by DBSoT » Oct 29, '20, 9:13 am
The more important races are in the Senate. If the Democrats take back the Senate majority, then it completely changes the game. If Trump wins, he will never get anything done that needs congressional approval and could be removed from office. If Biden wins, then he will be be working with the full power of the Democratic party. Biden is clearly the better choice because it is more likely his party (Congress) can pull him left on certain issues or at least have the power to do so. Trump with a Democrat controlled House/Senate is just asking for constant explosion politically. It will be 4 years of Trump trying to enact executive orders, congress overturning them and Trump vetoing that decision. The Democrats won't have a 2/3rd majority, so they can't override the veto and the Supreme Court is heavily conservative and likely won't overturn them either.
Biden isn't great, but he can do one thing that Trump winning could never do. He can restore some semblance of normalcy to this country. I would take a career politician with a sense of morality over the corrupt/racist monster that Trump is.
I would also say that beyond the person, Biden winning has some major world wide implications. He would likely put the funding back into WHO and the Paris Climate Agreement. Both of those things can be a great ways of getting our allies to trust our leaders again. Working with WHO is obviously very important during a global health crisis. Having someone in charge that believe in science and health officials is the most necessary thing for this country.