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Ranking Undertaker's 25 WrestleMania matches

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Ranking Undertaker's 25 WrestleMania matches

Postby Messiah » Apr 01, '18, 6:13 pm

The Undertaker is 53 years old and put up an absolute stinker of a match with Reigns last year, so in all likelihood his match with Cena this year will likely be his last. Of course, I was certain his match last year would be his last so who knows, but really how much longer could he go?

Anyway, there is no denying The Undertaker has had several great, good, and not so good WrestleMania matches. How would you rank them?

The Best
1. vs Edge (WM 24) - Phenomenal match propped up by a phenomenal story. Undertaker winning made all the sense in the world, but you still had a feeling Edge was going to sneak one out because he had always one-upped Undertaker throughout the last year.
2. vs Shawn Michaels (WM 25) - This match was super overrated when it happened. Still was a fantastic match, but not the "greatest of all-time" that people made it out to be.
3. vs CM Punk (WM 29) - This was a great match that could have been even better if we thought Punk had a legit chance of winning.

Very Good
4. vs Batista (WM 23) - Another match that gets underrated. These two had amazing chemistry and had one of the best steel cage matches in WWE history a couple of matches after.
5. vs Kane (WM XIV) - I always felt like this match got underrated. I loved it for what it was and it put Kane across as a beast.
6. vs Triple H (X-Seven) - This was a really good match with a solid build.
7. vs Shawn Michaels (WM 26) - Not as good as their match the year before, but it was HBK's final match.
8. vs Triple H in Hell in a Cell (WM 28) - This was much better than their match the year before. It told a good story, featured good action, and at one point I remember thinking Triple H was actually going to end the streak.
9. vs Randy Orton (WM 21) - This was a good match and if I recall, the first match that really put a focus on the streak. I enjoyed it.
10. vs Brock Lesnar (WM 30) - Another match that maybe wasn't very good (although better than people give it credit for) but gets a boost because it featured an historical moment.

11. vs Kane (WM XX) - The match itself was just okay, but the Undertaker returning to his deadman gimmick after a little more than 4 years was awesome and gives this match a boost.
12. vs Ric Flair (WM X-8) - Honestly, I do not remember this match. I'm just gonna assume it was okay. I'm sure it wasn't bad.
13. vs Shane McMahon (WM 32) - I don't really remember this match, but I don't recall thinking it was terrible. Plus it had a cool spot. Better than I thought it was going to be.

14. vs Sycho Sid (WM 13) - Ditto.
15. vs Diesel (WM XII) - This was okay.
16. vs Bray Wyatt (WM 31) - Very much like Undertaker/Henry, this is a match that just happened. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either.
17. vs Mark Henry (WM 22) - This happened. Truthfully it could have been a lot better than it was if it didn't have to work around the Casket match gimmick, which I think is as dumb as "_____ on a pole" stipulations.
18. vs Jake Roberts (WM VIII) - This should have been Savage vs Roberts.

19. vs Roman Reigns (WM 33) - This was just bad. It doesn't help that it closed out what felt like an 8 hour show.
20. vs Triple H (WM 27) - Without a doubt one of the most overrated matches ever. Different tastes and all, I get it, but I don't know how anyone was entertained by this. I'm tempted to put it lower because at least some of the matches before it didn't feature 8 hours of crawling.
21. vs King Kong Bundy (WM XI) - There is really nothing separating this from some of the aforementioned matches ie. vs Snuka. They were all bad.
22. vs Jimmy Snuka (WM VII) - Short and painful.
23. vs A-Train and Big Show (WM XIX) - Speaking of Nathan Jones... this was another terrible match. And to think, Undertaker could have been wrestling someone like Benoit or Guerrero instead.

The Worst
24. vs Big Boss Man in Hell in a Cell (WM XV) - Terrible with a finish that was disgusting even for Attitude Era standards.
25. vs Giant Gonzalez (WM IX) - There is no reason this should be ranked any higher than last. Not only did it not have a clean finish, it sucked. Undertaker, especially in his early days and mid-00s (who can forget his legendary work with Luther Reigns, Heidenreich, Nathan Jones, and Khali?"), always seemed to get saddled with some of the most garbage material and wrestlers. This is one of them.
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Re: Ranking Undertaker's 25 WrestleMania matches

Postby KaiserGlider » Apr 01, '18, 7:55 pm

I'm only gonna do the ones where the Streak started mattering (WM 21 onwards) because I've only seen a couple of the ones before that, and all his WM matches would be too long of a list for me anyway.

