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Are Orton and Shane supposed to be heels?

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Are Orton and Shane supposed to be heels?

Postby DBSoT » Mar 03, '17, 1:12 pm

I know the heel/face dynamic is very fluid based on crowds nowadays, but what is happening on SD. I know that we are supposed to root for Randy because he turned on Bray, but really there is no logical reason to. Bray whole reasoning for going after Randy was to bring him into his family. While in that family, Orton won the Tag Titles, the Royal Rumble and beat Luke Harper at a PPV. So Bray made him more successful. Bray never abused him or turned on him. So Orton's response was to burn down Bray's compound and his Sister's corpse? Which was unnecessary because he already go what he wanted in a title shot against Bray at Mania. He is the heel.

That brings me to Shane. We are supposed to root for Shane because he is the antithesis of Stephanie. However, it is two sides of the same coin. Instead of screwing over faces, he screws over heels. He gave a world title match to John Cena upon return without a single thing to warrant it. He made AJ Styles get his title rematch in a Elimination Chamber, have to win a battle royal, had to beat Luke Harper and now he has to beat Randy Orton next week. So AJ is essentially the sympathetic Babyface.

I guess my point is, that I get enough of the 50/50 heel/face dynamic with Reigns and Cena. We don't need it in every storyline.
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Re: Are Orton and Shane supposed to be heels?

Postby prophet » Mar 05, '17, 5:37 am

Yeah the Orton thing was dumb and rushed. I don't understand how he could possibly be seen as the good guy now.
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Re: Are Orton and Shane supposed to be heels?

Postby Hanley! » Mar 05, '17, 5:18 pm

Orton always seems wrong as the good guy. He's always violently assaulting people and burning shit to the ground. For some reason they don't see the need to make his character less psychopathic when he turns face.

They're doing a horrible job of booking face and heel lately on Smackdown. Bray Wyatt is the bad guy despite winning all his matches clean lately and not doing anything that's openly evil. But Orton is the good guy for turning on him and committing pre-meditated arson. AJ Styles is the heel for moaning about not getting a title opportunity that he's rightfully earned, and Shane is the good guy for fucking him over. Cena was the face when he came back after months off and was instantly handed a title shot that he had done nothing to earn - and he acted like he was entitled to it.

Even Ziggler, who recently turned heel, started wearing the American flag on his tights shortly afterwards and still wrestles like a babyface. And they booked him in a handicap match against two faces on a pay per view and had him ultimately get the better of the two of them.

What the fuck is happening to this company? Why don't they understand how good guys and bad guys work in wrestling anymore? It's hardly rocket science.
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