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TNA Destination X 2014

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TNA Destination X 2014

Postby KaiserGlider » Jul 24, '14, 9:33 pm


From the Manhattan Center in New York City on Thursday, July 31st.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship:
Bobby Lashley(c) vs. Austin Aries

TNA World Tag Team Championships:
The Wolves(c) vs. The Hardy Boyz

Will Bully Ray put Dixie Carter through a table?

X-Division qualifying matches to determine who wins the vacated belt

And More

Should be an awesome show, can't wait! :tim
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Re: TNA Destination X 2014

Postby Westcoastvibes » Jul 24, '14, 9:51 pm

I am a bit disappointed that they have not announced a ultimate-x match for destination-x

The ultimate-x match is something unique to TNA even more than the six sided ring. Other than that I was utterly confused to find out we did away with the TNA forum :rotf
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Re: TNA Destination X 2014

Postby Twister » Jul 25, '14, 5:26 am

Stoked for this! :headbang
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Re: TNA Destination X 2014

Postby KaiserGlider » Jul 28, '14, 3:48 pm

Westcoastvibes wrote:I am a bit disappointed that they have not announced a ultimate-x match for destination-x

Unless she meant to say Destination X :lol
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Re: TNA Destination X 2014

Postby KaiserGlider » Jul 31, '14, 10:30 pm

Destination X review, PCW style :tim

- Would have switched the opening segment with the tag team match, but whatever. I like how Dixie always forgets Dreamer's name, always gives me a chuckle when she does that for some reason. EC3 throwing down the gauntlet for a WAR between Team EC3 and Team Bully already, good news since it means I'll be seeing Dixie get put trough a table soon. I'm not sure how clear this was made on the show, but in the online results I read after I watched the show, it said that Rhino, Snitsky, EC3, and Jackson will go against Bully, Devon, Dreamer, and a partner... JTG? Shark Boy? Sean O'Kane? Who knows.

- Awesome tag match between the Hardy Boyz and the Wolves. A couple convincing near falls, which is always nice. The aerial Backstabber/Powerbomb combo to end it was sick. Good choice having the Wolves go over, and the post-match show of respect was a nice touch.

- Video package for Low Ki. I assumed all 3 guys in the match would get a video package throughout the night, but since only Low Ki did its clear who should be winning the matchup.

- Sweet triple threat match between Low Ki, DJ Z, and Manik (I always preferred Suicide btw). Some cool spots which included a Northern Lights Suplex/STF submission combo, and uh... I forgot what else happened lol. But it was fast-paced X Division action as you'd expect. Low Ki is such a fucking machine. Why did things not work out for him in WWE? Not sure how well he would have done there if he stayed longer, but putting him with LayCool right off the bat was dumb. Anyway, he picks up the win here and moves to the X-Division championship match next week.

- I always liked James Storm as a face and I didn't agree with him turning heel at first, but he's changed my mind. The man can play an evil son of a bitch. Sanada is meh to me though. He's good in the ring but trying to do something with his character is a lost cause. He doesn't seem to speak English and wasn't doing a very good job of selling his personality; as a character he's bland.

- We got another triple threat X-Division match between Sanada, Crazy Steve, and some guy who was apparently on Gutcheck ages ago, named Brian Cage. He's got a hell of a physique so at first I wondered why he was in an X-Division match in the first place; I expected him to have the wrestling talent of Rob Terry. But then this motherfucker does a Lionsault and a Double Fallaway Slam on both Steve and Sanada. Woah! Impressive in the ring, but a bland look. A change of ring gear and an interesting character would do him a ton of good. I'm digging Crazy Steve and it seems the crowd is too. Kind of a anti-climactic finish to this one in my mind, but Sanada picks up the win and that was the right call.

- A vignette hyping the upcoming debut of someone. Hmmm...

- Devon cuts an electric promo, followed by Dreamer, who I am not a fan of. It seems to me that all of Dreamer's promos are the same: he starts crying about ECW and how passionate the ECW wrestlers were. Thankfully Bully Ray comes to the rescue and fires up the place as he usually does. "Do you know where you are? You're in New York City baby! YOU'RE GONNA DIE!" Awesome. Overall though the segment was a weird one, because EC3 got a ton of heat for saying that the 6-man tag match wouldn't happen until next week. Then Bully Ray calls him out on it and says he wants the match to happen right here right now, which the crowd pops for of course. But then he's like "if this is gonna happen next week, it's gonna be on OUR terms! Hardcore match with weapons!" So that kind of ended things on a rather disappointing note. All the same though, it looks like Dixie is getting table'd next week... which TNA made abundantly clear at the end of the show.

- The Beautiful People backstage, acting like... vintage Beautiful People. Some match got announced for next week, or something. If TNA kicks the bucket, I wanna see Velvet Sky in WWE. Because reasons.

- Angle and Joe having a "private" conversation backstage in a dimly lit corridor. Remember when Joe was kidnapped by ninjas? Hopefully not.

- Great promo by Samoa Joe before the match. I don't really care much for Joe these days because he's fat and past his prime, but he showed some real fire here and got me pumped for the match. Nice to see Homicide back, and then this Tigre Uno guy who I don't really much of an opinion on. As with the earlier matches, this one was great and had solid action throughout. Thought Homicide hurt his arm at one point, but that may have just been selling on his part. There was a cool spot where Homicide did the Undertaker apron legdrop, except Tigre Uno's head was on the bottom rope instead of the apron. Muscle Buster to end this one, and Joe takes the win to the delight of the fans.

- Promo by Abyss where he announces a Monster's Ball match next week between him and Gram. Or Bram. Ham? Whatever his name is. Anyway, should be a fun match. Sign me up.

- Hell of a match between Aries and Lashley. I would have preferred if Aries won, but surprisingly I'm not really upset about it because Lashley has been a complete boss in his title run so far. Two consecutive clean wins over Hardy and Aries, in good matches no less. I wonder who's gonna dethrone him. Roode? Fine by me and a bunch of other people, undoubtedly.

- One thing that pissed me off was them pretty much spoiling the result of the 6-man tag match next week in that commercial at the very end of the show. It went something like: "NEXT WEEK, IT FINALLY HAPPENS!" *footage of Bully about to put Dixie through a table* ...really?

Overall, very good show from a wrestling standpoint. Hardys/Wolves and Lashley/Aries were both great matches, everything else was good or solid at best. Fun night for sure.

Alright, on to the next Onslaught! I mean uh... Impact!
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