#1.) Shawn Michaels, WM 25 (aka The 25th Anniversary of Wrestlemania. Trademark) : An absolute epic match in every sense. Undertaker's best Streak match, and there hasn't been a match that good at a Wrestlemania since then.

#2.) Edge, WM 24. A great match with a good ending that nicely concluded Edge's title reign.

#3.) Triple H, WM 28. Some great nears falls and drama here, and HBK added a lot as special ref. Some say this should have been Undertaker's final match, but I disagree.

#4.) Batista, WM 23. This is really the match that started the trend of the Streak match being the match of the night. It also started the trend of finisher fests. In regards to that, the finisher fest thing has been done better in matches since then, but the energy and intensity of this match still holds up many years later. I remember that a lot of people were surprised at how good Batista was in this match. Him and Taker just had great chemistry.

#5.) CM Punk, WM 29. This match isn't as memorable as some of the others because it kinda feels like a filler Streak match, like there was nobody else for Taker and Punk to face that year so they just wrestled each other. That being said, it was a great match with some good near falls and Paul Heyman added to the drama from ringside. At the time, Punk ending the Streak would have been a good move, but I definitely don't think so anymore based on the way things turned out.

#6.) Randy Orton, WM 21. Like Batista and Taker, these two also had good chemistry. The chokeslam-into-RKO counter was incredible. What elevates this match even more is that this happened before "the Streak" became a yearly thing, and so there was a legit chance that Orton could have ended it.

#7.) Triple H, WM 27. That's right. This match is... underrated? Is that the right word? It's hated but I don't think it was bad. Most of it was a slow-paced slugfest which understandably bored a lot of people, but the near falls at the end were pretty good. At the time I thought that this was the closest Undertaker's Streak ever came to ending. Triple H had hit 3 pedigrees, and then a Tombstone Piledriver. The moment when Taker kicks out of all that... and Triple H is just totally in shock is awesome. I also like how Undertaker didn't "win" this match as much as he just survived it. Which led up to next year's rematch between the two quite nicely. I think this match told a good story.

#8.) Shawn Michaels, WM 26. This match is actually pretty good from beginning to end, but it's hurt by the fact that it came right after their epic match the year before, and it just didn't match up. It was also extremely predictable. The ending is really, really good (jumping Tombstone), but to me this match ultimately comes off as a weaker version of their match the previous year.

#9.) Shane McMahon, WM 32. This match was too long, but at the same time it did have that Shane jump off the cell. I think the emotion and story here were told better than the next match on my list.

#10.) Bray Wyatt, WM 31. Taker's redemption match year after losing the Streak. I guess it was okay for what it was, though still a far cry from the usual standard. And this sounds silly, but this match would have been better it took place at night.

#11.) Mark Henry, WM 22. This wasn't really that bad, and thankfully it wasn't very long either. Taker did a really cool dive over the casket to Henry on the outside, so kudos to the deadman for giving this his all.

#12.) Roman Reigns, WM 33. The second half of this match was just painful. Botched moves, crawling, weak chair shots, etc. If Taker has a good match with Cena his performance here will hopefully be redeemed somewhat.

#13.) Brock Lesnar, WM 30. I'm sorry, but the ending just doesn't elevate this match to me, especially since the whole shock of the Streak ending didn't really take effect until after the match was already over. So this is the worst match on my list. The crowd wasn't reacting to any of the moves, Taker looked like shit, it just came off like everyone was going through the motions. Which in some ways helped the finish - because it really DID come out of nowhere. But still, the match sucked. It went on too long and should have been better, given the fact that Lesnar and Taker have had far better matches with each other before and since then.
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Re: Ranking Undertaker's 25 WrestleMania matches

