide me with enough foliage to cover my dignity whilst I squat down and curled one out on the floor.

I managed to hold it in until I got home, but I swear I ran so fast that Usain Bolt would be left in my wake, and the great Roger Bannister would've applauded me. I actually consider it as one of my greatest achievements to date.
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Re: Where's the worst place you've been when diarrhea struck

Postby Enygma » Oct 09, '13, 10:42 am

PorkChop wrote: I'd broken into a cold sweat, and that's when you know you're on borrowed time. .

:lol :lol

But I cant really remember me having diarrhea problems. I once went into my apprenticeship when I was ill and I kept on thinking I was gonna be sick on the bus. I had to go from the City Centre to my house, which is about 35 mins on bus. And every time the bus hit a bump, I thought I was gonna hurl up my guts.
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Re: Where's the worst place you've been when diarrhea struck

Postby BostonRob » Oct 09, '13, 11:23 am

Oh man this is going to be a great thread.

Ok so my worst story of having explosive diarrhea was a couple years ago when i was walking home at 5 AM from a party that my friend was throwing. Walking home at 5 AM was a choice my tired drunken brain made which im thankful for because i actually had a car there and it would not have been good if i drove. Anywho it was about a 2 mile walk and about half way through i realized that "bud mud" was quickly approaching. Knowing what my current situation was ultimately going to turn into, i decided to lightly jog to the nearest enclosed office building to use their bathroom.. Being 5 am on a sunday it was not open. I look to my left and see a bush that had a hollowed out inside im assuming because of the drain pipes. From here i thought to myself this is good as a time as any to drop the pants and go to it. It was not pretty. not pretty at all. I had no toilet paper and still had a 1 mile walk to my house. It was not a pleasant walk home as i was walking like i still had a load help in the whole way. Thank god it was 5 AM on a sunday and there was nobody around.

This is one of those stories ill never forget. Walking home was a surreal experiece for sure. But it makes for an awesome diarrhea story.
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Re: Where's the worst place you've been when diarrhea struck

Postby ShaneOfan » Oct 09, '13, 12:26 pm

Went to Hooters with some of my friends. Were driving back and I get the shits so we pull over behind a porn store. I shit in the woods and don't have any tp so I wiped my ass with a "1408" t shirt.
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Re: Where's the worst place you've been when diarrhea struck

Postby Everlong » Oct 09, '13, 3:30 pm

Ok so I told my story in Steve's and my thread on WWE-Club about sharting myself at work, but that definitely isn't my best accidental poop story.

So I was a sprightly young lad of 21 at the University of Wisconsin in the Autumn of 2009. I was a senior - big man on campus, well-respected within my fraternity, and of course I could legally purchase and consume alcohol... basically I was king of the world, as we all are at that age.

Well one evening I found myself at a party at the apartment of a few girls I know who were in a sorority that we were paired up with for a year-long philanthropy event. A couple times a month throughout the whole school year we'd take turn hosting these shindigs, but this was the first one of the year and I was still worried about making a good impression on all of these extremely attractive (and rich) young women.

We get to drinking and it was an awesome time. For a small apartment, we put together a pretty bumpin party with about 50 people crammed into there. Now, earlier that evening I had made the mistake of eating not one, but two Qdoba burritos. Not only had I most surely ingested about 3500 calories of burrito, but all of it was heading straight toward the lower intestine.

It gets to be about 1:00 AM and I realize with a start that I have to take a massive shit. But it's a small apartment, and I can't very well take a shit in a hot chick's bathroom, can I? My drunken self thoroughly agreed with my subconscious mind - of course not! So I held that puppie in, and was prairie dogging it for at least another hour or so.

It gets to be 2:30 AM and people are starting to pair off. Fortunately I had a girlfriend at the time, so rather than having to make a choice between getting laid and taking a dump, I was able to make the smart decision and realize that it was now or never. Either I took a shit in her toilet, or I got the fuck out and jetted it to somewhere I could release the kraken.

I made my decision - fuck and no I was not going to poop in this apartment. I don't want my first impression with these chicks to be the poop guy. So I left without warning and started speedwalking home. Now, unfortunately this apartment was completely across campus from my house, and the University of Wisconsin has a pretty huge campus. It was going to be at least a 25 minute walk for me to get there... unless I jogged it.

