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Predict the 'Mania 32 marquee matches!

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Predict the 'Mania 32 marquee matches!

Postby prophet » Mar 30, '15, 4:45 pm

We do this every year people, we're a full year away from it but how about we throw around our predictions for the marquee matches at next year's Wrestlemania? I'll get us kicked off and will likely have to change my entire list after RAW tonight!

So we know they're in Dallas in a fucking huge 90,000+ stadium and the aim is to break attendance records. Sadly that should mean they're going to go all out with the part-time attractions as if last night wasn't enough. Regardless, I'll try to be realistic with a touch of optimism.

Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns vs Dean Ambrose
Brock Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan
The Rock vs Triple H
The Undertaker vs Sting
Stephanie McMahon vs Ronda Rousey

Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns (c) vs Dean Ambrose

I'll come right out and admit this was the one I've fabricated more out of pure optimism. I think Seth Rollins will have a nice run as champion before he loses the belt and I fully expect Roman Reigns to become world champion himself before the year is out. I've gone with The Shield triple-threat because it's a story that's already existent and at this point in my fiction Ambrose would be the only member not to have won the big one, he could win the Rumble and have full support behind him going into it. Sure that would mean another triple threat to close the show but '31 was never promoted as such.

Brock Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan

Quite simply a fantasy match. The one we should have had this year but didn't. Two of the absolute best in the world putting on a show with the 'David vs Goliath' story playing in the background. It wouldn't be as good as it should be without the title but it would still be magic.

The Rock vs Triple H - Special Guest Referee: Stone Cold Steve Austin

I actually think we'll see Brock vs Rock next year but again I refused to leave Bryan out of my show so I went with this as they teased it last night, it would allow HHH to have his usual big match and they'd promote it as the biggest match on the card. I threw Austin in there as it's in Texas and they'll rehash the 'end of an era' thing.

The Undertaker vs Sting

The final match of both careers. At this point I doubt even I'd be that interested in it but Taker's final outing deserves to be marketed and promoted as the big occasion it is. Texas is a good place for him to bow out and Sting works (despite his loss) because they'd bill it as a fantasy match.

Stephanie McMahon vs Ronda Rousey

Literally included this just because Ronda posted a photo on Instagram from last night and hinted that more is to come. I don't know how they'd go about making us believe that Steph has any chance of beating her but including Rousey on the show is another way to bring eyes on the product.


That's my first draft and it doesn't even include Wyatt, Cena, Ziggler, Balor, Zayn, Owens etc... This shit is hard alright. It'll likely be some variation of the part-timers listed above, just with less Rollins/Bryan/Ambrose :lol
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Re: Predict the 'Mania 32 marquee matches!

Postby Str8Shooter » Mar 30, '15, 5:10 pm

Of the ones you mentioned I think either Rock/HHH or Rock/Rousey vs HHH/Steph, and Taker/Sting would quite possibly happen as the special attraction celebrity/part timer matches.

Ambrose/Reigns/Rollins I still have a hard time believing would happen for the title. Especially given how much Ambrose hasn't done much the last 6 months and Reigns floundering push. I could see it happening but I have my doubts about it being for the title.

Lesnar/Bryan would be a lot of fun but I don't think it happens at Mania, simply because I think it's going to happen long before then. I think Lesnar/Bryan could quite possibly happen at Summerslam this year. It's going to be hard for them to keep Lesnar heel all the way to next Mania.
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Re: Predict the 'Mania 32 marquee matches!

Postby Kirbi » Apr 01, '15, 12:54 pm

I'm going to try not to be a complete fantasist here, but I will probably fail at least a bit (it's no fun to predict things I wouldn't be psyched for!) The most realistic things I put will probably be the most obvious ones.


Heavyweight - Daniel Bryan v Brock Lesnar
They've gotta do this match sometime, right? And I can really only see Lesnar in matches for this title, or grudge matches with other part-timers. Therefore, it must be for the big one.

