by Messiah » Apr 09, '20, 12:34 pm
It sucks. I will say I think Biden has more of a chance now to beat Trump than he did pre-coronavirus, because even Trump supporters are seeing how disastrous his handling of this has been. But I wouldn't hold my breath on it. I'd expect the same thing to happen when it was Clinton vs Trump - a ton of voters are going to stay at home. I guess you could argue that was happening with Sanders, as younger voters weren't coming out to vote, but I believe that would have been different in a presidential election.
Once Biden won South Carolina and other south states though, it was a wrap for Sanders. So him dropping out isn't a big surprise. COVID-19 has taken all the attention but its been obvious since then that he wasn't going to win. And he lacked the support of his own party, to an extent where even if he got the most votes it felt like he'd get screwed in the end. I mean hell Elizabeth Warren is someone whose ideals more closely align with Sanders, and yet she ended up backing Biden.
Over the last two years and as I've gotten older, I've started to pay a lot more attention to politics. And there isn't anything inspiring about Biden other than, "he's not Trump." And with a recession all but inevitable, I don't see Biden as someone who will be able to properly navigate us out of it.
I'll be voting for Biden though. I'm disappointed that Sanders lost because he is what got me so into politics and I so strongly believe in every cause he's supported, but at the end of the day, we can't allow Trump another 4 years in office. It has gotten to the point where he doesn't even seem to try and hide his racism or corruption anymore, and I can't imagine what another term would lead to on that front.
We'll see what happens though. The biggest issue with Biden will be the debates. He'll likely get eviscerated.