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The Buck

For posting profiles of the Phoenix Championship Wrestling characters.

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The Buck

Postby Buck » Feb 10, '14, 7:37 pm

Name of your character: The Buck

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 220 lbs

Home Town: Manchester, New Hampshire

Entrance Music: "Welcome to Paradise" by Green Day

Entrance Style: Enters with a ton of energy, hyping up the fans and high fiving them on the way to the ring.

Finishing Moves(s):

The Buck Stops Here (normal finisher): torture rack into a piledriver. Image

Tiger Driver 91 (big match finisher) Image

Both finishers are also rarely done off the top rope to win big matches.

Buck also occasionally uses a series of full-body submission holds as finishers, calling them "Welcome to Paradise". Each is named after the year they were introduced.

Welcome to Paradise '05:
Sharpshooter, leaning back and hooking the opponent's head with one arm.
Welcome to Paradise '06: Standing surfboard, hooking the opponent's head while maintaining a reversed Boston crab.

Welcome to Paradise '14: ???

Signature Moves/Wrestling Style:

Wrestling style is inspired by Japanese "King's Road" as well as Mexican lucha. Includes strikes (kicks, forearm strikes), technical wrestling (mat wrestling, chain wrestling, submissions), high risk moves (dives off the top rope and dives to the outside), and some power wrestling (suplexes and slams). Buck adapts his style to his opponent. With smaller opponents, he will use more suplexes, and will also target the legs with his submissions to try to ground high flyers. With bigger opponents, he will primarily use strikes and high flying.

Signature moves include the following:

"The Best Super Kick in the Business" (usually used toward the end of the match)

Roundhouse kicks to the head (sometimes repeated kicks can finish a match, sometimes ending with a superkick).

Roundhouse kick to the chest (primary striking move)

Forearm strike to the head (other primary striking move)

The Back Jauer (Spear from behind, to the back. Causes the opponent to be implanted face-first into the mat)

Half and Half Suplex Image

The B-Header (rarely used, this was his finisher in WCSF. It is a springboard flying heel kick)

Bio: (Back story, gimmick of your character. This is the important part.)
The Buck is a character who prides himself on putting on a good show for the fans. He puts his life on the line at every chance. He is an intense fighter who never backs down from a challenge.

The Buck first broke into the business in tiny indy feds and backyard shows, before he was spotted by a scout for the brand new WCSF. In 2005, Buck made his pro debut on the first ever WCSF show, winning his match. He was part of the Mercs with Billy Spade, and the tandem earned a tag title shot which was unsuccessful. After breaking out as a singles star, The Buck won the WCSF Middleweight Championship.

Buck left the promotion later that year in order to devote his full time attention to a smaller indy fed called Society of Sim (SOS), which dared to compete with the giant WCSF. This was where Buck had some of his greatest matches, including match of the year contenders with Derek Mayfield and Zach Zero. Later on, he would also have great matches with Josh Outland and Daz.

Buck never held a championship in SOS, though he did hold the World Championship in another small indy fed, PSW. He was the longest reigning holder of this title and took on all challengers.

Due to personal reasons in 2007, Buck had to leave SOS, and the wrestling business for about a year. Later on, he traveled to and competed in many other countries, including Mexico, the United Kingdom, and Japan, where he honed his skills. He found success working in Okinawa Championship Wrestling (OCW), with some fellow past SOS performers.

Buck also traveled around the United States, occasionally volunteering at wrestling schools to train younger stars. Unfortunately, in 2009, Buck was forced to retire (he thought permanently), due to a neck injury suffered in the United States.

However, now, 5 years later , at the age of 35, Buck has returned to the wrestling world, to compete in PCW. There is a lot that Buck wants to accomplish in his return, and he's ready to show the world that he is now, always has been and always will be, one of the best in the business.
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The Artist Formerly Known As Supakilla13.

Joined WWE-Club on September 10, 2003.


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