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Postby AkydefGoldberg » Nov 29, '21, 11:03 am

It's an old joke now about Rock not turning up or being part-time etc but you'd think before WWE set up this year's Survivor Series all about "Rock 25", celebrating his debut in 1996, that they'd have confirmed he was okay to drop-in?

There were the tie-ins to his latest movie Red Notice, a Battle Royal named after him, Vince segments but kinda shows not much has changed in terms of planning and WWE.

If they were able to arrange a visit, he could have dropped a hint to a future Roman Reigns match which seems likely to happen at some point (surely it's this Mania than another year's wait).
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Re: #Rock25

Postby The Legend » Nov 30, '21, 10:13 am

Here's the reality, the WWE never planned on Rock coming back, because he's not coming back. There will never be a Rock vs Reigns match, that's just a pipedream match and fantasy booking. The whole point of Survivor Series was simple, Red Notice and Netflix paid WWE a handsome sum to run an off/on 4 hour commercial for the movie.
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Re: #Rock25

Postby KaiserGlider » Dec 01, '21, 10:19 pm

WWE spent more time at Survivor Series hyping The Rock, a guy who didn't even appear (not even VIA SATTELITE), more than anyone else on their entire roster.

As Aky pointed out, it would have been nice to at least get some kind of reaction or snark comment from Reigns, something to even slightly hint to an eventual program between him and Rocky. But all we got was an incredibly lame segment of Reigns looking bored in Vince's office while Vince mumbled about how great The Rock was.

Rock/Reigns is clearly the biggest match WWE can do at this point. Even though The Rock hasn't made a WWE appearance in over 2 years... Even though we have no idea when he will show up again and it likely won't be anytime soon... Even though WWE has done nothing to build the match or even hint at it...

Yet people keep talking about it and are excited about it, because The Rock is the ONLY interesting opponent left for Roman Reigns at this point. Roman's title reign has lasted over a year, he's beaten just about everybody. The issue is that WWE haven't built anyone else as THE guy to dethrone him except Brock Lesnar, and he already got smashed too. More and more fans are starting to get bored with the reign and ready for Roman to drop the belt, and with Wrestlemania season approaching there's naturally been more and more discussion about the Rock match, because it's the finish that makes the most sense as a long-term storyline. Too bad WWE's booking is centered around money and "moments", not long-term builds.

But The Rock shouldn't be the guy who ends the Roman reign anyway, and if Roman beats The Rock then his reign just continues and they STILL have to build a full-time guy up to take the belt off him. So I'm fine with waiting a year or two to do Rock vs Roman, because it doesn't need to involve the title.
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Re: #Rock25

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Dec 18, '21, 3:25 pm

WrestleMania is a little while away and I would guess Lesnar is booked in for Rumble so Reigns' WM opponent looks unclear.

Valid point that Rock hasn't been on WWE television for a while so any potential Mania match would be coming from out of nowhere. Hence why a Survivor Series tease may have been a nice addition.
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