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Do you believe in God?

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Do you believe in God?

Postby Ace » Feb 05, '14, 10:07 am

Do you believe in God??

A simple, yet touchy question for some people.
If not than explain why if you'd like.

I myself, do believe in God. My family (mostly my grandparents) are strong Roman Catholics. After 4th grade, I attended private Catholic schools all the way through high school. I've always believed that there is a greater power watching over us & have sometimes talked to God when feeling a strong need to.

This being said, I don't regularly attend church. To be honest I usually only go on big holidays like Christmas & Easter. Other than that I'm not really interested in attending mass every Sunday. Does that make me wrong. I don't think so.

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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby PorkChop » Feb 05, '14, 10:48 am

I'd like to, I just can't.
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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby Everlong » Feb 05, '14, 10:54 am

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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby DanielsonTHAGOAT » Feb 05, '14, 11:18 am

I believe in God but I'm very accepting of all other religions as well. Truthfully, I've accepted the idea that nothing in this life or afterlife is promised except for death.
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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby Romo » Feb 05, '14, 11:19 am

I believe science over a giant game of chinese whispers, I mean look at Noah's Act..... he was told to build a boat and it will be 450 ft long, 75 wide and 45 high.... There are 10million known species of animal on planet earth today, meaning there would be 20million on that boat.... I'll let you all do the math on how this is impossible and we'll just let it slide that there would be predator animals on that boat who need feeding and will most definitely go killing the other animals.

And to anyone is offended by my hatred of religion all I ask is...

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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby VaderBomb » Feb 05, '14, 11:28 am

No, nor do I want to. Something as powerful as a god is suggested to be would be quite terrifying.
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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby Everlong » Feb 05, '14, 11:28 am

Romo wrote:I believe science over a giant game of chinese whispers

Ok, this is the single most stupid critique of religion that there is, because it implies that there's some kind of dichotomy involved here, where you either believe in God or you believe in "science," whatever that even means, like science is some entity that you "believe" in. It's not one or the other, you can be perfectly fine accepting most scientific data and theories while still believing in God.

Also, the amount of people who take every single word of the bible as fact (like you're using in the Noah's Ark example there) is an extremely small sample of Christians, yet it's the type of faith that for some reason many people are most quick to attack.

There are a multitude of legitimate reasons to be anti-organized religion or to disagree with the teachings of various faiths, but the whole "Jesus or Science!" thing is absolutely not one of them.
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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby Romo » Feb 05, '14, 12:03 pm

I don't want to get into a religious debate over it as it really isn't worth either of us getting heated or arguing but after spending 6 years in a religious high school having this forced down my throat and then year after year reading or seeing mass killings of innocent children I have a hard time believing any of it.

My post was bit nobheady and if i am completely honest whilst i don't believe in god i really don't care if you or anybody does I believe that everybody is entitled to their own opinion, apologizes if it overstepped the mark.
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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby Hanley! » Feb 05, '14, 12:20 pm

No. I used to say I was agnostic, but I don't think it was ever really true. I'm an atheist.

I was born Catholic, though my parents are also atheists that were simply pressured into baptising me. I went to a Catholic school because in Ireland, there's very little alternative. I stopped identifying myself as Catholic back when I was still a teenager though.

I'm aggressively opposed to the Catholic church and its teachings. I think it's a corrupt and broken organisation with some horrible practices, that constantly strives to stubbornly hold back civilisation. They're so intent on pretending that a historical document is the "word of God" that they can actually claim moral superiority with a straight face while they try to make us conform to ancient prejudices and bigotry.

Fuck the Catholic church, basically.

That being said, I have no problem with those who believe in some kind of higher power. It's not for me, but I see no reason to judge anyone else for believing. I don't even really have a problem with practicing Catholics, provided they overlook the more horrible/ridiculous examples of the church's teachings (and so many of them do). It's the organisation itself that really bothers me.
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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby ShaneOfan » Feb 05, '14, 12:21 pm

I believe there may be a god. I believe that if their is an afterlife everyone gets to go to the same place. Even the wicked. I don't believe that any god worth worshiping would care what mere mortals think of them. I believe that Christ and Buddha were real men, who existed and taught the world of their views. I believe in the teachings of Christ and of Buddah. I believe in love, harmony, and forgiveness. I believe in acceptance of others and of one's self. I believe in science and spirituality. I believe that we are all connected. That we owe it to ourselves and to each other to forgive and to help each other move forward when we or others were wronged. Far to often we look at our differences. I believe that we should look at what we have in common. Man or woman, gay or straight, young or old, black or white, we are all in this together on this earth and in this life. If you want to call that a belief in god then sure I believe.
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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Feb 05, '14, 2:03 pm

Yes. As a Muslim, I firmly do although not practising as much as I should be. Practising faith comes to people at different stages I guess.

