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How long will it take for Trump to be impeached?

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How long will it take for Trump to be impeached?

Postby Everlong » Feb 24, '17, 11:01 pm

Simple question. There are plenty of reasons to boot the guy already, but if the Russia thing comes through there's almost no chance he survives. So what do you think... how long does it take?
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Re: How long will it take for Trump to be impeached?

Postby The Legend » Feb 25, '17, 6:56 am

Not that he doesn't already and won't even more so deserve to be impeached throughout his four years, but I've come to realize it's time for those that put Trump in power to sleep in the bed they've made. We've got to survive the next four years and then come out the other side to a much brighter future. Four years of Trump will rightfully finally be the death of the Republican Party. Greed and selfishness will finally lose their reign and four years from now there won't be an elected Republican in sight in Washington D.C. Good will finally triumph over evil.
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Re: How long will it take for Trump to be impeached?

Postby Hanley! » Feb 25, '17, 7:58 am

The Legend wrote:Not that he doesn't already and won't even more so deserve to be impeached throughout his four years, but I've come to realize it's time for those that put Trump in power to sleep in the bed they've made. We've got to survive the next four years and then come out the other side to a much brighter future. Four years of Trump will rightfully finally be the death of the Republican Party. Greed and selfishness will finally lose their reign and four years from now there won't be an elected Republican in sight in Washington D.C. Good will finally triumph over evil.

I think you're dramatically over-estimating the American public's ability to understand what a disaster this is.

I'm not even convinced that Trump won't be voted in again for a 2nd term. I think the Democrats are capable of beating him if they pick the right candidate and run the right campaign, but the Democrats routinely make poor decisions. Though I do think if he manages to last two terms that we'll get a Democrat president afterwards, because by then public opinion will have turned more towards the opposition party, as it always seems to do.

As for Trump being impeached, it's kinda hard to tell. I'm never sure if he's the most impeachable president in American history, or the least. Because he was already established as a liar, a fraud and completely corrupt before he was even sworn in. Now he's conditioning his followers to think of everyone that's not him as a liar with an agenda. As much as he deserves to be ousted now, how do you get rid of someone like that when people knew (and ignored) what a shit head he was even as they cast their votes for him?

That being said, I'm going with 1-2 years. :P
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Re: How long will it take for Trump to be impeached?

Postby Everlong » Feb 25, '17, 9:20 am

Hanley! wrote: As much as he deserves to be ousted now, how do you get rid of someone like that when people knew (and ignored) what a shit head he was even as they cast their votes for him?

Yeah I think the only way is if a smoking gun arises out of the Russia investigations. At this point, Trump could quite literally shoot a man and not lose any support, as he said so truthfully during his campaign.
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Re: How long will it take for Trump to be impeached?

Postby Ali » Feb 25, '17, 9:21 am

1-2 years. The question is, always has been, and always will be: When will the Republicans pull the trigger, if they even will?

Sadly, for incumbent Republican representatives, their cushy job takes precedent over the country. But as soon as they know they're on the hot seat, they will act. See, the problem is that Republicans HAVE become the Party of Trump in a lot of ways. Trump's base is loud and proud, and while it isn't as big as it was during the election, it's still a sizable chunk of the Republican party. So if they don't want to lose the Trump base, they have to keep appeasing them, and that means not acting on impeachment proceedings.

So now we have a race. What will happen first: Trump's base diminishing to the point where it no longer matters to keep them happy, or the 2018 midterm elections?

The thing about these Midterms is that EVERY seat in the House of Representatives is up for grabs. Add to that the fact that Trump has energized the Left, gotten them to stand up and protest, go to Town Halls, to the point that incumbent Republicans are quite literally running scared from their own constituents, we could see the beginnings of a sea change. Add in the fact that Midterms usually go to the opposition party anyway. And yes, it is not guaranteed. We all know there's gerrymandering and all of that, but energy and turnout can overcome that.