So I started jogging, passing by people here and there as they drunkenly stumbled home from their parties and from the bars. But the more I jogged, the more it jostled the shit within me to the point where there was no way I was going to be able to hold it in any longer. So I had to act fast to avoid shitting my pants. I spotted a quiet-looking building on a street that had a lot of student houses... it looked like a small parking structure of some sort. There were bushes lining it. There was no time to reason with myself... I dropped trow and blasted that shit out in the bushes, then ran the rest of the way home and showered and threw my clothes in the laundry in case there were any remnants clinging to me.

Now, I was drunk as fuck at the time, but it still seemed like I got home without anyone seeing me. And as far as I know, I did. But it turns out the next day, I get a call from my girlfriend asking me about my night. I'd apparently called her immediately after taking the shit and left a voicemail filling her in on every single disgusting detail of the previous hour and a half. She never stopped giving me shit for it. Pun somewhat intended.

The end.
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Re: Where's the worst place you've been when diarrhea struck

Postby DanielsonTHAGOAT » Oct 09, '13, 3:58 pm

^^ Morale of the story, either way you'd be known as "the poop guy".

One time I was walking home from school, I suppose I was in Grade 9 or 10. I was walking home and all of a sudden I felt the urge to poop. I thought "Oh God no please". I was just hoping there was some way to hold off of it but nope, my stomach had other plans. I was praying to all the Gods, Jahs, Allahs, anything to help me from shitting my pants. Pooping in the bushes wasn't an option because people from my school were walking home as well. I was probably 0.5 miles away from my home but the walk felt longer than 0.5 miles because my neighborhood is really deep.

So here I am, jogging like a moron with all these cars passing by on the street looking at this kid like WTF. I finally storm into my neighborhood. I thought to myself "Okay we can do this, just a couple more blocks to go". I proceeded to run so fast and kick into a gear that I was never aware of.

Finally as my butt cheeks clasped together as firm as possible, I use the key to open the door and storm into the bathroom which was only 3 steps away from my main door. Needless to say, thank you to the people who build homes and are considerate enough to place a bathroom right next to the front door.
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Re: Where's the worst place you've been when diarrhea struck

Postby SlightlyJames » Oct 09, '13, 4:01 pm

Higher History Exam. I had to raise my hand so many goddamn times. I got a C.
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Re: Where's the worst place you've been when diarrhea struck

Postby Kyle » Oct 09, '13, 7:16 pm

On a tennis court. It was extremely painful and I had to leave for a few minutes to go to the bathroom, and even then it didn't go away.
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Re: Where's the worst place you've been when diarrhea struck

Postby SKS » Oct 09, '13, 8:46 pm

Any place with a toilet is usually fine. But not the day I had 5 items from Taco Bell. I was home. I dropped my pants as I was ready to piss. I pissed. All of a sudden, I sharted. I thought it was a wet fart. Nope. I literally shit myself. And it was mostly liquid. It was horrifying. I basically burned those pants.
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Re: Where's the worst place you've been when diarrhea struck

Postby Viazon » Oct 10, '13, 6:29 pm

At work. I had to keep running back and forth from the toilet. It also felt like I was gonna throw up. Eventually I told my boss I didn't feel well and had to go home. It didn't get any better when I did. I was crapping and puking all night. Turns out I had a stomach bug.

Actually, thinking about it, the worse place may have been the night after that. I thought I was feeling better so went out drinking with my friends. We were in a bar and I had to run to the toiler. Wasn't pleasant. I felt so ill I had to bail on the night and go home.
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Re: Where's the worst place you've been when diarrhea struck

Postby Enygma » Oct 11, '13, 6:30 am

Speaking of shits, English users, Is there a bug going round? I woke up this morning and I cant stop sprinting to the loo, Its not really mushy yet buts its heading that way
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Re: Where's the worst place you've been when diarrhea struck

Postby PorkChop » Oct 12, '13, 11:05 am

AndJusticeForAll wrote:Speaking of shits, English users, Is there a bug going round? I woke up this morning and I cant stop sprinting to the loo, Its not really mushy yet buts its heading that way

What, a bug going round the whole country of England? Get out :lol
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Re: Where's the worst place you've been when diarrhea struck

Postby SortaCreative » Oct 12, '13, 11:10 am

PorkChop wrote:
AndJusticeForAll wrote:Speaking of shits, English users, Is there a bug going round? I woke up this morning and I cant stop sprinting to the loo, Its not really mushy yet buts its heading that way

What, a bug going round the whole country of England? Get out :lol

I know we're a small country but come on now.
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