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Re: How long will Kofi's reign last?

I could see him lasting until SummerSlam. Dolph isn't beating him Sunday and I don't know what they'll do at Extreme Rules, but that's usually a status quo filler PPV that builds to SummerSlam. I don't see Bryan winning the belt off of him, don't really see him re-entering the main event picture for...
by The Legend
Jun 20, '19, 9:26 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: How long will Kofi's reign last?
Replies: 14
Views: 82542

Re: How would you book Triple H's retirement?

He comes out on RAW Monday night sitting around a poker table with APA, Taker and Goldberg. They start talking about Super Showdown, suddenly Ron Simmons shouts out DAMN, JBL says, you're right Ron, the way they all wrestle at this stage of their careers is a damn shame. HHH, Godberg and Taker all h...
by The Legend
Jun 08, '19, 8:34 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: How would you book Triple H's retirement?
Replies: 5
Views: 35078

Re: Double or Nothing

I remember when Rhodes was partnered with Ted Dibiase years ago, and everyone told me that Dibiase was going to be a major star one day and Cody was just a guy. Back in the days where there were plenty of people on WWE-Club, I think me and you were the only people who insisted that Cody was the one...
by The Legend
Jun 08, '19, 8:30 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Double or Nothing
Replies: 11
Views: 50444

Booking Super Showdown

The Usos vs The Revival – This feud has been mostly stupid, but there’s no denying these two teams can go at it and put on a show. As such, they should be able to let loose and just put on a good show without too many shenanigans. Usos should start out hot and get the upper hand until Wilder goes w...
by The Legend
Jun 06, '19, 9:01 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Booking Super Showdown
Replies: 0
Views: 34942

Re: What one thing could WWE do which would most improve ratings?

I'm going to take a bit of a shortcut cop out, but tie it into the same thing, which is simply the WWE needs to change the way in which they tell stories. That starts with all of the weekly shows, they have pretty much followed the same formula for 15-20 years. As someone with a little experience wo...
by The Legend
Jun 05, '19, 10:01 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: What one thing could WWE do which would most improve ratings?
Replies: 5
Views: 26967

Re: Jon Moxley headed to NJPW on June 5th

This will be very interesting. This match along with Tanahashi vs Jay White and the Finals of the Super Jr. tournament will be on TV on Friday for me, so I'll check it out then for sure.
by The Legend
Jun 05, '19, 9:38 am
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Jon Moxley headed to NJPW on June 5th
Replies: 2
Views: 20760

Re: Ashley Massaro dead at age 39

PorkChop wrote:If this stuff about her being raped and WWE covering it up is true, they're done for.

I'd be more interested in seeing those in the US Military who worked to cover it up held accountable more than WWE.
by The Legend
Jun 05, '19, 9:33 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Ashley Massaro dead at age 39
Replies: 3
Views: 19531

Re: Double or Nothing

I'm intrigued by AEW and have been following some of their stuff online. I will watch their show once it hits American airwaves in the fall. As for Double or Nothing, I never paid $50 to watch WWE PPV's and I won't pay that for AEW shows either, it's just not something I'm willing to do.
by The Legend
May 26, '19, 5:19 am
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Double or Nothing
Replies: 11
Views: 50444

Re: Who were the WWF Champions when you were born?

VaderBomb wrote:Anybody else want to contribute? I figured this could be a fun thread but only two people responded :lol

I think with the possible exception of @Everlong I think we're the only ones that come around here with any regularity.
by The Legend
May 20, '19, 11:14 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Who were the WWF Champions when you were born?
Replies: 9
Views: 33425

Re: WWE has greatest ladder match ever, but...

Also, I want to add that while it was a solid match, it's not the greatest ladder match. HBK vs Razor and the TakeOver match for the NA Championship are the first two that come to mind as the two best. I put HBK vs Razor in a category all it's own when it comes to ladder matches. That was a brillia...
by The Legend
May 20, '19, 11:13 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: WWE has greatest ladder match ever, but...
Replies: 5
Views: 20251

WWE has greatest ladder match ever, but...