It has helped me in accepting the things that have happened in life and that it's a test and about how you respond to adversity, tragedy etc.

But I wouldn't say that I'm against those who don't believe in God/religion or neither would I begin debates on the matter because frankly, I'd be poor.

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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby Daz » Feb 05, '14, 2:16 pm

No, but nor am I an angry atheist who thinks all those that do believe in God are stupid. Each to their own I say, as long as you're not twisting your religion to do fucked up things (I.E fly planes into buildings) then fair play to you.

I will say, I despise people who try to use their religion to prevent people from living their lives the way that's comfortable for them. Using religion as a basis for opposing gay marriage for example. They don't question your beliefs, what right do you have to tell them who they can and cannot love, marry and spend their lives with.

And as far as the Religion vs. Science stuff. I think it's a silly argument too, unless you're arguing with creationists. Then you kind of have to point out the ludicrous nature of their beliefs.
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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby Ali » Feb 05, '14, 2:27 pm

AkydefGoldberg wrote:Yes. As a Muslim, I firmly do although not practising as much as I should be. Practising faith comes to people at different stages I guess.

It has helped me in accepting the things that have happened in life and that it's a test and about how you respond to adversity, tragedy etc.

But I wouldn't say that I'm against those who don't believe in God/religion or neither would I begin debates on the matter because frankly, I'd be poor.

Peace and love for everyone.

What he said.

My philosophy on the matter is this: "Always accept the possibility that you are wrong." I believe there is a God, but I can't say for certain. It goes the other way, too. I have atheist friends, and we've had these kinds of discussions, friendly ones, and I've asked them, "What if you're wrong?" They respond, "Well, then I'm wrong. But I still try to live my life as a good person."

And that's what it boils down to. You don't need to believe in God to be a good person. Your faith is a personal belief. I believe in God because it gives me personal comfort. If it doesn't for you, fine. As long you are kind and respectful to your fellow man, that's all that matters.
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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby SKS » Feb 05, '14, 5:31 pm

I do. I'm not hardcore into religion though. I go to church sometimes, but I find myself disagreeing with a lot of what is "preached" (I was raised Roman Catholic).

I believe God is ever loving and whether you're black, white, straight, gay, atheist, christian, etc., that God will love you because we're his children. Which is why I get infuriated whenever these so called "devout Catholics" or any other hardcore religious people spread hate instead of love. Love your neighbor, treat them like you would like to be treated, and let God handle the judging. I don't enjoy religious debates so I try to keep quiet. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs but it doesn't mean you have to be an ass about it.
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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby blackparade » Feb 05, '14, 5:54 pm

I don't. I am an atheist. I don't believe there is a god (any god really) and I don't care to know. I'm good with knowing that I control my life and what I do, and that is enough for me. I was raised a baptist, baptized at 13, and it never stuck. I gave religion the ole college try again after my mother died, but I could never change my own opinions enough to believe. I'm good with being a good person, and teaching my daughter to be a good person just because it's right and fair.
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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby Matteo » Feb 05, '14, 7:47 pm

Nope, although the NDE stories really interest me.
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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby Buck » Feb 05, '14, 8:18 pm

Everlong wrote:Also, the amount of people who take every single word of the bible as fact (like you're using in the Noah's Ark example there) is an extremely small sample of Christians, yet it's the type of faith that for some reason many people are most quick to attack.

This is true. There is in fact an entire faction of Christians who don't believe a single word of the Bible and actually go against it at every turn. They're called Roman Catholics.

Also, Vaderbomb, how can you say you don't believe in God when you have a picture of him in your sig??
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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby UTK » Feb 05, '14, 9:11 pm

I don't particularly care about religion, or God existing.
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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby Westcoastvibes » Feb 05, '14, 9:22 pm

God, no...
I do believe that a man of extraordinary stature walked this earth a long time ago and he was able to give people something to believe in besides what they see, he was able to give them hope in a time of need.

Do I think that he came from the heavens or magically appeared, no
Did he have special powers above and beyond normal man? No

I think he was just a normal man with a positive outlook on life and a desire to help others before himself. Beyond that I think god, heaven, hell, Satan and the bible are all the result of a hole slew of stories, rumours, legends and myths for a unexplained change in the world.
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Re: Do you believe in God?

Postby Georgerv » Feb 05, '14, 9:33 pm

No, I'd like to have a little faith in someone or something but I really don't.

I grew up going to Church Of England Schools, and the secondary school I went to was also religious, but I just really couldn't find myself going along with it.

The way my life's been going recently it'd be nice to have something to believe in to help me through the tough times but I really don't think religion is it.... Beer helps :chug2
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