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why TNA, why?

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why TNA, why?

Postby Westcoastvibes » May 08, '14, 9:30 pm

I was just going to make a funny bitch about willows promo tonight, but the end of the show trumped that and I now feel like I need to bitch full on.

I have not read the thread about may 15 impact Vince Russo so keep that in mind.

Onto the bitch, WTF? So MVP just recently debuted. In the short time he has been labeled as a majority investor in TNA and effectively did one of the best things TNA could have done, put a wrestler as the kayfabe person in charge of wrestling and got Dixie off screen (for the most part, but she's not running things in the eyes of the fans). This elevated MVP to one of the top faces in the company and made the product worth watching, at least to see where this story about MVP changing the company.

In his short time in charge he has delivered the wolves and ended the failed run of magnus (good wrestler, just had all momentum killed by TNA with the paper champ shit). Magnus deserved to be champion just not in that way, his run sucked and needed to end. He puts EY as champ, a peoples champion (not a connection to rock, just a statement) the crowd loves EY, MVP and EY have good chemistry on screen. MVP was on track to actually creating a better product, then, he has a heel turn. WTF? He just got here, he is a top face that has not really solidified his spot yet but was working on it. TNA has had nothing but heel authority figures for years and MVP was a breath of fresh air that is now gone. Bad move TNA

Oh yeah, willow
"It started with dixieland and a steel cage. Magnus and Jeff hardy. With some outside interference so started the reign of magnus. Magnus, I am not afraid of your reign because I have an umbrella!".

Jesus, :o
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Re: why TNA, why?

Postby Kirbi » May 10, '14, 9:56 am

I'm really glad that I stopped watching TNA. :(
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Re: why TNA, why?

Postby Hanley! » May 10, '14, 10:06 am

The MVP heel turn makes no sense. He only just came into the company as a face and seemed like one of the more refreshing aspects of the product. Then they had to go and switch gears because apparently they couldn't think of anything more creative than the heel authority angle that has been done a hundred times by every wrestling company since Eric Bischoff joined the nWo.

The worst part of all of this is that the appear to be trying to rip off the WWE's current success with the Daniel Bryan angle - the goofy internet favourite winning the title after wrestling twice in the one night, having to fight the odds by facing a dominant heel authority. It's obvious that they're deliberately copying their competition here. But they were doing this same story a few months ago!! Styles was the underdog internet favourite that was facing the dominant heel authority (Dixie). It's not like they're copying a WWE idea that's original, or that could be a game-changer. They're copying an angle that they've done countless times before. Why?

It all comes back to TNA's major flaw. The company's biggest problem has always been lack of patience. They want to be a real competitor overnight so they make these drastic decisions that they aren't ready for yet and which hurt them in the long run. They went head to head with Raw before they were ready and it cost them money. All those extra names they brought in that they didn't have room for also cost them money. They went live full time before they were ready and that lead to them having to release a lot of the better names on their roster and their stories suffered as a result. So did their reputation.

Now they're scrambling. And rather work on an angle for a prolonged period of time to slowly build fan interest and show that they can be consistent and dependable as a company, they're throwing everything at the wall in the hopes that they'll find something that sticks. Lots of new angles, heel turns, face turns, etc. Ultimately though, it just makes the company look like they're in a downward spiral. And it's impossible to invest in a show when what happens this week might be completely undone by what happens next week.

They need to be patient, come up with some good ideas and let them play out gradually. But they won't, because TNA has rarely if ever been willing to do that.
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Re: why TNA, why?

Postby Westcoastvibes » May 10, '14, 10:27 am

He best thing they could have done is played the MVP story a long as possible. Ous on him bettering the company and erasing all the crap that came out of the hogan/bitchoff and dixieland eras. Invest in the idea that MVP was there to change the company an not to be the champ. I was already skeptical with how much ring time he was receiving in relation to his on screen roll and now I know why.
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