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So basically..~

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So basically..~

Postby Locke » Dec 03, '16, 1:54 am

Hey old school peeps. Took me a long time to figure out how to get back into this old account. Not a year or anything, mind, but long enough that I gave up several times before I finally guessed the password to a very old e-mail account that's unused.

I won't lie, I've missed many of you. Hell, I've missed the whole place. Still no better place to chill when watching WWE's PPV's (or rather, "The Network" now). We all love our rasslin', eh? How about that fuckin' surprise Goldberg slaughters Brock match, eh? Love it, hate it, it was the biggest shocker since Undertaker. Wish I was here during that! I digress..

I know a lot of you hate me, I don't blame you. I hated on Kanye and those who adored him. I made that much clear when I got tired of people describing him as a lyrical genius of the likes since.. hell, I dunno, Bob Dylan? Uh.. Shakespear? Whatever. However, I know I went overboard when I dished out my tirade, after all I was drunk, high, passionate, and vocal. No excuse, I know, I do what I do. I got downvoted to hell and it hurt my pride and it wasn't the first time it happened here, so yeah, I got butthurt and I left. Left (for the second time) but I felt it fair to return for a brief moment to tell a tale. Love it or hate it, it won't hurt me or anything, I just felt it fair to explain (not only to you in the UK but also friends here in the US).

The reason I left is the same reason Trump won. Simple.
As someone who voted Obama into office twice, I was tired of being called a racist, or a bigot, or blah fucking blah, every single time I disagreed with some tiny opinion any of you had that I disagreed with. I got tired of having my nose buried in shit, like I was some dog that pooped on the floor (for what it's worth, I never did that to my fucking dog, I just took him outside and it worked, he's 15 years old now and hasn't shat in the floor for 14 years - don't rub noses in it, just lead by example). Sometimes peaceful disagreement works, but I felt like here, it didn't work at all (for me). So eventually I ended up raging and then left (twice).

Now here we are, where #BREXIT happened, now #TRUMP has happened, and you all are probably wondering what in the fuck is going on. It's simple. People got fed up with that hot garbage. Both sides of the pond, they made it fucking loud, they made it fucking clear. I don't see any celebrities moving to Canada. Hey, Tim, are you in Canada yet? I didn't think so. I don't blame you, though. Because things are going to improve. Maybe, just maybe, people can close the gap between their differences after these silly and stupid riots die down. Maybe people who were fed up of being treated like trash will have forgiveness, and things can unite again. Who knows?

Or, the world goes to hell in a hand basket, who knows? I know I'm on Team Jesus, and I cannot for the life of me figure out how anyone who claims to be Christian could ever agree with anyone who is pro-choice. It's the Lord's decision to end a life, and it's not YOUR body but the Lord's. So how can you say "It's okay to be pro-choice" when that doesn't align with anything in The Bible? You cannot just select what you like and don't like from the book. Yes, there are old testament things that say crazy things like "no pork" or "no shell fish" but that's THE OLD. The NEW says to only abide by the new, while at least acknowledging and respecting the OLD, abide by the NEW. The NEW does say to love everyone, and I am down with that - best thing it could possibly portray. It does NOT say to disregard the word of the LORD. And no, UK people, I wasn't addressing you. We all know your lot has been atheist for centuries and that's just fine, to each his own. I'm speaking to any Christian brethren that are listening.

Hate me, attack me, do as you will. I was glad to to return briefly to say hello, send my love, attack the system, and go about my way. I hope that when/if I return in the next 2 or 3 years (if I'm not deleted and banned), our entire world will be in a more peaceful and prosperous state than it is now. Until then, I surround myself with loved ones, peaceful ones, and ones who don't allow the democrats to ruin their minds with the brainwashed media.


Google #pizzagate and don't shut your fucking eyes :O
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Re: So basically..~

Postby EmperorWu » Dec 03, '16, 2:25 am

:lol :facepalm

Welcome back brother. :tim
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Re: So basically..~

Postby The Legend » Dec 03, '16, 6:22 am

Wow. I really don't know what to say about a whole bunch of that. I'll focus on one part. You claim to be Christian and because of that you can't possibly choose a pro-choice candidate. I was raised Catholic. I get it. I don't think abortion is right and would hope it never came to that with a woman I was with. I was however raised American. Where the First Amendment is important. Everyone has a right to determine what their personal faith beliefs are and no one has the right to force their beliefs on others. Your personal faith and belief choices are just that, personal. The government also has absolutely no place in deciding that faith.