Postby The Legend » Apr 02, '18, 5:27 pm

1. vs Edge (WM 24) - Hard not to agree this was Takers best match, Edge as the Ultimate Opportunist presented a unique challenge to Taker's streak, and could have won, but it was the right choice to have him lose considering the way his character ultimately evolved.
2. vs CM Punk (WM 29) - Punk is another guy that could have benefited big time from beating Taker - assuming the relationship wouldn't have soured. Still this story was great and Punk was at the top of his game.
3. vs Randy Orton (WM 21) - Hard to believe this match took place a decade before Taker would lose the streak. I think Orton winning here would have been the right choice and done the most good for the future storytelling.
4. vs Batista (WM 23) - This was one of Batista's best matches ever. Undertaker worked a great story with him.
5. vs Kane (WM XIV) - Another huge historic moment and a fantastic feud with great storytelling in its early going.
6. vs Shawn Michaels (WM 25) - An old guy retired an old guy, who just before this retired an even older guy. I get the sentiment and the moment is important on some level, but doesn't excite me too much.
7. vs Triple H (X-Seven) - Good match, gets lowered for me since it was the first ABA appearance. Also, the match gets lost on the loaded card.
8. vs Kane (WM XX) - Loved the return to the Deadman Gimmick. Kane and Taker know how to entertain when they get in the ring together.
9. vs Brock Lesnar (WM 30) - This is all about the end of the Streak. It could have been much higher if it was against a better opponent that got more out of the win, but still the historical reference is important. Lesnar never should have been in the ring with Taker at this late stage of his career though.
10. vs Shane McMahon (WM 32) - This match was better than I ever thought it could have been. Yes, a lot of that was built off the amazing spot finish, but still entertained more than I would have thought.
11. vs Ric Flair (WM X-8) - This was a good match with Arn Anderson involved and Flair, I believe, getting bloodied up like only Naitch can.
12. vs Sycho Sid (WM 13) - My favorite Taker vs pure Big Man Mania match
13. vs Diesel (WM XII) - Adios Diesel, hello NWO
14. vs Bray Wyatt (WM 31) - This match was really where Bray Wyatt came off the tracks and has never fully recovered.
15. vs Roman Reigns (WM 33) - This wasn't a bad match by any stretch and if it involved anyone other than Reigns as Taker's opponent, I'm willing to bet it'd be viewed significantly better by a lot of people.
16. vs Mark Henry (WM 22) - I actually like the casket stipulation when it involves the Undertaker, but this match struggled where earlier casket matches succeeded.
17. vs Jake Roberts (WM VIII) - On paper this match should have been better than it was Taker with Bearer were great psychological storytellers and the Snake was the best of all time, but this one never clicked.
18. vs Shawn Michaels (WM 26) - Michaels final match, but the problem I have with all of these matches I have together is they all became the point where Taker's streak and Mania matches became pure nostalgia and nothing unique in the story.
19. vs Triple H in Hell in a Cell (WM 28) - Might have been the best of the stretch between WM 26-28 from an entertainment standpoint because they weaved a bunch of interesting elements together.
20. vs Triple H (WM 27) - The worst case of finisher fetish in WrestleMania history.
21. vs A-Train and Big Show (WM XIX) - This at least is a unique concept for a Taker Mania match. Not great by any stretch though.
22. vs King Kong Bundy (WM XI) - Poor match, even in Taker's younger days he couldn't pull a good match out of this immobile giant.
23. vs Jimmy Snuka (WM VII) - I'd put this one a spot lower than the handicap, simply because there's nothing that even makes this match noteworthy, other than the start of the legacy.
24. vs Big Boss Man in Hell in a Cell (WM XV) - There's no defending any part of this match, the concept was stupid, the execution was piss poor and the ending was morally bankrupt.
25. vs Giant Gonzalez (WM IX) - Not just Undertaker's worst Mania match. It's on the short list for the worst WM match of all-time.
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Re: Ranking Undertaker's 25 WrestleMania matches

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Apr 03, '18, 11:44 am

From the Taker matches I've seen - and they aren't many - but the one I enjoyed for the build-up and anticipation to watch was WMXX and his return to face Kane. The build-up had been done perfectly and the match was a squash, yes, but it was difficult for it not to be considering Taker had been out of action for four months. Their first meeting is definitely the best match, three Tombstones finally putting down Kane for the count.

Taker v Flair was a no DQ match and fun and remembered for me that Flair had headaches after taking the final Tombstone for the pin.

If Orton had had a longer run as a heel, he could have been a legitimate contender to end the streak especially with the Chokeslam into the RKO move played out excellently but as Randy had gone from heel to a completely forgettable face turn, back to heel he was never going to win.

Of his recent matches, I completely don't have time for the last two in the trilogy v Triple H, especially the first one and the finisher fest it ended up being and the second one had more emotion and Taker hugging HBK and HHH was a tad MSG-esque for my liking and summed up the ego involved of all three. Punk match had a fantastic atmosphere yet never seemed Taker would lose that battle. And Reigns match came after the streak ending moment where as the match was poor, and a standard win over Bray so ultimately the streak became not much of note.

Out of the opponents, I'd say Edge would have deserved to end the streak with the way his character played out but Taker wanted a legit bad ass to take it but in terms of putting a guy, Edge would have deserved to have it on his resume than Brock
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