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WWE Meet Rock Bottom

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WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby The Legend » Nov 02, '18, 1:32 pm

So let's briefly recap the sham of a PPV that is Crown Jewel:

- WWE puts all morality aside to even have the PPV.
- WWE puts the world title matches in the middle of the card.
- WWE has Samoa Joe job away the last bit of his credability as a threat to become champion to AJ Styles.
- WWE has Baron Corbin hit Braun Strowman in the back of the head with the title, to put the belt back on Brock Lesnar, whom the WWE just spent a month dissing as a crap champion that didn't show up and hurt the product.
- WWE has the crappiest of crap finishes to the end of the World Cup when they have Miz sell some bullshit ankle injury only for SHANE MCMAHON to take his place and go over Dolph Ziggler as the "Greatest in the World!"
- WWE puts DX vs Brothers of Destruction in the main event: That's four guys who total 206 years old and 120 years of professional experience, three of whom can't grow hair anymore.

I have often been one of the few people that gives WWE the benefit of the doubt and sees the positive in the product, but holy fuck, what did I just spend nearly four hours watching? I kept watching because it couldn't possibly get worse. Then it got worse, each and every time.

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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby The Legend » Nov 02, '18, 1:42 pm

Oh wait, I forgot to add, WWE actually ended the Main Event by re-creating the eye poke of doom.
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby Messiah » Nov 02, '18, 3:09 pm

I'm more appalled that you actually watched the show expecting it to be anything but a massive disappointment lol

To be honest though, for a guy who hasn't watched a WWE show since WrestleMania (some of Greatest Royal Rumble), I'm probably gonna check out Survivor Series. I don't care about story logistics or the future anymore since I know WWE won't change long-term, not until a change at the top. Survivor Series so far has some unique matches and stories. Nakamura/Rollins for the first time. Lynch/Rousey is gonna be bad-ass. Lesnar/Styles, can Styles beat Lesnar?
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby The Legend » Nov 02, '18, 3:36 pm

I wasn't expecting anything great. Matter of fact I probably wouldn't have said anything and managed to be relatively pleased with the show had they managed to do two simple things. First, put the belt on Braun finally, instead of according to wwe tv the guy that's the worst champion ever. Second, have someone actually in the world cup tournament win the world cup tournament.
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby Hanley! » Nov 03, '18, 9:19 am

This show sounds hilariously awful. I love it. I couldn't possibly have brought myself to watch this one, even if it wasn't being held in Saudi Arabia. It sounds like it had a little bit of everything that makes WWE the worst.

To those who thought the product might become better or more interesting with Reigns out of the picture for a while, this is Exhibit A as to why that won't happen. They're just a bad company, getting worse every day.
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby KaiserGlider » Nov 03, '18, 12:45 pm

Hanley! wrote:To those who thought the product might become better or more interesting with Reigns out of the picture for a while, this is Exhibit A as to why that won't happen. They're just a bad company, getting worse every day.

I'm sure those people didn't expect Lesnar to get the belt again so soon, because he was just as much of a problem for the main event as Reigns was. The problem is WWE keeps going back to Lesnar/Reigns over and over again because they're the chosen ones, and it has made everything feel so fucking stale and pointless for a long time. Even if something cool happens in the undercard, the show ends in the same depressing way and people are left with a bad taste in their mouths. When they do something new and give someone else a chance, then we can talk about whether or not the product is better without the golden boys on top. And yes, there's a chance that the next guy will be made to go over everyone else until he becomes stale, but at least 1.) for a while it will be something different, 2.) unlike Brock the guy will actually put in some work, and 3.) he won't be hated by over half the audience before he even gets the belt like Roman in 2015.

Unfortunately they (once again) had a chance to do that with Strowman last night and fucking blew it for some reason. I don't get it. They had a chance to do something positive coming out of this show to make people forget about the Roman leukemia thing and the Saudi controversy, but it's like nobody cared and just wanted to get the show over with. This show is just a black mark on the company from any perspective. It's gotta be one of the worst PPVs I've ever seen. The women's PPV last week was way better.

The only thing I enjoyed was the main event, actually. At least the first half. By the second half the match had started to drag and it became apparent that everybody in it was out of their prime and shouldn't be working a match that long. Kane sucks. Taker sucks. Triple H is cool but his injury made him suck too. I must say that Shawn Michaels performed better than I thought he would (if you can ignore his awful bald look). That being saud, I don't want to see him try to work a full match. I hope this feud is over now and they don't do Taker vs HBK at Survivor Series or Mania.

The World Cup thing was the biggest waste of time I've ever seen. People absolutely HATE the Shane thing, but it was such an obvious over the top troll job that it was kind of hilarious. If it leads to a Shane heel turn, maybe it won't be so bad in hindsight. What bothered me more was Lashley losing to Rollins clean in a relatively short match. This guy looks and wrestles likes a million bucks, surely you can protect him a little more than that. And fuck them for forcing the "BEST IN THE WORLD" thing like a million times throughout the course of the night. It felt like they were doing it just to shit on Punk.

Kurt Angle sucks in the ring and on the mic now, it's just sad seeing him. The only good thing about Kurt now is his entrance theme. I finally agree with the crowd on that one.

Styles vs Joe turned out exactly how I thought it would. Their feud reached its zenith a month ago, no way in hell Joe was gonna win NOW of all times after being nothing more than a replacement for Daniel Bryan. Have fun being the next Bray Wyatt, Joe.

Hogan said and did nothing, but they got his return out of the way I guess?