Finally, so you voted for a candidate that says he's pro-life (Donald Trump will never move on the abortion issue or make a difference, because he doesn't care, it doesn't fit into his personal greed and mission to make himself even more filthy rich). So instead you voted for the candidate that is pro-superior race, believes women have no role of importance in society, believes disabled Americans are completely less than others. As a person who was raised Catholic you'll have to tell me where the Christian teachings are in that. Christianity is far bigger than one issue, Christianity at its core, non-politicized, also teaches to treat people the right way, that everyone matters and is important and to live a humble life of serving others before self. Instead of looking at it under a microscope look at it from a wide lens, Hillary Clinton was the far more Christian candidate and the Democratic Party is the far more Christian party.
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Re: So basically..~

Postby prophet » Dec 03, '16, 7:25 am

Scollops = fried potato
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Re: So basically..~

Postby Str8Shooter » Dec 03, '16, 8:25 am

So you made your big return because you "missed this place" and the proceeded to go on a long rant basically saying that we drove you away and being largely unapologetic about it? And taking a shot at Tim, the guy who owns and runs the site. Smooth move.

If Trump won because middle America felt forgotten and ignored and treated like shit, their solution was to vote in the guy who may very well just treat an entirely different group of people like second class citizens? How is that progress? How is that uniting? The only thing it unites is Middle America against everyone different from them.
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Re: So basically..~

Postby War Daddy » Dec 03, '16, 9:02 am

I can't wait for Circled Square vs Locke.
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Re: So basically..~

Postby Messiah » Dec 03, '16, 10:07 am

I'm not sure you understand what "bigot" means. Voting for Obama does not stop you, or anyone, from being a bigot. It doesn't stop you from being racist either (not to say you are).
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Re: So basically..~

Postby ShaneOfan » Dec 03, '16, 12:39 pm

First and foremost America is NOT a Christian nation nor has it ever been. We made it clear from the beginning that we were not establishing our nation as a religious state like much of Europe. While it is disingenuous to say we were not founded on many principals that can be found in the Christian faith, it was not the overall goal. The treaty of Tripoli specifically states were were not a Christian nation and was written (or at least submitted) by John Adams.

So being a Christian (a good one or a bad one) does and should have fuck all to do with if someone should be President. As for Abortion, while I would agree to an extent that it is morally wrong from many points of view not just the Christian faith, and it isn't technically mentioned in the bible, I will concede it is "murder" if you would. I am personally opposed to it, I have three children that attest to that fact. BUT I also do not think the government should have the right to step in and tell people they absolutely can not have one. It isn't about my faith, it's about what is right. I am smart enough and believe enough to know those two are not always match up. I don't support abortion rights as a form of birth control. It shouldn't be for people who "just aren't ready" but I do support the right in times of rape, extreme complications(which I suppose I could cover if pressed) and when it is a threat to the life of the mother.

But that has nothing to do with why Clinton lost or Orange Hitler won. I saw the Clinton campaign. I helped it. I made phone calls, I canvased, I went to events to register and spread the word. I wanted her to win because I believed in her. But the problem was never the issues. The problem was how the campaign was run from top down. The other three factors were "yuge"

1-They focused to much on the minority vote. There is nothing wrong at all with appealing to something other then old white men. The Democratic party relies on the support of Hispanic and African American voters. And we tried to capitalize on the fact that Trump was saying horrible things about the Hispanics. We tried to coddle them and say "there there, it's okay" and it came off as off putting to many. Not only that but giving that much of a focus meant we ignored other areas. It meant we made working class whites feel abandoned. They were our wheel house. They were the ones that knocked the doors, stood outside of the Union Halls, made the phone calls. This isn't to say Hispanics or African Americans, or any other groups don't also do those things for campaigns, they absolutely do, but they are not that wheel house the party has been built on. It's the blue collar time card punching 7-5 white guy that felt left out and abandoned.

