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The Submission Sorority

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The Submission Sorority

Postby Hanley! » Aug 09, '15, 6:39 am

This was used as the name for the three woman team of Becky Lynch, Charlotte and Paige on Raw last week. But apparently WWE have already quietly dropped the name because they realised it was the name of a porn site. The porn site had a 56% increase in traffic overnight and 35% increase in subscriptions.

So WWE really did them a solid there. No pun intended. :lol

You'd think someone from their staff would google these things. Given how crazy they are about copyrighting everything themselves, you would think that they would check up on these things before using a new name on live television.

On a related note, I heard online that the commentators on Raw were also casually referring to the team as the SS. What the absolute fuck? :lol

This is my favourite WWE screw up in a while now.
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Re: The Submission Sorority

Postby SlightlyJames » Aug 09, '15, 6:44 am

First place my mind went when they dropped that name. I'm sure that reflects as poorly on me as it does whoever came up with the name. It is a kinda cool name when you look past the potentially suggestive undertones. It definitely helps that the teams are getting some sort of identity other than "the 3 face girls".
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Re: The Submission Sorority

Postby Daz » Aug 09, '15, 6:58 am

I had a problem with the name for all the reasons listed above, and because at least two of the women involved in the group, from a character perspective, aren't likely to be part of a sorority ... unless it's one of those off campus nerdy sororities that eventually overcome and defeat the cheerleaders and their all day car wash to raise the money and save their building at the final hour ... or maybe I've see one too many movies.
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Re: The Submission Sorority

Postby Str8Shooter » Aug 09, '15, 8:01 am

Their new name is PCB or something like that, their initials all put together. That might even be worse than the porn name. It's like the creative team screwed up on the first one and was like "shit, we can't screw up again, let's just use their names".
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Re: The Submission Sorority

Postby SlightlyJames » Aug 09, '15, 8:05 am

Oh they changed it? I'm not a fan of that at all if so. PCB? Seriously? Fucking hell. Calling it now that it'll become another PTO situation where Michael Cole will feel compelled to say the acronym and then tell us what it stands for every single time.

So instead of "She calls that the PTO - the Paige Tap Out!" it'll be "PCB are on their way to the ring! PCB, of course, meaning Paige, Charlotte and Becky."
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