I agree with Messiah, Survivor Series looks better and I'm interested in Ronda vs Becky. Both of them have been doing a good job with their reigns. Rollins vs Nak is less interesting to me because Rollins is being forced to work this pointless champion vs champion match instead of doing something with Dean Ambrose.
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby Hanley! » Nov 03, '18, 3:15 pm

KaiserGlider wrote:I agree with Messiah, Survivor Series looks better and I'm interested in Ronda vs Becky. Both of them have been doing a good job with their reigns. Rollins vs Nak is less interesting to me because Rollins is being forced to work this pointless champion vs champion match instead of doing something with Dean Ambrose.

I think Survivor Series looks better for being outside of their regular storytelling. They're just building big matches between good wrestlers, and we don't have to worry about the company souring everyone on these matches with awful angles and promos.

Rousey vs Becky, Styles vs Lesnar, and Nakamura vs Rollins all sound good on paper. If they deliver, then it could be a good show. Big stars in unique singles matches without a bunch of annoying gimmicks is pretty hard to screw up too badly. Though I don't think any of those matches are a sure thing at the same time. I could see them letting Ronda squash Becky and turning the fans against her in the process. If Styles loses to Lesnar a second time, a lot of people will be annoyed. And Nakamura in WWE is seemingly never as good in reality as he is on paper. He just doesn't seem to care that much anymore.

The Survivor Series matches - once announced - could be a real mixed bag. I love a good elimination match when they're done well. But WWE has a way in recent years of turning these matches into overbooked garbage. Could go either way. But the show can't help but be better than Crown Jewel, I'd imagine.
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby Everlong » Nov 04, '18, 2:49 pm

Wait... DX? Was Michaels in a match? Wtf?
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby The Legend » Nov 04, '18, 4:15 pm

Everlong wrote:Wait... DX? Was Michaels in a match? Wtf?

Yes, DX returned, Michaels (bald) wrestled with HHH against Kane and Taker.
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby Hanley! » Nov 04, '18, 4:16 pm

Everlong wrote:Wait... DX? Was Michaels in a match? Wtf?

He sold out for the Saudi show.
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby PorkChop » Nov 04, '18, 5:59 pm

Michaels always struck me as a guy who would honour his retirement. I guess oil money speaks volumes.
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby Hanley! » Nov 04, '18, 6:27 pm

I really hope that the Saudi show becomes an enduring part of his legacy. I hope everybody remembers it as his last match. Instead of leaving on an iconic moment with Undertaker - or coming back for a dream match years earlier against Daniel Bryan or AJ Styles - he came back long after he should have to have a sad match that nobody wanted on a horrible show that everyone hated, simply for the sake of a large pay day courtesy of the blood money of the Saudi crown prince.
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby KaiserGlider » Nov 04, '18, 7:13 pm

Everlong wrote:Wait... DX? Was Michaels in a match? Wtf?


He's just a sexy boy. He's not your boy toy.
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Nov 05, '18, 5:23 am

What's with the bald head with HBK though, it for a role he's preparing for or just fancied getting rid of his locks?

He was wearing an absymal head garment IIRC on RAW.
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby PorkChop » Nov 05, '18, 12:09 pm

AkydefGoldberg wrote:What's with the bald head with HBK though, it for a role he's preparing for or just fancied getting rid of his locks?

He was wearing an absymal head garment IIRC on RAW.

A lot of wrestlers grow their hair long as when they sell a punch, the whip of their hair makes it look more impactful. I suppose Michaels had no reason for it anymore. He had a huge bald patch for years, and I think when he retired and was out of the public eye he just cut his losses.

In all fairness to him, he looks alright without his hair.
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby PorkChop » Nov 05, '18, 12:16 pm

Hanley! wrote:I really hope that the Saudi show becomes an enduring part of his legacy. I hope everybody remembers it as his last match. Instead of leaving on an iconic moment with Undertaker - or coming back for a dream match years earlier against Daniel Bryan or AJ Styles - he came back long after he should have to have a sad match that nobody wanted on a horrible show that everyone hated, simply for the sake of a large pay day courtesy of the blood money of the Saudi crown prince.

Agreed, this doesn't sit right with me. It wouldn't anyway regardless of the whole Khashoggi episode, but for Michaels to dishonour his retirement vow considering such developments is quite sad.

I'm sure he'll wrestle again now, probably in the same capacity as Triple H. Which is equally as sad, as I expected better of him. It represents everything wrong with WWE.
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby Messiah » Nov 06, '18, 12:24 am

Anybody remember when the weekly shows, even if they weren't firing on all cylinders, at least had main events that got you stoked? :(

Just two random main events I thought of off the top of my head
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby Messiah » Nov 06, '18, 2:04 am

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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby The Legend » Nov 06, '18, 10:30 am

^^^ LOL, that's pretty funny.

I would say the passing of time helps the memory of the past shows. Everyone remembers the great moments, but the duds are often forgotten (unless they really suck). There were plenty of main events that flopped in the past, but they would certainly do a better overall job particularly with main events that were leading into PPV's.
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Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Postby Messiah » Nov 06, '18, 11:00 am

The Legend wrote:^^^ LOL, that's pretty funny.

I would say the passing of time helps the memory of the past shows. Everyone remembers the great moments, but the duds are often forgotten (unless they really suck). There were plenty of main events that flopped in the past, but they would certainly do a better overall job particularly with main events that were leading into PPV's.

Yea I'm not trying to pretend like it's always been perfect, but here is the thing. At least back in the mid to late 2000s when WWE was struggling, at least they seemed like they were trying (other than 2009-2010, which was just as bland and terrible without nearly the in-ring talent). You'd get actual stories told instead of repeating the same matches every week, I can't remember the last time the WWE booked a match on PPV that wasn't both seen before multiple times on Raw or SmackDown and treated like a big deal.

Me not watching Raw or SmackDown has always been the norm, but this is by far the longest I've gone without watching PPV. The product has never been more uninteresting. Brock Lesnar's reign of terror is the #1 culprit.
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