2-Trump swooped right in and grabbed every one of them who would hold on. He appealed to them and extended a hand this wasn't a GOP tactic, it was a Donald Trump tactic and he did it because he knew it would work. Trump is no idiot. He knew exactly what he was doing. He knew what he wanted and how to take it. He spoke to those working whites. He played to their fears of marginalization. He extended the branch that the Democrats didn't.

3-Donald Trump thrived off the free media. Guy barely had to spend a dime because the media would not shut up about him. Since day one of his candidacy for even the GOP ticket, his name has been front and center, good or bad didn't matter. He just needed people to say "Donald Trump". He worked it that way because the guy is a media genius. And his hardcore supporters never cared what they said about him because he was able to convince them that anytime the media said anything bad, they were corrupt liars.
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Re: So basically..~

Postby Daz » Dec 03, '16, 2:56 pm

Pipe down, you're embarrassing yourself.
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Re: So basically..~

Postby Circled Square » Dec 03, '16, 5:14 pm


As much as I love starting shit with these virtue signaling nu-males, this is just sad man. Locke should be here and Locke should be active and posting with his lads. But politics, dead babies and John Podesta getting some fresh loli is stopping that from happening. How about you come back in 2017 and we will all stop being so political. The election is over now Brexit is most likely going to happen, look towards the future now. Not saying we shouldn't talk about politics and shouldn't get into debates but maybe it's time for a bit of a break when it comes to touchy subjects. Time to heal!
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Re: So basically..~

Postby The Legend » Dec 03, '16, 6:52 pm

Circled Square wrote: maybe it's time for a bit of a break when it comes to touchy subjects. Time to heal!

It really bugs me when people say this or a version of this. I'm happy with what happened, so why can't you just be happy with it, or at least just ignore it and pretend everything's OK while the world falls apart. That's not healing. True healing can only happen when the oppressed party can be seen as equal and their damages seen as valid and respected by the oppressors.
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Re: So basically..~

Postby Circled Square » Dec 03, '16, 8:47 pm

You aren't going to change the world on Tim's Cambodian basket weaving message board, for the sake of getting along we should be a bit more "aware" of how sensitive these issues are. I remember when I first came here and got into arguments and I think the tone has gotten worse and worse as the election went on. Trust me it takes a bizarre world for me to say we should be less aggressive politically on the forum lmao Never should be at a point where calling people sexist racist and xenophobic all the time is normal, once you start attaching negative labels to users here it makes you hate them even if you don't realize it. Idk maybe I'm talking out my neck here just think it's not worth losing people over.

I'm looking at this situation apolitically which is incredibly hard to do considering I'm a guy who had a Trump sig and a hitler/vanilla ice sig :lol
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Re: So basically..~

Postby DBSoT » Dec 04, '16, 12:09 am

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Re: So basically..~

Postby Twister » Dec 04, '16, 3:31 am

Erm, okay?
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Re: So basically..~

Postby ShaneOfan » Dec 04, '16, 8:41 am

This is how I felt reading the rant

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Re: So basically..~

Postby Everlong » Dec 04, '16, 12:53 pm

I don't really understand your motives here, man. I'll be honest, I saw that you had logged in and made a post, and I was expecting/hoping it would be you coming back into the fold. I just saw this this morning, as I was out and about all day yesterday. But it looks like you just wanted to come in, fire off some potshots and duck away, which is disrespectful, cowardly and kind of sad.

I don't have any problems with you believing the things you want to believe so long as they don't harm other people. When I point things out as being potentially bigoted/homophobic/racist, I do so with an intent to try to get you/most people to look at things in a different way than you might otherwise see things or at least attempt to consider viewpoints you'd never thought about before. You'll note that I never throw out these accusations and then not explain them, or try to flesh out the situation fully from all perspectives. Well, unless the poster is Circled Square, who is a troll not worth our time.

Don't kid yourself, or anyone here. The reason you left wasn't that people attacked you. It was because you were too immature to be able to take a long, hard look at the viewpoints of yours people disagreed with and wonder if maybe, just maybe, they had a point. You lashed out like a child who isn't able to handle people making legitimate, critical points against things they think/believe.

