by AkydefGoldberg » Mar 27, '22, 6:20 pm
It sounds like - from what he said - that he was on the road to calling it a day from his in-ring career (quite neat his last two opponents turned out to be the two guys he helped mould in Batista and Orton) so he seemed quite content he was being forced into that decision.
For a dude built like him, it must have been scary to come down with a heart issue and with his family history but good he's back to healthy.
As a in-ring career, I can't say I've watched all of him but from what I used to watch, he was so dominant on RAW (that Jim Cornette anecdote on watching Trips on RAW was funny but true) and he really placed the World Heavyweight Championship as a mainstay title belt but you could argue, to the detriment of other guys who deserved the title.
He could really do some good stuff with the microphone in terms of delivery of a promo and an Evolution, DX as factions. He can retire happily from the ring but whether he returns as on screen persona remains to be seen.