So now we basically have a game of chicken. The Republicans ARE scared that Trump is sinking them and going to cost them their jobs, but they're also scared of pissing off Trump's base, thus angering them and costing them their jobs. If enough leaks come out to damn Trump, that will help, but will it then be too late for the Republicans?

Now, to think that there will be no more Republicans in a few years is outright foolish. Republicans will still be around, they're not going the way of the Whigs. And this alt-right tea party crap isn't going away, either. There will always be racist idiots. But we can overcome them. And I believe that we will.
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Re: How long will it take for Trump to be impeached?

Postby DBSoT » Feb 25, '17, 9:50 am

He won't get impeached because the Republican party are pussies. They won't even move forward on Trump's tax returns, let alone a federal investigation that gets him impeached. I am more convinced that he will die in office. He is the oldest president ever, looks to be in horrible physical shape and is going to be part of a very stressful presidency.

Unless Pence is going to clear house with the cabinet, I don't really care. The only thing Pence has over Trump is that he is a much more measured politician. He isn't going to tweet at every person he wants to pick a fight with.
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Re: How long will it take for Trump to be impeached?

Postby Hanley! » Feb 25, '17, 10:12 am

DBSoT wrote:Unless Pence is going to clear house with the cabinet, I don't really care. The only thing Pence has over Trump is that he is a much more measured politician. He isn't going to tweet at every person he wants to pick a fight with.

Yeah, I was a little more apathetic about Trump being impeached before he actually took office. Because Pence is an evil dude - probably more so than Trump. So on first glance it looks like a choice between stupid and evil.

I can admit now that I was wrong though. Pence would be a much better option as president, simply because he's more measured. I'd much rather a stable politician to be the one with access to the nuclear codes. Someone who knows what the fuck he's doing. I feel like if the public come out strongly enough against a Republican policy, Pence would be self-serving enough to at least scale back his plans. Trump doesn't have that kind of control.
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Re: How long will it take for Trump to be impeached?

Postby Everlong » Feb 25, '17, 12:44 pm

Yeah, I don't think there's any chance Pence propels us into nuclear war, which you certainly can't say the same for Trump.
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Re: How long will it take for Trump to be impeached?

Postby The Legend » Feb 25, '17, 1:34 pm

Everlong wrote:Yeah, I don't think there's any chance Pence propels us into nuclear war, which you certainly can't say the same for Trump.

I don't really fear nuclear, or any other foreign war, all that much. The reality is that Trump will piss people off, but the men and women that work in the intelligence community are very good at what they do. The odds are overwhelmingly in their favor to stop a Pearl Harbor or 9/11 type of terrorist attack that would propel us into war. And as little as I think of a lot of the members of Congress, I don't think the majority of them are stupid enough to turn us into the aggressors that would start a war without that type of lynch pin event happening.

No, foreign war isn't what keeps me up at night about the Trump presidency. There's something much more terrifying than that. It's the fact that we are teetering much closer to Civil War than anyone is really all that inclined to admit.
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Re: How long will it take for Trump to be impeached?

Postby Daz » Feb 25, '17, 2:23 pm

He could skin a puppy in the oval office, live on the news (Fox News of course), and his supporters would still find a way to justify it. We're just over a month into his presidency, and he's done plenty to warrant it. If he were a Democrat, the impeachment process would be well underway.

Given the recent escalations with the media, and trying to slow the FBI investigation into the Russia stuff, let's hope the appropriate people are pissed off enough to find the smoking gun they need to light a fire under the Republicans.
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Re: How long will it take for Trump to be impeached?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Feb 25, '17, 2:57 pm

I'd say 1-2 years although atm, I don't see it happening no matter what Trump does, unless the Russia investigation digs up hard evidence against him.

It's depressing - every news agenda seems to be dominated by something he's said or done, reading reports of people of Muslim origin being stopped even more so at airports or not being allowed in. It's just a nasty, divisive atmosphere and seeing my country's PM cosy up to Trump was sickening.
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