Ultimately, you're the only one who's coming off badly here, not this "system" you came in to attack. And what's that even supposed to mean, exactly? Did you want to come in rub it in to me that Trump won? I mean cool, good job I guess. But while you're for some reason coming on here and attempting to take the Christian moral high ground (all while using a ridiculously combative tone for some unknown reason), I've actually been out in the community the last few weeks volunteering, and assisting political candidates in my local area who I think are actually going to make a difference.

So congratulations, your "oppressed viewpoints" were momentarily justified in the victory of a demagogue. But while all you apparently care about is coming back to give yourself a little bit of self satisfaction in this sanctimonious rant, some of us are actually mature enough to move on and work to make a difference in this country. You tell me which sounds more Christian to you?
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Re: So basically..~

Postby Locke » Dec 04, '16, 2:10 pm

The Legend wrote:stuff

It really saddens me how much you swallow the media. Use the tools our forefathers didn't have. Don't just blindly accept the newspapers, CNN, NBC, fuck even FOX. I won't tell you what to search or how to search, but search the internet. And not just Google. Other than that, I appreciate your reply.

ShaneOfan wrote:stuff about USA not founded on Christianity
Lol ok, who are you again? Anyway, I don't know where you got your information, or if you've even read The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, or even the Pledge of Allegiance, but as Daz said to me in this thread to me, you're embarrassing yourself. And Daz was right, I did embarrass myself because I spoke when I was heated and not thinking clearly. Seems like the only time I ever want to post on this website is when I'm pissed off. I wouldn't have even made the effort to sign back in had I not been ghosting that very evening and reading what people had to say about current events.

Everlong wrote:I don't really understand your motives here, man.

To be fair, and to be 100% transparent and honest, I don't know either. I came here to send you a private message, proclaim my respect for you and your marriage (which I'm still happy about, by the way, congratulations and sorry for the state my congrats come in) but I got sidetracked and took a little peruse around the place and just became angry all over again. I was a born leftist, my entire life I voted left, even when I couldn't vote I crossed my fingers for the left. I hated Bush Sr. and Bush Jr., and I still hate them both, but I've come to realize they're not "right" at all. They've been involved with the Clintons for decades and still are. Every shit bag thing that happeend to this country from Bill Clinton's NAFTA onward has been purely Clinton Foundation, left or right is out. It's all about the Clintons. And even though the silly online tests I took (when I was still an active member here) told me I support Trump, in my heart and on paper I supported Bernie until he bent the knee to Hillary and took a total 180 on his approach to the presidency. There are even reports that his family was threatened and that's why he did it. And then TONS OF EVIDENCE came out even on MAINSTREAM MEDIA that Hillary swung the DNC with dirty tactics that were outright cheating, but people just turned a blind eye to it JUST SO THE LEFT WOULD WIN. Podesta and his pizza parties, Hillary's dirty money, Soros and his tiny puppet.. I researched, I found out for myself, I disregarded the media. And all these "do-gooder leftists" that I used to be a part of kept towing the company line.

Since then, I've lost friends, both IN REAL LIFE and online, to that company line. I never bought a republican t-shirt or a hat or anything, but once people found out I was sore with the left and thinking about letting things go right for awhile, I was treated with this:

One of my best friends is married to a woman whose parents are from Mexico. They are legal citizens, their child was born in the USA, but he -hates me- because he thinks Trump is going to kidnap his wife, children, and in-laws in the night and ship them across a 45ft tall wall. The media is brainwashing you people. I started feeling it sooner than most, and it was thanks to you guys. Not because the Kanye stuff I said (I admit, I was out of line as fuck on that, I was just tired of hearing Yesus because I'm a very religious person and that's borderline claiming Christhood), either. In fact, Kanye has been a loose cannon for over a decade and people have always sorta thought he was crazy as batshit but he came out about a month ago and proclaimed he would have actually voted for Trump but felt too pressured from the media and unknown forces so he wouldn't speak up, but since Trump won he was going to speak his mind again and lose the shackles. BAM. He's suddenly been taken -against his will- into a psychiatry unit. Does none of this shit sound suspicious to any of you? Are you just going to believe that Trump is going to poison the water, set off nukes, kill newborn babies in their sleep (while democrats kill them before they're born) etc? STOP. STOP IT. Take in other news outlets. Not just TV. Not just mainstream websites. Use your fucking brains. The internet is MASSIVE and anyone can claim to be a source, a Bible even. Ugh my brain hurts thinking about this shit.

