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Roman's cancer was a work to get him cheered

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Roman's cancer was a work to get him cheered

Postby KaiserGlider » Apr 09, '19, 10:16 pm

I had a good time watching Wrestlemania (thank God my strategy of skipping the preshow worked again). Didn't think any of the matches were bad, despite some head-scratching finishes here and there. And I didn't really disagree with the winners of any of the matches. Except one: Drew Mcintyre vs Roman Reigns. Drew should have won.

The story here was that this was Reigns' first real singles match since returning, and throughout the match the commentators were constantly wondering if Reigns was 100% and if he had bitten off more than he could chew by taking on Drew Mcintyre this soon. So what happens? They book a template SuperCena match. Reigns gets his ass kicked for most of the bout, hulks up, hits one Spear and pins Drew.

And I wasn't surprised that they did this, nor was anyone else, since it's Reigns after all and they were obviously gonna superpush him like a son of a bitch to capitalize on the momentum of his return. But it was the wrong call to have him win here, and in the long run I think it will ultimately speed up the process of fans turning on Roman again. Which is a real shame, because for the first time since his singles push in 2015 Roman Reigns is actually OVER as a babyface. It's a real shame because those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Yeah, it's only been one match and perhaps I shouldn't be so quick to judge. But from that one match I can confidently foresee how they are going to fail with Reigns again.

Just have him take the loss to Drew at Wrestlemania. Have the fans feel sorry for him and stay with him throughout his struggle to get back to form, just like they did when he was fighting leukemia. Build him back up a little more gradually, and have him kick Drew's ass at the next PPV. Or the next one after that. A loss would've done jack shit to hurt Roman at all.

And it would've done wonders for Drew Mcintyre. This guy has the IT factor. He has a badass look. He has a badass theme. He has a badass nickname. Everything about him screams "next Roman Reigns" to me. Give him the win on the big stage to establish himself as a force to be reckoned with, and then it wouldn't matter as much if he loses the next PPVs to Reigns.

Hell, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.
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Re: Roman's cancer was a work to get him cheered

Postby The Legend » Apr 10, '19, 7:32 am

I'm not sure how it's possible, but I both agree and disagree with you. They should have booked this story differently. They should have given Roman a bit of offense and small dose of victory leading into Mania. All of that would have made it make sense for Drew McIntyre to win, which would have been the right idea. However, they booked the feud so one-sided leading into Mania that for Roman not to win and for Drew to just kick his ass again would have absolutely hurt his credability with the fans that watch the show every week and would have just made whoever lost to Roman first just look so much weaker than McIntyre.
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Re: Roman's cancer was a work to get him cheered

Postby Str8Shooter » Apr 10, '19, 8:11 am

I don't think it would have been a bad idea for McIntyre to win, but Reigns was never losing his first Mania back from cancer.

I disagree with you on Drew having "IT" though. The guy looks like a million bucks, he's jacked, he's alright on the mic and he can work well enough. But he's missing the same thing he was in his first go round with WWE, the guy just cannot connect with the WWE audience for whatever reason. They've booked him really well since coming up, getting a lot of big wins, looking like a beast, smashing the Shield guys up. But the crowds are dead when he's out there, no heat, nothing.
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