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Can we get rid of cage matches already?

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Can we get rid of cage matches already?

Postby Hanley! » Jan 19, '17, 4:13 pm

I've been vocal about hating modern day WWE cage matches for a few years now, because they're almost never entertaining. The last time I can remember seeing one I enjoyed was back in 2006. The action tends to be repetitive, the psychology is always screwy and they always seem to end on an anti-climax.

But the women's cage match on Smackdown this week really made it more obvious than ever that this stipulation needs to be retired - or at least altered dramatically. The babyface General Manager Daniel Bryan made this title match a cage match to prevent interference from La Luchadora. Which is a pretty classic reason to book a cage match.

Here's how the match ended: La Luchadora - in full view of officials - walked through the cage door and kicked Lynch in the head, which set up Bliss's victory. So the idea of the cage being there to keep people out was completely obliterated. It made Bryan and the officials look like idiots, and it made the cage come off as ridiculous and hokey. Whoever wrote that finish should consider a different field of work.

If that horrible Cena/Wyatt match wasn't the final nail in the coffin of the cage match, then this was it.
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Re: Can we get rid of cage matches already?

Postby Str8Shooter » Jan 19, '17, 5:33 pm

Why does the cage even have a door anyway? Just have both people enter and lower the cage on top of them. At least then anyone who wants to interfere would have to climb up and over the cage.
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Re: Can we get rid of cage matches already?

Postby Hanley! » Jan 19, '17, 5:52 pm

Str8Shooter wrote:Why does the cage even have a door anyway? Just have both people enter and lower the cage on top of them. At least then anyone who wants to interfere would have to climb up and over the cage.

I think it's because they want to keep the stipulation where they can win by escaping the cage, and are worried that some of their performers would be incapable of climbing out.

There are much better solutions for that though.

1) Don't book those performers in cage matches. It's not like you need to book a cage match every week.
2) If you do book those performers in cage matches, they can just try to score a pin instead of escaping.
3) You could get rid of the escape the cage part altogether if you wanted. The boxed in heel trying desperately to get away from the face still works for this kind of match, even if escaping doesn't grant the heel the win.

I agree that the easiest way to make cage matches better would be to remove the door. It makes escaping too damn easy. As soon as someone bumps in a cage match, their opponent should have the thing won.
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Re: Can we get rid of cage matches already?

Postby The Legend » Jan 19, '17, 6:47 pm

The ending of the match was horrible, but up to that point I actually thought the action was pretty good and entertaining. Cage matches have problems sure, but if booked better a cage match is pretty simple and desirable setting to put them in.

First, as was mentioned, get rid of the door. I don't remember a door playing a part in early cage matches. Second, stop overbooking them. The psychology of a cage match is simple. Let it be simple.

The biggest problem with the women's cage match on SD was that they didn't give a damn about the match to begin with. You hype up a match being the first of its kind and a big deal and then you blow off the match to use it as a vehicle to debut Mickie James. There were many better ways to debut James and thats the real problem.
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Re: Can we get rid of cage matches already?

Postby Daz » Jan 19, '17, 10:52 pm

I like cage matches and I don't think they gimmick needs to be retired, but they all tend to have the same bullshit, contradictory finish in WWE. And honestly, the fix isn't that hard.

If La Luchadora had to wrestle the key from the ref on the outside before unlocking the cage door, or they did a gimmick where she had to climb over the top, or where she came up through the ring ... the stupidity of having a match that supposedly prevents interference end in interference wouldn't be so bad. Anything to add a sense of drama and not completely do away with the pretence of the cage. Also, interference in cage matches needs to be the exception not the rule.
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Re: Can we get rid of cage matches already?

Postby The Legend » Jan 20, '17, 5:17 am

^^^ That's the key, there's too much interference in cage matches. If they had interference once every year in a cage match it would come as a shock.
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Re: Can we get rid of cage matches already?

Postby Everlong » Jan 21, '17, 10:46 am

Yeah I've also always thought it was a bullshit cop out to have a door in the cage. Like Hanley said, just don't book people in cage matches if they can't climb out! It's such a lame way to end a cage match.
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