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NXT 04/03/2015

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NXT 04/03/2015

Postby Hanley! » Mar 05, '15, 12:13 pm

I noticed @Messiah doesn't have one of these threads up this week. I watched NXT a little earlier than usual this week because I had the day off. So I'll throw up some of my thoughts.

The first match was pretty pointless, and I have to say that I'm really worried about Rose coming back to NXT. I really dislike watching him. He worked a little better on NXT though, just because the crowd is so vocal and enthusiastic about everything. Them singing Rose's (admittedly brilliant) theme gave the match some energy. Breeze chasing away the groupies with his selfie stick was kinda funny, but there wasn't much to this one. I didn't know that random kick was Breeze's finisher either. It's almost as lame as Itami's.

Blake & Murphy's match was decent. Whoever they had them against, they were good enough for the job that was being asked of them (pun intended). Blake and Murphy have a lot of energy. And do a lot of nice tag team offense. I like these guys. The feud that's kicked off between them and Enzo and Big Cass should help both teams.

The time for Corbin to squash people at random is over. He's had one terrible one-sided feud with Bull, and now he's back to the drawing board. They need to shake it up with him. I love his look, I think the entrance is cool. I think he could have potential. But he's showing none of it, and eventually people will go from wanting to see more to not wanting to see him at all. It's shit or get off the pot time.

The Riley vs Owens thing is weird. It's nice to see them doing something different, and Owens bullying people makes sense for his character, so I'm on board with that. Though Regal seemed to suggest that if Riley remained a commentator then Owens could just beat the fuck out of him whenever and he couldn't do anything about it. Kinda a dick move commissioner. :lol Also, while the confrontation they had at ringside was done well, it's hard to buy Owens as a menacing bully when he's standing in Albert's considerably larger shadow. :P

Bull Dempsey has always seemed kinda sucky, but with Rhyno on the roster he seems utterly pointless. He looks almost exactly like a Rhyno who has let himself go. Same hair, beard, black singlet and they're both named after a charging animal. But Rhinos are cooler. :P This guy is going nowhere, and they're giving him too much television time. I know he's just acting as a jobber, but I'd far prefer to see CJ Parker getting those matches.

As for Crowe, I still don't like him. The match was kinda bad, though Dempsey played a role there. He looks weird. His look doesn't fit his gimmick. His in-ring skills seem questionable. His finisher doesn't look like a finisher. And his gimmick hasn't been used in a single interesting way yet. I'm not quite writing him off just yet, but I'm officially not interested anymore. It's going to be an uphill struggle for him to win me over now, and I imagine it's the same with many fans.

Rhyno's video package made him look awesome, and I think NXT could be a good spot for him. They're bigging him up a lot more than The Brian Kendrick though, which is disappointing. Barely a mention of Kendrick this week. I thought his debut was week, so I hope he appears again next week to make an impact. I really dig that gimmick.

Zayn's video message was underwhelming, just because I want him back. He's been gone for too long and it's pissing me off. I don't see why they're keeping him off NXT so much. He's barely on the show despite being maybe the most over performer on the roster. It makes no sense.

The women's title match was pretty great. Slow to start, but by the end I was really into it. Charlotte still doesn't come off like a face in her promos, but in the ring she does a good job of making you support her. Her moveset is flashy, she's fired up when on offense and sympathetic when selling. She made Sasha's offense look awesome in this match. I love Sasha's moveset actually, her moves all look really violent and mean. She'd have to change her moveset a bit as a face I reckon, but I hope she doesn't turn face for a long long time. This was the only thing on the show that was worth going out of your way to see.

Overall, it wasn't a great show. Funnily enough the best parts of the show were the parts that would never be regarded as important on Raw: the tag team match, and more particularly the women's match. It does show NXT is doing something right. But with many of their best performers missing this week and bores like Rose, Dempsey, Crowe and (currently) Corbin taking up most of the air time, this was a missable show. Just try and watch the women's match if you can.
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Re: NXT 04/03/2015

Postby prophet » Mar 05, '15, 1:05 pm

The Bull/Rhyno 'charging animal' comparison was so beautiful, genuinely laughed out loud at that. Everything I've ever read about CJ Parker has been positive, pretty much all the wrestlers I've seen talk about him say he's really talented/committed and will have a big future so I totally agree that I'd rather see him get all that TV time even if he is acting as jobber.