I would have sent much of this to you in private, Tim, but since I brought the dirty laundry out in public, I may as well do this in public. I do apologize and I do, again, hope you have a safe, happy, 'Murica freedom your whole life and enjoy your wife and your children (make many, don't care who they vote for, red or blue). But open your eyes. The Book talked about wolves in sheep's wool/clothing. It's a very basic metaphor that can mean so many things, but it's my belief that it means people who THINK they're doing the Christian thing will convince other Christians to do the non-Christian thing. The wolf doesn't have to be aware. I think that's partly where you're at. Look up John Podesta and Pizzagate, roll your eyes as much as you want but don't ignore the facts that are out there in the open. Do you want a 7, 9, or 12 inch cheese pizza in hot water? Your party could provide.

Color me insane, color me wearing a tinfoil hat (holding a kitty with a tinfoil hat, too)

Just don't disregard a voice. Use your brain, use your tools, use your.. anything other than just straight up Google and Facebook and Reddit and other pure fascist hidden in disguise bullshit.

I'm not here because I hate you, any of you. If I really hated you and considered you complete trash, why would I show back up? It certainly wasn't to "rub your nose in it," I have all of reddit to do that. I guess no matter what I do I'll care about this place. I got in a near fatal car accident that ruined my entire left arm for life, designed the code for this place with one hand, reskinned it for Pubtalk, then Tim reskinned it for Squaredcirlce (still looks good, man), and even though you're all a bunch of brainwashed liberal yips (most of which don't even live in the USA) I still love you fuckers. So that's where I'm at.

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Re: So basically..~

Postby Circled Square » Dec 04, '16, 2:14 pm

Everlong wrote:I don't really understand your motives here, man. I'll be honest, I saw that you had logged in and made a post, and I was expecting/hoping it would be you coming back into the fold. I just saw this this morning, as I was out and about all day yesterday. But it looks like you just wanted to come in, fire off some potshots and duck away, which is disrespectful, cowardly and kind of sad.

I don't have any problems with you believing the things you want to believe so long as they don't harm other people. When I point things out as being potentially bigoted/homophobic/racist, I do so with an intent to try to get you/most people to look at things in a different way than you might otherwise see things or at least attempt to consider viewpoints you'd never thought about before. You'll note that I never throw out these accusations and then not explain them, or try to flesh out the situation fully from all perspectives. Well, unless the poster is Circled Square, who is a troll not worth our time.

Don't kid yourself, or anyone here. The reason you left wasn't that people attacked you. It was because you were too immature to be able to take a long, hard look at the viewpoints of yours people disagreed with and wonder if maybe, just maybe, they had a point. You lashed out like a child who isn't able to handle people making legitimate, critical points against things they think/believe.

Ultimately, you're the only one who's coming off badly here, not this "system" you came in to attack. And what's that even supposed to mean, exactly? Did you want to come in rub it in to me that Trump won? I mean cool, good job I guess. But while you're for some reason coming on here and attempting to take the Christian moral high ground (all while using a ridiculously combative tone for some unknown reason), I've actually been out in the community the last few weeks volunteering, and assisting political candidates in my local area who I think are actually going to make a difference.

So congratulations, your "oppressed viewpoints" were momentarily justified in the victory of a demagogue. But while all you apparently care about is coming back to give yourself a little bit of self satisfaction in this sanctimonious rant, some of us are actually mature enough to move on and work to make a difference in this country. You tell me which sounds more Christian to you?

A troll not worth our time. Damn.
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Re: So basically..~

Postby Circled Square » Dec 04, '16, 2:15 pm

I'd be alright if I wasn't worth your time but speaking on behalf of dveryone like that is a bitch move Tim
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Re: So basically..~

Postby Westcoastvibes » Dec 04, '16, 3:14 pm

Miss ya buddy, not entirely sure this return is truly you though. Something feels off
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