United States - Randy Orton v Dean Ambrose v Roman Reigns v Bray Wyatt
Fantasist away! I have a theory that Orton would be a prime target for Wyatt to try his schtick on, and have it actually work a bit (voices and all). This match could be a turning point in an ongoing story for them (Orton loses it in the match; Wyatt finally gets his way with a Superstar), and the start of one for Ambrose (after being thoroughly out-crazied, he has some kind of career crisis, knuckles down, and will set himself up for a nice little story on the Monday), and Reigns will take the title (off either Wyatt or Orton, preferebly).

Intercontinental - Dolph Ziggler v Rusev
Just because I think it would be good squishy, and I like them both.

Tag-Team - Tyson Kidd/Cesaro v Lucha Dragons
Because this is as it should be. I'm thinking that this would be the final (and deciding) match in a series of 3 or 5.

Divas - Charlotte v Paige v Nicky Bella
Charlotte's the only NXT vet I've put in my predictions - purely because it's a bit hard to imagine what any of the guys'll be doing; there's not enough info yet. I just think this would be good, and it'd tick a lot of boxes. I left AJ out because I wanted to include more of the new blood, and I think Nicky would contrast with the other two a bit more.


Undertaker v Sting
They've gotta do it sometime, right? Right?!

HHH/Stephanie v The Rock/Roussey
Because this is clearly happening. Roussey'd probably be enough of a draw to get me into this. And I am assuming mixed-gender tag match, rather than two separate matches.

Seth Rollins v John Cena Adrian Neville
I don't care if the other one's more realistic; I like Neville's flippy ways!
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Re: Predict the 'Mania 32 marquee matches!

Postby Messiah » Apr 01, '15, 2:05 pm

WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Dean Ambrose (c) vs Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins

Truthfully, the only other possible main event that I could think of here was John Cena vs Roman Reigns. They don't need to do a lot to get people interested in this match. I would kick-start it by having Ambrose win Money in the Bank. At SummerSlam, Reigns takes the title from Rollins and defeats Lesnar at Night of Champions to prove his worth. He would cut out the cheesiness and simply be an ass-kicker. Then perhaps at Survivor Series, Ambrose cashes in his MITB on Reigns after a Survivor Series Elimination match (maybe Team Reigns vs Authority? Idk, doesn't look like Authority is going away anytime soon anyway), effectively turning heel. To make this not seem uncharacteristic of Ambrose, he beats the hell out of Reigns with all kinds of weapons or whatever. At Royal Rumble, Rollins lasts eliminate Reigns to win the Rumble. Rollins, being the chickenshit heel he is, decides to make his signing of the WrestleMania main event contract in front of everyone on Raw. This allows Reigns to kickass and sign the contract himself (similar to what HBK did in 2004), setting the stage for a Shield triple threat match at Mania for the strap. A cluster of a build-up but I mean, I can't think of what else they could do and I'm just coming up with a quick story.

The Undertaker vs Sting

I wasn't a huge fan of this match when it was first tossed around by fans, partially because I couldn't giving a flying flip about Sting and because I don't think the match quality will be good enough to warrant a spot on the card. However, one last match for The Undertaker in his hometown is a given and there is nobody else on the roster that would make more sense for Undertaker to face. Either guys like Bryan (should) have something better to do or without the streak, the match wouldn't be noteworthy (see: a match with Cena). An Undertaker/Sting build-up is easy and seeing these two finally go toe-to-toe would make for an amazing visual and moment. Given their age, I would have this match go around 10 minutes. It doesn't need to be long; these two icons meeting in the ring for the first time should be good enough for the fans.

WWE United States Championship - John Cena (c) vs Daniel Bryan

John Cena wouldn't hold this title for a year, but he would win it back after losing it to whoever in a feud. This would be somewhat of a basic story. Bryan would say the United States Championship means just as much to him as it does Cena, it being the first title he won in the WWE as well. Bryan claims he is a better representative of the United States because the people can actually relate with him. Leads to arguably the two most over babyfaces in the company battling for the United States Champions.