Zayn being off NXT was pretty much due to scheduling conflicts. The night after he lost the belt to Owens he flew to the middle-east for that tour and missed a whole lot of tapings hence his absence. I didn't get into his video at all, it sort of made him look weak appearing on the show like that after how he was left last time we saw him. I'd much rather his return be a complete surprise going after Owens in one or two weeks time once we've aptly wrapped ourselves so much in Owens/Balor to have forgotten about him somewhat.
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Re: NXT 04/03/2015

Postby The Legend » Mar 05, '15, 2:45 pm

So just watched the show, here's my thoughts...

Tyler Breeze continues to be the most thoroughly enjoyable character on NXT. The guy plays his role perfectly and is hilarious. I wish they would do more with him besides making him the curtain jerker every week. The match was pretty high energy and enjoyable as well.

Blake and Murphy are getting better, but I still feel like they are lacking something and there's definitely more tag teams that I'd rather watch besides them. However, as Hanley said they do work well as a team as far as tag team offense goes so that's a plus.

OK, say what you want about Baron Corbin, but I'll say two things. First I love his intensity and aggression, give him the right story and that will be brilliant. Second, his end of days finisher is the best finisher in NXT. It just looks so freaking awesome.

I actually like the Owens vs Riley feud. It's the first feud where Owens is undoubtedly the heel in the operation. It's the first time I can really get behind hating him which is the goal for a heel.

Also, I kinda like Bull Dempsey and wish they would give him more to work with. And, CJ Parker can go away permanently as far as I'm concerned. I can't stand the character or the wrestler. As for Crowe, I take back everything I said last week. It's bad, oh so bad. There's basically nothing redemptive about that performance and I don't know if he's going to make it.

I actually thought Zayn's promo was effective and unique. I can understand wanting him back, but I enjoyed that Zayn promo more than any live mic work I've seen him do.

I really enjoyed the main event. Sasha and Charlotte put on a good show. I wish Charlotte had Sasha's knack for working the crowd.

I enjoyed this one pretty thoroughly.
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Re: NXT 04/03/2015

Postby Messiah » Mar 05, '15, 3:09 pm

I was actually about to do it last night but got too sleepy. :lol

I'll put my thoughts up a little later, I still need to watch the Banks/Charlotte match.
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Re: NXT 04/03/2015

Postby Str8Shooter » Mar 05, '15, 3:09 pm

Good exchange between Regal and Riley. I’m not a huge Riley fan but he did well here and sounded natural. I don’t think the NXT crowd really cares to see him feud with Owens though.

Oh jeez, Adam Rose!? I thought we got rid of this guy!? Well that match was quick. This was filler, not much to say about it.

Pretty good promo from Enzo and Cass.

Is that Rick Steiner? The dog faced gremlin? I haven’t seen someone wearing head gear in a long time. Well I wondered what these amateur guys could do, but we didn’t see much of anything in a short match like this. I have to say I’m not impressed by Blake and Murphy either to be honest. This tag division needs work.

I feel like this is the first time I’ve ever heard Emma speak. I guess she’s turning heel by the looks of it.

Give me something new with Baron Corbin please. This is really getting old with the squashes now. I gotta say this episode blows so far.

Owens being a good douchebag heel against Riley at the desk. The first thing that stuck out is how much Albert/Tensai towers over Owens and Riley. I’ll give them credit, I didn’t have any interest in seeing Owens and Riley fight but it’s starting to increase.

I kinda liked Zayn cutting a promo on his phone lol, that’s different.

Another bad match. Bull vs Crowe wasn’t very good at all. Bull dominated most of it and then Crowe comes back, hit’s a forearm and then an awful slingshot headbutt to his huge gut for the pin? I won’t judge Crowe yet until he gets some better opposition.

A good start to the Women’s title match. I liked Sasha’s stalling and hiding behind the ref, and Charlotte’s “Are we gonna fight tonight or what?”. Some good trading of moves, Sasha’s backcracker into the submission was cool and looked like it would hurt. Did she just say “Daddy’s little champ?” :lol . One little complaint is Charlotte being in the Banks Statement and twisting around to grab the rope when she could easily have put her foot on the rope instead with less effort. Oh fuck off NXT crowd with the “Better than Reigns” chant. Pretty good match, not the best they’ve been involved in but still good.

This was the definition of a one match show. Other than the main event there was nothing really noteworthy that I would say anybody needed to see.
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