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The persons thats shined most in this AJ Styles/Chris Jericho feud is...

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The persons thats shined most in this AJ Styles/Chris Jericho feud is...

Postby Headlesspete » Feb 18, '16, 8:02 pm

The Miz!

Seriously, how is he not getting more credit lately. I feel like no matter what the Miz does, he can't seem to shake of that stigma he built up years ago for not being too great in the ring, and annoying on the microphone.

Well its time for that opinion to change, because the Miz has shown for some time, but particularly as of late, how much he's improved. His Miz TV segment with AJ Styles a few weeks ago was fantastic heel work (notice how Miz actually gets heel heat, not "cool heel heat") and how he completely put over AJ, without Styles even getting a retort in. And his Miz TV/Highlight Reel segment this past Raw only served to show how much more accomplished hes become on the stick compared to Jericho.

And then there's his back to back matches with AJ, both were great TV bouts, and miles ahead of the clunky AJ/Y2J encounter from AJ's first Raw match. AJ and Jericho's feud has been great so far, but if it weren't for the Miz, i genuinely think it would't have been half as good! Here's hoping for a Miz push in 2016!
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Re: The persons thats shined most in this AJ Styles/Chris Jericho feud is...

Postby flock u » Feb 19, '16, 2:51 am

The Miz has been pretty underrated and under appreciated for years now IMO. Look at when he started and what he's doing now you can clearly tell he's put in the work and has become one of th absolute best they have in the ring and on the mic. I would love to see him get a push again especially now with the shortage at the Main Event. I think he has earned another chance.
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Re: The persons thats shined most in this AJ Styles/Chris Jericho feud is...

Postby The Legend » Feb 19, '16, 4:27 pm

I can't help but feel like AJ's first feud is nothing more than a setup to a Miz vs Jericho Mania match.
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Re: The persons thats shined most in this AJ Styles/Chris Jericho feud is...

Postby Hanley! » Feb 19, '16, 8:58 pm

I agree that the Miz has been good in his role, but Miz has been good in his role for years. He's very good on the mic, and he's very good at playing that particular character.

The worst thing you could do with Miz right now is push him. He doesn't work as a genuine main eventer. He's not a good fit for that role. He's perfect in the role of spoiled prima donna who thinks he's better than he is, but ultimately couldn't win a fair fight against any babyface on the roster.

I'm all for him getting more prominently featured in that role, because it's one of the best realised characters on the show. But no matter how prominently he is featured, he needs to be featured lower on the card because that's where he shines.

As for Styles, I'm just happy they haven't completely buried him, and are giving him a singles match on pay per view. I know they've booked him in the least interesting or inspired manner possible, but that's really the most you can expect from this booking team. C grade booking is better than most of the wrestlers are getting to be honest.
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Re: The persons thats shined most in this AJ Styles/Chris Jericho feud is...

Postby Daz » Feb 21, '16, 4:28 am

I actually thought the Miz made a good champion. He was a victim of bad timing, being the third wheel in the Cena/Rock feud. I think had that not happened, he would have gone onto be a main event star. Maybe not the guy constantly with the belt, but someone you could use for transitional reigns and a peripheral challenger.He'd make an excellent JBL style champion, weaseling his way to victories etc.

His current gimmick is definitely suited to the role he's playing now though. I've enjoyed his recent work a lot and its nice to actually see him wrestling week to week again. It feels like he' going long stretches where he's barely been in the ring at all.
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Re: The persons thats shined most in this AJ Styles/Chris Jericho feud is...

Postby Str8Shooter » Feb 21, '16, 1:04 pm

I've been on the Miz bandwagon for a while. The guy plays his character arguably better than anyone on the roster, he's one of the few heels who manages to actually be a heel and get heat and have the whole crowd against him, which is incredibly rare now. I mean Kevin Owens might as well be a babyface sometimes.

I don't think he needs a main event push or anything, but the guy should definitely be on TV regularly. In fact insinuating himself into other feuds like a goof is a good fit for him.

The whole Jericho vs AJ feud has been very well done in my opinion, the stuff on Smackdown in particular has been very good.
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