Finn Bálor vs Bray Wyatt (with Luke Harper and Erick Rowan)

I'm still not sure why the WWE made the decision to separate The Wyatt Family. It strengthened Wyatt's character and while I think Harper has shit loads of potential, Rowan is terrible on his own. This match would have a long-term build. Sometime in 2015, Bray Wyatt would re-recruit Harper and Rowan. His explanation being that the last couple of months showed that they weren't ready to be let go on their own and he would take them back under his wing. Around this same time, Balor debuted on Raw. You could have him win a couple of PPV matches beforehand. Wyatt takes notice and wants to recruit Balor into the Wyatt Family, but only in his Demon form. They wrestle two PPV matches, both of which Balor opts not to transform into his Demon persona. After the second PPV match, the Wyatt Family put Balor out of action for the foreseeable future. At the Royal Rumble, Balor would make his return with his facepaint and all, eliminating Wyatt from the match. It all leads to their ultimate showdown at WrestleMania - Demon Balor vs Bray Wyatt. Kind of a silly story I know, but they could make it work. Especially with how they talked about Demon Balor before his match with Owens on NXT. This could go anywhere from 15-20 with Balor winning.

The Authority's Job on the Line - The Rock and Ronda Rousey vs Triple H and Stephanie McMahon

I am not sold that this match will happen, but if it does, I have a hard time seeing it not attract a shit-load of media attention. It would go a long way into helping the WWE fill Jerry's world. I'm not a fan of these matches filled with part-time performers because it leads to a poor build-up, but it is going to happen and quite frankly, this would be by far the best possible one. Everyone would be stoked to see Rousey get her hands on Stephanie. I would give this around 15 minutes.

No Disqualification - Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman)

I thought about putting Bryan/Lesnar here, but I liked my idea so much in the other thread of having Bryan/Lesnar duel at SummerSlam with the winner facing the WWE World Heavyweight Champion at Night of Champions that I am just going to assume it happens then. That doesn't leave a lot of credible opponents left for Lesnar that we haven't already seen before, so I would go with a match that hasn't happened yet. Two of the biggest badasses in the WWE squaring off sounds good to me.

WWE Divas Championship - Sasha Banks (c) vs AJ Lee

The character work between these two in the build-up would be magnificent.

Sheamus vs Cesaro vs Dolph Ziggler

Shit, I don't know. It would be a damn good match.

WWE Intercontinental Championship - Rusev (c) (with Lana) vs Adrian Neville

Go watch Neville/Owens from the NXT after Rivals and you will see why I think this would be one hell of a match. It wouldn't get as much time as that, but a 7 or so minute opener between these two would still be terrific.

Pre-Show: WWE Tag Team Championship - The Lucha Dragons (c) vs The Usos

See: Sheamus vs Cesaro vs Ziggler.
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Re: Predict the 'Mania 32 marquee matches!

Postby HardcoreLegend » Apr 01, '15, 3:10 pm

WWE WHC- Brock Lesnar Vs Daniel Bryan- Bryan will finally win the Rumble much to everyone's satisfaction.

The Rock and Rousey Vs Triple H and Steph- There is no way Rousey and Steph should get their own match. I really liked Steph getting in Rouseys face but it's too unbelievable for them to have a fight. And I think the mainstream media would get on The Rock and Rousey teaming together.

Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match- Ziggler Vs Barrett Vs Wyatt Vs Sheamus Vs Neville Vs Balor- WWEs way of getting as many decent guys on the card without having to create too much story and managing to save time

John Cena Vs Kevin Owens- the past few years Cena has faced someone fairly new and I like that, so either he will face someone who has made a big impact from NXT (Owens is the only one I can really see working) or Cena will actually be back in the main event title match.

The Undertaker Vs Sting- Surely that "dream match" will happen?

Divas Championship- Natalya Vs Charlotte

Pre-Show- US Title Match/Tag Title Match/ATG Battle Royal- All multi man matches scooping up all the talent that haven't been put anywhere.
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