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Sure feels like we're on the brink of a previously unseen level of violence here in the US

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Sure feels like we're on the brink of a previously unseen level of violence here in the US

Postby Everlong » Jul 07, '16, 9:59 pm

With two innocent black people shot and executed in the streets by police using far more force than necessary, and now the Dallas shootings of cops tonight during protests of police violence, this is the most tension I can remember in American society in my lifetime.

Just absolutely awful. What's it going to take for this country to heal? This is about race relations, gun violence, class separation, you name it. Just... fuck man. It feels hopeless. I'm just tired of this bullshit. I don't understand how people can find it in them to do shit like this, over and over and over.

It just feels like this is all building up to something huge, like we haven't seen before outside of wartime here in the states.
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Re: Sure feels like we're on the brink of a previously unseen level of violence here in the US

Postby The Legend » Jul 08, '16, 5:00 am

This has been building a lot longer than people will acknowledge and if something doesn't change the status quo we are absolutely headed towards a civil war of sorts. People can put whatever spin they want on these conflicts: religion, race, police brutality, you name it, but what it comes down to is the greedy and powerful in this country becoming ever more greedy and powerful by the day and the 10's of millions of people left disenfranchised, isolated and ignored and more tired of feeling that way by the day. It's time for the economics to shift in America to bring people together instead of isolate them.
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Re: Sure feels like we're on the brink of a previously unseen level of violence here in the US

Postby Daz » Jul 08, '16, 5:03 am

Unfortunately, it's not just contained to America and far from providing a solution, the people "in power" seem hell bent on causing more division with their backwards politics than trying to mend the rifts.
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Re: Sure feels like we're on the brink of a previously unseen level of violence here in the US

Postby EmperorWu » Jul 08, '16, 5:15 am

This is what happens when you refuse to do something about a problem for so long. People snap. It's a shame innocent police officers have to die. It's a shame people who had nothing to do with it are getting blamed right along with the murders, on both sides. Justice is a safety valve that lets off steam. when you refuse people justice the pressure builds up until shit explodes. I've seen a lot of scary comments that people are making towards the police. That shit just doesn't appear all of a sudden, this his has been boiling up for decades. Even if it has only been getting major attention recently. People say most cops are good which is probably true, but they support a culture that protects evil officers, instead of trying to root them out, which makes them implicit to some degree. People are starting to look through the looking glass in regards to our "protectors" and they're getting fed up. This shit will simmer down when there is finally real accountability for the police, when they are no longer above the law.
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Re: Sure feels like we're on the brink of a previously unseen level of violence here in the US

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Jul 08, '16, 5:35 am

Yet the media will focus on categorising these incidents into a section header rather than focusing on the wider points raised above. About the people in charge, the divide between rich and poor and doing simple things like creating employment opportunities, improving communities but better than all of that - and something which most nations including ourselves could learn - creating a political culture not demonising a group of people and more appropriate language used by politicians. Obama's comments seemed to address the issue of black people being brutally murdered and the police officers murdered for doing their job.
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Re: Sure feels like we're on the brink of a previously unseen level of violence here in the US

Postby War Daddy » Jul 08, '16, 7:38 am

The fact that they pick a fight with the Dallas PD is disgusting. DPD is the LEADER in transparency and community relations. How dare they shoot up the one of the better PDs in the nation. DPD is known for being publicly against being militarized assholes that we've seen before out of other PDs before.

Good job fuck faces, you're no longer humans. You're shit stains.
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Re: Sure feels like we're on the brink of a previously unseen level of violence here in the US

Postby DBSoT » Jul 08, '16, 7:57 am

I can't even determine where my anger should be placed the most. Should I be most angry at the cops for clearly overstepping their authority, should I be most angry at the shooters who killed innocent people, should I be angry at the people on social media/news who are using this as a way to display every awful hot take known to man, should I be angry at my government for not doing enough to prevent these acts or should I be angry at myself for ignoring what was happening around me? I don't even know what I can do with my anger. Should I walk in protest and hope it leads to change (it won't), do I use my vote to elect better leaders (no good legit options) or do I ignore it all and pray that it doesn't come to my front door?

I am not black, I am not a cop, I am not a gun owner, I am not against gun ownership, I am not a Republican, I am not a Democrat, I am not racist, I am not poor, I am not rich, I am not crazy and I am not fully sane. I am just scared/mad/sad/overwhelmed because one day I fear that I will be caught in the crossfire of a war I never wanted to be apart of.
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Re: Sure feels like we're on the brink of a previously unseen level of violence here in the US

Postby Westcoastvibes » Jul 08, '16, 3:07 pm

I hate to say it but the problem lies with this country being to worried about offensive shit and the media categorizing these acts of violence into major issues that they may not necessarily represent. Race, sex, orientation, religion, ect....

I have always felt that the media should not be allowed to lable things as such without just cause. If a police officer shoots a suspect the headline should read "Officer kills suspect in questionable shooting" not "white police officer shoots and kills black unarmed teen".

The media has a right to provide information to the public but they need to stop using race, religion, sex and so on as headliners to make you buy.

Also... we cant please everyone. It is physically impossible to live in a multi cultural society without a single person being offended or disrespected by something. America needs to stop trying to fix everything and pleasing everyone. We all have different conditions of life and beliefs, by removing a condition to please one group it causes another to get alienated, by fixing that you alienate another and so on. This has snowballed to the point that people expectations are so high that when an issue does not get corrected they get violent and aggressive.

I know what i said may not make to much sense to you all but it does to me.
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Re: Sure feels like we're on the brink of a previously unseen level of violence here in the US

Postby Everlong » Jul 08, '16, 3:08 pm

Westcoastvibes wrote:I hate to say it but the problem lies with this country being to worried about offensive shit and the media categorizing these acts of violence into major issues that they may not necessarily represent. Race, sex, orientation, religion, ect....

I'd say it makes way more sense that it probably has more to do with the actual acts of violence themselves, but that's just me I guess.
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Re: Sure feels like we're on the brink of a previously unseen level of violence here in the US

Postby Westcoastvibes » Jul 08, '16, 6:01 pm

Everlong wrote:I'd say it makes way more sense that it probably has more to do with the actual acts of violence themselves, but that's just me I guess.

Agreed, the actual acts of violence does make a difference.

But, the way those acts of violence are reported can make a huge difference in the way that people react to the act.

for example,

-California man kills neighbor-

Simple and to the point

-White man kills unarmed gay black teenager with assault riffle-

headline geared to anger multiple types of people for sake of money.

both headlines are for the same story. misguided teenager who happens to be black and gay decides to break into his neighbor's home because he is trying to impress the wrong group of friends. Neighbor is home and is in fear, he shoots the intruder with a semi automatic rifle killing him.

simple act of mistakes compounded into a persons death. but this story will not sell many papers or get many ratings so the media will twist it to emphasize that the deceased was of a different race, a kid, gay, unarmed or anything else to gather attention and make ratings not caring that what they report may have a difference in how people react
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Re: Sure feels like we're on the brink of a previously unseen level of violence here in the US

Postby The Legend » Jul 09, '16, 7:22 am

Yeah, but who is to say they were simple mistakes? And who is to say the guy shot his neighbor in his home? You may not want to acknowledge it, but race, creed and sexual preference does in fact have a huge impact on how a lot of people choose to deal with someone else and that's wrong.
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Re: Sure feels like we're on the brink of a previously unseen level of violence here in the US

Postby Hanley! » Jul 09, '16, 8:47 am

I'd say enough of society is ignoring these problems, without the media doing it too.

I've always been firmly of the belief that nothing gets better if we don't talk about it.
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