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Magnum Phillips *Lone Star Champion*

For posting profiles of the Phoenix Championship Wrestling characters.

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Magnum Phillips *Lone Star Champion*

Postby Everlong » Oct 23, '13, 4:36 pm

Name of your character: Magnum Phillips

Height: 6'7

Weight: 287

Home Town: San Antonio, TX

Entrance Music: "Silvergun Superman" by the Stone Temple Pilots

Entrance Style: Comes out draped in either a Texan or American flag and slowly ambles to the ring. Usually chews tobacco during entrance and spits it out before the match begins.

Attire/appearance: Blue jeans, taped wrists and black boots. Shaggy light brown/tan hair usually with some stubble, blue eyes and tan body. Has a tattoo of a bald eagle on his right bicep and the Texas lone star on his left.

Finishing Moves(s): Lone Star Slam - Huge sit-down powerbomb, usually directly into a pin.

Two Boot Salute - Props opponent in seated position on the mat against the bottom ropes with arms over the bottom ropes, bounces off opposite set of ropes and does a dropkick-like maneuver with both feet to the opponent' s chin/face.

Signature Moves/Wrestling Style: Magnum tends to use a slow-paced, hard-hitting style, favoring impact over technique. Lots of punches and kicks, lots of body slams, that sort of thing. He prefers to pummel his opponents rather than engage in an athletic contest. He will get creative in using the ring environment to his advantage (choking opponent with the ropes, using the turnbuckle post, etc.).

When he does use grapples, it's a lot of power-based moves. Sidewalk slams, more impactful suplexes (although not extremely technical ones. Think simple back suplexes), scoop slams, powerslams, spinebusters. He doesn't have a large move arsenal, but the few he chooses are meant for intimidation and power. He will rarely, if ever, apply submission maneuvers.

Bio: (Back story, gimmick of your character. This is the important part.)
Magnum is a no-nonsense ass-kicker with a chip on his shoulder. As a heel, he proclaims his superiority as a Texan and a model American. As a face, he prefers to let his actions do the talking for him.


1x Lone Star Champion
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