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Get Ready for the Wednesday Night Wars!!!

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Get Ready for the Wednesday Night Wars!!!

Postby The Legend » Aug 23, '19, 5:56 am

So AEW starts in about a month. Shortly after that, WWE has announced that NXT will expand to two hours and move it from the Network to USA and air it opposite AEW on Wednesday nights. This is such a Vince move, to put something in competition with AEW, but not even your top product (although it could be argued that the audience that AEW is likely to attract at first is more similar to the NXT audience).

The other factor is this pretty much kills the Network. The only thing really worth watching on the Network on any regular is NXT and maybe the PPV's, if you take the weekly one away I think this will long-term hurt the business of NXT.

On other related notes, SmackDown is going back to Friday Nights with the move to Fox in October.
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Re: Get Ready for the Wednesday Night Wars!!!

Postby Messiah » Sep 05, '19, 9:32 am

I've seen so many people not looking forward to NXT on USA because of fears Vince and co. will ruin it, but not this guy. I believe Triple H when he says that won't be the case, especially considering McMahon will already be caught up with XFL business. Not to mention, it isn't like Raw and SmackDown will disappear - while Heyman and Bischoff appear to have control (in fact, Raw has by all accounts been really good lately and I plan on watching or at least checking in for the KOTR semi-finals), those are still his babies and with SmackDown on Fox he's far more likely to pay attention to that than NXT.

I think the show is going to be great. They have plenty of talent for a 2 hour show and their system should allow them to keep fresh names cycling in and out.

The first show will have Dream vs Strong for the NA Championship which should be great. I'm planning on tuning in.
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Re: Get Ready for the Wednesday Night Wars!!!

Postby The Legend » Sep 05, '19, 10:56 am

I would agree that Vince won't do much to damage NXT. The only thing is with a third brand on TV it might hurt the depth of all the brands, ala ECW, if there's a push to make sure there's enough talent on NXT. Although, with so few people getting TV time after the brand split ended it could ultimately help that.
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Re: Get Ready for the Wednesday Night Wars!!!

Postby Hanley! » Sep 08, '19, 12:55 pm

I'm somewhat struggling to understand why people are so optimistic about NXT. Vince was supposed to cede control of Raw and Smackdown over to Heyman and Bischoff and that hasn't happened yet. He has allowed Triple H to control NXT up until now because it has been a Network-only project. But there's absolutely nothing in Vince's history that supports the idea that he will let someone else run the show that's going head to head with his primary competition. If you want to believe that, fair enough. But it has to be considered a long shot.

The other point that doesn't seem to generate a lot of discussion though, is that Triple H's NXT isn't very good. Sure the Takeovers are great, but as a result people who never watch the weekly show (where nothing happens) tend to act like Triple H is putting out a great weekly product as opposed to a great show every two months. If the new weekly NXT on the USA Network is just a longer version of what Triple H has been delivering on Wednesday nights for the last year, then AEW should beat them handily. This great weekly NXT product that fans have in their heads is a myth.

Hopefully over time, whichever show is better between AEW and NXT will become the more successful show. But I am baffled by the amount of people who seem to be rooting for NXT already. If you have been wanting something more out of wrestling this last decade or so, you shouldn't be looking to the THIRD WWE brand for answers. If Vince was going to bring wrestling out of its slump he would have done it already. There is an alternative now. I'll be so annoyed if people pass on it to support the Vince McMahon monopoly that's been boring me to tears for over a decade now.
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Re: Get Ready for the Wednesday Night Wars!!!

Postby Messiah » Sep 18, '19, 9:58 am

Hanley! wrote:I'm somewhat struggling to understand why people are so optimistic about NXT. Vince was supposed to cede control of Raw and Smackdown over to Heyman and Bischoff and that hasn't happened yet.

McMahon wasn't at Raw or SmackDown this week. From what I've heard the Bischoff transition has been slow but Heyman's fingerprints have been all over Raw the last 2 or so months.

I watched some of the show on Monday and IMO it was really good. Not perfect, but you can tell they are trying. Everything on the show has a purpose and they are doing a better job with continuity. The booking of The Fiend has been SUPERB, the United States Championship division has been great since Styles came over, Corbin has become a really hated heel in a good way (he's perfect in the mid-card), the Women's Division has been fantastic with Bayley's heel turn and Banks/Lynch. There's some ehh stuff, depending on how you feel you might not like the Rusev/Kanellis/etc. shenanigans but at least they are getting a story.

Plus guys like Cedric Alexander, Ricochet, Ziggler/Roode, Nikki Cross, and The OC have gotten really strong, consistent pushes over that same time span.

3 hour is still a chore, but the show has gotten much better and features fresher names. Heyman's definitely at the very least getting a lot of say on the current product.

SmackDown from what I've seen has been a bit more ehh, but that is mainly because the top title feud has been Kofi/Orton. Bryan/Reigns/Rowan has been RIDICULOUS but fun at the same time when you accept how over-the-top it is, an element WWE feuds have been sorely lacking over the last 2-3 years. And it is a story they have stuck with over a long period of time.
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Re: Get Ready for the Wednesday Night Wars!!!

Postby Messiah » Sep 19, '19, 8:13 am

Good ass show last night. After that, I'm 100% not concerned.

I know, like Hanley said, the weekly shows on WWE Network weren't always good. But they never had a strong incentive to make them great really, plus they always taped like 5-6 shows at a time. I think they will start to feature more big matches like they did last night and we should see quicker plot development instead of them having to draw it out.
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