Then they go and fuck it up with Brock Lesnar becoming Mr. Money In The Bank, because you know why would we not want to go back to Brock Lesnar being champion and never appearing on RAW. Seriously though, everyone should watch the Money in the Bank match from tonight, all the guys in it did some inc...
by The Legend
May 19, '19, 9:58 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WWE has greatest ladder match ever, but...
Replies: 5
Views: 20251

Re: Booking Money in the Bank

I'd have Nikki Cross replace Bliss, and I think the cruiserweight match would be on the pre-show. I don't see them booking Bryan and Rowan off of the main show. McIntyre or Zayn will definitely win MITB and I agree with you about Rollins vs Styles being too soon. It's already announced that Usos vs...
by The Legend
May 17, '19, 9:02 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Booking Money in the Bank
Replies: 2
Views: 15844

Booking Money in the Bank

Pre-Show: SD Tag Championship -- Bryan and Rowan (c) vs The Usos The Usos are on RAW and even with the stupid free agency rule there’s not a lot of logic to them being contenders for a SD championship. I’d have the Revival gain some measure of revenge by distracting the Usos so that Bryan and Rowan...
by The Legend
May 16, '19, 11:52 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Booking Money in the Bank
Replies: 2
Views: 15844

Re: Who were the WWF Champions when you were born?

WWE - Bob Backlund (was born shortly before Iron Sheik ended his 5+ year reign)
IC - Pedro Morales
US - Greg Valentine
World Tag - The Samoans
Women's - Fabulous Moolah (at the end of her 56 year reign)
by The Legend
May 13, '19, 7:42 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Who were the WWF Champions when you were born?
Replies: 9
Views: 33425

Re: Can SmackDown help Roman Reigns character?

Reigns getting to move on from Brock Lesnar in general will help his character and give him fresher people to deal with and an actual rival to be in front of every week. However, I don't think we'll see any difference in character or even in the way the shows are presented. SD is going to broadcast ...
by The Legend
Apr 24, '19, 7:51 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Can SmackDown help Roman Reigns character?
Replies: 3
Views: 13488

Legend's 2019 NFL Mock Draft

1. Arizona Cardinals – Kyler Murray, QB, Oklahoma The buzz and movement across the NFL world that the Cardinals will draft Kyler Murray is undeniable, Murray will still be left with a team with plenty of holes, but if new coach Kliff Kingsbury needs him to run his style of offense, then Murray shoul...
by The Legend
Apr 22, '19, 5:04 pm
Forum: NFL
Topic: Legend's 2019 NFL Mock Draft
Replies: 0
Views: 29353

Re: The Goldust gimmick has officially been retired

I don't know if Goldust gets better than his tag team run with Booker T. Although special shoutout to a match he had against Hunter Hearst Helmsley, not sure which PPV it was, but back when Goldie was still with Marlena and Hunter was still the Blue Blood character. WrestleMania 13 or Royal Rumble ...
by The Legend
Apr 22, '19, 5:03 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: The Goldust gimmick has officially been retired
Replies: 3
Views: 13051

Re: The Goldust gimmick has officially been retired

I don't know if Goldust gets better than his tag team run with Booker T. Although special shoutout to a match he had against Hunter Hearst Helmsley, not sure which PPV it was, but back when Goldie was still with Marlena and Hunter was still the Blue Blood character.
by The Legend
Apr 22, '19, 1:29 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: The Goldust gimmick has officially been retired
Replies: 3
Views: 13051

Re: Do you still mark out for Demon Balor?

I love Balor in both forms. Like you said, the reason they didn't bust out the gimmick for the Lesnar match is because they want to protect the gimmick. But here becomes the problem with having one guy with two gimmicks and only protecting one of those gimmicks. You know if Balor comes out as the D...
by The Legend
Apr 10, '19, 4:05 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Do you still mark out for Demon Balor?
Replies: 4
Views: 17409

Re: Roman's cancer was a work to get him cheered

I'm not sure how it's possible, but I both agree and disagree with you. They should have booked this story differently. They should have given Roman a bit of offense and small dose of victory leading into Mania. All of that would have made it make sense for Drew McIntyre to win, which would have bee...
by The Legend
Apr 10, '19, 7:32 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Roman's cancer was a work to get him cheered
Replies: 2
Views: 10838

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